MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 869 The key point

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  Chapter 869 The Crucial Point

  Wang Ye turned off the engine and got out of the car, and several of his entourage left behind in the capital greeted him.

   "Put everything in the trunk on the plane, be careful." He instructed casually.

   Those were brought by my parents, so naturally I can’t forget them.

Just as he was about to board the plane, Wang Ye suddenly found that Han Xiaodan hadn't followed him. He turned his head and found that Han Xiaodan was still standing beside the car in a daze, looking at the shining silver Gulfstream business jet for a while, and then at the A few blond and blue-eyed old men who were opening the trunk and busy packing things were Wang Ye's followers...

   Obviously, she was confused by the scene in front of her, and didn't know what was going on.

   "Let's go, get on the plane." Wang Ye greeted with a smile.

  Han Xiaodan quickly walked two steps, came to Wang Ye, and asked in a low voice: "This plane..."

   "My private jet, we will take this plane to fly directly to Pengcheng later." Wang Ye said frankly.

   "Those...foreigners?" Han Xiaodan asked again.

   "Oh, those are my subordinates, or they can be employees." Wang Ye said casually.

   "Huh?" Han Xiaodan was dumbfounded, not knowing how to respond.

private plane?

  Foreigner employees?

   It seems that these things should not be related to Wang Ye, an international student!

  Dizzy, she followed behind Wang Ye and boarded the private jet.

   After boarding the plane, Han Xiaodan's eyesight was even worse. Sitting on the large and comfortable seat, he felt uncomfortable.

  Because everything she looked at was so extravagant, it was so dizzying for her...

  Wang Ye’s private jet, the price of the interior decoration alone is as high as tens of millions of dollars, which is almost catching up with the price of the plane. One can imagine how luxurious it is!

  Private jets are the same as luxury houses, and there is no upper limit on the decoration cost...

  For Han Xiaodan who has never even sat in the first class of an airplane, the visual impact is too great!

  When he looked at Wang Ye again, Han Xiaodan felt that he couldn't understand this boy who was about the same age as him...


  After Wang Ye sat down, assistant Bakova came over to report to him.

   They stayed in the capital for the past few days, and of course they were not idle.

   There is a docking with the Yukos branch to learn more detailed work progress, including the specific address of the new gas station, etc., so that it is convenient for Wang Ye to conduct field inspections after he arrives in Pengcheng.

   Then he got in touch with Penguin Company in Pengcheng and informed them that the "big boss" was going to inspect it!

   Coordinate arrival time and reception work, etc...

  Wang Ye listened to Bakova's report, and would ask a question or two from time to time. The two of them naturally communicated in Russian throughout the whole process.

  Han Xiaodan next to him didn't understand a word, he just listened to the chatter between the two.

  She secretly glanced at Bakova, this girl looks like a "doll" on TV, very in line with oriental aesthetics, even in China, she can definitely be called a big beauty.

   But looking at Bakova's respectful attitude in front of Wang Ye, one can tell that this girl should also be Wang Ye's subordinate.

  Looking at this battle, Wang Ye's business should be quite big!


   After finishing his work, Wang Ye was able to talk to Han Xiaodan.

   At this time, the plane has also rushed into the sky and is soaring high in the sky.

  The service staff brought fragrant coffee, fruit, snacks and other things for the two of them.

  While drinking coffee, Wang Ye smiled and said to Han Xiaodan: "Do you have any questions?"

  Han Xiaodan has been holding back the question for a long time, but he is not ashamed to ask it...

   Now that Wang Ye took the initiative to bring up this topic, she couldn't help but asked curiously: "What on earth do you do? Is this it really yours?"

what for?

  This question is really difficult to answer, because even Wang Ye himself, it is difficult to give an accurate position for himself.

   First of all, he is still a college student, a genuine Mo college student...

  Secondly, he is also a very successful business tycoon.

  With so many powerful group companies under his command, it is definitely not a joke.

   If you really want to talk about wealth, let alone in Russia, even in the whole world, you should be among the top few super rich!

   Finally, he’s a politician, a very high-status kind of…

  So, how does this allow him to answer Han Xiaodan's question.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Ye could only respond vaguely: "It's a coincidence. I'm in the energy business, which is oil and gas. The business is doing well, so it's a little bit of money. This plane is mine. Because I work Because of the need to fly around the world frequently, it would be more convenient to have a private jet."

   It cannot be said that Wang Ye fooled Han Xiaodan, he just selectively told her part of the "truth", and did not tell her all about himself.

  The main reason is that it is not necessary now.

  Even Wang Ye's parents don't know everything about him yet, and for Han Xiaodan, there's no need to tell her everything.

  Han Xiaodan clicked his tongue, oil and gas?

  This is big business!

  This is so different from the foreign trade "bad guy" she imagined!

  However, she was still a little dubious, because Han Xiaodan really couldn't imagine how an international student who had just been abroad for three or four years could get in touch with such a big business as oil and gas, and it seemed that the scale of the business was not small.

   But let’s say it’s fake, this private jet, and this large group of foreigners are all respectful to Wang Ye, and I can’t explain it...

  She once wondered whether Wang Ye deliberately created such a big scene because he had some bad intentions for herself.

   But this doesn't make any sense, because my "wealth" and my appearance are not worth other people's troubles!

  If Wang Ye didn't buy this private jet, but he rented it, the cost is probably not cheap.

  In addition to such a large group of foreigner "actors", spending such a large cost, just to "act" in front of yourself?

  The cost is too high!

  Besides, even if Wang Ye is so ostentatious, I won't do anything to him.

   In addition, after I won the big prize last time, the money left over from buying a house is not with me, but my mother saved it for me.

  It is obviously unrealistic to want to come here with his millions of savings...

  No matter how cranky Han Xiaodan was, it had no effect on Wang Ye.

  He only showed his "strength" in front of Han Xiaodan to a limited extent. The purpose is also very simple, that is, to let this girl know that his "business" is very big.

  In this way, it will be more convenient for me to arrange her work later, at least Han Xiaodan will not have any doubts or concerns.

   Moreover, for quite a long time, Wang Ye did not intend to let Han Xiaodan get in touch with too many things, nor would he tell her too much information.

  Just cultivate it first, and then decide what to do after she grows up.

  As for Han Xiaodan's positioning, you can follow Zhang Xiaoxi.

   That is to say, for them, Wang Ye has no emotional considerations. He just thinks they can be trusted and can help him control some commercial resources.

  Of course, how they feel about Wang Ye, whether there are emotional factors, that is beyond Wang Ye's control...


   It didn't take much time for Feipeng City in the Central Plains, and it arrived at Pengcheng Airport in more than two hours.

  The plane landed, Han Xiaodan followed Wang Ye, and was about to go down the gangway when he looked down and was stunned.

  Because she saw several cars parked on the tarmac below.

   There is also a person who looks familiar, waiting in front of the car with a few people.

   Isn't this...Brother Ma!

   Obviously, the one waiting there is Makoto himself!

   Not only because Wang Ye is the real big boss of Penguin, but also because Wang Ye appeared when the company needed support the most, and gave Penguin an extremely high valuation that he couldn't imagine!

  Injected a large amount of funds into the company, which directly helped Penguin to develop by leaps and bounds.

  It can be said that without Wang Ye’s large capital injection at that time, Penguin Company might have developed well, but it certainly would not have been as smooth as it is now.

  So, for Wang Ye, Xiao Ma is very grateful.

   Where can I find such a good major shareholder?

   Only pays, and is very generous, and will not interfere with the management of the company, let alone dictate to the management...

  Therefore, when he learned that Wang Ye was coming to Pengcheng, Xiao Ma made preparations early.

  Today, I personally took the staff to the airport to pick up the plane!

  It is not surprising that Han Xiaodan knows Brother Xiao Ma, because Brother Xiao Ma is also a student who graduated from the computer department of Pengcheng University, and as Penguin Company becomes more and more famous, he has also become a "legendary alumni" of Pengcheng University.

  Plus, Penguin Company has been recruiting at Pengcheng University for the past two years, so Brother Xiao Ma also goes to the school to participate in lectures from time to time.

  Han Xiaodan has participated in such a lecture, so he was quite impressed with this senior.

  She also plans to work for Penguin after graduation...

   After all, Pengcheng University is not a famous school. If you want to work in a company with a professional counterpart, then Penguin Company is obviously a very good choice.

  As for the more famous companies like Baidu, Sohu, Sina, etc. at that time, they probably didn't like the students of Pengcheng University...

   After all, those companies are located in the capital, so there is no shortage of talented students, and there are many famous schools there!


  Seeing Wang Ye get off the plane, Xiao Ma hurriedly led people to greet him.

   When he was far away, he smiled all over his face and stretched out his hands.

   "Mr. Mikhail, welcome to Pengcheng!"

  Wang Ye shook hands with him with a smile, and said politely: "Please, Mr. Ma, this visit may disturb you for two days."

"No trouble, no trouble! You are the largest shareholder of Penguin. To be honest, if you really come to see it all the time, I and other managers are still a little nervous. Does it mean that Mr. Mikhail looks down on our company? , otherwise why would it take so long to take a look, haha..." Xiao Ma said with a smile.

  When the two of them were talking, Han Xiaodan didn't come close, and the airport was quite noisy, so he couldn't hear them clearly.

  However, she could vaguely guess something by seeing Brother Ma's attitude towards Wang Ye.

   Could it be that Wang Ye said that he has some business in Pengcheng, that is Penguin Company...

   Thinking of this, she was startled.

  When he was on the plane just now, didn’t Wang Ye say that he was in the oil and gas business, why did he get involved with an Internet company?

  What kind of business does this guy do!


  After exchanging a few words with Xiao Ma, Wang Ye seemed to remember something.

   Turned his head to look at Han Xiaodan, and then said to Xiao Ma: "Oh, I have something to trouble Mr. Ma, that girl..."

   As he spoke, he pointed to Han Xiaodan, and then said: "It's my friend, she is a student of Pengcheng University, please find a car to take her back to school."

  As for why Han Xiaodan followed him to Pengcheng, and what kind of friends they are, Wang Ye did not explain, and there is no need for this.

  Brother Xiao Ma is not stupid, of course he will not ask any more questions, but he nodded quickly and said: "Okay, I will send your friend back to school."

  He turned his head to find a female staff member, beckoned her to come over, and whispered a few words.

  Wang Ye also came to Han Xiaodan's side, and said to her with a smile, "I'll send you back to school first, and I'll do some business work first, and I'll call you when I'm done."

  Han Xiaodan nodded obediently. She knew that there was no relationship between herself and Wang Ye.

  So you can't ask too much about him.

   Otherwise, it would be easy to be annoying...


   After seeing off Han Xiaodan, Wang Ye and Xiao Ma got into the car.

  The entourage also boarded the car, and the convoy started to drive towards the Penguin headquarters.

  The current Penguin is no longer what it was when Wang Yegang invested a few years ago.

  The Penguin company at that time was in a very difficult financial situation, and its office address was still in a dilapidated office building.

   But now, after Wang Ye injected a large amount of capital, coupled with Penguin's own business development, the economic situation has already improved.

  The office address has already moved to the South S District Science and Technology Park, and rented a building.

  Even Brother Ma and the others are starting to consider buying a piece of land and building their own headquarters...

"Mr. Mikhail, Penguin has developed very rapidly in the past two years. Registered users have reached more than 300 million, monthly active users have also exceeded 100 million, and the highest concurrent online users are more than 8 million! The latest valuation of the company has also exceeded 600 million. Billion dollars, Mr. Mikhail, your vision is really vicious, and you saw the potential of Penguin two years ago. This investment is not a loss, haha..."

  Brother Xiao Ma introduced to Wang Ye in a proud tone.

  Of course he can be proud. After all, it was under his personal management that Penguin achieved its current results.

   In the domestic Internet industry, Penguin is now a well-known enterprise!

  Three years ago, I didn’t even dare to think about it...

  Wang Ye smiled lightly, and asked casually: "The number of users is indeed not low, but how is the company's profitability? Have you found a channel to monetize traffic?"

  The smile on Xiao Ma’s face froze, and he was speechless.

  Because Wang Ye just asked the key point, and it is also something he has been worrying about recently!

   Back in my hometown, there are many things to do, so the update may be abnormal, and there will be occasional interruptions. But as long as I have time, I will try to keep it updated, don't worry.



  (end of this chapter)