MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 176 New nickname (2 in 1)

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"Honey~" Mi Milong looked at Chen Qiyue and nodded vigorously.

Her family's Beastmaster is really powerful, she really deserves to be her family's Beastmaster!

She will definitely memorize those recipes and help the beast master in the future.

Chen Qiyue originally wanted to place an order on his mobile phone, but after thinking about it, he didn't pay and just put it in the shopping cart.

He opened the replay of the league game, watching the wonderful performance of the giant ugly fish, a gentle look flashed in his eyes.

Then with a smile, he raised the phone and pointed it at the skeleton dragon and the skeleton attendant, "Look, these three are your other partners. They are playing in the league competition. Now they have entered the finals, which is very good. "

Watching the battle between the giant ugly fish and the golden carp, the eyes of the skeleton dragon and skeleton servants flickered with fire, and they were speechless for a long time.

If the giant ugly fish defeated the golden carp with ordinary tricks, they would naturally not be convinced.

The strength of that golden carp is just like this.

The skeleton dragon's phantom beast energy is now at 980 joules, which is not far from a thousand joules. Although it has not broken through to the advanced level at this time, it still feels that its clothes are turned against the golden carp.

Includes skeleton minions.

Although the skeleton attendant has also broken through the intermediate level after evolution, not only the power of the phantom beast has risen sharply, reaching 692 joules, but also the aptitude has finally broken through the last point, reaching 63 points, becoming a B-level.

Although there is still a long way to go before the advanced thousand-joule level, the skeleton attendant is confident that with the bone sword in his hand, he can also defeat the golden carp.

But when they saw this, they were not surprised, but they couldn't see how the giant ugly fish won.

Even when they originally thought that the giant ugly fish was using a trick of invisibility, they directly slapped them in the face.

The water droplets all over the sky failed to find out the real location of the giant ugly fish.

It can be seen that it is not a stealth trick.

So, how did it win?

The skeleton dragon and skeleton attendant fell silent.

This is just the most common of the three.

Among the many phantom beasts, the giant ugly fish is the most common and ugliest, no different from those fat eye worms and drill rats.

But it is such a giant ugly fish, under the cultivation of the beast master, it is so powerful.

Not to mention, the two extremely rare phantom beasts standing in the distance, Youhuang and Yundimao.

The Skeleton Dragon and Skeleton Attendant were originally proud and arrogant, but they were instantly hit, and both fell silent.

They are skeleton-like dark phantom beasts, and their conversations with Chen Qiyue are all through spiritual communication.

But now, apart from being able to feel their restless mood, Chen Qiyue didn't feel too many emotional fluctuations.

It seemed that after watching this, they fell into deep thought, because they were silent so far without opening their mouths.

Mimilong was also very curious about this, so she leaned over, tapped the phone screen with her tail, and played the replay again.

Mimilong's eyes lit up after seeing the scene where the ugly fish dealt with the golden carp.


This seems to be an illusion, doesn't it? Sure enough, it is worthy of being the first phantom beast of the Beastmaster, it is really amazing! He can even learn tricks like the Illusion of Mind.

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

... Skeleton Dragon and Skeleton Attendants were slightly taken aback by Mimilong's words.

"Oh?" the skeleton dragon turned its head and growled at Mimilong and asked,

The illusion of thinking?

Mi Milong nodded and explained, "Mi~"

The Illusion of Mind is a trick that all Eudemons who have learned Mind Power can learn.

It's just that this trick is too difficult to learn. After mastering this trick, you can use your thoughts to create illusions, confusing the real with the real.

I looked at Mr. Zai Zai, it must have changed the surrounding illusion with illusion, so that we all saw the illusion.

It's not that those water droplets didn't fall on it, it's just because she is a water-type phantom beast, she can control her body from getting wet.

The point is that she has already covered up the scene of water droplets falling on her body, fooling everyone's eyes with illusions.

Let everyone see that there is no illusion of her on the field.

It's really worthy of being the first phantom beast of the Beastmaster, the tactics and moves used are really powerful!

This is not just the use of tricks!

As expected, Mimilong came out of the ruins, and has a wealth of knowledge, explaining this scene in a few words.

The skeleton dragon and skeleton attendants suddenly realized that this was the case.

It's just that although Mimilong said it easily, they also know that mind power is not easy to learn.

So what Mimilong said is difficult to learn, it must be really difficult to learn.

Moreover, the few words behind Mimilong also made the skeleton dragon and the skeleton servants think about it.

Indeed, that's not just a trick, it's a tactic.

Knowing the opponent's every move, the tactic of including the surrounding audience.

A tactic that can save energy to quickly defeat the opponent without letting others know your true strength.

Although they haven't really met the giant ugly fish, they have left a heart of admiration for Zai Zai and the others in their hearts.

Chen Qiyue stretched out his hands and touched the heads of the skeleton dragon and the skeleton attendant,

"I believe that you will be very powerful in the future. In a few days, I will go out to participate in the selection, and you will help me."

"In the remaining days, I will write down your training plan. Long Bao can read, and she will supervise what you do every day." QqXsΝεW

"I hope you can listen to her when I'm not here these days, okay?"

Chen Qiyue originally thought that when he went to take a medicinal bath, he would bring Mimilong with him, but if he left the skeleton dragon and skeleton attendant alone, he was afraid that the two would make a fuss and tear down the living room up.

The skeleton attendant nodded without hesitation.

The skeleton dragon looked at Mimilong, hesitant at first, but when he saw the skeleton attendant nodding immediately, the skeleton dragon also nodded as a show of weakness.

Although Mimilong doesn't know the specific strength, but she knows so much knowledge from her, and like him, they are all dragon-type phantom beasts, and they are all phantom beasts of the beast master, so it's nothing to listen to.

Seeing these two nodding, Chen Qiyue heaved a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Mimilong.

"Long Bao, you have to work hard to record their data. In this way, I can adjust their cultivation direction at any time when I come back."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"Of course, if you find something wrong, you can stop it appropriately, record it, and study it together when I come back."

….Since Chen Qiyue found out that Mimilong knew so much about breeders, his attitude towards her was almost the same as he usually treats giant ugly fish.

In the past, he and Zai Zai also learned from each other and made plans.

Mi Milong nodded earnestly, this is the task entrusted to her by the beast master, of course she will study hard.

With Mi Milong's guarantee, Chen Qiyue heaved a sigh of relief, then he turned his head to look at the skeleton dragon and skeleton attendant again, and said,

"You must obediently listen to Long Bao, you know? If I come back and see you demolishing your house..."

Chen Qiyue didn't say the second half of the sentence, he seemed to think of the scene where the giant ugly fish hit the wall.

If it weren't for Mimilong being in the living room with them, he wouldn't have cared.

After all, training may damage the field.

But Mi Milong can't be known by others, if there is a big commotion, it will be bad.

"You have to remember that Long Bao must not be discovered by others. I am not worried that you will lose money if you demolish your house, but because I am afraid that others will find Long Bao if there is a commotion."

Chen Qiyue's face was very serious, "You know, the dragon treasure is a honey dragon, and the rarity of the honey dragon is rare in the world, I don't want others to know, this is to protect her, but also to protect ourselves, understand? "

"Every man is innocent, but pregnant is guilty!"

Seeing the stupefied look of the skeleton dragon, Chen Qiyue coughed lightly and explained,

"It means that a person who owns a treasure is not guilty in itself, but because he has a treasure, he will be coveted by others."

"They will not only take Long Bao, but they may also take you."

"The strength of the person who comes here must be higher than mine. It may be high-level, special-level, or even guardian-level, monarch-level. We can't fight against it, understand?"

"The best way is not to be known by them!"

Chen Qiyue spoke in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, and the skeleton dragon and skeleton servants nodded repeatedly to express their understanding.

The skeleton dragon let out a low growl and raised his head, expressing that he would take good care of the skeleton attendant and not let it destroy every plant and tree in the house.

The skeleton attendant patted his chest vigorously with the bone sword, his soul fire flickered, and told Chen Qiyue with his mental strength,

Beastmaster, I will definitely protect Long Bao.

As their Beastmaster, Chen Qiyue naturally understood that what they said was true, after all, the idea of ​​spiritual power would not lie.

It's just that the skeleton dragon suddenly wagged its tail coquettishly at Chen Qiyue, and let out a low "嗤~".

Beastmaster, Mimilong has a name called Longbao, can it also have a name?

Chen Qiyue was taken aback and touched his chin.

That's right, Zai Zai, You Huang, Mao Mao, and Long Bao all have names, and the two newcomers should also have a name.

Skeleton dragons can evolve into bonewing dragons, and skeleton servants can evolve into dark knights.

Of course, if you can continue to evolve, you can also evolve into Skeleton King, or even Dark Skeleton King.

Chen Qiyue pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "You really want to have a nickname, so you can call the Skeleton Dragon Sky Lord. I hope you can successfully evolve into the overlord of the air, the Bone Winged Dragon."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"If you are a skeleton attendant, I will call you Dark Lord. I hope you can become the emperor of the Dark Department and surpass the Dark Skeleton King."

….It’s just a name, but it makes the skeleton dragon and the skeleton servant extremely excited.

Although these are just two names, they contain the beast master's expectations for them.

In fact, Chen Qiyue knew very well that as skeleton dragons and skeleton attendants who were inclined to fight, only by actively mobilizing their enthusiasm could they keep their momentum and constantly improve themselves.

Of course, it also represents my expectations for them.

One day he will be able to raise them to such heights.

"Okay, now Long Bao continues to silently write the knowledge in the ruins, Konglord, Anjun, I need to do a few tests on you and record the data."

Chen Qiyue opened the golden finger panel, and smiled at the skeleton dragon and skeleton attendants.

After a few hours, Chen Qiyue changed his clothes and went out to take a bath, while the skeleton dragon and skeleton attendant lay exhausted in the training room.

Chen Qiyue had measured every single bone of them just now, and also studied in detail the path of the phantom energy in their bones.

The point is, because the different bones are in different positions, they sometimes need to be held in a particular position for a long time...

At this moment, Mimilong flew over from the study with a notebook in his mouth and a pen on his tail.

She put the notebook and pen on the empty table in the training room, and called softly to the skeleton dragon and skeleton attendant, "Honey~"

Start training!

The soul fires of the skeleton dragon and the skeleton attendant flickered suddenly, and they looked at each other with a strange feeling of sympathy.

Chen Qiyue was lying in the medicated bath pool in the basement humming a ditty. Occasionally, there were two muffled groans and painful cries in the tune. He held a book in his hand and read it on a wooden board.

"Oh, I'm so happy to hear your voice? Doesn't even hurt after soaking in this medicine bath?" Huang Lao's voice came from the entrance of the passage.

"Maybe I got used to it, it's much better than before," Chen Qiyue laughed.

"By the way," Mr. Huang squatted beside Chen Qiyue, and asked with great interest, "I heard that you used a signing scroll to sign two Eudemons?"

Chen Qiyue nodded. He knew that Mr. Huang and Mr. Heping had a very good relationship with the two old men. Mr. Ping knew about the previous incident, and Mr. Huang must have known about it, so he didn't want to hide it.

"Yeah, before going out, I wanted to sign up for the Eudemons slot. Didn't the fourth senior sister and the senior brother give me a meeting gift? I thought about signing one and picking another egg, but I didn't expect that both of them would be available at once. nailed it."

"So that's the case, which two did you sign? That guy Ping Yulan was so mysterious that he asked me to ask you." Huang Lao asked.

"A skeleton dragon and a skeleton attendant." Chen Qiyue told the story of going to the fourth senior sister before.

Huang Lao raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard that the skeleton dragon and skeleton servants were vying to become Chen Qiyue's phantom beast.

"I heard that the skeleton dragon has a high vision. The person who came before was a guardian-level beast master, and he didn't get its favor. It was able to compete with a skeleton demon for your signing position."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"Tsk tsk, it really is good to have high mental power. It can attract dark-type phantom beasts that are closely related to spiritual power." Huang Lao sighed, and immediately explained the reason why the two chose Chen Qiyue.

Chen Qiyue blinked, "Is there such a benefit of high mental strength?"

"Otherwise, the higher the mental power of the beast master, the faster the strength will improve against the skeleton-type phantom beast." Huang Lao laughed, "So I'm not surprised that they rush to choose you."

"It's a surprise that you're able to sign them all at the same time. It's not that common."

"By the way, when it comes to this, I thought of one thing." Huang Lao seemed to have thought of something, and asked suddenly, "Do you have any vacancies for signing?"


Milk bottle giant reminds you: After watching the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, UU read Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes stayed on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the Great God’s Baby Bottle Giant Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder

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