MTL - She Doesn’t Want the Face-Blind Husband-v2 Chapter 94

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"I want to pull the weeds, please uncle help me." Tao Xinhe didn't say much to Gu Ningxi, just told him to be calm, and went out of the room to find Cheng Shicheng, saying these words without thinking.

Hearing the woman's clear and crisp voice, Cheng Shicheng looked carefully at Tao Xinhe's expression, and saw that she was generous, neither dodging nor avoiding, and even smiled slightly at his gaze.

There were Cheng Jia and Uncle Gu in the room, and they were surprised when they heard "pulling weeds". Naturally, they thought of the weeds in the wilderness that stretched half a mile between the two villages. It's not that the foster father (uncle) and the Tao family Are you both going back to Beijing tomorrow? Why are you talking about weeding at night? Sister-in-law Tao (Tao) is playing something mysterious?

Cheng Shicheng understood. In the afternoon, the two of them just talked about Tao Xinhe's heart knot. Inspired by him, Tao Xinhe said to herself that her heart is like a wilderness, and every weed has Gu Ningxi's name written on it. Welcome new students.

Is A Tao trying to cut off her reluctance for Gu Ningxi? What is she going to do?

Cheng Shicheng nodded, motioned Tao Xinhe to sit down, and then replied: "A Tao has something to say, how dare you refuse to do it? I don't know what you want me to do?"

Tao Xinhe took a look inside the room. Cheng Jia and Gu Ershu more or less knew about Gu Ningxi's misfortune, and they might need their help in the future, so they didn't ask to evade. From the beginning of the man who fell into the water, until the present situation, he roughly said it again.

"I didn't expect that Gu Ningran would be able to turn black and white so far, and the Gu family's clan was so confused. In just two days, a middle-ranking official of the fifth rank of the court was expelled from the family tree. Although Gu Ningxi and I have some personal grievances, but this matter It makes me feel like a thorn in my throat, he shouldn't be wronged, I feel wronged for him, maybe everyone here feels aggrieved for him."

Second Uncle Gu didn't think there was anything wrong with his clan being scolded by a woman with a different surname. He nodded frequently when he heard the last sentence, and defended himself: "They acted too hastily, as if they were afraid of being reversed. I refuted it, but unfortunately it was useless."

Cheng's father and son are not in charge of the authorities, but they can see more clearly that the Gu family is self-destructing the Great Wall. If there is no shocking hero born in this family within one or two generations, and Gu Ningxi leaves the family again, the clan that Prime Minister Gu is hiding will fall To the point where there is no such family. As for Gu Ningran, he was not in the eyes of his father and son at all.

Tao Xinhe took a breath, and continued: "Just now I heard from Aunt Gu's family that Gu Ningxi was going to return to Beijing overnight. I thought that he was rescued by my uncle and my Tao family, so I can't let him spend half his life on his own." .Besides, there was something wrong with me that day, so it would have been fine if I kept holding Gu Ningran. Some people say that I was the reason why their brothers came here, no matter what, I'm going to take care of it."

"You want to seek justice for Gu Ningxi? I'll accompany you, Atao."

"Thank you, Uncle. I'm thinking. We will return to Beijing tomorrow. Let's take Gu Sicheng with us. Please ask Uncle to lend Guizhuang's special carriage for the injured to lie down. We will discuss it after we arrive in Beijing."

Cheng Shicheng thought about it for a while. Regarding the carriage, he didn't care about the item itself. He offered to lend her brother and sister Hong Shi a ride in the afternoon but was declined. However, A Tao asked to borrow it twice in two or three days, all for Gu Ningxi. He sighed wildly in his heart, why didn't he meet A Tao before Gu Ningxi!

Cheng Shicheng's face was still full of smiles: "So it's just a carriage, of course it's nothing to worry about. A Tao, you have such a high-pitched tone, I thought you would go hand in hand with me to the home of the Patriarch of the Gu clan or the old Gu's mansion." Let's question it. Coincidentally, Gu Sicheng is with us, and the in-laws also said that they will leave tomorrow, so Jiaer doesn't have to stay behind, and we all go back to Beijing together."

Tao Xinhe shook his head and sighed in a low voice: "Uncle is teasing me. Even the yamen can't interfere in the internal affairs of the clan, let alone us people with foreign surnames. The second uncle of the Gu family just mentioned that there are voices of opposition like him in the clan, but it is useless. "

Gu Ningxi was planning to leave immediately in the room, but was interrupted by Tao Xinhe, he was thinking about the family affairs in the capital, and wanted to say a few more words to He Niang, and after a moment of hesitation, he forced the servant to help him to find him, and he happened to arrive at the meeting hall Besides, He Niang defended his words.

He Niang's voice was still sweet and pleasant, and her words were firm and sonorous: "In the short term, they won't change their minds and accept Gu Ningxi again, otherwise the Gu family will be too much of a joke. Maybe in order to appear that the decision to exterminate the clan is correct, they will have to rely on their blood relationship I want to help him from other places to reassure me. Is it the loess under the sky, and the king's minister on the shore of the soil. Gu Ningxi still has the emperor and the Ministry of Rites to rely on."

Gu Ningxi lacked strength, her legs and feet were fluttering, half of her body was leaning against the cold outer wall, she struggled to breathe, her head was still dizzy and hot, her reaction was a bit slow, and with the exhalation and inhalation that made her lungs hurt, she digested what He Niang said little by little.

It was right in his arms, exactly the same as his reaction when he first heard about it. He knew that the second aunt would not be able to see the grandmother, and with the control of the third uncle's family over the old Gu's mansion, he probably would not be able to see it either, but he had to try, but he did not expect any turning point from the grandmother.

The greatest hope for a freak who has no clan and no family is actually the support of Zhang Shangshu and the approval of the emperor after he finished sorting out the characters in ancient books.

Those who know me, my wife!

How on earth did I lose such a caring and reasonable lady?

Even if he was worried about some elusive enemy and was trapped in the promise to the Mo brothers and sisters, he should have gritted his teeth and forced the wife to stay! It was only now that Gu Ningxi realized that she was on the edge of a horn, and the self-righteous fulfillment and concession were not worth mentioning, but they just pushed the lady further and further away.

Gu Ningxi slammed her head against the wall in remorse, but because of her limp body, she seemed to be rubbing against the wall to cool off. Zhihua worriedly asked the master about his health and persuaded him to go back to the room. Gu Ningxi coughed twice and signaled to the servant to knock on the door. He wanted to enter the room and talk about himself.

Cheng Shicheng was confirming with Tao Xinhe: "A Tao, I am an earl anyway, and I can do a lot in Gu Sicheng's matter. I understand that you want to help him. But you only want me to lend you a horse and carriage? You don't need me to do it for you. Help him with other affairs?"

Tao Xinhe solemnly replied: "What I entrusted to Uncle is to take him back to Beijing safely. For the rest, I am pulling the weeds. Help him a little, weed a piece of grass, and I will be relieved. I have to do it myself."

Gu Ningxi's weak voice broke in abruptly: "He Niang, what do you mean by weeding?"

Everyone looked back at the door, and saw Gu Ningxi, who was neatly dressed and had a sick face.

Uncle Gu got up shyly and went to help him on the other side, blaming his nephew for running around with injuries, and Cheng and his son greeted him. Dudu Tao Xinhe didn't expect his words to be heard by him, she lowered her head in a trance, recalling the words just now, wouldn't he misunderstand her unforgettable old love, right?

Gu Ningxi seemed to be sitting on the chair, holding the armrests tightly with both hands to support her body, and veins appeared on the back of her hands.

He was not breathing well, trying to keep his voice steady, thanked Uncle Ji Chang for taking care of him for a few days, and promised to return to Beijing together tomorrow, thanked him again, and said some trivial arrangements.

Gu Ningxi looked for Tao Xinhe with her eyes, just in time to see the shiny hair accessories on her head that reflected the candlelight, and knew that she was lowering her head. Looking at it, the spring clothes were thin and the neckline was different from the winter clothes. He could see Tao Xinhe's snow-white The delicate back of the neck naturally recalled the soft and delicate state of the lady's boudoir, and my heart tightened again.

"Han Niang, you are tired of worrying about me... Cough cough cough... I have my own opinion, don't worry." Gu Ningxi could only stop talking in front of a group of other people.

The man's sight and voice enveloped her as if with substance. Tao Xinhe retracted and put the toes in the shoes, repeated several times, and felt that the socks had slipped from the ankles, piled up in the shoes and got stuck, which was very awkward.

I don't know if it's because of this, but she felt her whole body was awkward, her throat was clenched tightly as if she couldn't make a sound, so she just nodded and shook her head with no clear meaning.

Seeing this, Cheng Shicheng walked briskly to Tao Xinhe's side. The tall figure almost obscured the not-so-small woman from others. His voice was extremely gentle: "A Tao, are you tired?"

Gu Ningxi's eyes were about to burst. It was different from the time at the end of the first lunar month, when he saw his wife was about to fall, he was helped by Cheng Shicheng and quickly opened the distance.

But in front of her eyes, the lady was at ease, allowing the man to lean over and inquire softly, his breath blowing on her hair made the wings of a small butterfly with spread wings tremble! How close!

Gu Ningxi concentrated her whole body's strength on her wrists, and was about to use her strength to stand up and walk over to separate the two.

At this moment, Tao Xinhe reacted belatedly, the light in front of her eyes was severely blocked, she quickly raised her head, and looked up at Cheng Shicheng's chin with a little blue stubble. She turned her head to see Gu Ningxi was about to stand up precariously, feeling very upset in her heart.

"What Uncle said is true. Now that everything has been agreed, I will take my leave first. I hope tomorrow will be a good day." Tao Xinhe got up in a bit of a panic, trying not to run into Cheng Shicheng and leave the place.

Due to the angle, in the view of Gu Ningxi from the opposite side, the woman almost came out of the man's armpit. He wanted to say something, but he bowed and coughed non-stop. Bloodshot glaring.

When Tao Xinhe passed by him, she wanted to keep her eyes straight, but she accidentally diverted her eyes and saw the tears coughing up from the corners of Gu Ningxi's eyes and the red stains on the handkerchief in her hand.

Tao Xinhe paused, feeling her socks tangled up inside her shoes, just like her messy thoughts.

"Gu Sicheng, pay attention to being angry and sad. This is the end of the matter, and I will save it for the future. The most important thing is to take care of myself. After returning to Beijing, I will settle the score with Gu Ningran. should go back to your room and rest."

The voice was low and vague, very different from the curt speech she had just made in front of the other three men, it was hardly the same person speaking.

Before Gu Ningxi could respond, she saw this beautiful figure brushing past him, leaving a hint of fragrance.

Even if it wasn't the familiar fragrance of sinking water that he loved and was familiar with, this smell was left by the lady, and Gu Ningxi felt intoxicated. At the same time, I was provoked to recall that the lady once said inadvertently that the sweet-scented osmanthus welcomes the spring and looks warm, and the fragrance smells pleasant.

Therefore, the lady really likes sweet-scented osmanthus, and she smoked the incense for nearly three years because of him, Gu Ningxi!

Gu Ningxi felt sore, soft, warm and guilty in her heart.

The few men had nothing to say, and quickly dispersed, waiting to go on the road tomorrow.

Second Uncle Gu returned to the guest room, and was asked an unexpected question by the lady: "Mother Ning, father, tell me, I'll take that girl surnamed Mo to live in our house for a while, okay?"

Second Aunt Gu's entanglement has her own reasons.

Brother Xi said that he was going back to Beijing to visit his grandmother, and he was still in Xiangyang Restaurant for his daily life.

He was talking about the convenience and peace of mind in the wine shop to sort out ancient books and complete the work. However, Second Aunt Gu didn't understand, he still had to avoid Mo Qiqi!

How can a wine shop, where people come and go and have fun, be suitable for seriously ill and injured patients like Brother Xi to recuperate?

Besides, she kept her own house and stayed away for a long time. Apart from feeling sorry for Brother Xi, Second Aunt Gu also wondered whether the other bad-mouthed women from the Gu family's offshoots would use this to make up bad things about Brother Xi. .

The most important thing is that Mo Qiqi is not worthy of Brother Xi! Brother Xi's attitude, Second Aunt Gu these days, especially after listening to Mo Qiqi's familiar complaints tonight, has become more and more aware that he is still focused on He Niang, but he doesn't know how to arrange and take care of Mo Qiqi. Contradictory and clumsy.

That's why Second Aunt Gu came up with such an idea. From the perspective of the girl herself, she doesn't hate it. Sometimes she even likes to hear her talk about common things in the countryside to amuse her. From the point of view of bringing Brother Xi and He Niang together, she has to do her part That's right.

Uncle Gu instinctively objected: "The girl who is entangled with Brother Xi? Why did you take her to our house? In the future, Brother Xi will take her as a concubine. How will you get along with Brother Xi's future wife? It's not a good look. "

"Brother Xi regards her as a younger sister and recognizes her as a righteous sister."

"Man's nonsense, lady, how old are you, righteous sister? Do you really believe it?"