MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 30 Infiltrate in the middle of the night

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  After Qin Luoyi was embarrassed, he found it funny again.

  No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't imagine that Xuanyuanqing remembered the memory at that time... But thinking about it at that time, he really didn't have time to tell her. First, Chu Yifeng and the others came back, and then Jin Ruihuang appeared.

  One thing after another.

  After knowing the truth, the thorn buried deep in her heart, even if she didn't admit it, the thorn that had always existed was completely pulled out.

   Pursing her red lips, she smiled and glanced at Xuanyuan Qing.

At this moment, her jet-black hair was tied in a beautiful bun behind her back, which made her delicate skin look like fat jade. Her delicate and complicated steps swayed and swayed in the breeze following her movements. The light is shining, full of style, charming and moving.

  Xuanyuan Qing still had a smile on his face.

  A gentle and handsome face calmly waved, but it was as quiet as jade, already stained with a layer of lust, but there were dark waves in the forcibly suppressed pupils, he lowered his head and leaned towards Qin Luoyi.

  Qin Luoyi didn't know him for a day or two, not to mention the two of them have been married for so long, why don't they know what he wants to do? When he leaned over, she lifted her foot and stepped out to one side. A sly look flashed in his eyes. [

   Xuanyuan Qing laughed.

  Someone's voice came from a corner.

   There are quite a few people coming, there are several. Talking and laughing loudly while walking, the originally quiet place suddenly became lively.

   Moreover, the locations where Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing stood were only relatively remote, not secretive. With the cultivation of the two of them, if they want to set up some kind of enchantment, it is completely possible to prevent people from finding out and disturbing them.

   It was just that they finally met, and the misunderstanding was resolved again. Qin Luoyi still had a lot to say to Xuanyuan Qing, and he didn't want to stay in a crowded place.

   "Let's go over there." Before she could speak, Xuanyuan Qing spoke first, pointing to the depth of the path.

   Obviously, he doesn't want people to disturb their solitude now.

  Qin Luoyi nodded.

   A gust of wind blew up, and the two figures suddenly disappeared in place, silently, but none of the people who were already very close noticed anything strange.

Those few people were just passing by, and left soon. After they left, a black figure suddenly appeared, standing where Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing were standing just now, and after a while, he appeared as abruptly as when he came. Disappeared.

  After the dinner, Mo Xiao arranged a residence for Xuanyuan Qing in Nether Palace, which was used to entertain distinguished guests in the past, Xuanyuan Qing didn't say much, and lived in directly.

  The palace Qin Luoyi lives in is a little far away from Xuanyuanqing's residence, and Mo Xiao's residence is also far away. Of course, this has nothing to do with the extremely luxurious and huge construction of every palace in Nether Palace.

   It was almost midnight when the banquet ended.

  Qin Luoyi was promoted to the Thunder Tribulation again today, and had another battle with Mo Chen. He was really tired, and also a little bit drunk, happy in his heart, fell on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

   After sleeping for some time, she suddenly noticed a strange smell in the house, and she was no stranger to that smell. [

  He let go of his heart, but he didn't open his eyes, and just continued to close his eyes and pretend to sleep. The visitor stood by her bed for a long time, then came over and sat down on her bed.

  Qin Luoyi could feel two hot eyes falling on her face... her heartbeat gradually lost frequency.

   But she still didn't open her eyes.

   Continue to pretend to be asleep.

  A warm palm caressed her face, and finally stopped on her red lips, caressing slowly, and then the soft heat replaced the palm.

  Qin Luoyi's heart beat faster, and he felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter. At this moment, he felt a little regretful. If she had known this, she should have opened her eyes when she woke up just now, pretending to be asleep.

   Fortunately, the hot kiss on the lips is very light and shallow, like a dragonfly touching water, and it is easy to leave. Qin Luoyi involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, and the person sitting on the edge of her bed also stood up and left.

   Are you leaving?

Qin Luoyi suddenly felt lost and reluctant. Just as he was thinking whether to open his eyes, the sound of extremely light footsteps stopped, and they stopped opposite her. Qin Luoyi knew that there was a soft couch opposite her. He didn't let go of his spiritual sense either, knowing that if he let go of his spiritual sense, he would be noticed by others, so he just listened with his ears up.

  The man sat down on the soft couch opposite, Qin Luoyi could even feel his eyes falling on her again, and he never left.

  How could Qin Luoyi remain asleep when people were staring at her like this? She was even afraid of being found pretending to be asleep. She tried her best to breathe evenly, but... her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and it became more and more uncontrollable.

  I also laughed, why did she pretend to be asleep.

   opened his eyes suddenly.

  His lips curved into a smile. "How long do you want to see me?" Xuanyuan Qing was sitting opposite her.

  Xuanyuan Qing saw her eyes open, his eyes lit up, a doting smile appeared on the corners of his lips, he got up and walked towards her: "Did I wake you up?"

  Qin Luoyi half-raised his head and looked at him.


   "What do you think?"

Xuanyuanqing stood in front of her, his eyes were like water, and he stared at her quietly with deep affection: "It seems that I woke you up, so go on sleeping, I don't make a sound, you can treat me as if I didn't wake you up." exist."

  Qin Luoyi was angry and funny.

   With such a big person standing in front of her, can she pretend that she doesn't exist? What a thick nerve it takes. Moreover, she has already taken a nap, and her mental head has recovered early. Originally, if a practitioner wants to recover his vitality, he can do it by meditating for a few weeks. She has developed a habit from the lower realms, and she wants to sleep when she is tired. , it's just a habit.

Because of her habit, several of her husbands and even the white clothes with the highest cultivation have developed the habit of sleeping. After each love, instead of practicing meditation, they first hug her and sleep with her intimately. Sleep.

"You came here to watch me sleep?" Qin Luoyi looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smile, but she regretted it as soon as she said it, she said it... as if she was very dissatisfied with him just watching her sleep , clearly full of hints.

Xuanyuan Qing didn't seem to notice the ambiguity in her words, he touched her black hair with a smile, and touched her face with his fingers, very softly: "Yes, I just want to keep looking at you, I don't care I haven't seen you for more than a year, and I haven't been able to find you... Luoyi, I'm really afraid that I might lose you."

  A rare gloomy look appeared on his handsome face.

Qin Luoyi's heart was instantly filled with a strange warmth, and his heart throbbed endlessly. He held his hand that was caressing his face, and said in a low voice: "I made you worry, you can rest assured now, I'm not all right ."

"I can rest assured now." Xuanyuan Qing let her hold her hand, and his dark eyes became scorching: "Not only is it okay, but it took me a few years to become the Great Demon King, and he also mastered the speed of time... Yi, I'm proud of you!"

   Being praised so much by her husband, even though Qin Luoyi tried hard to put on a calm look, saying that it was actually nothing, but because he was happy in his heart, he still failed and smiled.

  Xuanyuan Qing's eyes became more gentle and doting.

Every time he saw Qin Luoyi's smile, it made him very happy. It was the same when he lost his memory before, and it is still the same now. He couldn't help but hug Qin Luoyi's body, and Qin Luoyi obediently leaned his head On his chest, the two hugged each other intimately.

   "From now on, we will never be separated again." Xuanyuan Qing sighed, lowered his head and kissed her forehead.

   "Okay." Qin Luoyi smiled brightly, put his hands around his waist, moved his body again, and found a more comfortable position on his body to lean against.

  Xuanyuanqing's eyes dimmed, and there was a flash of fire jumping in the bottom of the eyes.

  With the warm and fragrant nephrite in his arms, the body's desires suddenly came to life, turbulent, and originally just wanted to hug her, but he still overestimated his self-control.

  Qin Luoyi also noticed something strange about his body.

  Firstly, he was proud that he was still extremely influential to Xuanyuanqing, and then he thought of Mo Xiao, and the corners of his lips drooped before he could raise his lips.

  She didn't forget Mo Xiao's words.

  Mo Xiao has no trust in Xuanyuan Qing.

Xuanyuan Qing looked at her, because she leaned on him with her eyes slightly squinted, he didn't notice anything unusual, he stroked her face with one hand, his fingertips that were originally warm seemed to have flames, and lightly brushed against her face. After lingering, it slid to the neck again, and then his face slowly approached, he touched Qin Luoyi's nose with his nose, and wiped it lightly twice.

  Qin Luoyi opened his eyes.

   With a slight smile on the corner of Xuanyuanqing's lips, he wiped her pretty face affectionately. Then he gently pressed his hot lips to Qin Luoyi's, pried open her lips and teeth, and sucked them back and forth.

  Qin Luoyi's body trembled slightly.

I only felt a powerful energy escape from his lips, and the extreme pleasure hit her brain, making her hair dizzy and her whole body soft. The kiss to Xuanyuan Qing, even though her cultivation base was high enough, she still felt a little nervous. can't resist.

   In the kiss in the dense forest before, she tried her best to not fall completely limp in his arms.


  Qin Luoyi's chest heaved violently as he murmured his name.

Xuanyuanqing's hand had already slid onto her lapel, and he opened it. The shirt was unbuttoned, and the red bellyband inside was looming. Xuanyuanqing's breathing also began to become hot and chaotic. His fiery kiss left Qin Luoyi's lips, from his chin , earlobes, and neck all the way down.

  Qin Luoyi only felt that every cell in her body could feel Xuanyuan Qing's hands moving continuously on her body, her body became softer, and she hesitated to refuse.

  Actually, from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want to refuse.

  She felt that Xuanyuan Qing's desire for her was very violent at this time, the reason why she still treats her so gently now is obviously because she tried her best to restrain herself, they are already married, it is really unreasonable for her to refuse him.


   If you don't refuse, Mo Xiao will definitely be angry.

"Xuanyuan Qing is no longer the white-clothed one. His cultivation has completely recovered. In the past, I used secret techniques to hide the contractual relationship between the two of us. No matter how close you are with him, he won't find out. But it's different now. Well, with his cultivation base, as long as you have an intimate relationship with him, he will be able to notice the difference immediately!"

   These are the original words of Mo Xiao.

  It's not that Qin Luoyi doesn't believe in Xuanyuanqing, Xuanyuanqing hasn't changed, she believes in her feelings after being together for a few hours, but she doesn't want Mo Xiao and Xuanyuanqing to completely confront each other because of her own reasons.

   "Qin Luoyi, what are you doing?" Just as she was thinking about Mo Xiao, a cold whizzing sound rang out from the bottom of her heart. Qin Luoyi was startled suddenly, and her body froze reflexively.

   "You didn't pay attention to what I said about feelings, did you?"

  The corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched fiercely.

  Damn Demon Owl!

  How would he know about himself and Xuanyuanqing... Could it be that he has been watching her? With this thought, his mind instantly cleared up, the mist in his eyes faded, and he sat up straight suddenly.

  She has no habit of performing erotica in front of people!

Xuanyuanqing was originally covering her leg with one hand, but Qin Luoyi's sudden movement of sitting upright made his hand pause. He looked up at Qin Luoyi, as if he didn't expect Qin Luoyi to resist his touch bump.

   "Xuanyuan..." Qin Luoyi opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to explain to him in a hurry.

   Xuanyuanqing stared at her with unfading passion in his black eyes, then smiled slightly, hugged her and lay down on the bed together, comforting her: "I was too anxious."

   is really too urgent.

   Originally, when he came, he wasn't prepared to have anything to do with her.

  It was an accident that the gun would misfire.

  Because of his restored memory, Qin Luoyi has reservations about him, and he is not as close as before. He also has feelings for a long time ago, and he doesn't blame her... He knows that he came too late.

  Qin Luoyi felt even more guilty when he heard the words.

Xuanyuan Qing planted a kiss on her forehead, turned sideways to straighten her messy hair, quickly pulled her unbuttoned clothes and carefully buttoned them again, the movements were as gentle as if she was caring for her most beloved Like a baby, then he pulled him into his arms, pressed Qin Luoyi's head gently but firmly against his chest, and said in a hoarse voice: "Luoyi, let me hold you...I'll be with you Shall we sleep together?"

  Qin Luoyi let his body soften and leaned against his arms.

   nodded and closed his eyes.

  The arm was around his waist, holding him tight... Qin Luoyi, who thought he would not fall asleep, fell asleep again after smelling the familiar scent on his body.

   It was dawn when she woke up again.

  The hot body temperature on the side of her body let her know that Xuanyuan Qing hadn't left. She opened her eyes, facing Xuanyuan Qing's tender eyes, watching her wake up, and smiled at her.

  Qin Luoyi blinked.

   laughed too.

  She stood up, leaned over quickly and gave him a kiss: "Morning." But she didn't dare to kiss deeply, so she stopped.

  After the kiss she jumped out of bed.

  Xuanyuanqing watched her put on the clothes with a smile, and then got up. While Qin Luoyi was combing her hair, he took the jade comb and combed her hair carefully.

  After combing her hair, she still painted her eyebrows and lips with great interest... Xuanyuanqing liked to do these things for her when she was in the lower realm. After finishing all these, it took nearly half an hour, and the relationship between the two became more natural and intimate.

  Mo Xiao sent someone to look for her.

  Thinking of what happened last night, Qin Luoyi secretly gritted his teeth, and quickly went to see Mo Xiao.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you kungrenwen for the diamond, thank you for the sky is blue 123 for the flower, thank you Xiaoxiaoyue for the kiss, thank you for the lotus in the rain for the flower (2 flowers)

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