MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 31 Xuanyuanqing vs Mo Xiao

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  The demon owl stood in the hall.

  Besides the demon lord, there are many people in the hall, the four major demon kings, Qingfengmingyue, Chasing the Wind and Chasing Shadow, and even more than 20 great kings from the Southern Demon Realm.

  Seeing her coming, Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows and smiled.

   "Miss Qin!"

   King Guyue took the lead to salute her.

  Qin Luoyi walked into the hall amidst everyone's attention.

  Mo Xiao looked around, sneered, and said slowly, "Or Miss Qin?" His tone was not heavy, but there was a hint of sternness in his beautiful eyes.

  The four demon kings quickly looked at each other, and quickly realized: "See Your Majesty!"

   saluted her again. [

  Then automatically backed away to make way for her. Only the demon owl was still standing gracefully in the middle, and that avenue led directly to the resplendent and magnificent throne of the devil emperor surrounded by dazzling eyes on the high platform ahead.

  The corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched fiercely.

  She just became the devil emperor of the devil world?

"What's up?"

  She stood in front of Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao stared at her fair and bright pretty face, smiled and said: "Even if the Northern Demon Realm is gone from now on, you have already advanced to the rank of Great Demon King, and the Emperor Conferment Ceremony must be held quickly. The time is so clear, depending on the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons, we have already selected a few days, you can see which day is suitable, and the enchantment of the Dark Realm was broken yesterday, our people have found a way to control the Dark Realm, but since the future The Northern Demon Realm no longer exists, and it is up to you to make up your mind whether to keep the barrier of the Dark Realm. If you leave the barrier, you have to find a way to repair the broken barrier. If you want to destroy . . . that would be easy."

  Qin Luoyi pulled the corners of his lips, and made a faint smile.

  She really doesn't have any interest in being that devil emperor. As for the barrier in the dark world, she looked around at everyone.

   "It is indeed easy to destroy the enchantment of the Dark Realm, but what remains is a natural barrier of the Demon Realm, which may come in handy one day in the future."

   "In this case, let's stay." Mo Xiao said very straightforwardly, and naturally no one objected, and they all nodded in agreement.

  Mo Xiao went to Qingfeng.

   Qingfeng took a piece of paper.

   It says several days.

  The most recent one is ten days later.

  The farthest one is one month later. [

"Choose a date." Mo Xiao took the paper and asked her to take a closer look. Qin Luoyi took the paper from his hand after only one glance: "I still have to choose carefully." Row."

  Since Mo Xiao insisted on letting her be the Devil Emperor, she didn't bother to refuse any longer. Being the Devil Emperor or not would have no effect on her anyway, and Mo Xiao clearly didn't want to be such a fat person who broke his promise.

   "This is a big event, and we should choose a date carefully." Mo Xiao didn't urge her to choose it now.

After leaving the main hall, Qin Luoyi stopped Mo Xiao, and then dragged him to a side hall with people on the side, and closed the door heavily with a bang, the smile on his pretty face sank, his expression darkened He glared at Mo Xiao sinfully.

  Mo Xiao looked at her, a glimmer of light flashed in his pupils quickly, but the corners of his lips curled up, with an indescribable charm.

   "It seems that you are a little angry... You are so angry early in the morning. Could it be that you are dissatisfied with your desires?"

  Qin Luoyi has black lines all over his head.

   Gritting her teeth, she smiled: "You are right, I am just dissatisfied with my desires."

  Mo Xiao leaned over.

He quickly put his hands around her waist, and moved close to her face, his warm breath brushed against her face, with an indescribable ambiguity: "Tsk, it turns out that I am really dissatisfied with my desires, it's okay, I'll help you extinguish the fire." , Luoyi, do you think it is here or should we change places?"

  Qin Luoyi slapped his hand away vigorously, grabbed his hem suddenly, and said angrily, "What are you changing...Mo Xiao, **** it, tell me, have you been watching me all this time?"

"So you don't want to change places, we're here?" Mo Xiao smiled wickedly, and his tone was full of teasing: "As long as you like it, I don't mind." Obviously he was not frightened by Qin Luoyi's appearance .

  Qin Luoyi looked at him for a moment, then suddenly let go of his collar, but there was a burst of fire in his eyes. When she put down her hands, she also smoothed out the wrinkled neckline for him.

   "If you keep watching me, I'll tell him directly about our relationship!"

  The smile on Mo Xiao's face froze, his beautiful eyes narrowed dangerously, and the aura on his body suddenly became cold.

   "You better not!"

  Qin Luoyi was not intimidated by him like this, but smiled even brighter: "If you continue to monitor me, I will!"

  The tone is firm and loud.

  Mo Xiao sneered: "When did I spy on you? You mean when I reminded you last night?"

  Qin Luoyi glanced at him with a smile that was not a smile: "Then tell me, other than that time, when did you spy on me?"

"I don't have the skill to keep watch over you." Mo Xiao approached her ear, and said with a smile, "What's the relationship between us? Do I need to watch you, but what are the consequences after our relationship is known... I believe you know better than me, if you didn't keep talking about me last night, how could I let go of my spiritual sense to see you?"

   It turned out that she recruited people herself.

  Qin Luoyi twitched the corners of his eyes.

  Hearing this, the anger in her heart subsided a lot, she remembered that she was really thinking about Mo Xiao at that time.

   "Mo Xiao...I am husband and wife with him." Qin Luoyi moved his gaze away from him, and landed on the blooming flower branches outside.

   "Well, I know this, you got married when you were in the lower realm, Xuanyuan Qing lost his memory, fell in love with you, and became your husband..." Mo Xiao's eyes flashed a gleam, and he nodded.

"Since you know it all, and I have never kept this matter from you, you should understand that I can't keep looking for reasons not to be with him." Come a few more times, Xuanyuan Qing will definitely notice something, naturally There will also be doubts.

   "Are you reluctant?" Mo Xiao looked at her.

  Qin Luoyi was silent.

   Naturally reluctant.

And I don't want Xuanyuanqing to misunderstand... In the atmosphere last night, she was cruel enough not to let Xuanyuanqing get close to her. Although Xuanyuanqing followed her and didn't say anything, she knew that Xuanyuanqing must have misunderstood him, thinking that she was against him in her heart. There is also estrangement.

  Seeing the obvious reluctance in her eyes, Mo Xiao felt a little sour in his heart.

"If you don't want to, you have to bear it for the time being. If you want to be alone with him, you have to wait until your cultivation base is higher than his... or you are evenly matched with him." Mo Xiao stroked his chin, pondered for a while, This sentence was thrown out again.

  Qin Luoyi shot out a cold blade in his eyes: "Equally equal to him? Are you evenly equal to him now?"

   "Tsk, I haven't tried it yet. You have to try it to know." Mo Xiao said seriously: "Why don't you try it while he is here?"

  Qin Luoyi took a deep breath.

  Turn around and leave.

  She was afraid that if she stayed here, she couldn't help but try a hard fight with him first.

  Mo Xiao also left the side hall after Qin Luoyi left. He looked around and said calmly, "Come out."

   As soon as the voice fell, the four major demon kings of the demon world all appeared and swept over from a distance.

   "See Your Majesty."

  Mo Xiao waved his hand: "Didn't I ask you to deal with the affairs of the Northern Demon Realm? It's over so quickly, what are you doing here?"

  Guyue King and the four looked at each other.

   "Your Majesty, King Xuanyuan is Miss Qin's husband, why do you still let her be the devil emperor of our Demon Realm? What if they join forces in the future..." Their Demon Realm might become the possession of the Immortal Realm.

   "She has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, so she is the Devil Emperor. You don't need to worry about this, just do what I say." Mo Xiao quickly dismissed them, with a very tough attitude.

  Guyue King and the four were puzzled in their hearts, but judging from Mo Xiao's appearance, it was clear that he would not change his mind, no matter how many doubts he had, he could only suppress them.

  As soon as they left, Demon Xiao continued to stand where he was, and did not leave, his beautiful eyes staring at the void.

  A white figure appeared there.

  The green silk jade belt is absolutely beautiful.

Gracefully walked towards Mo Xiao, stopped a few meters in front of him, looked at him indifferently and unfathomably, and said coldly, "I'm also curious, why do you have to let her be the devil emperor... only Because she has the Hunyuan Dzi?"

   Mo Xiao looked at the cool man who looked handsome and dignified, exuding the aura of a king, and thought in his heart that this was Xuanyuan Qing's true face.

  This man has been calm for several years, seemingly indifferent, but in fact he is more ruthless. Especially for women, maybe he likes Qin Luoyi now, but who can guarantee the future? He couldn't imagine that Xuanyuan Qing would love a woman forever.

   "Of course it's because of the Hunyuan Dzi. Although you were no longer in the upper realm at that time, King Xuanyuan has ascended to the upper realm for several years. You must have heard about the agreement between me and Mo Chen that day."

  Xuanyuan Qing nodded.

   "I did hear that."

   Demon Xiao smiled slightly.

"Just because of the Hunyuan Dzi?" Xuanyuanqing continued to look at him coldly: "Since she ascended, you have made up your mind not to let me find her, and you have also concealed her aura, and you have been spreading suspicions everywhere." …Her cultivation can advance so quickly, presumably it has something to do with your pure yang virgin body."

  Mo Xiao looked at him with a half-smile.

   Did not speak.

Xuanyuanqing didn't seem to need him to speak, so he continued again: "You lied me out of the demon world just to buy her time to become the Great Demon King. You also know that it is impossible to completely hide it from me. Because the Great Demon King Lei Jie is too aggressive. Powerful, so after you lured me away, you deliberately let her come to the Dark Realm, and let her practice in the Dark Realm to advance to the tribulation. If I hadn't discovered something wrong in advance, I came to the Dark you arranged for me Going down the road, when I came to the Demon Realm and found her whereabouts, it should have been after the Demon Emperor Ceremony."

  Mo Xiao was noncommittal, looked at him with some casual eyes, and said: "King Xuanyuan has a very rich imagination."

Xuanyuanqing's indifferent and cold eyes suddenly changed, with a bottomless cold light: "I underestimated you at the beginning, Mo Xiao...I warn you, if you have any ideas, hit me, and you will rush Follow me, if you dare to hurt her, I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

  As soon as these words came out, Mo Xiao was a little stunned, and a strange color flashed quickly in his eyes.

   Going towards him?

   Could it be that he thought that he did this to control Qin Luoyi, and would it be impossible to use Qin Luoyi to deal with him?


  He really used this method to deal with him... With Qin Luoyi's heart for Xuanyuanqing, he had to eat him first!

  Others eat him carefully and burn his teeth. Qin Luoyi has no trouble dealing with him. If he wants to do something, he will die together!

  Although he knew that Xuanyuanqing had misunderstood, Mo Xiao didn't care and didn't take it to heart. Instead, it was what he said that he could not live or die, which made him very upset.

   "Oh? You can't live but you can't die, I'd like to see how you let me live and die!" Mo Xiao suppressed the indifferent smile on his lips, and looked at Xuanyuan Qing coldly.

  Qin Luoyi returned to the palace where she lived, and found that Xuanyuanqing had already left, and she went to the guest hall where Xuanyuanqing lived, but still did not find Xuanyuanqing.

She let go of her consciousness, and found that there was no sign of Xuanyuan Qing in the entire Nether City, and all the blood energy in the Nether City had dissipated. Bei Pluto and others were standing on the edge of the broken dark barrier, studying the dark barrier. Qin Luo Yi didn't show up, and quickly moved his consciousness away.

  Take out the paper Mo Xiao gave her with the four days written on it, sit on the chair, tap the golden and luxurious desk once and for all.

  A moment later, she suddenly felt a strange wave of power coming from a very far away, her heart moved, she stood up abruptly, tore apart the void and left.

   That fluctuation was very unusual. It was the battle of the extremely strong. The two people who participated in the battle, she had a faint feeling that their cultivation base was by no means inferior to hers.

  With her current powerful consciousness and cultivation, she quickly found the place to fight. Seeing the two fiercely fighting together, her pupils shrank sharply.

   cursed in a low voice.

   It turned out to be Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing!

   No wonder she couldn't find Xuanyuan Qing everywhere, unexpectedly they fought here!

Qin Luoyi didn't hide his body, but when they saw her coming, neither of them planned to stop. Instead, they fought more and more fiercely. They were merciless in their attacks, flying sand and rocks everywhere, and the spiritual storm kept rolling Surging, the sky and the earth changed color.

   Fortunately, both of them knew that they would be extremely destructive in battle, so they found a deserted place to fight.

Face Luoyi, who was completely ignored by others, was very upset. She stomped her feet fiercely, and shot out like lightning, and directly joined the battle circle. However, her movements were fast, and Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing's movements Faster, before she got close to the past, the two flew away quickly this time.

   "What are you doing?" Qin Luoyi looked sullenly, looking at the two men standing on his left and right.

   "It's just a discussion." Mo Xiao shrugged and said with a light smile.

  Qin Luoyi glared at him.

   Naturally, I thought of the topic I had with him in the side hall... Could it be that he really tried it so soon?

  If it wasn't for his spiritual sense being strong enough to detect something strange here, if she didn't notice and came here, would he keep trying until the winner was decided?

   Angry in his heart, he simply stopped looking at Mo Xiao, and looked at Xuanyuanqing. Xuanyuanqing's originally cold eyes softened a lot when he saw her.

  He walked towards Qin Luoyi. Sensitively aware of the anger, worry, and disbelief in her eyes, he also told her with certainty that they were just discussing each other, and that's it.

Qin Luoyi pursed the corners of her lips, looked at them again, but did not continue to ask, knowing that she would not be able to find anything if she asked again, and she could tell that neither of them were injured, fortunately she came here Fairly timely.

  The three returned to Nether Palace.

   King Guyue was looking for Mo Xiao. After Mo Xiao followed King Guyue away, Qin Luoyi took Xuanyuan Qing back to the palace where he lived.

  Xuanyuanqing saw the paper she put on the table at a glance, he remembered that he didn't have it before he left.

"what is this?"

   Seeing the dates on the paper, Xuanyuan Qing raised his head and asked her.

  Qin Luoyi originally came to him to tell him about being a devil emperor. Now that he asked about it, he naturally wouldn't hide it from her.

   Xuanyuan Qing was silent after hearing this.

  Seeing that his face was not happy, Qin Luoyi walked over to hold his hand, raised his head slightly and looked at him: "Xuanyuanqing, don't you want me to be this devil emperor?"

Xuanyuan Qing is the Xuanyuan King of the fairy world, the most powerful king in the fairy world. Although he did not claim the title of emperor, he is no different from the fairy emperor. Because of his grievances with the demon world, she does not want her to be the devil emperor of the demon world. No surprises.

  Xuanyuan Qing supported her and sat down on the soft couch. "I'm naturally happy that you can become a devil emperor, but..."

   He sighed.

   "What's the matter?" Qin Luoyi looked at him like this, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Xuanyuanqing stroked her hair and stared at her with dark eyes: "When Jin Ruihuang was alive, because I hated her so much and didn't want to be with her, I swore that I would never marry the Devil Emperor. Marriage and double cultivation."

   And made a very heavy oath.

  ------Off topic------

  Thank you for kissing Huahua at 13505743081, thank you for kissing Huahua for Lotus in the Rain (2 flowers), thank you for kissing Huahua at 123 where the sky is blue, thank you for kissing Huahua for Xiaoxiaoyue.

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