MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 177 Fix Things (2 in 1)

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

"There is one more place," Chen Qiyue turned to look at Huang Lao, with some doubts in his eyes, not knowing what he meant by asking.

Hearing what Chen Qiyue said, Huang Lao smiled slightly and said,

"You know, for the average person, it takes two months to sign a contract for the next Eudemons, but there are quite a few exceptions."

"I know." Chen Qiyue nodded, such as his blood contract and active contract.

"Then did you know that after the Moon Full Sleep is successful, your spiritual power will be consolidated and skyrocketed, breaking through the limit of the Phantom Beast contract."

Chen Qiyue was taken aback by Huang Lao's words, "That is to say, after I successfully endure the Sleep of Full Moon, I can immediately sign another phantom beast?"

"That's right, I heard from Ping Lao that you will go out soon... I just heard about the selection. It is said that it will take a long time. Your Eudemons position cannot always be empty."

Huang Lao frowned and continued, "Besides, as far as I know, going there requires a lot of learning and a lot of tempering. If you can take the Eudemons with you, there will be a lot of benefits."

"So, I hope you can at least sign up to six Eudemons before you go."

Looking at Huang Lao's serious eyes, Chen Qiyue was a little moved and nodded.

If Mr. Ping was only teaching him on the knowledge of breeders, then Mr. Huang treated him like a nephew.

"Teacher, I..."

Just as Chen Qiyue wanted to tell the story that he still had a Lei Yunjiao egg, he was immediately interrupted by Huang Lao.

"Your Xue Ji is currently a special grade. I understand her situation. It was your soul-slaying team who got it in the room in the Shuangzi Illusion, right?"

Huang Lao suddenly asked this question, but Chen Qiyue didn't recover all of a sudden.

Seeing Chen Qiyue's bewildered expression, Huang Lao laughed loudly,

"The owner of that room can be regarded as my senior brother. Jun Chenyun, the captain of the Soul Slayer Squad, and one of his elders happens to be my senior brother's best friend, so that room is reserved for the Soul Slayer Squad."

"That's why I know about it. That Youxue Ji is the strongest phantom beast that my senior brother has bred. I was shocked when I heard that she took the initiative to sign you."

Hearing what Huang Lao said, Chen Qiyue suddenly realized that there was such a relationship.

"Because of You Xueji's voluntary signing, you will be downgraded according to the strength of the beast master. At that time, your strength was not high, and most of her phantom beast energy was helping you improve your strength."

"You can become a super beast master all of a sudden, there are advantages and disadvantages."

Huang Lao said seriously, "The advantage is naturally that the strength increases quickly, and the disadvantage is that the strength naturally increases quickly. Without a step-by-step improvement, the foundation will be weak, especially your body."

"Even after you have been strengthened by Youxue Ji's phantom beast energy, you are still incomparable to the one who has improved step by step."

"According to your aptitude, take that giant ugly fish as an example. She has been bred quite well, and the feedback of phantom beast energy can make you far surpass people at the same stage at every stage."

"So in such a comparison, you have skipped so many stages, and you are at a disadvantage."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

... Huang Lao's words made Chen Qiyue recall his own situation, indeed.

Now that he has signed a contract with the skeleton dragon and the skeleton attendant, the phantom energy that the two phantom beasts brought him back is actually not that much.

Or maybe it's just that he doesn't feel particularly much right now.

But if he is only an intermediate or high-level beast master, and he signs a contract with them at once, and gets the same magical beast energy, the effect will be much greater.

"Then what should I do now?" Chen Qiyue asked.

"Now we can only settle down slowly." Huang Lao replied, but he also comforted Chen Qiyue,

"But you don't have to worry, your You Xueji is downgraded, so as long as there is enough time, the recovery speed will definitely be faster than the previous promotion speed."

"In this way, the strength of your body will continue to increase, and if you soak in this medicated bath for more than ten days, you will be in the full moon sleep. At that time, your mental strength will pass through the full moon sleep. The improvement will soon be able to hit the guardian level."

"You know, after reaching the guardian level, you can have six more Eudemons. When you meet good Eudemons outside, you can continue to sign the contract."

Huang Lao said with a smile, "When the time comes, remember to bring a few more signing scrolls. If there are more things like signing two Eudemons at once, it will make a lot of money."

"Ahem," Chen Qiyue blushed a little, could such a thing happen casually?

"I'll tell you, although your matter was suppressed by Ping Lao, there are quite a few people who spread it in private."

Huang Lao, who said this, looked very serious and serious, "It's your fault to sign two phantom beasts at once. If it were someone else, this matter would be difficult to handle."

Hearing what Huang Lao said, Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then understood what he meant, and his face suddenly turned pale.

That's right, usually, when a beast master signs a contract with a phantom beast, he has to go through a 2-month adaptation period to calm down his mental strength.

It's not that no one forcibly signed the contract again within 2 months, and the successful ones were those beast masters with high spiritual power.

But even if it succeeds, there will be a lot of sequelae, not to mention the mental power fluctuations of signing two Eudemons at the same time.

"If someone really signed two Eudemons in the way I did..."

Chen Qiyue's voice trembled a little, "When the mental power explodes, it will..."

Huang Lao nodded with an ugly expression, "Either his head exploded, or he became a vegetable or an idiot."

Chen Qiyue gasped. He thought that turning into a vegetable or an idiot was already a very serious consequence, and it was even possible that his whole head would explode.

He touched the back of his head with some fear.

"So, you are lucky to be able to succeed. I discussed it with Mr. Heping, and I am going to change this matter."

"How to put it another way?" Chen Qiyue asked curiously.

"Fortunately, this happened in your fourth senior sister's breeding house. She has already told those female researchers that she brought back the skeleton dragon with you before."

"I didn't know that you had signed a contract with the skeleton dragon before, so you put the skeleton dragon in the breeding house, so you didn't tell others."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

..."You guys unify your caliber, just say that this time you just signed a skeleton attendant."

"Then the female researcher who brought you there, we will sign an agreement with her to avoid telling the story..."

"No, teacher, this won't work." Huang Lao was interrupted by Chen Qiyue halfway through.

Huang Lao was taken aback, "Why not? This is the easiest solution."

"Because, when it evolves later, this statement will be self-defeating." Chen Qiyue sighed and said helplessly.

He originally planned not to talk about it, after all, this incident can well cover up the fact that he owns 7 Eudemons.

But when it comes to such an important matter, naturally it cannot be concealed.

After all, the two teachers are trying to cover up for him, and if he really evolves successfully according to his guess, the follow-up will also be able to see the clues.

Mr. Huang was stunned by what Chen Qiyue said, "What do you mean?"

"My two phantom beasts only occupy the position of one of my phantom beasts."

Mr. Huang was so kind to him, he felt that telling the teacher this secret didn't really matter, and it could also help him start a new topic.

"What... what?"

Huang Lao picked out his ears, blinked, and stared at Chen Qiyue with round eyes, as if he didn't quite believe what he heard.

"You signed two Eudemons, and you only occupied one position?"

Huang Lao pinched Chen Qiyue's shoulders with both hands, his voice trembling with excitement.

"Your Eudemons is a skeleton dragon and has always been a skeleton servant? That means..."

Chen Qiyue looked at Huang Lao and nodded slowly, "I suspect that this may be a new evolutionary method of the skeleton attendant. If I guess correctly, it may evolve into a skeleton dragon knight in the future."

Hearing Chen Qiyue's words, Mr. Huang burst out laughing "haha" and hugged Chen Qiyue.

"Good boy, what kind of **** luck did you have! You actually met such a good thing."

He patted Chen Qiyue on the back, then let go of his hand, and said with a smile, "Okay, then this matter will be easy."

"Ah? Is this easy?" Chen Qiyue was taken aback.

"Well, as long as you publish a paper on the importance of spiritual power to signing scrolls as soon as possible in the past few days, it is important to point out that only when the spiritual power reaches a certain level can you have the opportunity to sign two Eudemons at once. possibility."

Huang Lao laughed and said, "I mean, it wasn't that there were no people with strong mental strength before. Why didn't they sign two phantom beasts at once? It turned out that it wasn't because of the spiritual power, but because of the phantom beasts."

"In this case, if those beast masters believe it, they will only continue to strengthen their spiritual power. However, it is difficult to improve spiritual power."

"At that time, if it is really researched by someone, successfully signed a contract, and has strong spiritual support, nothing will happen. Then the matter will be resolved."

Chen Qiyue showed a dazed look, but then he had some doubts, "But in my situation, writing this paper..."

..."I know what you are worried about, don't worry, you just put forward a conjecture, the real verification, let many breeders and trainers verify it."

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Huang Lao laughed, "After all, this situation only happened once so far. As the real person who happened, you are just making a guess."

"At that time, after your skeleton dragon and skeleton servants have evolved, if you really become a skeleton dragon knight, at that time, it doesn't matter if you put forward a new conjecture to overthrow the previous conjecture."

"Just don't mention it, the 2 Eudemons only occupy one signing position." ωwW.QQXSNΕW

Mr. Huang seriously warned, "Remember, these two phantom beasts of yours have taken up two of your signing positions."

"As long as your strength improves fast enough, no one will notice the actual number of your Eudemons."

"When the time comes, just remember to open up a signing position, or hide one of your Eudemons so that no one else will know."

"I believe you have counted."

Huang Lao's exhortation warmed Chen Qiyue's heart. From the beginning to the end, he was thinking about himself.

"Okay, teacher, I will write this paper as soon as possible after I go back."

"By the way, you said that you only have one vacancy for signing, that is to say, you already have 6 Eudemons?" Huang Lao asked, thinking of Chen Qiyue's answer before.

Chen Qiyue hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and admitted, "Yes."

It's just that he didn't say what the extra phantom beast was.

Huang Lao nodded, "Okay, that's fine, one more phantom beast, you will have more strength in the selection."

"Actually, I came here today, and I have one more thing to do." After solving this important matter, Huang Lao became more relaxed in speaking.

"Your Teacher Ping called me just now and said that I gave you a gift, but he hasn't given it yet, but he has been doing a very important experiment these days, so let me give it to you."

Hearing what Huang Lao said, Chen Qiyue's eyes lit up instantly, "What meeting gift?"

The greetings from the Fourth Senior Sister, Senior Senior Brother, and Teacher Huang all gave him a big boost.

He is also looking forward to Teacher Ping's meeting ceremony!

"However, when it comes to this meeting ceremony, it seems that you don't really need it." Huang Lao rubbed his chin.

"Ah?" Chen Qiyue was taken aback.

"Don't you still have a Lei Yunjiao egg? Lei Yunjiao's egg must have good aptitude, why don't you give it to me when you get the meeting gift from your teacher, and I'll raise it for you!" Huang Lao said with a smile .

Chen Qiyue: ...

Seeing Mr. Huang like that, Chen Qiyue raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "I'm very interested in making a phantom beast like you, Teacher."

"It's better than this, take Lei Yunyou's egg, and I'll take the phantom beast Teacher Ping gave me."

Hearing what Chen Qiyue said, Huang Lao waved his hands and said "cut", and stood up slowly while supporting his waist.

"Oh, I am an old bone, the only disciple is so unfilial, I can't get the phantom beast I want, it makes my back hurt..."

Chen Qiyue said with a smile, "Mr. Huang, you have been squatting for a long time, and your legs are numb."

Huang Lao turned around, snorted, took out a reclining chair from the storage equipment, put it on the side of the medicine pool, and lay down on it.

"You boy, you have no conscience."

Chen Qiyue smiled "hehe", "Teacher, tell me first, what kind of phantom beast is it that makes you so greedy? Is it because you are particularly research-oriented? In fact, I was just joking. The teacher is so kind to me, but it is just a phantom beast. Is it a beast?"

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【Familiar Beast: The Strongest Breeder】【】

Huang Laobai glanced at Chen Qiyue, "Okay, I was joking too, you are going to be selected soon, why did your teacher give you a research-type phantom beast?"

"It's just because I told him that you can sign the contract again after you have endured the full moon sleep, so he gave you permission to go to his research institute to choose, the Eudemons eggs and Eudemons that were born from his latest research. Cub."

"Boy, you've made a lot of money!"

Chen Qiyue was startled suddenly, the latest research by Teacher Pingyulan?

"What phantom beast?"


Milk bottle giant reminds you: After watching the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own could there be no injuries at all.

With Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes stayed on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to have surgery or not, but a fairy art.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website will be closed soon, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the Great God’s Baby Bottle Giant Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder

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