MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 190 Let's play a little game (2 in 1)

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One sentence instantly caught the attention of the other three people.

"Special function?" Chen Qiyue was very interested, "What special function?"

Wen Xiangqin and Hou Fei also stared at Gu Qiaoqiao closely, for fear of missing every word she said.

Gu Qiaoqiao coughed lightly, "I can make the phantom beast go berserk during the battle, but it will fall into a weak state for a while after berserk."

Hou Fei was taken aback, "Isn't this a skill in the game?"

Wen Xiangqin suddenly laughed, "I heard before that there will be some special existences in the selection of the special dragon group, it seems that they are really special."

"Indeed." Chen Qiyue nodded, looked at Gu Qiaoqiao and asked, "Then did you find out that you have this ability before signing the contract with Eudemons, or after signing the contract?"

Gu Qiaoqiao blinked, "Does it matter? Or do I need to study something? I only found out after I signed with Eudemons."

"Really?" Chen Qiyue was thoughtful.

Did his mental power special come before or after he signed with Eudemons?

Well, it seems that in the previous world, he already had a photographic memory.

But after signing the Eudemons contract, his special memory is more obvious.

That is to say, does the energy of phantom beast really promote the ability of the beast master itself?

Chen Qiyue rubbed his chin, and then he can create a research project in this area.

He took out a pen and paper, and quickly began to write down the thoughts he had just had.

Gu Qiaoqiao, Wen Xiangqin, Hou Fei: …

"After passing, you are indeed a breeder." Wen Xiangqin sighed, "I heard that every breeder is well-read, especially the top breeders."

Gu Qiaoqiao said in admiration, "Anyway, if I want to read those boring textbooks, I will have a headache."

Hou Fei nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, this line of thought was just an idea, and Chen Qiyue finished writing it very quickly.

He put the notebook and pen back into the storage ring, and chatted with them again.

Not only them, people in other carriages were also chatting.

Some people even started to cross other cars and get to know people.

"Hi, hello, my name is Li Junfei." A young man who looked about the same age as Hou Fei came here to say hello.

At this time, Chen Qiyue had already chatted for a while, and then leaned on the sleeper and began to read a book.

Hou Fei smiled and nodded at Li Junfei, "My name is Hou Fei."

"Haha, we have Fei in our name, fate." Li Junfei was very talkative at first glance, and started talking to other people, and by the way, he knew their names.

At this moment, there was a sudden "bang" from Chen Qiyue.

Immediately afterwards, Li Junfei and the others all looked over in a daze.

I saw that Chen Qiyue actually took out a small folding table, and put it on the side of the sleeper bed, and then took out a book shelf, put the book on it, and fixed this page with the shelf.

Then he took out his notebook and pen and began to write quickly.

This book is called "Mysterious Evolution", and it expounds the detailed explanation of the evolution of various Eudemons.

More importantly, the page he saw was talking about the evolution of skeleton-type phantom beasts, and the example happened to be the skeleton goblin.

Chen Qiyue has a skeleton attendant who evolved from a skeleton demon, and paired with a skeleton dragon, don't be too research-oriented.

Although the current skeleton attendant has just evolved, the energy of the phantom beast has reached 692 joules, which is considered to be stable at the intermediate level.

The point is that the skeleton dragon has reached 980 joules, and it is not far from the advanced level.

And according to the cultivation situation of the skeleton dragon, it is no problem to compress the energy of the phantom beast once or twice.

I'm afraid that the skeleton dragon has reached the limit of evolution, but the skeleton servant has not yet reached the evolutionary standard, and I'm afraid there will be bad effects at that time.

After all, these two are currently the location of the same Eudemons.

Chen Qiyue also wanted to try to see if they could evolve into skeleton dragon knights.

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Qiyue became even more excited, and his writing speed also increased.

Compared with computers, he prefers to record by hand, after all, he can draft and draw freely on paper.

What Li Junfei originally wanted to say hello to Chen Qiyue got stuck in his throat and did not say it.

He looked at Gu Qiaoqiao, who was the youngest, and asked with a strange expression, "Who is this?"

Gu Qiaoqiao said with a smile, "His name is Chen Qiyue, and he is a breeder. He is obviously the researcher type. I suggest you don't bother him. After all, interrupting other people's research may cause enemies."

Li Junfei nodded suddenly, "I see."

With the promotion of this door-to-door promotion, the other 12 people who participated in the selection soon knew that in this selection, they had a team of snakes, and there was a research mad talent.

Qin Zhe leaned on the sleeper in the control room of the train, glanced at the operating console that was set to move automatically, and then moved his gaze to the big screen on the other side.

This is a three-dimensional image projected in the air, in which are the five carriages.

He opened the cars one by one, and then the conversation in the car came out.

On the side of the stereoscopic image, there is also a small screen, which continuously records the conversations in all the cars, and after analyzing the results, it is recorded under each corresponding selection list.

For example, each person's character, as well as special.

Even Chen Qiyue's nickname of "research madman" was recorded.

Qin Zhe looked at their expressions and nodded slightly.

Selection is competition, but not vicious competition.

It is indeed a smart thing to know the opponent in advance, and even win over the partner for yourself.

It's just that sometimes, the choice of cooperation partner still depends on vision.

Seeing that Chen Qiyue only chatted for a few words at the beginning, and then fell into crazy research, Qin Zhe was also a little speechless.

Forget it, great breeders seem to be like this. It seems that Chen Qiyue has the potential to become a big breeder.

What's more, among the people who entered the selection, there were very few breeders.

For the Tron group, important positions require many responsibilities, and many of them have dangerous tasks.

So most of them will choose trainers.

Of course, there will be stronger breeders, but the proportion of them is not much.

Ordinary breeders, Tron group look down on.

Most of the breeders I like are the same as Chen Qiyue.

Qin Zhe sighed, hoping that Chen Qiyue could finally complete everyone's selection project.

Otherwise, it would really be a waste, his monarch-level spiritual talent.

And looking at him like that, it is obviously impossible for him to switch to a trainer, if he is really brushed...

Qin Zhe also felt a little bored.

But there is no way, the Tron group is not a word, there are rules.

No matter how strong the talent is, it has to go through selection.

We can only hope that Chen Qiyue can persevere until the end in the selection process. After all, he is gifted with spiritual power, so he will be more able to bear it, right?

Qin Zhe comforted himself in this way.

He carefully observed the surroundings, and did not leave the operating room until the train entered a tunnel, then got up and walked out of the operating room.

When Qin Zhe stood in the carriage again and closed the door of the operating room, the bustling carriage instantly became quiet.

Those who chatted all closed their mouths and looked at Qin Zhe quietly.

"Well, very good, you are indeed the people who participated in the selection of the special dragon group. Your quality is very good."

Qin Zhe watched everyone sitting quickly and looking towards him, with a smile on his face.

Even Chen Qiyue, who was writing furiously beside him, put down his pen and looked at him seriously.

Qin Zhe has only appeared now, so it is naturally impossible to come and see them just like this, obviously he has something to say.

It should be related to the selection, so they naturally won't ignore it.

Seeing their serious expressions, Qin Zhe chuckled, "It seems that they are all smart people, very good, now I will start to talk about some key points of selection."

Chen Qiyue reached out and took another notebook, holding a pen to write down the main points.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

That's not the point.

The point is, write it down, and then analyze it to see if there is any other information hidden in it.

Qin Zhe glanced at Chen Qiyue, pretended not to see the notebook and pen in his hand, and cast his gaze further ahead.

"The first point of selection is to stick to your heart."

His voice was quiet, but everyone could hear it clearly, not only the people in the front box, but even the people in the last box at the back could hear clearly.

Chen Qiyue glanced thoughtfully at the corner of the box. With his mental strength, he could clearly distinguish that what Qin Zhe said came from the loudspeaker at the corner of the box.

Although he was slightly distracted, his hands were still fast, and he quickly wrote down Qin Zhe's words.

Do you stick to your heart?

Is it because you are afraid that you will lose your heart during the selection process?

What situations lead to loss of heart?

envy? quarrel? Or bad competition?

Chen Qiyue looked at the expressions of Wen Xiangqin and the others, and found that they all looked thoughtful.

"Second point, persist."

Qin Zhe smiled and continued,

"The third point, self-knowledge."

After finishing the three main points, Qin Zhe paused for a moment, and then saw a slight change in the faces of many people.

Stick to your heart, persistence and self-knowledge.

From a literal point of view, they are all words of encouragement and persuasion, so that they can persist in themselves and work hard to complete the selection.

But the deep meaning makes people feel chills.

Being able to ask them to have self-knowledge means that there are many in this selection that they can't compete with.

It cannot be accomplished through hard work and persistence.

People should have self-knowledge, know that this matter cannot be done, or cannot be completed, and it is best to give up early.

Before the selection started, the leader of the team actually told them to have self-knowledge.

No matter how you think about it, it's a little scary.

But this also relatively aroused the struggle mentality of many people.

They are still young and have this blood.

Now that nothing has been settled, why don't they work hard and work hard?

Chen Qiyue looked at the three sentences written in the notebook thoughtfully.

If he only looked at three sentences, he would have the same idea as everyone else.

But he thought of what Qin Zhe had said to him alone before.

As long as you complete the selection items, you will definitely be able to pass the selection.

Is it enough to just finish it?

Chen Qiyue touched his chin, but did not speak.

"Okay, that was the main point just now, and now I will tell you the content of the first selection."

Seeing that they had almost digested what he just said, Qin Zhe threw another big bomb.

"What? Announce the content of the first selection now?" Someone exclaimed in a low voice.

Many people think that they should take the train and arrive at the destination before starting the first selection.

But I didn't expect that the selection would start now!

Chen Qiyue's heart trembled, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Now the train departure time is 42 minutes.

Judging from the speed of the train just now, this train far exceeds the speed of ordinary trains.

Ordinary trains run at 120km/h, high-speed trains run at 250km/h, and the fastest high-speed trains maintain a speed of 486.1km/h.

Of course, this is the news that Chen Qiyue knew in the previous world.

The technology of this world, with the help of Eudemons, is even better, especially the current train.

According to Chen Qiyue's estimation, the vehicle speed was above 680km/h.

42 minutes have passed, even if it is driven in a straight line, it is only 476km.

This distance has not exceeded the double purple domain.

But Qin Zhe said before that the selection this time is not in the Shuangzi District.

Chen Qiyue frowned slightly, feeling more and more ominous in his heart.

Qin Zhe smiled at them again, "Before the first selection, let's play a small game.

Everyone was taken aback, playing a small game?

"As for me, I placed 6 clues on this train. If you find these 6 clues, you can know the first selection item."

After saying this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a game of hiding and finding things.

Seeing their expressions, Qin Zhe naturally guessed what they were thinking.

I saw him continue to say with a smile, "The time is set at 12 hours. As long as you find these 6 clues within 12 hours, you can participate in the first selection. Otherwise..."

"Those who don't find clues are eliminated."

Everyone gasped when they heard this, including Chen Qiyue.

If you can't find all 6 clues, then only those who find the clues can participate in the first selection, and the rest will be eliminated?

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

The atmosphere changed in an instant. The joyful atmosphere at the beginning became solemn in an instant, and there was a faint tit-for-tat confrontation.

"So..." Qin Zhe lowered his head, UU Reading glanced at Chen Qiyue, and waved at him, "I look forward to your completion of the first selection! I'll wait for you!"

Just after saying this, the train just rushed out of the underground tunnel just now.

At the same time, a skylight suddenly opened in the ceiling above Qin Zhe's head.

Qin Zhe kicked his legs on the ground suddenly, and his whole body shot out of the skylight like a sky cannon.

"Damn it!" Wen Xiangqin couldn't help but swear, and quickly rushed to where Qin Zhe was standing just now and looked up.

But Gu Qiaoqiao pointed out the window and shouted in shock, "Look, the sky over there."

Everyone turned their heads and saw Qin Zhe standing on a giant bird, waved at them, and disappeared into the sky instantly.

The skylight on the ceiling has been closed, and the entire train compartment has fallen into silence and silence.

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