MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 93

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Cao sneered, in the dimly lit room, her beautiful face suddenly looked sinister and gloomy.

She thought that Gu Ningran was not as good as a woman in the backyard because she was afraid of wolves and tigers, "Everyone came to our house today, not to drink tea and chat! The big event has been decided, no matter where Gu Ningxi is now, he has already been expelled by public opinion. You are in a situation where water and fire cannot coexist, Gu Ningran, do you understand?"

Gu Ningran put her arms around Cao with a playful smile: "Of course I understand. My lady is right. Ji Changbo is the quasi-in-law of the second room of the Gu family, so maybe Gu Ninglie is just saying it to show off. Besides, Ji Changbo is not surnamed Gu, so he can't interfere." We take care of the affairs of the family. Tomorrow I will have a big talk in the Imperial Academy, trying to make everyone know that Gu Ningxi has been expelled from the family."

Mrs. Cao nodded, and said nonchalantly, "That's right. You've always been dissatisfied with him. Now, don't you look like a big rock that was moved to press the well? Are you proud? You should be justified and spread the word. The second uncle is probably at home today. Sick, I'll come tomorrow to shame them, what's the point of sending Gu Ninglie to disrupt the situation? If you have the ability to conjure Gu Ningxi."

Naturally, Mrs. Cao didn't know that the second uncle and second aunt she was talking about really traveled dozens of miles and walked through the mud to find Gu Ningxi.


It was almost dusk when Tao Xinhe came back to Tao Cheng.

"Father! Why did you stay there for so long? We are leaving tomorrow. No one dares to touch the machinery and equipment in your house without your words. It will be inconvenient to disassemble and load the car when the sun goes down later. No more. You don't have to think about it."

Tao Xinhe scolded her father, but when she saw blood on the corner of his clothes, she sighed: "Is this stained with Gu Sicheng's blood? I let the kitchen boil hot water, you go wash and change the dirty clothes."

Tao Cheng carefully looked at the eldest daughter, seeing that when she mentioned Gu Ningxi, her expression did not change, she couldn't help becoming suspicious.

A few days ago, I felt that she was preoccupied, probably because she was worried about the unconscious Zhuangzi next door. Seeing the real person on a sick visit today, and seeing Gu Ningxi's miserable appearance, He Niang felt relieved and let go?

While taking off his robe, Tao Cheng casually recounted the experience of the afternoon:

"My daughter can see the origin of the blood at a glance. She is as careful as a hair. After you and Cheng Shicheng left, the doctor turned Gu Ningxi over and over to check it. He said that his wound was open, and it seemed that the same place had been patched again. , very bad. Next, you should stay in bed for at least five or six days, and don’t move around at will, otherwise you may have future troubles, which is not conducive to your long life.”

Seeing Gu Ningxi getting out of bed on his own before, Tao Xinhe thought he was fine even though he could feel the heat in his palms through his clothes, but he never expected to be judged so seriously by the doctor.

She pretended to be indifferent at first, but couldn't help but asked: "Then did he listen? Why did he smear blood on you?"

"Heh, Gu Ningxi doesn't have the slightest sense of being seriously injured. After hearing what the doctor said, his servants and maids turned pale with fright, and they all surrounded him crying. But what do you think he's going to do?"

Tao Xinhe vaguely understood in her heart, is Gu Ningxi dragging her sick body to find her? Is it because I broke through the secret conversation between him and Mo Qiqi, so I have to chase after him to distinguish? He always wants to explain afterwards, so why can't he think more about it before acting?

Sure enough, as she expected, Tao Cheng stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of the eldest daughter, put on clean clothes under the attendant service, and said, "That idiot, no matter what, he has to walk such a long way to find you."

"After all, it has something to do with you. How can I get out? It's rare for me to sit on the edge of his bed and talk to that stubborn donkey for a long time. I smelled blood in my nose, and accidentally got it on my clothes. Finally, give myself I found an errand to send you a message for him."

Very rarely, Tao Xinhe covered her ears like a child, shook her head and pouted: "I don't want to hear it. You can guess it. Gu Ningxi is nothing more than those few words. Why do you bother to answer him?"

A servant came in and interrupted, asking if we should serve dinner immediately, Tao Xinhe quickly put down his hands, replied solemnly, nodded in agreement and gave some instructions.

When there was no one in the room, she continued to blame Tao Cheng: "What's more, we have been waiting for you until now. The siblings couldn't help but endured the hunger. Why didn't you come back after dinner with Gu Ningxi? Are you willing to take care of him? , why don't you stay with him overnight and come back?"

Tao Cheng made a helpless expression, and responded to the eldest daughter, "You ran away when you saw him, but you scolded your father in a clear way. You can guess what he wants to say. Could it be that you still have a tacit understanding between husband and wife?"

Tao Xinhe turned around and was about to leave the room, but she didn't agree with Tao Cheng.

Behind her, Tao Cheng shouted: "Gu Ningxi said that his cousin, Gu Ningran, has bad intentions for you. He will go back to Beijing to settle accounts with Gu Ningran after he recovers from his injuries, and he will give you an explanation, so he won't dare to have any more troubles." I also ask you to be careful when you go in and out. You know all of this, right?"

Tao Xinhe's footsteps paused slightly, she thought that Gu Ningxi wanted to ask her father to explain the matter of being alone with Mo Qiqi in the afternoon.

Thinking of Gu Ningran, she only felt disgusted, but she didn't take it too seriously. After all, this person is the son of an official, and he is an official, so even if it is for the sake of his future, he can't act like a hooligan without a bottom line.

Besides, she would always have maids and servants by her side, and she would never leave alone, so how could she let him succeed? It's like waiting to see her before passing a note in front of Rizhuang, it's so ridiculous that it doesn't seem like a sane person can come up with a trick.

That's why Tao Xinhe let Gu Ningran go back to Beijing, and at the same time wrote a letter to reprimand her.

As for detaining the strong servants, Tao Xinhe didn't do it for her own sake, but felt that they were related to Gu Ningxi's injury, and it was for Gu Ningxi to vent her anger or deal with them.

All of the above flashed through her mind, and there was no explanation for Tao's long speech.

Because of this, Tao Xinhe never dreamed that after Gu Ningran returned to Beijing, instead of shrinking her neck to be a man, she provoked the clan to deal a severe blow to Gu Ningxi.

Accompanied by the waning moon outside the window, she was busy confirming various matters for tomorrow's trip, and was surprised to hear that Second Aunt Gu was visiting. What surprised her even more was yet to come.

After welcoming the kind elder into the room with a smile on his face, Tao Xinhe couldn't help but frown his long eyebrows when he heard her talk about the changes in the capital, asked in surprise and repeatedly confirmed.

It's too unbelievable! Tao Xinhe couldn't understand what the old and young men of the Gu family thought from top to bottom, how they could complete such absurd behavior in just two days.

According to Second Aunt Gu's statement, the ancestral hall will be opened during the day to remove Gu Ningxi. Then, at this moment, Gu Ningxi is probably a person who has been abandoned by the clan, and people who don't know the truth will definitely despise him because of this.

What did Gu Ningxi do wrong? Why should I be treated this wrongly? Obviously the culprit is Gu Ningran!

Tao Xinhe felt a pain in her heart, so painful that she just wanted to cry.

It took a while to recover, and she asked softly, "How did Gu Ningxi react when he heard the news?"

Second Aunt Gu sighed, lowered her head and wiped her tears, thinking of Brother Caixi's face changing drastically and then spitting out a mouthful of blood, she was still afraid:

"His second uncle is accompanying him. Brother Xi is not sad about anything else, but his grandmother doesn't say a word. He has already told the people around him that he will go back to Beijing overnight and kneel at his grandmother's knee to ask what happened."

Tao Xinhe sighed, thinking of the old Mrs. Gu who loves Gu Ningran the most but is most proud of Gu Ningxi.

Before Mo Qiqi appeared, Tao Xinhe knew for sure that among the living people in Gu Ningxi's heart, she probably ranked first, and Mrs. Gu and Second Aunt Gu ranked second regardless. They were all female elders whom he relied on and trusted. The second is Gu Ershu, and the third is Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.

The others are probably as insignificant to him as the clouds floating in the sky.

Hearing that Gu Ningxi didn't bother about being expelled from the family, but wanted to meet his grandmother, Tao Xinhe understood his thoughts, and felt even more sympathetic, and asked Second Aunt Gu about the situation of Mrs. Gu.

"It's strange to say that in the midst of such a major event, my mother-in-law happened to fall ill on the evening of the 20th. It is said that she needs to rest. I wanted to visit the doctor but was blocked by the third family. However, someone from the Gu family came to visit and said that the old man The portrait is like having a stroke, and I can't speak." Second Aunt Gu answered every question.

Tao Xinhe didn't know how to react. The last time we met was the night when she and Gu Ningxi made peace. Mrs. Gu's arrogance made the Tao family father and son confused, and they complained to Tao Xinhe for a long time afterwards.

At that time, the old man had a meticulous hair bun, his complexion was as rosy as a peach, and he looked like he could live to be a hundred years old. How long did it take, why did he have a stroke?

"He knows... is Mrs. Gu sick?" Tao Xinhe bit her lip and asked, with various thoughts in her mind.

Second Aunt Gu nodded and said: "If it weren't for that, Brother Xi wouldn't be in a hurry to leave tonight. He Niang, I'm here to see you. First, I know you're here, so I can meet you. Second, I also hope that you Can you persuade Brother Xi, the doctor said he should not leave. Even if he travels overnight to the capital, the extermination of the family cannot be reversed, right? There is no need to be in a hurry to see your mother-in-law."

However, Tao Xinhe understood that since Gu Ningxi knew about the two major events of her expulsion from her family and her grandmother's illness and not seeing her second wife, how could she stay in a corner to recuperate with peace of mind? He must not be able to sleep at night, restless in bed, even though he is in the suburbs of Beijing at this time, his heart has already flown away.

Qingfang brought in lightly the after-dinner snacks, and asked Second Aunt Gu to use some as she wished. The sound of the words awakened Tao Xinhe, who was in deep thought, and she made up her mind.

"Aunt Gu, you and your wife have been traveling on the muddy road all day, bumping two hours more than usual, and it was very hard. Gu Ningxi naturally felt this affection, and I feel touched as an outsider. You are resting in Jichang tonight Bozhuang, right? I'll follow you there later."

Second Aunt Gu also knew that she was embarrassing Tao Xinhe. The "outsider" Tao Xinhe can completely refuse any slightest contamination, so she is ready to return in vain, and her heart is always beating when she speaks.

Suddenly hearing that she was going to pass the village, Second Aunt Gu was pleasantly surprised and relieved. She held Tao Xinhe's hand for a while without saying a word, and finally said three words "good boy".

Tao Xinhe patted the back of the elder's hand, deeply feeling that Gu Ningxi lost Sangyu, who was harvested in the east, was accidentally abandoned by the Gu family, and there was such a kind-hearted second uncle and aunt who cared for him and worked hard for him.

When she walked to Jichangbo Zhuangzi with a bright tile lantern in her hands, her shoes and socks were still wet and sticky from the puddles in the dark in the wilderness. Tao Xinhe silently endured the discomfort.

She walked slowly into Gu Ningxi's room, stood silently, staring at the injured.

Gu Ningxi was wearing a long gown with the support of a servant, her head covered in cold sweat, and her complexion was pale. From the corner of her eye, she saw a woman entering the room, dressed in clothes she had never seen before, standing not far or near with her hands behind her back, her face was blurred, like Is caged in smoke.

She is not Mo Qiqi. Gu Ningxi first confirmed this point.

Her heart was beating wildly, Gu Ningxi held her breath unconsciously, and stared intently at the person coming, a sense of fateful familiarity and inexplicable palpitations rushed over.

"He Niang... Jushi Tao." Gu Ningxi murmured, pushed away the hand that read the book, clenched her hands into fists to give herself strength, tried to lift her legs, and approached her step by step, until she smelled the sweet scent of sweet-scented osmanthus flowers on her body, until The back of his hand could touch the hem of the visitor's clothes.

Gu Ningxi stopped at this rather ambiguous distance between men and women.

Originally, it was when she was upset, but when she saw her, Gu Ningxi seemed to be cleansed physically and mentally by the quiet lake water, and she wished she could just stand side by side with her for the rest of her life.

After two light coughs and a series of coughs, Gu Ningxi covered her mouth and regained her composure as soon as possible, and asked in a soft and subtle voice: "Han Niang, Revlon is dark in the night, what are you doing here?"

"You really recognized me? Are you afraid of calling me wrong?" Tao Xinhe looked at Gu Ningxi with a complicated expression, knowing that he couldn't understand other people's eyes, so she unscrupulously scrutinized his facial features, especially the corners of his eyebrows and eyes.

"Recognize you, I don't use my eyes, but my heart."

"Okay! With your words, I have been your wife for three years. This time you were killed, I will help you, and I will pay you back for coming to the suburbs of Beijing to warn you. It doesn't matter who you are looking for Gu Ningran for. Once this matter is settled, we will truly be separated from each other.”

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