MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1397 Who is stronger

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Under the leadership of Tang Xiu, the three strongest people in the supreme realm, plus others are the strongest in the realm of the great Luo Jinxian, so they are like a sharp knife, directly into the enemy camp. When Wan Jianzong’s people did not respond, hundreds of people were killed.

Knife and sword, **** hurricane.

After the strong man of Wan Jianzong was aware, nearly a thousand people were killed by Tang Xiu and others. However, most of the people killed are ordinary immortals, as well as the immortals, the weak people in the realm of heaven. The strongest in the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian, only two people were killed.

"Who are you?"

The North Sword Scorpion instantly released the sacred sword of the life, and looked at the people of Tang Xiu as if they were enemies, and screamed. The original victory in the attack, even halfway through the emergence of a group of strong, which makes his heart continue to fall. What made him even more angry was that the other party was only ten people, and there were actually three strong players in the supreme realm. This made him have the urge to turn around and escape.

Tang Xiu did not pay attention to the North Sword, but looked at the scarred Qingquan Supreme, and said aloud: "The Qing Supreme, the old things will be said later, let's join forces to kill the enemy and put all these shameless people in Wan Jianzong. Stay, how?"

Qingquan Supreme dreamed, they did not expect that they had the reinforcements of the Confucian sects. Although the number of opponents was very small, they were all strong horrors. Even the strongest of the supreme realm came to the top three, which made He saw the hope of the Qingru Emperor's survival.

"Thank you all for your help. Da En Dade, we will repay after the Qing Confucianism. Join hands to kill, even if it is the life of the old man, you must also kill the thief of Wan Jianzong." Qingquan Supreme shouted.

Another direction.

Duo Luo Jinxian of dozens of Promise Halls, looking at the situation changes in front of him, the old man who led the head sighed: "It seems that the lord said yes, everything has an accident. The original Wan Jianzong won the situation. However, it was shattered by the sudden emergence of strong enemies. The strongest of the three supreme realms, even if we all help each other, I am afraid there is no way to help Wan Jianzong completely destroy the Qingru Emperor."

"Great elders, what do we do?"

A great Luo Jinxian asked with respect.

The old man sneered: "Wan Jianzong is a dog that we have raised in the Promise, and naturally we can't let them suffer too much damage here. Let's help each other! Don't ask to kill those enemies. Also, make sure that Wan Jianzong suffers less damage."

"Kill it!"

The dozens of Da Luo Jinxian of the Promise Temple have rushed toward the Qing Confucian.

Sufficient for half a day.

Either Qingru Xianzong, or Wan Jianzong, or those who smashed the fire, all suffered heavy losses. However, because the strongmen of the Promise Temple helped each other, the Wanjian Zongzhu North Swordsman was a lot easier, and he dominated the battlefield, and gradually moved away from the Qingru Emperor and prepared for evacuation.


A sound like a thunder, coming from a distance. Qiongwei Xianzun and Heishi Xianweng, with the strongest of nearly one hundred Da Luo Jinxian realm, killed from afar.

"Damn, where did they come from?" The North Swordsman screamed with horror and screamed. He can clearly feel that among the nearly one hundred strongmen who have been rushed, except for the two strongest people in the supreme realm, all others are Da Luojinxian.

The North Sword and the Skull have lived in the celestial world for tens of thousands of years. I have never heard of it. The sect has so many powerful people. Even if they are the Promise, all the powers of the Great Luo Jinxian realm add up to less than fifty. Yundan Zong is more than their Promise, and it will not exceed 60.

Tang Xiu laughed loudly and said: "You finally arrived. Give me a hand to kill! Kill everyone in Wan Jianzong and kill all the **** who follow Wan Jianzong. We, if you can continue to kill, don't stop, the injury is too heavy, just return to healing."


The Qingquan Supreme was shocked by so many strong reinforcements, but when he heard Tang Xiu’s words, he immediately realized that it was all the mysterious powerhouse.



With the victory of Qiongwei Xianzun and Heishi Xianweng with nearly one hundred Da Luo Jinxian realm, the killing has become a unilateral massacre. Tens of thousands of immortals, like the wheat fields, were harvested by sickle, and the pieces fell down and turned into a **** rain.

The sword of the Wan Jianzong, the sect of the North Sword, was slain by the eagle and the old Wutong, the Qingquan Supreme, the black stone fairy singer of the four great Luo Jinxian realm, and finally only insisted for half an hour, they were born hard. Killed, even the fairy soul could not escape, and the ash that was hit by the eagle's hand was destroyed.

Including the dozens of Luo Jinxian of the Promise Temple, more than 70,000 enemies, no one can escape, all were slaughtered.

The tragic scene has made everyone depressed.

After Tang Xiu came to the front of Qingquan Supreme, he looked at him with a scarred face. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "I will not give you a cure for the remedy. But I can give you a chance and send you a clear Confucian scholars have a chance. I don’t know, you want to."

Qingquan Supreme asked: "What is the chance?"

Tang Xiu said slowly: "I can't guarantee that you will be successful in the future, and you will be promoted to God, but I can guarantee that at least you will be able to break through to the Supreme level and be qualified to challenge God." Zongmen disciples can also emerge as a strong person. It is not impossible to even have a few strong people in the supreme realm."

Qingquan Supreme looked at Tang Xiu and said incrediblely: "How is this possible? Unless it is God's help, otherwise..."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "I can tell you responsibly, I am God."

Qingquan Supreme looked at Tang Xiu incredibly. After a long time, he slowly asked: "You brought people to come to me to rescue the Confucian scholars, so that I can save the Confucian sects from the ravages of the ruins. Confucianism is written down. Just, I don’t know how you call it?”

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty Empire, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

Qingquan Supreme Surprised: "You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty? I am the Qingfeng real person of the Confucianism, is that you rescued?"

Tang Xiu nodded and smiled: "Yes."

Qingquan Supreme wanted to ask: "What is the need for us to get what you say in order to get what you said?"

Tang Xiu said seriously: "The Qing Confucian sects belong to my dynasty empire, you are the guardian of the Tang Empire."


Qingquan Supreme Hesitantly said: "My Qing Confucian sects are in this Qinghe Xianyu, and your prosperous Tang Empire is on the side of Xianting. The distance between us is too far. Do you want us to move the Zongmen To the Imperial Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

Tang Xiu said faintly: "Why is this not possible? If we don't help us, I am afraid that you have been ruined by the Confucianism. Today, it is your chance to reinvent the Confucianism. If I am not mistaken, the ones that we killed before are not only the people of Wan Jianzong. Later, the dozens of strong people in the realm of the great Luo Jinxian are the people of the Promise. You think, if you Qingru Xianzong continues to live here, and the Promise Temple will not retaliate against you?”

Qing Lizhen is the lord of the Qing Confucian sect. He was not willing to return to the Tang Empire. He could hear the last words of Tang Xiu and suddenly changed his face. After some wars, he finally looked at Qingquan. The Supreme said: "The elders of the elders, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty said yes, all the forces of the immortal world know that Wan Jianzong is actually the running dog of the Promise. Now even the patriarch of Wan Jianzong has been killed by us, and killed the Promise. There are so many Da Luo Jinxian in the temple, I am afraid that the people of the Promise Hall will definitely investigate our heads. If we continue to stay, we still have the catastrophe. It is better to return to the Tang Empire."

Qingquan Supreme thought for a long time, and finally said: "Shen Tang Emperor, this matter is very important. I need to discuss with other senior officials of Zongmen. If everyone agrees, I will have nothing to join the Tang Dynasty Empire. ."


Tang Xiu smiled and returned to the strong camp of the Tang Dynasty Empire. He secretly took out nearly a hundred jade bottles, and each jade bottle was filled with ten drops of blood, and then quietly handed it to every Da Luojin. The strong man in the realm of fairyland said with a serious voice: "No one can sing, and must not spread the blood of the gods. Otherwise, I will kill each other with treason."

God blood?

Nearly a hundred Da Luo Jinxian, all revealing a shocking look.


Tang Xiu handed to Qiongwei Xianzun and Heishixian Wengyu bottle, and said to the two people: "I give each of the other Luo Jinxians ten drops of blood, give you 30 drops of blood, I hope you The repair can be further. In addition, back to the Tang Empire, I will close the alchemy, and after I successfully refine the Shen Dan, as long as your cultivation can break through to the Supreme, I will give you one. A broken god, help you to overcome a few more successful grasps."

Thirty drops...God blood?

Break the gods?

Qian Wei Xian Zun and Black Stone Xian Weng looked at each other, and the excited bodies of both of them shook slightly. Whether it is the blood of God or the **** of destruction, it is an absolute treasure for them. If they can get it, their chances of flying to God in the future will increase by a few.

"Repair, where did you get so much blood?"

Qin Wei Xian Zun asked.

Tang Xiu said: "I got a **** in the abyss of sin, almost the entire body of God. So, the amount of blood I have now mastered, at least there are millions of drops. That is above the gods, even if it is A hair is a treasure in the eyes of immortals. Therefore, it is time for our Tang Empire to enter a period of rapid development. The time for revenge is coming soon."


Rao is Qiongwei Xianzun’s mentally tough, still scared by the words of Tang Xiu. Nearly complete **** body! That is simply a treasure house in the eyes of immortals. If you can make good use of it, this corpse can make a force increase by a factor of ten.

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