MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v10 Chapter 142

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Because nearly a quarter of the branches of the tree of life have been refined, it will be very smooth to mobilize the Heavenly Demon Dafa in the body this time, and with the help of white clothes, the Heavenly Demon Dafa quickly occupies an absolute advantage, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo. The Great Law of Ultimate Bliss crushed away.

  Acacia Bliss Dafa had no power to fight back, and was directly forced to a desperate situation. In the end, it only occupied a small corner of her body. Being trapped by an enchantment created by Qin Luoyi is no longer a cause for fear.

  Qin Luoyi let out a sigh of relief.

   smiled and opened his eyes.

The dark and agile eyes fell on the tree of life again. Many new branches had grown in the place where the white clothes had been folded before, and the rays of light on the tree of life were even more dazzling. It looks more than half a meter taller.

  Bai Yi looked at Qin Luoyi's fair and soft side face, his eyes were thoughtful. Although He Huan Bliss Dafa was forced into a corner and trapped by them, it was still a little bit behind in order to completely expel him.

  He followed Qin Luoyi's gaze to look at the Tree of Life, and then stretched out his hand gracefully. Qin Luoyi was turning around to talk to him, seeing his actions, he thought that he was really determined to pull out the roots of the tree of life.

   Hastily stopped, and squinted at him angrily. "What did you promise me before, and you forgot it so quickly?"

   "If you absorb some more power from the tree of life, you will be able to completely expel the Dafa of Acacia Bliss." Bai Yi knew that she had misunderstood, and explained with a smile: "Just break some more branches." [

   "No need." Qin Luoyi still shook his head, even if it was a branch, she couldn't bear to waste it.

Not to mention the branches on the tree of life, even a single leaf has more spiritual power than hundreds of excellent crystal stones combined. What's even more rare is that it contains extremely pure and vigorous life essence , that essence can make dead trees spring up, and can even kill people and give birth to bones.

After entering here, she found that the bodhi seeds emitted a light green luster, constantly absorbing the vitality inside, nourishing Changying's soul. Compared with before, Changying's soul has become much stronger up.

If it wasn't for fear that the essence in the leaves would be too strong and terrifying, and Duanmu Changying's soul was too weak at this time, afraid that he would not be able to bear it, Qin Luoyi even wanted to ask Bai Yi for a leaf to be refined and absorbed by Bodhizi Lose.

As for herself... Bai Yi hasn't recovered her memory yet, and she doesn't know why, she always has a feeling of taking advantage of Bai Yi when using the tree of life: "There is only a little bit of exercise left, I will refine it slowly in the future, but It just takes more time.”

  The two said a few more words, but the white clothes couldn't hold back her, so they had to give up.

However, if I agree with Qin Luoyi's words, it would be easy to spend some time refining the Acacia Bliss Dafa. Jin Ruihuang's Acacia Bliss Dafa is weird and domineering. The nemesis is average.

If not, even with the help of the Tree of Life and him, it would not be so easy to suppress the Great Law of Hehuan Bliss. Previously, the Great Law of Hehuan Bliss in her body had an absolute advantage and completely suppressed the Heavenly Demon Dafa, but it was Qin Luoyi It's just that the time to practice Heavenly Demon Dafa is too short. If the two are evenly matched, it is not certain who will suppress the other.

   After solving the Great Law of Hehuan Bliss, the big stone that had been pressing on Qin Luoyi's chest was finally removed, and Qin Luoyi felt a lot easier.

She got up and circled the tree of life twice. At this time, the spiritual power in the entire valley had condensed into substance, and even a lot of spiritual power crystals formed under the tree of life. There were all kinds of colors, colorful and dazzling. extreme.

  Picking up a piece of Mosuo in his hand, he looked at Bai Yi with bright phoenix eyes, and sighed: "Bai Yi, such a treasure as the tree of life... where did you get it?"

While talking, he rubbed the spar on his face again. The spar formed by the combination of the essence of the tree of life and the surrounding natural dragon aura is very delicate, even more delicate than the fine ice jade. It should be crystal clear, with a natural sense of warmth, and it will be hard to put it down in the hand.

   "I still don't remember, I'll tell you when I remember." Bai Yi also stood up and walked towards her.

  Qin Luoyi's cute look of Mosuo holding the fiery red spar on his face reminded him of the tenderness and delicateness he felt when he touched her pretty face with his fingers.

  Stretched his hands around Qin Luoyi's slender waist from behind, and pulled her into his arms. The bewitching fragrance from Qin Luoyi's body due to practicing the Great Dharma of Acacia and Ultimate Bliss has disappeared, but a quiet fragrance permeated his nostrils. [

  That was Qin Luoyi's own fragrance, elegant and charming... The white clothes smelled that fragrance, and couldn't help but curl up their thin lips, evoking a dazzling smile.

  He still likes this natural smell, and he never gets tired of smelling it. Every time he smells her breath and feels that she is around him, it can make his empty heart feel full and soft instantly.

  Qin Luoyi, who was suddenly hugged by him, froze.

  The bodies of the two were close together, reminding her of the situation where she threw him down not long ago under the influence of the Great Law of Acacia and Ultimate Bliss.

   His face suddenly became hot.

  At that time, the **** made her unable to control her behavior, but her reason was still there, and her mind was even clearer. It was difficult for her to pretend to be confused and forget.

Bai Yi reached out and took the spar from her hand, his own hand replaced the spar and lightly massaged on the side of her face, his thin lips fell on her cheek, kissed her jade-like buttocks, and It fell from the cheek to her neck, and he couldn't help sighing at the beautiful touch. The eyes are bright and dazzling.

   "Luoyi, you still owe me a bridal chamber wedding night... Make it up to me now." He reached out and turned around her body, and kissed her red lips directly, his movements were a bit jerky and clumsy.

  Qin Luoyi's lips hurt a little from his kiss. The hand clearly wanted to move him away, but it seemed to have its own consciousness, and instead tightly entangled him.

  Where the lips and teeth of the two meet, a soft but extremely pure breath escapes from Bai Yi's mouth, and is then absorbed by her eagerly.

  She couldn't bear to let go.

The inexplicable attraction generated by that breath made her just want to cling to him tightly, and there was only one thought in her mind, a little more, a little more... In fact, she had discovered this kind of suction before when she threw herself down in white to kiss him .

  At that time, she thought it was the influence of He Huan Bliss Dafa, but now He Huan Bliss Dafa has clearly been suppressed, and it is impossible to have such a big influence on her.

  Her initiative made Bai Yi's eyes brighter and hotter, but in a short time, his kiss became proficient from the initial slightly jerky, and he had already found the knack of it.

  Qin Luoyi took a lot of self-control to open the white clothes, his eyes were shining, and his chest heaved slightly.

   "Luoyi..." Bai Yi held her pretty face, looking at her with extremely hot eyes, which were always dark and cold, stained with a layer of ambiguous lust.

  Qin Luoyi blinked, a little dumbfounded, even if she couldn't see outside, she knew that senior brother and the others were outside the formation. Bai Yi actually wanted her to make up his wedding night here at this time!

  So he said tactfully: "Brother, they have been waiting outside for long enough, let's go out first and tell them the good news, so as to reassure them."

   Bai Yi chuckled.

   With a thought, she directly brought Qin Luoyi into the room where she lived in the bracelet space, and then pushed her down on the bed. He only felt that his body was fragrant and warm, like a ball of nephrite jade, which made his blood rush and his mind excited.

   It was rare for Bai Yi to act so strong in front of her, which made Qin Luoyi stunned, and reflexively stretched out his hands against Bai Yi's chest.

   "White clothes..."

  The two eyes met.

  Bai Yi's eyes were shining brightly, like the cold stars in the night sky, shining brightly, and the color of **** in the eyes became stronger.

  In the silent room, the sound of heavy breathing gradually resounded.

"Luoyi!" Baiyi murmured softly, leaned over slowly, and kissed her red lips again: "I've been waiting for this day for a long time..." It's really been a long time. I saw her from Piaomiaozong. Being with Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, he had a vague longing for her deep in his heart.

  He didn't want to take it anymore.

   Really went out, there are many people outside who want clothes to make up for their bridal chamber wedding night. At that time, with them by Yi'er's side, it might not be easy for him to find another chance to get close to her, not to mention that in order to marry her, he used some tricks, really waiting for Qin Luoyi to take the initiative to be with him, I don't know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey.

   There was also the matter that Feng Feili and the others were drawing lots on the night of their marriage, and they excluded him alone... Although he had something to do and didn't go out, his behavior still made him a little uncomfortable.

  At this moment, he is close to the water, so he naturally has to seize the opportunity, and it will be logical for him to be with Qin Luoyi in the future. What's more, he also guessed that Qin Luoyi had to agree to marry him due to the promise between the two of them at that time, but he really didn't want to consummate the house with him...but he didn't point it out.

Without any hesitation, Bai Yi lowered his head and continued to kiss her red lips. The soft and pure breath between his lips and teeth made Qin Luoyi lose his resistance in an instant, his body softened suddenly, and then Bai Yi kissed her again. When Bai Shengsheng's delicate earlobes touched her sensitivity inadvertently.

  Qin Luoyi couldn't help trembling slightly, and even let out a moan.

  Bai Yi at this time is completely different from Bai Yi who was previously affected by He Huan Bliss Dafa. Qin Luoyi even wondered if the **** in Bai Yi's body had not been relieved by him all the time, and it just broke out at this time.

  If she doesn't stop, she knows exactly what will happen next. But now she couldn't stop Bai Yi at all, and she couldn't stop herself either. Although Bai Yi's kisses and touches were slightly green, they pressed her body tightly, and she couldn't break free at all.

  Bai Yi was more sensitive to her resistance to his kissing, and would kiss her red lips from time to time, making her not only unable to break free, but even began to ask for it.

  Scented warm tents, light gauze and tulle curtains, two people, two figures are closely intertwined, chanting and panting resounded in the room, interweaving into a beautiful movement.


Qin Luoyi's beauty was beyond Bai Yi's expectation, and he couldn't help but turn over and over again, pouring out his fiery passion over and over again, until finally everything calmed down, Qin Luoyi's pretty face was drenched with crystal clear sweat, The cheeks are flushed, the eyes are shining and charming, and the corners of the eyes and eyebrows are all seductive.

  While Bai Yi's clear and shallow eyes were full of smiles, even the corners of the slightly raised lips were charming. Looking at her with deep pampering and full satisfaction. He finally understood why Chu Yifeng and the others always wanted to be with her, and they felt that no amount of time was enough for the person they liked.

  Looking at her pretty face flushed like a peach blossom, Bai Yi couldn't help but leaned over again and kissed her red lips.

  It was originally a simple kiss, but in the end, the kiss became hotter and hotter, and the two became entangled again.


   "It's been more than half a month, why haven't they come out, isn't something going to happen?" Outside the formation, the expression on Chu Yifeng's face has gone from being calm at first to being anxious now.

  In the past half a month, the spiritual power outside the formation has become more and more intense, and the rays of light and auspicious energy inside the formation have risen to a height of a thousand meters, which is extremely spectacular.

   "Crow's Mouth." Duanmu Changqing glanced at him, snorted, and his eyes were a little cold: "With the white clothes here, what can happen?"

It's just that even though I said that, there is still a trace of irritability in my heart, the abnormality in the formation is getting bigger and bigger, and the tree planted in white is completely an existence against the sky, not to mention that there is still In the place where the dragon dives, the dragon energy in the ground is continuously drawn out by the white clothes.

  Thinking of Baiyi, and thinking of the day when Qin Luoyi and Baiyi just entered, the weather phenomenon that suddenly appeared in the valley...Day and night are constantly exchanging, and there is another spring and autumn in the blink of an eye.

  The time inside seems to be many times faster than outside.

"It's going to be fine, we have to have some confidence in Bai Yi." Feng Feili was silent for a moment, and a smile appeared on his enchanting handsome face: "Bai Yi does things safely. It’s very sufficient, it’s only half a month, let’s wait slowly.”

  Jian Yuyan was standing and talking to Qin Tian.

  Among the group of people who stayed outside the formation, the two of them had the highest cultivation. One cultivated two spirit flowers, and the other cultivated one spirit flower. Jian Yuyan looked around while talking, then lowered her voice and said, "I always feel...someone around is spying on us secretly."

  Qin Tian's clear eyes also glanced around, nodded and agreed: "I feel it too."

  Hearing what they said, Chu Yifeng couldn't help walking over quickly, his expression became serious: "Is there really someone? Did you both feel it?"

If one person notices it, that's fine. If it's two people... I'm afraid that someone really sneaked in, and sneaked in, and hasn't shown up... I'm afraid he didn't have any good ideas. The big tree that is getting more and more dazzling in the sun.

  It's a pity that his cultivation base is a little weaker, and he hasn't broken through the peak of Zifu, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

  Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili also came over, Feng Feili's eyes flashed a stern look, and he said coldly: "Can you try to find it?"

   No matter who the other party is, Qin Luoyi and Baiyi are still inside... They'd better nip all potential threats in the bud!

  The five voices exchanged a look, and they all saw a strong killing intent in each other's eyes.

Qin Tian and Jian Yuyan let go of their consciousness with all their strength, and walked around the valley several times, but they still only felt a faint breath of soul, and couldn't find the specific location of the peeping person. After a while, the breath suddenly appeared disappeared.


  At this moment, a violent sound suddenly came from inside the formation, the sun-covering rays of light and ten thousand auras suddenly parted from the middle, and two slender figures walked out gracefully from inside.

As they came out, a thicker and more pure aura rushed towards the face from the crack in just a split second, and after the two came out, the ray of light quickly merged together .

  Even if it was only split open for a moment, Qin Tian and others still saw the scene in the valley. The spiritual power inside had been so dense that it had condensed into a white substance!

  The people who came out were Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi.


  Chu Yifeng and the others quickly passed by.

  Qin Luoyi had crooked eyebrows and a smile on his face. His pretty face was as crystal clear as jade, exuding a lustrous luster.

   "How's it going?"

  Chu Yifeng asked eagerly, Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi hadn't come out, in fact, he regretted letting Bai Yi suppress her mind now, and should prepare for a while longer.

   Isn't it just that you can't have sex?

   Isn't it just that there is no bridal chamber?

  He just endured it, and it's not like he hasn't endured it before. He has endured it for more than five years, not to mention that Qin Luoyi has now become their dual cultivation partner, and they will spend more time together in the future. Really should take it easy, so Bai Yi will be more confident.

  Seeing Bai Yi planting such a sky-defying tree, he felt that the cultivation technique might not be easily suppressed. These days...especially in the past two days, he has been a little restless.

it's good now.

  Yi'er finally came out.

  He looked carefully at Qin Luoyi's face again, and found nothing amiss, and then he slightly let go of the heart he had been holding on for a while.

   "I'm fine, everything is going well." Qin Luoyi told him with a smile, his dark eyes flicked over Feng Feili and the others.

  Feng Feili also breathed a sigh of relief, the originally dignified handsome face smiled again, her peach blossom eyes were slightly narrowed, and her face was handsome and charming.

   glanced at Bai Yi.

  Become Yi'er's husband, protect her wholeheartedly, and prevent her from being taken away... Bai Yi has fulfilled his promise back then.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you for the kiss Huahua (2 flowers) from 123, where the sky is blue, thank you for Aibi Liwu kissing Zhuanzuan, thank you for the lotus in the rain kissing Huahua (2 flowers), thank you

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