MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 161 Mission 1 completed! (2 in 1)

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Hearing what Chen Qiyue said, Ping Yulan was slightly startled, "It was sorted out so quickly?"

Could it be that the problems Cheng Qi encountered were different from others? Not a lot?

While eating breakfast, Ping Yulan reached for Chen Qiyue's book, and was surprised when she opened the first page, "This is..."

"This is a draft I made when I was answering the question in the ruins. I also drew the phantom beast in the question in case I forget."

Chen Qiyue said with a smile, "But this is the second big question. I divide those questions into different big questions, and each big question will have a different number of small questions."

"At that time, when I was walking in the starry sky, I would encounter a problem after walking a certain distance. This problem would be related to the Eudemons I saw before."

"When you come to a platform, you will meet other people and rush to answer the question, which is also the last question related to this phantom beast. After that, you will enter the next big question, and a new phantom beast will appear."

Chen Qiyue narrated the things in the ruins, but Ping Yulan nodded and said,

"That's it. I thought you were different from others. Someone came out earlier than you before. I asked them. It's almost the same as what you said, but it's not as detailed as you said."

Ping Yulan finished breakfast quickly, then took the notebook and USB flash drive, and beckoned Chen Qiyue to go to the study with him.

In Ping Yulan's study room, there are computers and some advanced equipment, obviously purchased by himself.

Ping Yulan turned on the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive, and clicked on the only folder inside, which contained the files Chen Qiyue had sorted out.

Chen Qiyue pulled up the chair and sat opposite to Ping Yulan's table.

Ping Yulan clicked on the questions, and compared them with the magical beasts drawn by Chen Qiyue, and then found that the information Chen Qiyue wrote in the book had already answered those questions.

There is even information that is not covered by the title, all of which are written in that book.

"Not bad, not bad!" Ping Yulan nodded in satisfaction while watching, "The basic skills are very solid."

"However, Xiao Cheng, look, you answered the previous multiple-choice questions very well, but there are some problems with the later questions about evolution and promotion."

After Ping Yulan pointed to the topic of nutritious meals, the topics of evolution and promotion began to be pointed out.

"Actually, your evolutionary path has a cognitive error. I read your book, and there is an error in the value you calculated."

"The error of this point will directly cause its body to change, and then..."

Chen Qiyue listened carefully, reached out and took out a new notebook from his storage space, and began to write notes, writing down everything he heard from Ping Yulan.

At the same time, he also raised some of his own questions, and Ping Yulan answered them one by one.

This sitting lasted a whole day. Apart from eating, Chen Qiyue was discussing with his teacher Ping Yulan in the study.

"The knowledge of evolution and promotion is not particularly profound, so if you answer this way, it can be regarded as the correct answer, but I don't know how the score you got?"

Chen Qiyue and Ping Yulan said before that after he answered on the platform, except for rush-answer questions, there would be scores displayed.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

.... Although he passed the evolution and promotion questions, his scores were indeed not very high.

"Those scores only need 60 points to pass, and I'm almost 60 or 70 points." Chen Qiyue scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

Ping Yulan nodded when she heard this, "That's right, your foundation is good, and the direction of evolution you chose is correct, but there are some minor problems in some of the details."

"But for these questions, you don't need to pay too much attention to these small problems. Even if points are deducted, they are not the most important. It's just..."

Ping Yulan looked at Chen Qiyue seriously, "If this is true in reality, there will be problems with evolution and promotion."

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded to express his understanding.

He knew that his answer was only rough, after all, he wanted to pass as soon as possible.

If you really want to evolve and promote in reality, in addition to going through a lot of calculations, you also need to make constant corrections.

After all, Eudemons are living bodies, and their states are different every day.

Chen Qiyue also knew in his heart that when he really started to evolve or get promoted, the subtitles he could see, the energy of the phantom beasts on them could help him a lot.

That's a real number.

In this way, the final evolution plan he calculated is correct and accurate.

"However, the plans you designed, as long as the data is accurate, will not cause harm to the Eudemons themselves."

Ping Yulan nodded in relief, "The most important thing is the right direction, you are indeed very talented."

The compliment from the teacher, Chen Qiyue said that it was fake to be unhappy, but he also knew that his knowledge reserve was not enough.

Not only knowledge reserves, but also practice are the same, not enough, far from enough.

After all, it can be seen from the scores of evolution and promotion.

Even if he doesn't tell the actual data, there are still many places that need to be improved and learned.

And now, Ping Yulan is helping him make up for it.

"You should continue to read the books in the library. It can be seen that there are still many knowledge points that you haven't mastered yet."

"For example, here, if you fully analyze its characteristics, you will not choose this method and this food to make it evolve."

"Another example here..."

Chen Qiyue carefully recorded all these things, and later went to the library to find the relevant knowledge, and then learned all the relevant knowledge by inference.

There are still 3 months before the selection, and he must complete the first task as soon as possible within these 3 months.

Thinking of so many books in the library, Chen Qiyue felt that he couldn't afford to waste his time.

After discussing these topics in Heping Yulan, he quickly headed for the library.

In fact, the current Chen Qiyue has grown a lot compared to the previous one.

From the very beginning, Chen Qiyue was studying and making nutritious meals.

In the junior breeder exam, only basic knowledge and making nutritious meals are tested.

In the higher-level breeder exams, knowledge such as promotion and evolution will be tested.

.... For Chen Qiyue, promotion and evolution are his current weaknesses.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

It's just that he is still laying the groundwork, although he has prepared a promotion for the giant ugly fish before.

But it was only after a long time of preparation, careful observation, and the new function of subtitles that it succeeded.

Even if Chen Qiyue didn't have such preparations, the giant ugly fish could still be promoted by itself, but when it was promoted, it might not be so perfect and its strength improved so quickly.

Every Eudemons is promoted, some are natural, some are counterproductive, and some are accumulated over time.

And Chen Qiyue allowed the giant ugly fish to have the energy of the phantom beast that surpassed ordinary similar ones, and compressed it again, which allowed her strength to increase significantly after being promoted.

This is also an example of his success.

However, Chen Qiyue still had too few opportunities to practice in this way. In addition to the books in the library, he didn't read many of them.

So Chen Qiyue felt that for now, his first task was to continue laying the foundation.

Only when the foundation is solid and the foundation is extraordinarily large can we build taller buildings.

After that, Chen Qiyue returned to the previous state of studying.

The training course came to an end temporarily, and each trainee breeder was arranged to go to his own teacher to learn.

Chen Qiyue's teacher had assigned him a task long ago, so Chen Qiyue did not practice on the cultivation like those trainee breeders, but continued to spend time in the library.

Moreover, Chen Qiyue was vaguely aware that the teacher also seemed to know about his joining the special dragon group selection.

Not only have higher requirements for him, but also call him out from time to time to check his learning progress.

But fortunately, Chen Qiyue saw the satisfaction in the teacher's eyes every time he checked.

After all, he only sleeps 6-8 hours a day now, and spends the rest of the time reading books without sleeping or eating.

For him who needs to memorize so much knowledge, sleep is still guaranteed, and other things don't need to be so particular.

Except for cooking three meals a day for Mi Milong, Chen Qiyue spends all his time in books.

It was pretty good to be able to read more than a dozen books a day before, but later on, because of the increase in knowledge reserves, his reading speed became faster and faster.

After all, the content of some books is repetitive, and there are also cross information, supplementary information, and even contradictions.

Although the thickness of the books varies, Chen Qiyue is now able to read more than 30 books a day, and can memorize and integrate all the knowledge in them. Qianqian

In one month, Chen Qiyue had already read all the remaining books in the library.

Thousands of books, for ordinary people, may only read one or two books a day, and may not be able to remember all the knowledge in the book.

For people with a little genius, they can read five, six, seven or eight books a day and remember most of the knowledge in the book.

And Chen Qiyue's current progress is simply unimaginable.

Not to mention the administrator of the library, even Ping Yulan, who checked Chen Qiyue's progress every few days, was shocked.

Ping Yulan was very aware of Chen Qiyue's progress. If he hadn't personally tested it, he would have thought that Chen Qiyue had learned it before.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

... After all, to be able to read so many books in such a short time and still be able to comprehend them is simply the reincarnation of a god.

Even Ping Yulan often told Chen Qiyue to sleep at night, and he was also afraid that Chen Qiyue would not sleep at night and kept studying.

But for Chen Qiyue, he didn't feel particularly tired, but rather fulfilled.

The more he read and remembered, the clearer Chen Qiyue felt his mind was.

It was as if something had awakened in his mind, frantically memorizing those knowledge.

After reading the last book in the library, Chen Qiyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, leaned on the back of the chair in the library, and then slowly closed his eyes.

He didn't fall asleep, but closed his eyes, recalling the content of the first book he read, then the second book, and the third book...

He just leaned against the back of the chair in a daze, motionless, remembering.

Mr. Huang from Library No. 10 has refreshed his knowledge these days.

He never thought that there would be a person who could read all the books in this library in just one month.

Although this No. 10 library is not very big, and there are only a thousand books, they are all basic.

But after all, there are thousands of books, and I read them all in a month, that guy is simply inhuman!

Huang Lao looked at Chen Qiyue who was leaning on the back of the chair, saw him leaning on the chair with his eyes closed, and finally sighed.

This kid finally had a tired day.

He knew all the books in the No. 10 library, so he knew very well that after reading the books in Chen Qiyue's hands, there would be no other books for him to read in this library.

This kid is really amazing!

Mr. Huang took the blanket that he had covered in his afternoon nap, walked to Chen Qiyue's side lightly, and covered the blanket in his hand gently.

"This kid, why are you sleeping here?"

Although he said so, he also knew Chen Qiyue's hard work, so he didn't intend to call him up.

Chen Qiyue felt the warmth on his body, but he didn't think too much about it.

He is still recalling and sorting out the knowledge in his mind.

This arrangement is one afternoon plus one night.

When he opened his eyes, the hour hand had already pointed to 10 o'clock in the evening.

"It's so late!" Chen Qiyue was startled and wanted to stand up.

Only then did he realize that he was still covered with a blanket.

The pattern and color of this blanket is very familiar, it is exactly what Huang Lao used to cover.

Chen Qiyue was slightly taken aback, thinking of the warmth he felt before, and immediately understood that it was Huang Lao's kindness.

With a smile on his face, he picked up the blanket on his body, folded it and put it aside.

He first put the books he was reading back to their original positions, then took the blanket and walked towards Mr. Huang.

"Huang Lao, thank you for your blanket." Chen Qiyue handed the blanket to Huang Lao.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold while I'm here, and you'll ask me to pay for your medical expenses."

Huang Lao said angrily, "From now on, you have to sleep in your own living room, don't sleep in my library."

"I don't know who it is. She snores so loudly while sleeping that no one else reads the book anymore!"

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Hearing what Huang Lao said, Chen Qiyue smiled wryly, "Huang Lao, I wasn't sleeping just now."

"Okay, you read so many books every day, you are tired, and you fell asleep all of a sudden, it's understandable."

Huang Lao interrupted what Chen Qiyue said, he obviously didn't believe what Chen Qiyue said.

Chen Qiyue smiled and didn't refute. He was also doing it for his own good, "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your concern."

Huang Lao glanced at him, "Nonsense, I don't care about you."

"Yes, but I still want to thank you!" Chen Qiyue laughed.

But immediately, his face became serious, "Old Huang, you may not come here for a while, so I won't be able to see you. Take care of yourself."

Elder Huang turned his head and glanced at the bookshelf, nodded, "You are a formidable kid. You have read so many books. Your teacher has a good eye."

"But..." Elder Huang smiled mysteriously, "It's too early to say that I can't see me."


Milk bottle giant reminds you: After watching the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, about seventeen or eighteen years looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the Great God’s Baby Bottle Giant Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

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