MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 125 You can't mess with a giant ugly fish

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Chen Qiyue sighed violently in his heart, and then said seriously, "So, it will definitely respect me like my giant ugly fish."

You Huang was taken aback, looked at the giant ugly fish and then at Chen Qiyue, although he felt that something was wrong, he felt that there was nothing wrong.

The "ugly" giant ugly fish thought it was right, and nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that the giant ugly fish nodded, You Huang also nodded.

Zhou Leng and Huang Tao stared at this scene dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

This Youxue Ji chose to sign the contract because of the giant ugly fish?

Huang Tao regretfully patted himself on the chest, crying loudly, "If I had known, I would have brought Phantom Butterfly with me to sleep, maybe I could abduct this Youxue Ji back home."

Zhou Leng trembled, and was about to say something, but You Huang, who was on the side, heard what Huang Tao said, and directly reached out his hand and nodded.

A small cloud instantly appeared above Huang Tao's head, and then the snowflakes suddenly fell and landed on his face, making him stunned.

The phantom butterfly in front of Huang Tao shouted angrily at You Huang, "Butterfly!"

Why are you attacking my beast master? !

"Ji" You Huang waved his hand lazily.

It's okay, just a little snowflake, let him wake up a little bit.

It's not big, but I want her to sign the contract independently, which is beautiful.

Phantom Butterfly also noticed that the snowflake had no lethality, turned to Huang Tao and shouted, "Butterfly"

Huang Tao's wailing voice stopped for an instant, and he turned his head to look at Phantom Butterfly, "It really said that?"

Zhou Leng asked suspiciously, "What did you say?"

"Butterfly" Phantom Butterfly called softly in embarrassment.

Huang Tao covered his face and didn't have the nerve to translate the meaning of Phantom Butterfly.

Zhou Leng pulled Huang Tao over and asked, "What did you say? If you don't say anything, I'll ask my fat dragon to come and translate."

"Damn," Huang Tao couldn't help it, sighed and covered his face and said, "My Xiaodie said that You Xueji would not sign us, saying that we are too bad."

Zhou Leng took a breath, and his fingers trembled, "We are too good at it? Then, Xiao Cheng was only a junior beast master before, why did he sign?"

"Ji" You Huang waved his hand, that's different, he's big.

After Phantom Butterfly translated, Huang Tao and Zhou Leng finally understood that Youxue Ji admired Cheng Qi's giant ugly fish for some reason, so she signed the contract on her own.

This made Huang Tao and Zhou Leng puzzled, why would such a powerful You Xue Ji bow down to the fin of a giant ugly fish?

But it doesn't help if you know it or not, because You Xueji is already Cheng Qi's phantom beast.

Now that the sky is clear and everyone has no sleepiness, they simply go to the yard to have a barbecue together, and get some food for the many Eudemons by the way.

A barbecue grill has been set up in the yard, so Chen Qiyue simply skewered some tree fruits and grilled them, which can be regarded as an alternative nutritious meal for the Eudemons.

"Tsk tsk, it's terrible, I don't know if my jaw will drop when the boss comes back. Xiao Cheng, you are soaring into the sky! I'm so envious!"

Zhou Leng roasted a small bunch of berries in one hand, and said at the same time, this is the berries he skewered according to what Chen Qiyue said, and he prepared them for Pang Panglong.

Chen Qiyue smiled slightly, "I am also lucky to have such a good ugly fish as Zai Zai."

Zhou Leng looked up at You Xueji, who was surrounded by phantom beasts, and said enviously, "You are not just lucky, you must know that phantom beasts with broken shells are the most difficult to sign, let alone such powerful ones. Eudemons, signed the contract on their own initiative."

"Generally, only some big families' inherited phantom beasts will independently sign contracts for some talented juniors," Huang Tao nodded his head, "You, is this a blessing from several lifetimes of cultivation?"

Chen Qiyue raised his head, looked at You Huang who was closely following the giant ugly fish, and the giant ugly fish's complacency, and laughed, "Yes, I am a blessing from several lifetimes of cultivation..."

To be able to come to this world!

It's just that he didn't say the second half of the sentence, but recited it silently in his heart.

It's not bad that the world has changed, so that he can meet Zai Zai.

Next, he has Youhuang again, and there will be other phantom beasts, so he has really embarked on the road of being a beast master.

Except for the giant ugly fish, You Huang ignored the other phantom beasts.

Not to mention, although Youhuang is dressed in white, in the eyes of many phantom beasts, she is a slim and beautiful woman.

Pangpanglong is the youngest and has not yet reached the courtship period, so he is just watching curiously.

But as big as the Fire Cloud Bird and as small as the Phantom Butterfly, they all surrounded Youhuang, squeezing back and forth, and directly squeezed the giant ugly fish out.

Fire Cloud Bird let out a long chirp, glanced at the giant ugly fish, and didn't squeeze her. It had seen the giant ugly fish use the wave of mind before. Although its level was very low, it had good potential.

The Phantom Butterfly didn't squeeze either, it knew very well that the Youxue Ji in front of her signed the contract with Cheng Qi because of the giant ugly fish, and she didn't dare to make mistakes.

Although the other phantom beasts had eaten with the giant clownfish and introduced them, they knew that they were the new phantom beasts that joined the team, but they were not familiar with the giant clownfish.

Not to mention, the giant ugly fish are too ugly, they are not interested at all, so when they rushed to find You Xueji, they naturally squeezed the giant ugly fish out.

You Huang was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't see the giant ugly fish, so that's okay.

Her **** was squeezed out?

Youhuang's face turned dark instantly, and there was a slight anger in her eyes, "Ji"

With a wave of her hand, a blizzard suddenly swirled around her, rushing towards the surroundings.

The phantom beasts around who were happily introducing themselves were instantly blown into the air.

Chen Qiyue and the others suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing, turned their heads together, and saw that the phantom beasts were all sucked into the air.

You Huang stood in the middle, her face was slumped tightly, and the anger in her eyes was constantly burning.

The blizzard kept hitting the phantom beasts on their faces, but it took away their excitement.

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then shouted, "Stop!"

The giant ugly fish was originally flying outside, but Leng was also swept in by the blizzard.

Seeing this, You Huang immediately waved his hand to disperse the blizzard, and all the phantom beasts in the air fell to the ground one after another.


If you still have something disrespectful to me in the future, I won't let it go!

You Huang also understood that her action just now was a little too big, it was because she was angry, so she didn't control her shot well.

The other Eudemons were extremely shocked, and they looked at You Huang with interest.

There are also ice-type phantom beasts among them, but the blizzard used simply does not have such power, let alone roll up so many phantom beasts together.

What's more, he was just angry and waved his hand casually.

Alright, now all the phantom beasts understand that this Youxue Ji is the boss of phantom beasts.

Chen Qiyue heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the Eudemons had quieted down.

Zhou Leng patted Chen Qiyue on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's normal. Generally speaking, if new Eudemons want to integrate into the group, there will definitely be some friction. Fighting is the best way to integrate into the group."

Huang Tao also smiled and said, "Yes, what Lao Zhou said is correct. I think when his fat dragon came up, he fought with the boss's Junjian Mantis for 300 rounds before losing, so he blended in."

"But judging by the situation today, those phantom beasts seem to be very afraid of your You Xueji."

Zhou Leng agreed with Huang Tao's statement, "Indeed, but the main reason is that your You Xue Ji is very strong."

Chen Qiyue smiled and nodded, "Then I'll give her a name. Seeing her cold and arrogant, like the emperor in the ice, let's call her Youhuang."

You Huang is standing next to the giant ugly fish at the moment, talking about whether it is big or not.

Suddenly hearing the word "You Huang", she raised her head and glanced at Chen Qiyue.

Although she chose Chen Qiyue because of the giant ugly fish, what Chen Qiyue said before made her pay more attention to Chen Qiyue.

She also heard the "stop" before, and saw that the giant ugly fish was also caught in the blizzard, so she stopped.

Now she heard that Chen Qiyue named herself, which happened to be her own name, which surprised her quite a bit.

You know, this is the name given to me by the one who nurtured me before, because I look the same as the ordinary Youxue Ji, so my voice has been changed to "Ji" to hide my true self name.

Originally, her voice called "you".

Although the word "You" is very similar to You Xue Ji's name, other You Xue Ji call it "Ji", and she was bred by others.

Once it is found that she is different from other You Xue Ji, then there will be troubles.

You Huang took a deep look at Chen Qiyue, then turned his head and continued coaxing the giant ugly fish.

The surrounding phantom beasts were also intimidated at first, they didn't expect Youhuang to have such a strong strength.

But since they are the companions of their beast masters, that is, their companions, it is also a good thing that their companions are powerful.

Especially Youhuang is so beautiful and noble, coupled with her powerful bu, she is simply the goddess in the hearts of Eudemons.

Then they surrounded it again, only this time, they didn't dare to crowd the giant ugly fish any more than the Eudemons, but they surrounded Youhuang and the giant ugly fish together.

You Huang is very calm now, directing some phantom beasts to fetch food, first feed it to the giant ugly fish, and then eat it by himself.

If she is upset because of the phantom beast, a small cloud will appear above her head, and there will be a gust of snow to cool you down.

Jun Chenyun on the other side is sitting upright in the hall where the Supreme Commander of the Eudemons Alliance of Shuangzi City lives.

"When will Commander come out?" Jun Chenyun asked the maid beside him who was making tea for him.

In fact, Jun Chenyun has not seen the supreme commander of the Shuangzi Domain until now.

As soon as he came here, the Supreme Commander went to the meeting, and the meeting has been held until now, no, it should be said that the meeting has not yet finished.

Seeing that the sun was about to come out outside, Jun Chenyun had been waiting here for a day and a night.

There is some food and drink here, and the maid will take him to a private room to rest.

But Jun Chenyun was afraid that he would fall asleep and delay seeing the Commander, so he sat in the hall until now.

"I don't know about that." The maid's words were impeccable, she just nodded slightly at Jun Chenyun, and stood behind.

After a while, human voices finally came from the corridor on one side of the hall.

"Hahaha, then this time I will bother Chief Inspector Jiang." Hearing the familiar voice, Jun Chenyun's eyes finally revealed a look of joy.

He quickly stood up and stood aside respectfully.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a white and black robe, smiling and walking out side by side with Jiang Suoqing.

And behind them, there were more than a dozen people who were actually extraordinary, and they were not ordinary beast masters at first glance.

The middle-aged man glanced at Jun Chenyun who was standing next to him, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't express it, instead he continued to chat with Jiang Suoqing.

After sending Jiang Suoqing and the others out of the gate, he turned around and looked at Jun Chenyun, and asked in a flat voice, "How long have you been here?"

Jun Chenyun saluted the middle-aged man, "I came in the afternoon, and you just went in for a meeting, so I didn't bother you."

The middle-aged man nodded, and looked Jun Chenyun up and down, "Sit down, wait for a long time, every time you come to see me, nothing good happens, tell me, what else do you need my help for?"

Jun Chenyun coughed lightly, and replied, "Uncle, I'm here this time to talk to you about the Yunlong ruins."

As soon as Jun Chenyun's words came out, the maids standing around the hall were slightly startled.

This young man turned out to be the nephew of the Supreme Commander?

When the middle-aged man heard the words "Yunlong Ruins", he frowned and shouted, "Nonsense, you can come out to practice by yourself, and it's fine to start a team, but the Yunlong Ruins are too dangerous, UU Reading Don't touch them, Your strength has not yet reached the qualifications to open up wasteland."

"I know, uncle, I'm not here to talk about land reclamation, I know I'm not strong enough." Jun Chenyun quickly explained.

The middle-aged man's complexion improved slightly, "Then tell me, what's the matter?"

"Is such that…"

Jun Chenyun recounted everything that happened in his team recently, focusing on the bronze gate that was exactly the same as the Yunlong ruins in the new ruins, and the reasons for the riots of those phantom beasts.

"By the way, my teammates heard someone calling for help in front of the bronze gate."

Jun Chenyun said seriously, "At that time, the entire ruins hadn't been activated yet, so I think this ruin is probably the Yunlong ruins, and the hole we fell into should be another entrance of the Yunlong ruins."

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

The middle-aged man listened carefully, and after listening to what Jun Chenyun said, he became thoughtful,

"If this is the case, then the size of the Yunlong ruins cannot be underestimated. It is very likely that this is the largest ruin that we have ever discovered in the Shuangzi Fantasyland."

The middle-aged man patted Jun Chenyun on the shoulder in relief, "That's right, we, Xiaoyun, have grown up too. After getting the information, we came to look for my uncle as soon as possible. Not bad, not bad."

"By the way, don't spread the word about this matter. When the time comes to open up wasteland, I will send someone to deploy it."

"Also, you don't need to participate in this wasteland reclamation team."

Jun Chenyun was startled, "Isn't it okay to follow the official?"

The middle-aged man looked at him quietly, "No, if it is true as you said, then the number of people who open up wasteland this time must be reduced by at least 60%."