MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 126 Jun Chenyun is back X Huanju League Contest Qualifiers (2…

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Jun Chenyun walked to the gate of the courtyard with a serious face, and as soon as he pushed the gate, he saw the crowd lying on the clouds and mist.

The phantom beasts were either lying on their stomachs or lying around, and when they sensed movement at the courtyard gate, they opened their eyes and looked in this direction. Seeing that it was Jun Chenyun, they closed their eyes and went back to sleep.

Jun Chenyun looked around and realized something was different.

The clouds and mist that Chen Qiyue and the others were lying on were naturally cast by the Ugly Fish, but beside the Ugly Fish, there was a rather strange phantom beast.

"That's... You Xue Ji?" Jun Chenyun was extremely surprised, he only walked for a day, why did he have an extra You Xue Ji?

Jun Chenyun walked to Huang Tao's side, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Why are you sleeping here? Go back to your room and sleep."

The giant ugly fish was afraid that they would catch a cold, so they thoughtfully covered them with a layer of cloud and mist quilt.

Huang Tao woke up confused, opened his eyes, saw that it was Chen Qiyue, and immediately woke up, "Boss, you are back, how are you?"

Jun Chenyun frowned slightly, "I'll talk about this later, wake everyone up first, don't sleep outside."

"Okay!" Huang Tao immediately got up and called the others.

Chen Qiyue and Zhou Leng were shouted by the fans, Chen Qiyue waved at Jun Chenyun, and went back to sleep by himself.

Not only did I stay up all night last night, but I also ate a lot of barbecue and drank alcohol, so I am very dizzy now.

With the giant ugly fish in his arms, Chen Qiyue drifted towards the room while dozing off on the cloud.

You Xueji followed behind them and closed the door behind them.

Jun Chenyun looked at Chen Qiyue and the others in surprise as they walked into the last room, and when Huang Tao was about to go back to the room, he grabbed him,

"Taozi, Xiao Cheng has an extra Youxue Ji, the phantom beast in the last room?"

Huang Tao nodded, and gave a thumbs up in the direction of Chen Qiyue's room, "This kid is so good, he was able to get that Youxue Ji to sign a contract on his own, and he jumped several levels in a row, and directly became a super royal beast!" Make, a large number of cows!"

As he said that, his figure was still shaking, as if he was about to fall the next moment.

Jun Chenyun's stunned eyeballs popped out, he quickly supported Huang Tao and said, "Did you drink too much? Talking nonsense?"

"Boss, I'm not talking nonsense!" Huang Tao yawned, "I'll make up for it first, I'll talk about it when I wake up."

Speaking of which, Huang Tao waved his hand and went back to the room.

Seeing that the three of them went to different rooms, and there was no other sound coming from Chen Qiyue's room, Jun Chenyun also smiled and shook his head, and walked into his room.

He waited all night and was tired too.

This time, I fell asleep directly into the evening.

The four people who got up sat in the hall again, each of them had a bowl of noodles in front of them, and they were eating with a sigh of relief.

"I have to say, why do the Eudemons like your nutritious meals?" Huang Tao took a big mouthful of soup, sweating on his brow, "It really is exquisite craftsmanship!"

"That's right, if you open a restaurant, it's sure to explode!" Zhou Leng also instigated noodles without any image.

Chen Qiyue added chili oil to the noodles, it was really enjoyable to eat, not too spicy, but it just woke up the stomach and warmed the body.

This meal, several people ate heartily.

After eating, the giant ugly fish and phantom butterfly volunteered to use their thoughts to move these bowls to clean them quickly.

Youhuang suddenly appeared beside the giant ugly fish, with a pair of white boy's eyes, just staring at the phantom butterfly.

"Butterfly!" Phantom Butterfly immediately carried the bowl quickly with the power of thought.

How can this kind of quick job of cleaning dishes make the giant ugly fish come here? She will wash very clean when she comes.

You Huang nodded in satisfaction, and picked up a tree berry for the giant ugly fish as dessert.

"You Huang, Zai Zai's nutritious meal is enough, don't give her that tree fruit, it's too late."

Chen Qiyue saw that the fruit petals in Youhuang's hand were about to be fed to the mouth of the giant ugly fish, so he hurriedly stopped it.

You Huang paused his hand, frowned slightly, looked at the giant ugly fish and then at Chen Qiyue, obviously a little distrustful.

When the giant ugly fish heard what Chen Qiyue said, it immediately waved its small fins to let Youhuang take the fruit away.


If the beast master says you can't eat it, you can't eat it. My beast master is the most powerful in this regard.

You Huang nodded, stretched out his hand and threw the tree fruit into his mouth, since the giant ugly fish can't eat it, she can always eat it.

Just as Chen Qiyue was about to speak, she had already seen her eat the fruit in one gulp.

"You Huang, you can't just eat tree fruits casually in the future. I will be in charge of making your nutritious meals in the future, and I will make a nutritious meal that suits your taste as soon as possible."

Chen Qiyue became very serious when it came to this, "The one you are eating now is not bad, it is the fruit of the water system, you can eat it, but for your body, the absorption is not large, it is a waste."

You Huang was taken aback for a moment, his tone and state were similar to that person.

She nodded subconsciously, without speaking, she put the remaining berries on the table, and obediently stayed beside the ugly fish.

In fact, Chen Qiyue had already made preparations that You Huang would not be obedient. After all, he signed You Huang's contract in a daze, and he signed the contract passively.

In fact, his strength should not reach the level of commanding You Huang, so it is reasonable to be rejected, or You Huang is disobedient.

I just didn't expect You Huang to be so obedient.

Jun Chenyun at the side coughed lightly, and kept looking at You Huang, "You named her You Huang? It's very appropriate."

Chen Qiyue smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I said yesterday that I was going to pick up a phantom beast egg, but I didn't expect to have a super phantom beast today, and I was lucky."

"Hey, I said boss, did you know that there was You Xueji in the room you let us live in before? Then you should tell us earlier!" Huang Tao suddenly thought of something, and asked.

Jun Chenyun smiled and said, "I bought this yard from an elder, and I promised the other party when I bought it. I can't tell the people who live in this room everything in this room."

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

"I knew there was a good-level phantom beast in it, but I didn't know it was You Xue Ji."

"At that time, I heard you said that I encountered a ghost. I still thought it was a ghost-type or phantom-type phantom beast, but I didn't expect it to be Yu Xueji."

"Xiao Cheng, your luck is really good. You Xueji can't just sign if she wants to, and you were signed by her independently. There may not be someone as lucky as you among thousands of people. "

Hearing what Jun Chenyun said, Chen Qiyue chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

"Ah, by the way, boss, you went to report the news, did it say something? You went for a day, did you go to a meeting?"

Zhou Leng asked the question that others wanted to ask the most.

As soon as this was mentioned, Jun Chenyun's face became a little ugly, "We may not be able to go to the Yunlong ruins in more than a month."

"What? We can't go?" Huang Tao and Zhou Leng exclaimed.

"Yes." Jun Chenyun nodded, "After I reported this, the land reclamation has been upgraded this time, and the beast masters who went there are probably all at the level of elders. no."

Chen Qiyue originally wanted to ask if he wanted to go together. After all, he was also a super-class beast master now, but he didn't expect that it would not be their team's turn to open up wasteland.

"If even our team can't get in, then maybe only those at the top of our Shuangzi Realm can get in." Huang Tao shook his head and sighed.

"Yeah, then don't think about it, it's not a level that we can open up wasteland." Zhou Leng also gave up the Yunlong ruins this time.

"But, the person who kidnapped my teacher before wanted me to come to the Shuangzi Fantasyland for more than a month..." Chen Qiyue was interrupted by Zhou Leng in the middle of his sentence.

"Hey, maybe when you go back to school, the teacher has already gone back? Didn't you say before that you reported to the school? The school will definitely come forward."

Zhou Leng analyzed seriously, "If it's useless for the school to come forward, then the school will definitely come to you. If they don't, it means your teacher is fine, so why panic?"

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, as if this was the case.

Jun Chenyun also nodded and said, "Indeed, this matter sounds extremely unreliable, and the Audit Bureau should not be so useless."

"Since the Audit Bureau said that your teacher is fine, your teacher shouldn't have any serious problems. Some people even deliberately used this to set things up for you."

"Let you fall into a dangerous situation, such as this Yunlong ruins."

"That's right," Huang Tao nodded and said, "Boss is right, he might be your enemy who wants to kill people with a knife, using the Yunlong ruins to kill people invisible."

Chen Qiyue was thoughtful, "Okay, anyway, my goal has been achieved, and it's meaningless to continue to stay in the double purple illusion."

"This time, I'm afraid we're going to go out of the double purple illusion with you." After Jun Chenyun said this, Huang Tao and Zhou Leng also met and laughed.

"Okay, let's get back to business." Jun Chenyun looked at the three of them and said, "I heard the news that in three days, the Shuangzi Illusion will be officially closed, and by then, all the beast masters who do not meet the strength standards here will be cleared out of the illusion. "

"So fast? Will it be blocked in three days?" Huang Tao asked in surprise.

"Yes, it was originally blocked a week later, but after I brought the news, I blocked it in advance. It should be to ensure that there are no idlers in Shuangzi City." Jun Chenyun nodded and said.

"Then what about the people who are already doing missions in the illusion? Three days is not enough for them to evacuate, right?" Zhou Leng was slightly taken aback and raised doubts.

"That can't be helped. It is said that the Yunlong ruins this time occupy a huge area, accounting for about 90% of the area of ​​the Double Purple Illusion."

Jun Chenyun said in a deep voice, "I can only pray that they don't fall into the entrance of the Yunlong ruins that just appeared. Otherwise, the same situation as before will appear."

"If my guess is correct, the restriction of the ruins should be triggered by the man who saved the man before and exited the circle."

Jun Chenyun's words made Chen Qiyue confused, "What circle?"

Jun Chenyun recounted what happened before Chen Qiyue came back, "That young man obviously doesn't want to go with us, so he will naturally leave the huge circle where he just fell."

Chen Qiyue suddenly realized, "That is to say, as long as you take any step outside the circle, it may trigger the trap of the Yunlong ruins?"

"I guess so. After all, the ruins were activated just after we flew out." Jun Chenyun seemed to remember something, and then asked, "Didn't you tell me to rush out after you discovered this?"

Chen Qiyue laughed, "I just saw those runes light up, guessing that the Yunlong ruins were activated, but I don't know why they were activated."

Huang Tao asked thoughtfully from the side, "In that case, where are we going after we leave here in three days? Back to the base?"

"Base? Do you also have a base on the North Shore?" Chen Qiyue asked curiously.

Zhou Leng lazily scratched Pang Panglong's chin, coaxing it to sleep, "Of course there is, and it's not very far from Qingda University where you are."

"Oh? Well, then I'll have to take a good look at it then." Chen Qi became more and more interested.

"By the way," Jun Chenyun turned his head to look at Chen Qiyue, "You said earlier that you wanted me to take you to pick the phantom beast eggs, and I have already contacted him."

He glanced at You Xueji who was next to the giant ugly fish in Sticky Lake, coughed lightly and said, "Do you still want to go now?"

Chen Qiyue was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed, "Go, why don't you go, I have the qualifications to raise twenty phantom beasts, and I can also sign six phantom beasts, and I'm still short of four."

When Jun Chenyun heard what Chen Qiyue said, he couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, then go, but I suggest that you wait until you can sign a's better to incubate. "

"Wait until you can sign a contract before hatching, I understand that," Chen Qiyue asked with a little doubt, "but why do you want to hatch later?"

Because it is not easy to sign a phantom beast with a broken shell. When signing a contract, you must fully respect the phantom beast's own personality and choice.

If this phantom beast is fundamentally hostile to its breeder, then the contract will definitely fail.

This is easy to understand, after all Eudemons are basically 100% able to sign.

But hatch later? Is there any magical effect here?

Jun Chenyun smiled and said to Chen Qiyue, "It seems that you are a real novice in the training department. Don't you know that signing a phantom beast requires a 2-month stable period before you can sign the next one?"

Huang Tao added a heart-warming sentence next to him, "The time for self-contracted Eudemons is doubled."

"That is to say, you signed a You Xue Ji yesterday, and it will take another 4 months before you can sign another one." Zhou Leng yawned and continued,

"I don't know if the qualifiers for this year's Eudemons League competition have started four months from now?"

Chen Qiyue waved his hand indifferently, "I won't participate in the Phantom Beast League Competition, and I don't want to make a name for myself, and the minimum requirement for the qualifiers is three Phantom Beasts. I haven't arrived yet. "

"Don't, this kind of grand competition, if we hadn't passed our age, I would still want to kill all quarters and win the championship!" Huang Tao said with a look of longing.

Zhou Leng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll do the math for you. The qualifiers for this year's Phantom Beast League Competition will be held in November, which is exactly four months from the end of July now. Aren't these three Phantom Beasts?" .”

He patted Zhou Leng on the shoulder all at once, and said with a smile, "Just in time."

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