MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1398 Jun Yufu sees her in-laws

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After half a day.

Qingquan Supreme came to Tang Xiu and said: "We have all the high-level discussions of the Confucianism and Confucianism. The final conclusion is: agree to join the Tang Dynasty Empire. If Shengtang the Great, your previous promise can really be honored. In the future, our Qing Confucianism and the Tang Dynasty Empire are a whole. Our entire sect, we are willing to be loyal to you."

Tang Xiu raised his eyes and asked: "I don't want to know why I risked offending the Promise Temple. So many people have come to save you and Confucianism?"

Qingquan Supreme said: "This is the confusion of my heart, and please ask the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to confuse."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "My wife is the apprentice of your confession and confession. If you want to know my true identity, you can call the strange person."

A clear spring, and then incredible, said: "My disciples of the Confucianism are all men, where are there female disciples?"

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "You know when you call the strange person."

After a while.

The horrible real person who was covered in scars flew to the Qingquan Supreme and Tang Xiu. When he saw Tang Xiu’s moment, he revealed a faint excitement. He respectfully said: "See the stars... Sheng Tang Emperor."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "You are the master of my wife, we are our own people, don't have to be more gifted. Help me explain it!"

The stranger reveals a few smiles and says: "Before the elders, you used to fly from the earth to the fairy world like me. Before I flew, I left a legacy on the earth. Finally I was The wife of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was acquired. Therefore, she is also a person of our Confucianism."

The Qingquan Supreme suddenly realized that he looked at Tang Xiu’s eyes and looked at a few strange looks. “When the Tang Emperor, your wife flew from the earth to the fairy world?”

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "I also came from the earth. And my dynasty empire, and hundreds of thousands of monks, all come from the earth. It can be said that even if it is ascended into God, the earth is me. Root. Qingquan Supreme, which dynasty did you ever fly from? What was the name of the earth?"

Qingquan Supreme said with a smile: "I was flying up the fairyland in 479 BC, remembering that the country was Lu. As for my name, I went to Kongmingqiu, the word Zhongni."


Tang Xiu lost his voice and exclaimed.

Qingquan Supreme Surprised: "What is the Great Tang Dynasty know?"

Tang Xiu said with a smile: "The whole earth is a yellow vein, no one does not know about you. You are the founder of Confucianism who has been admired by countless people for five thousand years in China. It is a famous big thinker, big education. Home. Hey... I didn’t expect that I could see the great man once.”

Qingquan Supreme smiled: "That is the past of the mortal period, not worth mentioning."

Tang Xiu’s voice said: “Qingquan Supreme, remember the name I used to be: Suzaku Shengzong, Xing Xiu Emperor.”


The spring sacred pupil shrinks, and the eyes burst into an incredible light. He seems to see the ghost, and he screams: "Are you already flying away?"

Tang Xiu once again said: "Don't say it, because you are already in the supreme realm, so I am willing to tell you. But you have to remember that my enemy is Yundanzong and the Promise. I am not dead, just heavy Come again. And I created the Tang Empire, in order to destroy Yundanzong and the Promise Temple, including Wan Jianzong..."

The Qingquan Supreme is stunned. Looking at Tang Xiu’s eyes, he has a little more respect. He once again said: "From now on, you are the object of our loyalty to the Confucian sects. Your Majesty, after all of us, the Confucian sects People need to call you like this."


Tang Xiu patted his shoulder and immediately said: "You are a very disciple of the Confucian sects. Now I am very sensitive. I need you all to enter the cave fairy. I will take you to the Tang Empire. In addition, Within three hundred years, I need you all the people of Qingru Confucianism, all of them to retreat and practice, and no longer appear in other places in the fairy world. Three hundred years later, it is when we and Yundanzong, the Promise Temple are killed."

After two days.

Tang Xiu took the eagle and rushed toward the Imperial Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, while the others all entered the cave. When they left for a few days, a message was like a hurricane, blowing through the entire fairy world:

All the disciples of the Qingru Emperor Xianzong disappeared, as if they were evaporating. The sword of the Wan Jianzong, the Northern Swordsman, died in the Qing Confucianism, including the masters of tens of thousands of swords, and the master of the Promise.


The first six sons of Wan Jianzong, the head of the sword, the Emperor of the Wind Sword declared that the Wan Jianzong was closed for a thousand years, and the matter of the fairy world was no longer questioned within the millennium. Then, hundreds of thousands of Jianzong disciples, in a short period of six months, disappeared completely without a trace, even if they were once in the ancestral hall of Wan Jianzong, they became empty, and even half of the personal shadows will see again. Not enough.

Suzaku Shengzong.

Danqing Emperor sat in the palace with his knees in the middle of the palace, looking at the face of the face, and the anger of the nine Yaoqin demon, said faintly: "Don't let the anger stun your sense. Do you still have not noticed that there is A pair of invisible big hands are being manipulated in secret. For the Yundan Zong, the Promise Temple?”

Jiu Yaoqin demon said with anger: "Since you are aware of it, then you are talking about it, who is daring, even the two super sects of the two dare to provoke?"

Danqing Emperor said: "It is not a provocation. It has already killed the killers. We have lost a lot of strengths in the past 100 years. Have you ever counted them?"

Nine Yaoqin's magic anger said: "Is it still useful for statistics? The number of strong people who lost me in the Promise Hall exceeded more than half. Even me... Wanlei Supreme was killed." /

Danqing Emperor said: "I have lost the number of Jinxian, the number of Dalujinxian, although not less than half, but there are quite a few. So, our first priority now is to find out the black hands behind the scenes, and then try to figure out Their power, then killing them under their pain, completely remove the bane."

Nine Yaoqin calmed down and said slowly: "Do you think it is possible, behind the scenes, the black hand and the Suzaku Shengzong are related? Or is it the mysterious Sisheng government?"

Danqing Emperor said: "It should not be the Four Holy Houses. Although the Four Holy Houses are mysterious, after so many years of investigation, I have figured out their origins."

Nine Yaoqin is surprised: "You figured out their origins? Where are the four holy houses? Who are they? Why do you want to help the Suzaku?"

Danqing Emperor said: "The Four Sacred Houses and the Suzaku Shengzong have deep roots. They were even a whole one hundred thousand years ago. It was also the largest force in the fairy world. What was it called at that time? Don't you have to say it again? Now the head of the Four Sacred Houses is a heavenly old man, are you not strangers?"

Nine Yaoqin's face changed, and suddenly became murderous, Senran said: "It turned out to be that old thing. Tell me, where is the Four Holy House?"

Danqing Emperor shook his head and said: "The specific address has not been investigated yet. But it should not be in the fairy world, but should be within the world of the cave world that is connected with the fairyland. Don't worry, wait for the people of Yundanzong to investigate the four holy The specific location of the government is the time when they are destroyed."

Nine Yaoqin magic said coldly: "In the past few hundred years, the Four Holy Houses have brought huge losses to them. They must find them and destroy them."

Danqing Emperor looked at the land where Suzaku Shengzong was located, and sneered: "Not only the Four Sacred Houses, but also the Suzaku Sacred. If I judged correctly, Suzaku Shengzong can continue to adhere to the millennium. After the millennium, it is when they perish."


The face of Danqing Emperor changed. As he and the Jiu Yaoqin figure disappeared out of thin air, when they appeared again, they had already come outside the Suzaku Shengzong.

"Who is coming?"

Dan Qing Emperor looked at the two close figures and sneered.

Qian Weixian Zun gave a silver bell-like laughter, but the black-skinned drug lord who had just broken through to the supreme realm, laughed loudly: "Dan Qing Emperor, Jiu Yao Qin Mo, both of you are actually Our luck is really good! I hope that you will stay here forever, waiting for us to explode your fairy body and crush your fairy soul."

Two supremes?

The Danqing Emperor sacrificed a long knife and squatted against the two women.

"I am Qiongwei Xianzun, please open the big array of Suzaku Shengzong, let us enter." Qiongwei Xianzun seized the black cockroach, and with the streamer wings to the limit, the moment of effort, Then he escaped the sharp blow of Dan Qing Emperor and rushed into the guardian sect of Suzaku.

In the big array.

Star tears looked at the rushing Qiongwei Xianzun and the black cockroach, and immediately said: "The lords, they are their own people, let them come in."

The soul of the soul does not hesitate. For centuries, the help of Qiongwei Xianzun to their Suzaku sanctuary is too great. She is definitely a trustworthy person. As for the other Supreme Strong, although he did not know, but with the Qiongwei Xianzun, and the sister's tears, he was very reassured.

Hey! call out!

The Qiongwei Xianzun and the black scorpion venoms perceive the gap that appeared in the formation. After the two women entered with lightning, they soon came to the star soul supreme and the star tears.

"Who is coming?"

The star-stirth spurs from a distance, and instantly appears in front of everyone.

"See the Stars Supreme."

The Qiongwei Xianzun and the black scorpion venoms know that the stars and the sages are extremely high, so they are saluting.

Xingmang supreme sees Qiongwei Xianzun, suddenly expresses an excited look, sighs: "Jongwei Xianzun, we have long been expecting you to come in instead of going out alone. These centuries, What you do for our Suzaku Sacred, we remember it."

Qian Weixian respectfully said: "Xingmang Supreme is heavy, this is what I should do."


She turned her head to look at the Star Soul Supreme, and the beauty of the beauty revealed a bit of hesitation.

[At the end of the month, weakly ask for a monthly ticket, wood has a monthly ticket recommendation ticket, the data is too miserable, the code has a passion, 555]

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