MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 162 Poaching (2 in 1)

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, although he didn't understand what Huang Lao said now, but he soon knew.

Previously, Ping Yulan gave Chen Qiyue the task of reading the books in Library No. 10. Originally, he thought it would take half a year or even longer for Chen Qiyue to finish reading.

But unexpectedly, Chen Qiyue exploded and finished reading the books in library No. 10 in just one month.

Originally, Ping Yulan's next task for Chen Qiyue was to carry out the evolution and cultivation of ordinary Eudemons.

However, the time required for evolution and breeding is not short, especially for ordinary phantom beasts, which need to be cultivated step by step in order to be able to reflect the level of breeders through evolution.

It's just that Chen Qiyue will ask for leave in two months to leave, so such a phased task is not suitable for him.

Ping Yulan thought for a while, in that case, let him continue to lay the foundation.

As soon as Chen Qiyue returned to the living room, he received a notice from his teacher that his next task was to finish reading the books in Library No. 9.

When he saw the content of this mission, he was immediately surprised.

Unlike Library No. 10, Library No. 9 has more than 3,000 books in its collection!

More than three thousand books!

It depends on when to go.

However, Chen Qiyue was only slightly surprised, and then returned to his usual expression.

There are two months left, no matter whether this task can be completed or not, it is also a good way to lay the foundation.

According to the reading speed that has gradually increased in the previous month, from the first dozen books to the last book in a month, the average is about 30 books a day.

But in the last few days, Chen Qiyue read books the fastest, and he could read forty or fifty books every day.

In fact, many of the books that Chen Qiyue read later were repetitive, and the reading process was much faster than before.

If you follow this speed, maybe you can read most of the books in Library No. 9 in the next two months, right?

Chen Qiyue had a good sleep that night, and then started his study journey again.

The next day, when Chen Qiyue came to No. 9 library, he was surprised to find that the administrator of No. 9 library was also Mr. Huang.

"Old Huang, aren't you in Library No. 10?" Chen Qiyue asked curiously.

"Haha, I switched with someone else, boy, whichever library you go to, the old man, I will come to that library. I want to see with my own eyes how far you can read!" Huang Lao laughed.

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Huang Lao blinked at Chen Qiyue and continued,

"Library No. 9 is different from Library No. 10. Library No. 10 contains the most basic books, and few people read them."

"That is to say, your master pays attention to basic knowledge and likes to let his disciples go there to read books. No one usually goes there to read."

"However, library No. 9 mainly stores books on promotion and evolution, and many people still come to borrow books."

"If your reading speed is seen by others, you may be so frightened that you will borrow a book from me and go back to read it later."

Hearing Huang Lao's kind reminder, Chen Qiyue nodded gratefully, "Thank you Huang Lao."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

….He used to concentrate on reading books, and he devoted himself to the knowledge.

Eat bread and biscuits when you are hungry, and drink the water that has been placed in the storage equipment when you are thirsty.

When helping Mi Milong to make nutritious meals, he was sorting out the knowledge he saw in his mind, even when he was sleeping and dreaming, he would dream of those knowledge.

Except for a few hours of sleeping, Chen Qiyue's whole mind was in the ocean of knowledge, so he didn't see it.

Being mentioned now is the key to thinking about this.

After all, according to the situation of ordinary people, his reading speed is indeed terrifying.

The point is, Chen Qiyue didn't expect that he could read so fast.

Even if he had a photographic memory before, he hadn't reached this level.

This made Chen Qiyue a little confused.

But now, the more he is like this, the more he can learn, so he doesn't care too much.

Now Huang Lao said this to make him hide his clumsiness. For him at present, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Naturally, Chen Qiyue would not reject such kindness.

After thanking Mr. Huang, he walked around the No. 9 library and roughly memorized the classification and placement of the books.

Sure enough, as Huang Lao said, most of the books here are related to promotion and evolution, but there are also levels and classifications.

There are two areas, one is promotion and the other is evolution, and the order of placement is also from shallow to deep.

In 2 months, he should be able to read most of the books here, so he plans to divide his time into two parts, half of the time every day, reading books on promotion and half of the time on books on evolution.

Both sides are carried out at the same time, so that knowledge can be blended with each other.

You must know that although evolution and promotion are the two modes of improving the strength of Eudemons, they are also closely related and have a complementary relationship.

Chen Qiyue selected the top two categories, which were also the shallowest basic knowledge, and selected 30 books for each category, and borrowed them at the counter.

Huang Lao gave Chen Qiyue a basket for him to put these books.

This basket is also filled with heaven and earth.

The outside looks like a normal-sized book basket, which can hold about 10 books.

But in fact, this book basket is an internally expanded equipment, which can hold hundreds of books.

Huang Lao took out this book basket to help Chen Qiyue conceal the number of books he borrowed.

After receiving the book basket handed over by Chen Qiyue, Mr. Huang began to borrow books for him in grades.

"Just borrow these books?" Elder Huang looked at Chen Qiyue, "I've seen your reading speed. You can read the most basic knowledge of evolution and promotion here very quickly."

"Because you can deduce part of that knowledge through your own basic knowledge, after all, it is the most shallow knowledge."

"Your reading speed will slow down later, because it requires thinking and practice."

"So I suggest that you borrow more in the early stage and take it back. Even if you haven't finished it, you can read it the next day."

"If you don't borrow enough, it will be a waste of time at night."

Huang Lao had actually contacted Chen Qiyue's teacher, Ping Yulan, and knew that Chen Qiyue had now received a second task, which was to let him finish reading the books in Library No. 9 in the shortest possible time.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

...Ping Yulan also told Huang Lao that if possible, let him help his disciple, after all, this is his closed disciple.

Mr. Huang helped Chen Qiyue because of Ping Yulan's request, and because he also wanted to see how far this kid could go.

Hearing Huang Lao's words, Chen Qiyue nodded, thinking it made sense.

He put away the borrowed books, and simply took the book basket back to the bookshelf, took another fifty books each, filled the book basket and took it back.

Seeing the full book basket, Mr. Huang laughed a bit. He just mentioned one thing, but he didn't expect this kid to borrow so much again.

I don't know if this kid can read so many books in one night.

It's a pity that I can't see him reading with my own eyes.

Mr. Huang helped Chen Qiyue borrow all the books, and saw him waving away at him, with anticipation in his eyes.

I hope this kid can give him another surprise for Heping Yulan.

In Chen Qiyue's storage ring, there are now 160 books lying quietly, which is also the most he has borrowed so far.

Back in the living room, Chen Qiyue picked out "The Complete Book of Esthetic Beasts Advancement (1 and began to read.

This is a series, and there are 10 books in the series, all of which he borrowed.

Turning to the first page, Chen Qiyue was slightly taken aback.

Sure enough, as Huang Lao said, the knowledge here can be deduced from the knowledge he has learned before.

In other words, he knows all this knowledge.

Chen Qiyue flipped through it quickly, and within a few minutes, he finished the book.

He closed his eyes, spent two minutes recalling the contents of the book, and after making sure there was nothing missing, he opened the second book in the series.

He flipped through the next few books very quickly, and it only took half an hour to add them up.

However, the further he got to the back, the speed of his browsing was slowly decreasing.

When he saw the ninth book, it took him half an hour for one book.

By the time he saw the 10th book, it took him an hour for this book.

Although the speed of reading is still very fast, it also indirectly shows that what Huang Lao said is not wrong.

Just a series of books, it can be seen that the content here is from shallow to deep, and requires thinking.

The content of the latter two books needs to be combined with the knowledge seen in the No. 10 library before to be able to fully understand it.

Chen Qiyue finally understood why the teacher asked him to read the books in Library No. 10 first.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Qiyue didn't pause, and continued to pick out a book in the promotion category to read.

From 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning, a total of 4 hours, he read 20 books.

From noon to 8 pm, 8 hours, he read 40 books.

At this time, Chen Qiyue had finished reading the 60 books he had borrowed for the first time.

He is very fortunate now, he listened to Huang Lao's advice and borrowed a lot of books, otherwise, it is only 8 o'clock, and he would have no books to read.

Chen Qiyue rubbed the center of his brows, ate some bread with water, and continued to look.

This time, he was reading books on evolution.

Evolution is more difficult than promotional books, but in terms of the most basic knowledge, it is faster to read than promotional books.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Because the basic knowledge only needs to be memorized.

….Chen Qiyue only needs to glance at a page now, just like a camera has scanned the entire page, and can record all the content on it in his mind.

Not just text, but pictures too.

If it wasn't for Chen Qiyue's need to think and organize before, a book really only takes a few minutes to be completely memorized in his mind.

He felt that his brain seemed to be different from before.

Those words and pictures converged in my mind, quickly integrated, fully integrated and absorbed.

The more he read the book, the stronger Chen Qiyue's feeling became.

In the 4 hours from 8:00 to 12:00 in the evening, Chen Qiyue actually broke the previous record, reading nearly 40 books, and spent an average of only 6 minutes on each book.

After reading the last book, it was past 12 o'clock in the morning.

Chen Qiyue decisively washed his face and brushed his teeth, and went to bed.

When he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep within a few tens of seconds.

It's just that at this time, his brain didn't stop working, but became more active.

The content he watched during the day began to intertwine, forming his dream.

In the dream, Chen Qiyue reviewed the knowledge he had seen again, and thought and pondered the deeper meaning.

The next day, Chen Qiyue returned the 100 books and borrowed another 100 books.

When Huang Lao saw the returned books, he looked at Chen Qiyue in shock.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually read 100 books in one day yesterday!

It was horrible, hadn't he slept all night?

Or, after reading those books, didn't remember them?

But based on Huang Lao's previous understanding of Chen Qiyue, it should be impossible.

But is 100 books a day really achievable by humans?

You know, just flipping through those books quickly will take a whole day.

And at this speed, can you really read the content of the book completely and remember it?

Huang Lao kept looking up and down at Chen Qiyue who was selecting books from the bookshelf, his eyes were full of astonishment.

This kid is really not a normal human being.

Chen Qiyue gets up at 7 o'clock every day, shows up at the library at 7:30 o'clock to choose books, and returns to his living room on time at 8 o'clock to start reading.

Because he got up early, there is no one in the library now.

"Old Huang, thank you, otherwise I would have no books to read yesterday."

Chen Qiyue took the book and asked Huang Lao to help with the borrowing procedures, while thanking Huang Lao.

"You're welcome." Huang Lao quickly went through the borrowing procedures, and then looked at Chen Qiyue strangely.

"By the way, isn't your kid an alien? Or an intelligent life?"

"What?" Chen Qiyue was taken aback.

What the **** are aliens and intelligent life?

But then he thought of the special feeling he had when reading a book, and his eyes flickered.

"Old Huang, are you kidding?" Chen Qiyue said with a smile, "The most I can do is that my parents were born well, and my brain area was developed relatively large."

"Actually..." Chen Qiyue quietly approached Huang Lao, and said mysteriously in a low voice.

"Well, what?" Elder Huang also immediately leaned forward and listened attentively.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"Actually, I had this situation when I was young. I only need to glance at a book to remember the content on it. This is my talent, and I have a photographic memory."

Chen Qiyue whispered about his special situation, but he was talking about his previous situation.

Now he also knows that he has behaved too much, and he must have something to say, otherwise if people really think that he is an alien life, it will be troublesome.

"The photographic memory!" Huang Lao was startled, his eyes were shining when he looked at Chen Qiyue.

No wonder this kid reads so fast, and can still remember the contents inside, he has a photographic memory!

This is a magical skill on the breeder's body!

Mr. Huang patted Chen Qiyue on the shoulder vigorously, and said excitedly, "What a boy, you are amazing. Would you like to also worship me as a teacher? I will definitely teach you everything about myself!"

Chen Qiyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought Mr. Huang would say something, but he didn't expect that he would poach his teacher's corner.

"No, Mr. Huang, I have a teacher. You know, Mr. Ping."

Huang Lao smiled "hehe", patted Chen Qiyue on the shoulder vigorously, and continued,

"And there is no rule that you can only worship one teacher, and another one, one more teacher to teach you, isn't it good?"


Milk bottle giant reminds you: After watching the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu quickly swept his gaze across the room, and finally settled on a mirror by the bedside.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, about seventeen or eighteen years looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

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