MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 141

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Bai Yi and Qin Luoyi sat cross-legged facing each other. After looking at her for a moment, they suddenly reached out and pinched her face. The corners of their mouths were slightly upturned, revealing the curvature of a crescent moon. , revolving the brilliant brilliance, handsome and charming.

  Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened.

   A little dizzy.

   There is a moment of blankness in my mind.

  She was actually touched by Bai Yi! [

  Is this molesting?

  The place that Bai Yi touched was strangely hot... She couldn't control it for a moment, and reflexively stretched out her hand to cover the place Bai Yi touched just now. Seeing that the corners of Bai Yi's lips were raised higher and her eyes were as bright as stars, she put her hands down pretending to be calm.

  Heartbeat accelerated slightly.

At this time, the white clothes were wearing a crescent white brocade gown, and the tree of life's radiance shrouded him, and his handsome face was covered with a layer of dazzling brilliance, making him even more magnificent and charming. suave.

"The tenacity of your body is at least ten times stronger than before, and we can start practicing exercises now." Looking at the faint peach blossom-like color on Qin Luoyi's fair and beautiful face, Bai Yi was very excited. It took a lot of self-control to resist not reaching out to caress her face again.

  When he stroked the skin on her face just now, the soft and silky touch seemed to be still flowing through his fingertips, making his heart rippling endlessly.

  Qin Luoyi nodded and agreed.

   Then she simply closed her eyes to hide the embarrassment in her eyes, but the corners of her lips twitched fiercely, and she said... how could Bai Yi moles her?

   It turned out that she was thinking too much!

  The tree of life has grown to a height of two meters, and the glow on the tree is even worse. At the position of one meter, the trunk is divided into two, and there are two main branches.

  Both Bai Yi and Qin Luoyi sat under the tree.

  Qin Luoyi sat in front.

  Sitting behind Qin Luoyi, Bai Yi stretched out his two palms and landed on her back, just pressing on the Linghai acupoint on her back.

  Qin Luoyi closed his eyes, silently recited the Heavenly Demon Dafa, trying to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, and made a circle in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

  As long as she can complete a full week, it proves that she has completely suppressed the Dafa of Hehuan Bliss.

   Soon, the spiritual power in her body began to move slowly.

  However, the direction of spiritual power movement is clearly the direction of He Huan Bliss Dafa, and the Heavenly Demon Dafa in her body is still suppressed to death. She can't let her divine sense control the spiritual power to go in the direction she wants to go.

  Qin Luoyi's expression changed.

  The power of Hehuan Bliss Dafa once again exceeded her imagination! [

  The time within this formation is obviously more than ten thousand times faster than the outside world. Because of the time difference, the seasons outside are constantly changing, and the tree of life can grow so fast. She has been sitting under the tree of life. Although the flow of time acting on her body seems to be static, to the outside world, it still takes a long time. Although it is not as exaggerated as ten thousand times, it is still many times faster than the outside world. .

  After such a long time, although her cultivation base cannot be further promoted after entering the realm of heaven and man, the strength in her body is several times stronger than before!

   Even so, Heavenly Demon Dafa is still suppressed to death!

  Jin Ruihuang's strength also exceeded her expectations.

  The desire to destroy Jin Ruihuang soon became more urgent. She even had a premonition that Jin Ruihuang, who is just a soul body, is so powerful. If she really succeeds in taking it away--Jin Ruihuang has said that this body contains the great law of acacia and bliss, and it is tailor-made for her. Yes... Her cultivation is probably even more terrifying!

  She settled down and tried her best to empty her mind.

  Nothing comes to mind.

  The acacia bliss Dafa in the body quickly calmed down.

  After it completely calmed down, Qin Luoyi once again silently recited the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and even adjusted his soul power to the extreme, trying his best to suppress the spiritual power from going in the direction of the Hehuan Ultimate Bliss Dafa.

   Only this time it still failed.

  Qin Luoyi was not in a hurry, he fell silent again, and after a while, he continued. After failing five times in a row, the Heavenly Demon Dafa was finally successfully operated by her and moved towards the established meridians.

However, although the Heavenly Demon Dafa successfully started to swim in her meridians, it has been interfered by the Hehuan Bliss Dafa, and progressed very slowly. The power it uses is only one percent of the power in the entire body!

  There seems to be a stretching between the two exercises, pulling the spiritual power in her body one to the left and the other to the right.

  Acacia Bliss Dafa occupies the most powerful position. Seeing that the Heavenly Demon Dafa is about to be suppressed again, Bai Yi, who has been using his spiritual sense to feel the state of her body, moved.

  A soft but extremely powerful force invaded her body, and the only a few percent of the spiritual power that supported her to run the Heavenly Demon Dafa was pouring towards the Hehuan Bliss Dafa.

  Under his strong attack, He Huan Bliss Dafa retreated many territories in an instant. The meridians and spiritual power occupied by the Heavenly Demon Dafa quickly increased several times, accounting for almost 10% of the entire body, and with the help of Bai Yi, Qin Luoyi was much more relaxed. The two cooperated with each other and continued to move forward , very tacit understanding.

  A force running the Dafa of Bliss and Acacia escaped from Qin Luoyi's body, arrived in the direction of Linghai Point, and suddenly invaded Bai Yi's body unexpectedly, and Bai Yi's expression changed slightly.

  Qin Luoyi is at a critical moment in his performance.

Bai Yi pondered for a while, but he didn't take back his hand, allowing that force to invade his body, and continued to support Qin Luoyi and move forward, but not long after, he suddenly discovered that the force he had ignored began to affect his mind, It made him restless and his breath unsteady.

  A scorching force surged towards the lower abdomen, and the skin on the thighs became hot. And his subordinate Qin Luoyi's skin also became hotter.

Bai Yi's mind fluttered, and suddenly he had a strong urge. The person under him was already his wife and his partner for dual cultivation. .

  However, he still had a sliver of reason. While trying to suppress that impulse, he continued to protect the spiritual power in Qin Luoyi's body and pressed it fiercely towards the Hehuan Bliss Dafa. [

   It seems that it will occupy half of the meridians in the body.

   It's just that before he had time to rejoice, things suddenly changed unexpectedly. Qin Luoyi's cheeks were flushed, his eyes were completely occupied by lust, and he turned around and threw Bai Yi down.

  Tearing his clothes indiscriminately with his hands, the person pressed against his body, the delicate red lips searched for his thin lips, and then directly got in, chasing and playing with his lips and tongue.

  Bai Yi almost drowned in her proactive kiss.

  His hands couldn't help stretching out to hug her slender waist, and kissed her back passionately. The surrounding air heated up sharply, and the clothes of the two even fell apart.


   Panting lightly and moaning, Bai Yi was the first to come back to his senses, seeing that the gun was about to go off.

Thinking of the two people who were suppressing the evil law of acacia bliss under the tree of life, they never expected to be backlashed by the law of acacia bliss in the end... Counting, he and Qin Luoyi have spent dozens of years under the tree of life a spring and autumn.

   "No wonder the backlash came so hard!" Bai Yi's lustful eyes gradually became clear, and a gloomy look flashed in them.

With a slight force in his hand, he restrained Qin Luoyi, who was still a little restless, and pressed her back on her body. The fair skin was faintly visible because of the half-unbuttoned skirt, and the warm and fragrant nephrite was in his arms. swing.

   What he had expected before was really good, He Huan Bliss Dafa, with his current cultivation base, if he does not borrow external force, it may not be easy to directly suppress it.

   And even he was affected.

He knew that when Qin Luoyi did not advance to the realm of heaven and man in the bracelet space, the accumulated **** was about to explode once in two hours. Now that he has entered the realm of heaven and man, he has cultivated under the tree of life For such a long time, she also accepted the forged body of the tree of life, and it took more than ten years for this to happen, which is enough to show that her strength has grown a lot.

   It's just a shame.

   Can't help but sigh.

  Originally, the Heavenly Demon Dafa has almost occupied half of the meridians in her body, and the two mental methods have reached an even match. If there is more time, the Heavenly Demon Dafa will suppress the Acacia Bliss Dafa, which is inevitable.

  Qin Luoyi, who was restrained by him, also calmed down, his eyes regained some clarity, but his cheeks were still very red, and his chest heaved violently.

  She stared blankly at the white clothes on her body, her eyes sparkling like waves. After a while, she seemed to come back to her senses, and a hint of annoyance flashed in her eyes: "Hey, it's all my fault. It would be fine if I persisted for a while."

  Perhaps it was because of the arousal of lust, her voice was hoarse, and there was a coquettish charm in her figure, which was very seductive. When she heard her own voice, she felt a little red in the face.

"I don't blame you." Bai Yi raised his hand and caressed her pretty face, leaned down and kissed her lightly on the face, and then quickly left: "It's not easy for you to persist until now." , that technique is too domineering." Pulling back her open skirt, she adjusted her own skirt, and pulled Qin Luoyi to sit up again.

   These are not words to comfort her.

  Qin Luoyi has indeed done an excellent job.

  His consciousness has always been in her body, and he knows how hard she has been resisting the influence of the Hehuan Bliss Dafa on him. It is her limit to be able to persist for so long.

  Qin Luoyi was silent.

  But I couldn't help gnashing my teeth in my heart.

   It fell short!

   Now we have to start all over again.

And the **** in her body is still very agitated, she knows that she must get rid of it, otherwise there will be no need to start over... The **** in her heart is floating, I am afraid that she will not be able to mobilize the mind of the demon as before. .

  She buttoned up the placket.

   Standing up, looking at the white clothes, there is an unconcealable charm in the rippling eyes, but the expression on his face is very serious: "Wouldn't the Great Law of Acacia and Ultimate Bliss really have a big influence on the other party?"

  When he said this, out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but look at Qin Tian's position outside the formation.

  The tree of life has grown more luxuriantly, and the leaves have increased a lot, but the height has not changed much. The rays of light above are dazzling and resplendent, full of auspiciousness, and with her cultivation base, she can't penetrate the rays of light and see clearly the situation outside.

  But she knew that Qin Tian and the others... must have been guarding outside.

   Keep looking at her white clothes without missing the corner of her eyes looking outside. His eyes flickered, and he was suddenly a little curious. If he told her that the practice had an effect on people, what would she do?

   It's just that the words swirled on the tip of his tongue a few times, but he still didn't say it. Gou Lip smiled, instead of answering her directly, he raised his hand and broke off a huge branch from the Tree of Life, and handed it to Qin Luoyi. "If you refine and absorb it directly, you won't feel uncomfortable anymore."

  The tree of life branch he handed to Qin Luoyi was a meter long.

The trunk and leaves are all emerald green, like the best emerald jade, with divine gold patterns naturally formed on it, dazzling, shimmering with rays of light, and shimmering with precious lights all over the body. It's overflowing with brilliance.

  Holding the tree of life, Qin Luoyi seemed to be glowing all over, extremely dazzling. The branch that was broken off by the white clothes accounted for a quarter of the entire tree of life!

Not refined yet, just holding the branch of the tree of life, Daqin Luoyi felt a powerful force seep into her body from her palm, her body suddenly became cooler, and the original hot air was easily suppressed down.

  Spiritual consciousness is no longer controlled by lust, and becomes clearer.

  Qin Luoyi couldn't hide his shock.

  Just holding it has such a powerful effect.

Although the power of **** is only temporarily released, not really released like that, but being able to temporarily suppress it is still extremely heaven-defying... No wonder it is called the tree of life, and no wonder Bai Yi has amnesia, and I know That thing is extremely important, and one after another is set on it.

"Too many." Looking at the branches that were folded off and took up a quarter of the whole tree, Qin Luoyi felt pain in his flesh, even though the broken things were clearly given to her by Bai Yi .

   Bai Yi smiled.

   Didn't care about it at all.

He also urged Qin Luoyi to quickly refine the branch of the tree of life into his body: "After you have completely refined it, let's try it again. If it doesn't work, let's pick some more. In fact, on the entire tree of life, It is the root part of the life force that is the most powerful..."

  He began to think in his heart, if refining these branches and leaves is not enough, he might as well pull up the whole tree of life, let Qin Luoyi refine the whole tree of life, he doesn't believe that he can't suppress the Hehuan bliss technique!

  Qin Luoyi may not have noticed that because of the practice of the Hehuan Bliss Technique, her body has begun to exude a strange fragrance all the time. That kind of fragrance is extremely charming.

It can make people involuntarily be attracted by her, especially men, and then fall in love with her, fall in love with her...Although this time after returning from Yan Luoshan, because of the short time, and a lot of time refining pills, Qin Luoyi is very happy. Less contact with other people, but it is not without contact, he has already discovered that some people have begun to be influenced by her, and their burning eyes like to chase her.

Over time, more and more people will be affected by her, and the influence they will be affected will become more and more serious... Thinking that if the law of carnival bliss in her body is not released, then many people will come to peep at her and try to get close to her She couldn't help frowning slightly in Bai Yi.

   "Just break off some branches. The power in the tree of life is huge. These should be enough. Don't pull up the roots on impulse!" Qin Luoyi told Bai Yi.

  Even if it is the tree of life, how can we live without roots?

  It's a pity that such a heaven-defying spiritual creature is destroyed in her hands like this, and it's not to deal with that woman Jin Ruihuang, but to suppress Jin Ruihuang's vicious technique left in her body.

   Too worthless.

  Besides, she had a vague feeling that the tree of life was so grandly treasured by Bai Yi, maybe it would be of great use to him, and if Bai Yi needed it but couldn't find it, it would be too late to regret it.

   It is necessary to prevent Bai Yi from digging out the root of the tree inadvertently like breaking the branches just now... Therefore, Qin Luoyi waited until Bai Yi agreed to her before starting to refine the branches of the tree of life in his hand.

  The emerald green leaves and tree trunks quickly disappeared from her hands.

  A powerful and gentle force like a spring breeze in March entered her eight meridians. Qin Luoyi suddenly felt as if he was about to fly into the sky, and he felt as if he was rising from the ground, as if he was floating in heaven.

  The flesh and blood on the body even gave birth to a crystal-like luster. The energy transformed from the tree of life quickly rushed to all parts of her body, the flesh and blood in her body was full of strength, and the life essence was boiling, rolling like waves, surging and surging.

At this time, her internal organs are full of brilliance, flaws, and bones are even more radiant, condensed with divine splendor, and her skin is radiant and dazzling. Gods.

   Bai Yi kept looking at her.

  Seeing the changes in her body, the smile in her eyes grew stronger, and she was completely relieved, knowing that it would take a lot of time for her to completely refine the essence of the tree of life.

  So he also sat down, closed his eyes and meditated, and began to practice exercises to refine the spiritual power that entered his body from Qin Luoyi's body, which contained the strange spiritual power of the great law of joy and bliss.

   Asking Qin Luoyi to drive away lust, Bai Yi gave her a quarter of the trunk of the Tree of Life without hesitation, but he didn't use it himself, he used his own skills to refine it over and over again.

   Fortunately, he discovered it in time, except for the spiritual power that first entered his body, he cut off the exit in time, and could not enter his body again.

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