MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 868 things don't seem easy

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  Chapter 868 It seems that things are not simple

  The atmosphere in the car was a bit dull.

  Han Xiaodan was silent, and Wang Ye didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't speak for a long time.

  In fact, Wang Ye didn't know what to say.

  When facing any kind of big shots, he is calm and eloquent.

  But now when faced with a nineteen-year-old girl, I don't know what to say...

  The car drove aimlessly around the road, Wang Ye didn't want to go to some park under the sun.

   After a while, Han Xiaodan finally broke the silence.

   "Well...Brother Wang Ye, did your summer vacation just go away? I heard from your aunt that you just came back yesterday."

  Wang Ye said casually: "That's not true. It's just that I was busy with work, so I was free to return to China two days ago. By the way, it's time for you to start school. I heard that you are studying in Pengcheng University?"

  Wang Ye was quite surprised by this matter.

  Because he clearly remembered that Han Xiaodan in his previous life was a university student in the provincial capital.

  How did you go to Pengcheng now...

Han Xiaodan nodded, "That's right, I didn't perform well in the college entrance examination, so I was only admitted to Pengcheng University. But it was a blessing in disguise, and now I find that I like that city very much. It is full of vigor and vitality. It is full of vitality. A city of hope. After graduating from university, I hope I can stay and work there…”

   It can be heard that Han Xiaodan still has a high evaluation of Pengcheng.

   This is no wonder, if there is any city in China that Wang Ye likes the most, it must be Pengcheng!

  Because this is a young city!

  No xenophobia, no relationship, everything depends on your ability.

  No matter what your background is, your education level, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can always find your own opportunities in this city...

  For Wang Ye in his previous life, and for young people from ordinary families like Han Xiaodan now, this is of course the best place!

   Therefore, Wang Ye also nodded to express his approval of Han Xiaodan's statement.

  He said with a smile: "Actually, Pengcheng University is not bad, especially for some majors, the employment prospects are quite good. By the way, what major are you studying?"

  Wang Ye knew that Han Xiaodan in his previous life was a teacher major.

  But in this life, he can't be sure, because Han Xiaodan even changed his university, so the major must be different.

   Besides, Pengcheng University should not have a teacher major.

   Sure enough, Han Xiaodan replied: "Computer major, I filled it out casually at the time, but after learning it, I feel quite interesting."


  First, Han Xiaodan went to Pengcheng to study in university, and then majored in computer science.

   It just so happens that I am the largest shareholder of Penguin.

   As we all know, Penguin recruited a large number of Pengcheng University graduates in the early stage.

   If there are no accidents, Han Xiaodan will most likely join Penguin after graduating from university...

  Because Penguin two years later has already shown its rudimentary form as a giant, and it is time for large-scale recruitment!

  Since there is no way to hide, Wang Ye also "resigned to his fate".

  He thought for a while, stopped the car by the side of the road, turned his head and asked Han Xiaodan, "When do you plan to return to Pengcheng?"

  Although he didn't know why Wang Ye asked such a question, Han Xiaodan replied honestly: "Let's leave the day after tomorrow."

  Wang Ye nodded, and said flatly: "Then you can go with me when the time comes. I just happen to have something to go to Pengcheng, so I can take you along."

  Han Xiaodan was a little surprised. She glanced at Wang Ye quickly, as if she wanted to judge whether Wang Ye was talking casually or seriously.

Wang Ye also noticed her action, fearing that she was overwhelmed, so he explained: "Oh, I have some business in Pengcheng, and the original plan of returning to China this time was to go and have a look. In the past, time overlapped with yours."

  Actually, the reason why Wang Ye wanted to go there with Han Xiaodan was to introduce her to Penguin for an internship...

  Anyway, sooner or later, Han Xiaodan will join Penguin, and this is what he majored in.

  Then it's better to let her go in for an internship earlier, and after a few years of training, let her be her plenipotentiary representative, join the board of directors or something.

   It can be regarded as helping myself to look at the Penguin company.


  Han Xiaodan doesn't know much about Wang Ye, because her parents don't know much about Wang Ye either.

  Just told her that Wang Ye is an overseas student, he is nice and honest.

   In addition, Wang Ye's family conditions are quite good. His father is now managing a foreign-funded enterprise and is still the boss!

  It is estimated that I can earn a lot of money...

  So, in this comparison, Wang Ye is a young man with pretty good conditions, worthy of his own daughter.

   Don’t think Han Xiaodan’s parents are vulgar. As a parent, who doesn’t want their children to live happily ever after?

  Where the family conditions are good, when the child chooses a marriage partner, it is basically necessary to pay attention to the right family.

  If it was placed more than a year ago, perhaps the old Han family would never have thought of letting Han Xiaodan and Wang Ye know each other.

  Because he felt that his family's conditions were much worse than those of Wang Ye's family, and he was afraid that others would look down on his daughter.

   But when Han Xiaodan traveled to Russia last year, he won a big prize out of nowhere, and he got back a bonus of several million!

   Now not only bought a big house in Pengcheng, but also has millions of cash in the bank card.

  So Lao Han felt that his family was worthy of Lao Wang's family!

   Because of this, when he met Wang Ye's mother last time, he deliberately changed the topic to this...

  That's why Han Xiaodan was very surprised. Isn't Wang Ye still studying abroad? Why does he still have any business in Pengcheng?

  She was a little skeptical, whether Wang Ye said that on purpose in order to "get close" to her, did he have any plans for her?

  Thinking of this, Han Xiaodan was still a little worried.

  But when she thought about it again, it seemed impossible.

  She is not a big beauty, she still has this self-knowledge.

  Besides, with Wang Ye’s family conditions and such a handsome appearance, he might already be surrounded by beauties, so how can he think of a yellow-haired girl like me...


  Seeing that Han Xiaodan didn't speak, Wang Ye had no choice but to continue: "I'll pick you up by car the morning after tomorrow. First go to the provincial capital, and then fly to Pengcheng. It's faster."

  Han Xiaodan nodded and said yes in a low voice.

  After he figured out some things and decided how to deal with his relationship with Han Xiaodan, Wang Ye felt relieved and relaxed.

"Hey, you are still young, and you should focus on studying and enjoying college life. There is no need to worry about dating. In the future, as your horizons become wider and you meet more people, you will realize more More and better boys."

  Wang Ye's tone of voice was a bit like an elder telling a younger generation...

  However, what he meant was faintly revealed, that is, he did not plan to develop with Han Xiaodan, at least not now.

  Han Xiaodan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, he also felt faintly disappointed.

  She is a good girl, her parents asked her to meet Wang Ye, so she did.

  But in fact, she has never thought about falling in love, let alone planning to be a husband and a child. After all, as Wang Ye said, she is still young!

   It's just that she has a good feeling for Wang Ye, at least much stronger than the boys she met in school.


  The afternoon passed slowly.

  Wang Ye and Han Xiaodan talked about all kinds of topics, such as Wang Ye's study and life abroad, the foreigners he met, and the living habits there. These are topics that Han Xiaodan is very interested in.

   So she asked a lot.

  Wang Ye also answered her one by one.

  As for Han Xiaodan who said that she also wanted to go abroad after graduating from university, Wang Ye also gave a sincere suggestion.

  Either rely on your own ability to get a scholarship from a famous foreign school, so that you can learn real materials when you go out, and grow into a real elite in the future.

  Or don’t expect too much, spend your own money and go out to get a diploma, which can be regarded as gold-plated, go out to see the world and broaden your horizons.

  As for those who go out to study abroad at their own expense after graduating from high school, one counts as one, and they all go out to 'mix' and learn nothing at all.

  Hearing Wang Ye's evaluation, Han Xiaodan was still surprised.

  Because Wang Ye himself is the kind who goes abroad to study at his own expense, according to what he said, doesn’t it mean that Wang Ye is also working abroad...

Without her asking, Wang Ye laughed at himself and said, "Haha, I'm actually the same. I didn't learn much at school. But my experience is quite special, and I learned more outside of school. Hey, some things will come later." You may slowly come into contact with it, and now you can't explain it."

  Han Xiaodan showed a knowing expression.

  She thought Wang Ye was talking about doing business. After all, he mentioned just now that he has a business.

   As for what kind of business Wang Ye is doing, Han Xiaodan also has guesses, most likely it is foreign trade.

   Isn’t it often said in the news that it’s “bad man”, that is, shipping those cheap light industrial products from China to Russia to make a difference. I guess that’s what Wang Ye does!

   Combined with Wang Ye's statement that he has some business in Pengcheng, it becomes even more obvious.

   There are many foreign trade factories in Pengcheng. Wang Ye should have cooperated with those foreign trade factories. This time, it should be an order...


   Seeing that it was almost time, Wang Ye sent Han Xiaodan home.

   Didn't go in, just put her down at the intersection, and after making an appointment for the departure time and meeting place the day after tomorrow, Wang Ye drove back home.

   As for how Han Xiaodan reported the meeting to her parents after returning home, Wang Ye didn't care. He didn't have so much energy to think about these issues.

  Because he was still facing "torture" from his mother after returning home...

   "How about it, the girl from Old Han's family is not bad!"

  As soon as he entered the house, before he had time to sit down and drink some water, Wang Ye was dragged and asked by his mother.

  Wang Ye grinned and said with a wry smile, "She's only nineteen years old this year, why are you in a hurry, besides, it's the first time I've met her, so let's treat her as a friend."

   "Make friends? Are you both sure about your relationship, so fast!"

   Mom exclaimed.

   Obviously, she was wrong...

Wang Ye quickly waved his hand and said: "No, I mean ordinary friends. Mom, I'm very busy now, so I don't have time to talk about friends. Maybe it's only two years? Why, are you afraid that your son won't find a wife?" what?"

   This made my mother laugh.

   Yes, my son is so outstanding!

  He is an overseas student and has a successful career, and his family still has such a big business!

  What kind of girl is worthy of her...

  How could it be impossible to find a daughter-in-law?

  After figuring this out, my mother no longer pressed Wang Ye for the details of the meeting.

   Just as my son said, let nature take its course...


   After staying at home for two days and spending time with his parents, Wang Ye is ready to go to Pengcheng.

  In addition to thousands of exhortations, my parents also stuffed a lot of local specialties in Wang Ye's trunk.

   are some of Wang Ye's favorite foods.

  If he hadn't resolutely refused, my mother would have brought him a large plastic jug of small sesame oil...

  According to my mother, this kind of thing is definitely not available in Moscow, and it is a good thing!

  Waving goodbye to his parents, Wang Ye drove towards the city.

  As for the parents, the two stood side by side at the entrance of the alley, watching their son's car go away...


  After arriving in the urban area, Wang Ye drove the car to the place he had agreed with Han Xiaodan, and saw Han Xiaodan waiting there with a large suitcase from a distance.

   There is no one else around, and I don't know how she told her parents.

   stopped the car, helped Han Xiaodan put the suitcase in the trunk, and the two got into the car.

   "Let's go! Now that I have passed the high-speed test, I can get to the provincial capital much faster than before." Wang Ye said with a smile.

  He has been away from the country for the past few years, and when he came back again, he really felt the great changes in the country!

  Take expressways as an example, a lot of new ones have really been built in recent years.

  Wang Ye remembers that in the year before he went abroad, if he wanted to go to the provincial capital from a small county in his hometown, he could only take the national highway.

   It takes six or seven hours of bumpy rides to get to the provincial capital. If you pass through a small county along the way and catch up with someone else's market, the time will be hard to say...

  But now, from the capital to the provincial capital and then to the small county town of my hometown, the whole journey is at high speed!

  It only takes about three hours to drive from the small county town to the provincial capital, which is much more convenient.

   "Can we buy air tickets temporarily? Now is the time for the start of school, and it is said that air tickets are very tight." Han Xiaodan asked a little worried.

  Wang Ye smiled and just told her not to worry, there must be a ticket.

  Han Xiaodan didn't think too much about it, at worst, he would buy business class or even first class.

  With her current "net worth", it's not a big problem to "luxury" once in a while!


   There was no words all the way, and it was only after arriving at the airport in the provincial capital that Han Xiaodan felt that things were not easy.

  Because Wang Ye didn't buy a ticket at all, he didn't even go to the waiting hall, he just drove the car through a side door, and drove the car into the airport.

   Before she could ask a question, the car was parked next to a plane that didn't look very big.

  The gangway has been lowered, and the beautiful flight attendants are already waiting beside...

   There should be one or two chapters of the domestic plot to be finished, I think this plot can be skipped, thank you.



  (end of this chapter)

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