MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 867 circle is small

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  Chapter 867 The circle is very small

   "You child! What's so rare about a doctor, I'd rather you come back a few years earlier." Mom pretended to blame.

  But Dad said thoughtfully: "Don't tell me, if Xiaoye really got a doctorate, it would be the first doctorate in our old Wang's family, and it would be regarded as a glorious ancestor!"

   This is true.

  Including Wang Ye’s cousins ​​and cousins, they have never had a Ph.D.

   If Wang Ye can get a doctorate, he will indeed be the first doctorate in the whole big family!

  Wang Ye quickly echoed: "Yes, yes, I want to be the first doctor of our old Wang family! Anyway, the doctor over there is easier to read, and you can basically graduate after five years after graduation."

  My mother smacked her tongue; "Five more years? So long!"

   "Two years for a master's degree and three years for a Ph.D. is already considered fast." Dad obviously understood a little better and explained.

  Actually, it is not easy for foreign students to obtain a doctorate in Russia!

  Maybe the undergraduate diploma over there is very confusing, as long as you don’t be too “dead”, show your face in class and get to know the teacher, and don’t miss the exam, you can basically get the undergraduate diploma smoothly.

  But on this point, many international students can’t do it!

   It can only be said that there are too many wonderful things among international students...

   In Wang Ye’s previous life, there was a Chinese guy in the same dormitory building. He was in the same class as Wang Ye. That guy is a “legend”!

  He set a record of not leaving the dormitory building for three consecutive months!

  Wang Ye still remembers that it seemed that the World of Warcraft game server was launched at that time, and this guy started to play World of Warcraft, playing day and night, and went to the canteen on the first floor of the dormitory building to buy something to eat when he was hungry.

  Things like Daliba, sausage, milk and cola, anyway, how simple it is.

  If you are sleepy, just fall on the bed and sleep.

  Open your eyes and continue to fight in World of Warcraft...

  At that time, the students in Wang Ye's class were afraid that this guy would die suddenly in the dormitory, so someone would visit him every few days.

   It is said that this guy's clothes have been soaked in the basin for a month or two without washing, and green hairs have grown on them...

  You say that a student like this, let alone attending classes, doesn’t even go to school when it’s time for the exam. How can the school let you graduate!

   No matter how loose the school is, it still has "dignity".

  It is relatively easy to graduate from an undergraduate degree, but it is really not so easy to get a doctorate.

  Although it is said that it takes three years to graduate with a Ph.D., it is difficult for even a student from Lao Maozi's own country to complete a Ph.D. in only three years, let alone you as a foreign student.

   But these so-called "conventions" are naturally not suitable for Wang Ye...

  As long as he thinks, it is estimated that this year, Mo University will be able to award him a doctorate alone!

   Or having some kind of honorary professor is not impossible...

   Those doctoral supervisors and old professors, who would not want to teach such a student.

  Wang Ye casually said that he wanted to study for a Ph.D. at Moscow State University, and it is estimated that those professors would be able to grab his head...

  But the reason why he wants to study for a Ph.D. is to delay the time for a few more years, so of course it is impossible to graduate immediately.

   As for what to do after five years...

  Wang Ye doesn't know now.

  Maybe when the time comes, the time is ripe, and there is no danger to my personal safety at all, so I can tell my parents the truth of the matter...


  After discussing the time for Wang Ye to return to China, my mother remembered another thing.

  She poked her head over mysteriously, lowered her voice and asked Wang Ye, "Xiaoye, are you talking to someone over there?"

  Wang Ye froze for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head.

  I'm just engaged, so this shouldn't be counted as a partner...

   Moreover, it was difficult for him to explain Rosiana's matter to his parents.

  My mother smiled and said: "You are not young anymore, and you will graduate from college soon, so it is time to think about personal issues.

  A few days ago when I went to work in the city, I met an old colleague. During the chat, I mentioned you and his daughter. You two are about the same age.

  It just so happened that you said you were going home, and the daughter of Lao Han’s family is still at home these days, and she hasn’t returned to school yet.

  Lao Han said he wanted the two of you to meet and get to know each other.

  Whether it is successful or not, we will talk about it after meeting. They are all young people, so it would be good to make more friends.

  By the way, Lao Wang, you also know Lao Han, she is his daughter, named Han Xiaodan.

  I met that girl a few years ago. She looks pretty good, she is not short, she is pretty, and she seems to have a good personality.

   I heard from Lao Han that that girl is now studying at university in Pengcheng..."

  Wang Ye was dumbfounded.

  Walking around, why did I come back to Han Xiaodan again...

   But it's not surprising when you think about it, because in the previous life, he and Han Xiaodan met through a blind date after being introduced by their parents.

  Although the fates of both of them have changed a lot in this life, Wang Ye originally thought that they might be strangers, each having their own lives.

  But in the end, an "intersection" was inevitable...

"Old Han, I know him. He is quite an honest person. I have never met his daughter, but Lao Han is just a good-looking person, and the daughter must not be ugly. But she is studying in Pengcheng University, there are not many good universities there. Our son is an overseas student..." Dad said hesitantly, as if he was not very happy.

  In those days, even if you went to study in Russia, it was still a "sea turtle"!

   In addition, my son is not an ordinary foreign student, let alone a so-called trash of studying abroad, but has become a big boss with a net worth of tens of millions of dollars before graduation!

   That girl from the old Han family, can she be worthy of her son?

  Hearing what Dad said, Mom hesitated a little.

   "That's right, why didn't I think of this at the time, Pengcheng doesn't have any good universities, just Pengcheng University, which seems to be an ordinary undergraduate.

  In the past, someone introduced me to the daughter of Zhang Ju’s family in the back alley. She was a real high-achieving student. She seemed to be in the same class as Xiaoye, and she studied at Tsinghua University! "

  Wang Ye is even more speechless, isn't he talking about Zhang Xiaoxi!

  Hey, a small county is like this. The circle is very small, and you can basically talk about it casually. Everyone is acquaintances and can get involved.

   "Forget it, I've made an agreement with Lao Han, and it doesn't look good to go back on it now. Xiao Ye, you'd better go meet and talk with that Han Xiaodan." Mom finally decided to settle the matter.

  What can Wang Ye say, he can only nod and agree.

   Anyway, it’s just a formality, I just don’t know what to say when I meet Han Xiaodan...


  My mother is still very positive about her son's "blind date".

  She called Lao Han that night and made an appointment for Wang Ye to drive to meet Han Xiaodan in the city the next afternoon.

   This is also because Wang Ye can't stay at home for a few days, and Han Xiaodan is about to start school and return to Pengcheng, everyone is in a hurry!

   Just like that, Wang Ye slept late at home, and was called out by his mother around noon the next day.

   "Xiao Ye, get up soon! Check what time it is, get up and have lunch, you should go to the city."

  Wang Ye got up slowly to wash up, pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of big pants from the suitcase, put it on, and went downstairs wearing slippers.

   As a result, when my mother saw it, her eyes widened.

   Pointing at Wang Ye, he said, "Are you wearing this to meet other girls?"

  Wang Ye looked down at the clothes on his body. Although there were no exaggerated big LOGOs, they were all real big names.

   Let’s talk about the pair of slippers on his feet, Hermes calfskin slippers, which cost more than two thousand dollars.

  The big pants and the round neck shirt belong to Givenchy, and they are also expensive.

   "Huh? What's wrong with this clothes? It's so hot, it's comfortable to wear like this." He asked blankly.

   At the end of August in the mainland, it is indeed extremely hot.

  Although there is an air conditioner in the car, after getting out of the car, walking just a few steps can make you sweat all over.

  Wang Ye can’t just put on a suit and heat himself up for a meeting…

"No, no, slippers and big pants, this looks too informal, and it is also disrespectful to other girls. I know, you kid has high eyesight now, do you feel that the girl introduced by your mother is not good enough for you? Wearing it like this on purpose, I want to make people retreat in the face of difficulties."

  Mom thinks a lot...

  Wang Ye could only raise his hand to beg for mercy, "Okay, I'll change some pants and shoes later."

  Mom just bypassed him.

  Lunch is only eaten by Wang Ye and his mother. Dad has gone to the factory early in the morning and can only come back at night.

  After dinner, Wang Ye went upstairs to find a pair of casual trousers, and put on a pair of casual shoes, and his mother reluctantly agreed.

   Putting on his mobile phone and wallet, Wang Ye took the car keys and went out.

  Han Xiaodan's mobile phone number, my mother is already coming over, so ask Wang Ye to call her when he arrives in the city.

   As for the place where the two meet, my mother has already decided for the two of them by herself, at the gate of the small park by the river in the city!

  According to my mother, let the two of them walk together in the small park by the river, chatting while walking.

  No way, this is also the best environment in the city...

   It is said that this small park is the place most young people in the city go to when they fall in love.


  The black big G drove all the way, and soon came to the city from the county seat. The distance was not far, that is, more than 20 minutes by car.

  Driving near the small park by the river, Wang Ye stopped the car, took out his mobile phone, and took out the small note with Han Xiaodan's phone number written on it, which was given to him by his mother.

   After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and dialed the phone.

  Anyway, stretching your head and shrinking your head is a knife, and you can't dodge it!

  The call was quickly connected, and a gentle girl's voice came over.

   "Hello, I'm Han Xiaodan, who are you?"

  Listening to this strange yet familiar voice, Wang Ye's heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

  He collected himself, took a deep breath, and replied, "Hello Han Xiaodan, I am Wang Ye."


  The person on the other side of the phone let out a soft exclamation, and said quickly, "You... hello, brother Wang Ye, are you here yet?"

  Being called "brother" by her, Wang Ye lost his mind again...

   "Well, I'm at the park, are you there?"

   "I was enjoying the shade under the big tree on the right side of the park gate. I didn't see you. What color are you wearing..."

  Wang Ye has already seen Han Xiaodan who is not far away from Zhengdong Zhang Hope.

  Wearing a plain floral long dress, with short ear-length hair, gently blown up by the breeze, standing there pretty.

  He lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the car coasted past.

  Han Xiaodan also noticed this square "jeep".

  However, the huge three-pointed star logo on the front of the car is enough to prove that this car is not the kind of BJ Jeep that is common in towns and villages, but a "noble" Mercedes-Benz!

  She is also a college student studying in a first-tier city like Pengcheng. Even though she is not very interested in cars, she has naturally heard of the famous Mercedes-Benz.

  So when I saw a rare big Benz in a small city like my hometown, I couldn’t help but take a second look.

  The car stopped beside her, the window was lowered slowly, and Wang Ye waved at her.

   "Han Xiaodan, get in the car."

  Han Xiaodan finally realized that the person sitting in the car was that "Brother Wang Ye"...

  The reason why she calls Wang Ye "brother" is also because her parents know Wang Ye's parents, and Wang Ye is older than her.

   When they met for the first time, calling her brother could relieve the awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Even if it didn't work out in the end, it wouldn't matter.

  Han Xiaodan hesitated for a while, but still obeyed Wang Ye's words, carefully opened the car door, and got in.

  As soon as she got into the car, she seemed a little at a loss. As soon as she glanced at Wang Ye, two blushes appeared on her fair face, and she quickly turned her eyes away.

  The little heart was beating non-stop.

  Brother Wang Ye seems to be much more handsome than what dad said...

  Han Xiaodan's father did meet Wang Ye, but Wang Ye was still in high school at that time.

  According to his description, Wang Ye is quite tall, fair and clean, not ugly!

   Then hearing Han Xiaodan's ears, naturally he didn't dare to have too much hope, because this kind of thing is usually said to be good.

  An ordinary-looking person would be considered pretty good.

  Ugly people will also say that they are tall and pale...

   As a result of this meeting, Han Xiaodan felt that he had admitted the wrong person. This brother Wang Ye is not only not ugly, he is simply too handsome!

   It is not an exaggeration to say that even those handsome stars in the popular "Korean wave" in recent years, if you look closely, they are not as handsome as Wang Ye!

  Especially Wang Ye had a feeling that Han Xiaodan couldn't express.




  Anyway, she can't describe it, it's the kind of man who just looks at it and thinks this man is not simple!

  Staying by this man's side, there is an invisible sense of security. It seems that there is no need to worry about anything anymore. No matter what happens, this man can easily handle it...

  Of course, these are her feelings, maybe they are hallucinations!

   Corresponding to what Han Xiaodan was thinking, Wang Ye naturally didn't know, but he looked at Han Xiaodan openly.

  Compared to when I met her in my previous life, she is obviously much younger. After all, Han Xiaodan is only a sophomore this year.

  The age should be only nineteen...

  (end of this chapter)

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