MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 189 New Partner (2 in 1)

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Seeing the exposed passage, Chen Qiyue was a little surprised, but it was also within his expectation.

The special dragon group is so mysterious that no one will know the specific location of the selection.

The point is that many people still pay attention to his current identity.

The ghost knows if there are people from the poker club following him. If there is no way to leave, then it is not the Tron group.

Chen Qiyue followed Qin Zhe into the door without hesitation.

The door closed quickly after Chen Qiyue walked in, and it didn't look any different from the previous car wall. It couldn't be seen that there was a door here and it was opened.

What surprised Chen Qiyue even more was that after passing the long aisle, he saw another train.

It looked almost the same as the previous train.

But after getting closer, Chen Qiyue found that this train was still different.

Especially the whole body of the train, the shell made of unknown metal, seems to be coated with something, which looks a bit reflective.

And at the door of the train, there are still many people standing, as if waiting for the car to open the door.

There were 24 people in total, Chen Qiyue counted silently.

Not counting myself and Qin Zhe, 24 people.

12 teenagers, basically in the teens to thirties.

Except for Qin Zhe, the other 12 people were all older, in their forties or fifties.

However, those people looked peaceful, and many people were still talking to each other, and they seemed to know each other.

Only the 12 teenagers stood behind those people, did not speak, and there was a trace of their own arrogance and vigilance in their eyes.

Qin Zhe had told Chen Qiyue before coming that those who could participate in the selection must have been carefully inspected by the special dragon team, especially their temperament and character.

So Chen Qiyue didn't think that the arrogance of those teenagers was arrogance, but that as a successful person in a certain way, his confidence in himself was deep in his bones.

That doesn't mean they won't be humble and won't learn.

What's more, they all hid their arrogance well, and if Chen Qiyue hadn't observed carefully, they wouldn't have seen it.

Because of this, Chen Qiyue paid more attention to this selection.

None of his opponents seemed simple.

When those middle-aged people saw Qin Zhe bringing Chen Qiyue over, they all had smiles on their faces, and they walked up to Qin Zhe one after another, with their index and middle fingers together, pointing on their left shoulders, and saluted.

Chen Qiyue glanced at Qin Zhe in surprise. It seemed that Brother Qin's status in the Tron group was not low.

It's not easy for Brother Qin to be able to mix to such an extent at such a young age.

Qin Zhe bowed back, looked at the teenagers they were leading, and showed a little smile on his face, "It seems that this time we will have good people joining the Tron team. You have worked hard too."

The oldest middle-aged man, about fifty years old, smiled like a flower on his face, "Deputy Qin, we have 13 candidates this time, and we should be able to rank among the top three among the 12 teams." Bar?"

Hearing this sentence, the faces of the surrounding middle-aged people showed a lot of joy.

Becoming a candidate is not something that they can pass when they apply. This is a quota that is finally determined after many investigations.

Qin Zhe also had a slight smile on his face, "Yes, this time, we are ranked second, second only to Chenlong's team. They have 15 candidates."

Hearing this data, the joy on everyone's faces was even greater.

"In this way, even if there are not many people who have actually passed the selection, we will be able to allocate a lot more new recruits this time."

Seeing them happily discussing which department's important person, Qin Zhe coughed lightly, and said, "Okay, let them get in the car first, maybe this time, they can add a few official names to each of us." Where are the members?"

Hearing what Qin Zhe said, many people were even more shocked.

They didn't expect Qin Zhe to have such confidence in this choice.

Chen Qiyue looked at Qin Zhe's eyes looking at him, and was also taken aback for a moment, but he was recording all the information he heard before.

Chen Long, Ji Snake...

Such a title actually reveals a lot of information.

The branches of the Tron group should be divided into twelve branches, and named after the zodiac, it seems that it should be an organization in the east.

Moreover, the various departments discussed by those middle-aged people just now are obviously official organizations.

In other words, are the key training objects of the official organization all selected and eliminated from the special dragon group?

Chen Qiyue was extremely astonished. No wonder Qin Zhe said that the top universities in the central domain are nothing to the Tron Group.

Qin Zhe nodded at those people, then stretched out his hand, walked to the only door of the train, and put his hand on the door.

A green light flashed across the door, and then a ray of light shrouded Qin Zhe's body. After scanning, he heard a "Kacha" sound, and the door began to open slowly.

Qin Zhe turned around and looked at the others, "Get in the car."

Those middle-aged people nodded, gave the teenagers they had brought a little instruction, and let them get into the car in an orderly manner.

This train is not very long, about the length of four buses spliced ​​together.

Chen Qiyue naturally followed the teenagers into the car, and he found that, except for Qin Zhe, none of the middle-aged people got into the car.

The inside of the car is not a seat berth on an ordinary train but a sleeper berth, and it is divided into rooms.

There are sleepers on both sides of each room, divided into upper and lower berths, a total of four berths, and there is an independent bathroom in the middle of each interval.

Chen Qiyue looked forward a little, and found that there were five rooms in total, that is, 20 sleepers.

It seems that the time to take this train is not short.

Naturally, those teenagers began to choose their preferred positions.

Because Chen Qiyue was following behind Qin Zhe, he was the first few to get on the bus.

When getting into the car, Qin Zhe gave him a hand, and his eyes fell on the first room.

Chen Qiyue knew it in his heart, and sat down directly on the lower berth at the front.

Watching his future colleagues pass by one by one, Chen Qiyue quickly memorized their appearance and characteristics in his heart.

After everyone got on the train, Qin Zhe waved at the middle-aged people under the train, and then closed the door.

The front of the train is the control room. Qin Zhe took a look at Chen Qiyue and walked straight into the control room.

I don't know if it's because Qin Zhe was standing in the first compartment. In this compartment, except for Chen Qiyue, there were only three people sitting on the lower berth.

There were 13 of them in total, 20 sleepers, and 4 of them were vacant in the first compartment.

After those teenagers got on the bus, they basically occupied the lower berth. Only those who came at night walked inside, and when they couldn't find the lower berth, they chose the upper berth.

So it is normal that there are few people in the first carriage.

Chen Qiyue also discovered that without hesitation, the other three people who sat in the first car had more active mental power than the others.

One is a girl about 18 years old, with a few strands of pink hair dyed in her black hair, wearing a small fragrant suit, looking very avant-garde.

One was a young man who was about 25 years older than Chen Qiyue, and kept looking at this compartment and other compartments with curious eyes.

The other one was a little older, and seemed to be the oldest among the 13 people including Chen Qiyue himself, about 30 years old. At this time, he was also looking at everyone.

It's just that he didn't look at the people in the back compartment, but looked at the other three people in the first compartment.

After a while, he opened his mouth to break the calm, "Those who dare to sit in the first car are the ones who think they are the strongest."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wen Xiangqin. I am 30 years old this year. I am a super trainer. I have already signed 6 Eudemons."

"In the future, we will be colleagues. It is a relationship of competition and mutual assistance. After all, the selection is not up. In the system, we are also colleagues, and we will work together in the future."

Wen Xiangqin's words eased the cold and awkward atmosphere in the carriage a lot.

Indeed, in this selection, everyone knows that the other party's character and character have passed the assessment, so don't worry.

Especially in the future, they will participate in the selection together, and they will still be colleagues who will fight side by side in the future.

Those who can participate in the selection are not stupid, and they naturally understand that the sooner they make friends, the better for themselves.

After all, the selection is a selection, and there must be competition.

Being selected for the Tron group is definitely different from being sent to an official position.

Chen Qiyue smiled at Wen Xiangqin, "Brother Wen, my name is Chen Qiyue, I'm 19 years old, I'm a freshman, and I'm a breeder."

He didn't say how many phantom beasts he had, but he did mention the profession of the breeder. After all, they were not familiar with them, so he was used to keeping them.

Hearing Chen Qiyue say that he is a breeder, the eyes of the other 3 people light up slightly.

19 year old breeder!

Still freshman.

The high probability is a primary breeder.

After all, there is still a big difference in the level of a breeder and a trainer, and the title of a junior breeder does not mean the strength of a beast master.

There is no doubt that this breeder named Chen Qiyue is capable of entering the selection.

The point is, making good friends with a breeder can sometimes benefit a lot during selection.

The girl immediately said, "Hello Chen, Brother Wen. My name is Gu Qiaoqiao. I'm 18 years old and just graduated from high school."

"However, I signed the contract in advance. Now that I have just reached the special level, I have only signed 4 Eudemons. I hope everyone will take care of them."

As she said that, she stuck out her tongue playfully, and subconsciously glanced at the back, there was another person younger than her, "I'm probably the youngest besides her, right?"

Several people subconsciously looked at Gu Qiaoqiao's eyes, it was a girl who was as cold as ice. With icy blue hair, she sat coldly on the bottom bunk of the last bunk.

That girl looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, and I don't know how strong she is, but she was selected to participate in the selection at such a young age.

Only the last person remained unintroduced.

The young man smiled and said, "My name is Hou Fei, I'm 25 years old, I'm a super trainer just like Brother Wen, and I've signed 6 Eudemons."

Hearing the introduction of the other 3 people, Chen Qiyue's eyes flickered slightly. It was indeed the selection of the special dragon group, and they were all super beast masters.

Wen Xiangqin looked at Chen Qiyue with a smile, and asked casually, "Qiyue, how many phantom beasts do you have?"

The other two heard what Wen Xiangqin was saying, they didn't speak, but listened attentively.

The strength of the breeder is also related to the Eudemons they signed.

The more Eudemons you sign, the stronger your strength will be.

Chen Qiyue smiled slightly, "5."

Several people's eyes lit up again, he just said that he is a breeder.

To know how much time a breeder spends on knowledge and cultivation, it is more ignorant than that of a trainer.

As long as there are 3 phantom beasts, it means that one of Chen Qiyue's phantom beasts has reached the special level.

Now he has 5, it seems that his breeding level is not low.

"So have you passed the professional certification?" Wen Xiangqin asked again, "I heard that the professional certification of breeders is difficult."

Chen Qiyue wanted to talk about certification, but when he thought that the name of the primary breeder he certified was Cheng Qi, he smiled and shook his head.

"Because I'm all studying and cultivating, I don't have time to take the exam, and I haven't gone to certification yet."

The three breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

Fortunately, there is no certification, otherwise it would be too against the sky.

If you are a super beast master, if you are certified as an intermediate or advanced breeder, then what are they going to do?

Chen Qiyue smiled, thinking of those geniuses at the breeder training base.

They are not young, and they all have the strength of junior breeders or even intermediate breeders.

They all seem to be of good character, why were they not selected for the selection?

Chen Qiyue was still very curious about the selection criteria for the Tron group.

"By the way, why were you selected?" Chen Qiyue asked straightforwardly.

This is also an expression of his, just like Wen Xiangqin.

The more you ask some strength questions about the opponent, the more you value it.

During the selection period, being able to sit in the first compartment naturally meant joining forces.

Chen Qiyue had heard it before. There were 12 teams in this selection, which meant there were at least a hundred people.

Wanting to stand out, join forces, or join forces with colleagues from the same branch, is definitely what the seniors who selected them from this branch want to see.

Needless to say, Wen Xiangqin had the intention of asking Chen Qiyue those questions, so he told his situation without caring.

"I train with my Eudemons. In terms of combat, I can be said to be comparable to some powerful Eudemons."

He smiled at stretched out his hand and patted his strong muscles, the meaning was self-evident.

Several people, including Chen Qiyue, looked at Wen Xiangqin curiously, especially when they saw his strong muscles, they all nodded involuntarily.

With Chen Qiyue's majestic mental power, one could feel that Wen Xiangqin's muscles were indeed surging with not weak phantom beast energy.

Hou Fei coughed lightly, and actually took out three mobile phones from the storage equipment and handed each of them one.

"As for me, I have some talent in programming. This is a mobile phone I made myself. It has many functions. It can communicate with satellite signals and see each other's positions."

Hou Fei smiled shyly, "There are some other functions, I will tell you in detail when the time comes."

Chen Qiyue touched the screen of the mobile phone in his hand. The materials used to make the mobile phone were good.

Gu Qiaoqiao quickly raised her hand, and said with a charming smile, "There's me and me, I'm different from you because I have special abilities."

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