MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 818 busy girls

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Zheng Qingya is the oldest, but her mental age is not much older than Lin Xi's.

People's maturity is also divided into things.

When Zheng Qingya was working, she was very sophisticated and capable.

But in life, he is not as good as Lin Xi.

Only she can do the behavior of fighting for favor and acting like a baby just now, Lin Xi can't do it.

But her actions are not against harmony at all.

If other people were fighting for favor, Xuanxuan would definitely beat her up when she saw it, but Zheng Qingya would not say anything about it.

After lunch, before the crowd left, Xuanxuan said: "Everyone, don't leave in a hurry. Parents have prepared gifts for you. I asked the servants to put them in the living room, and you can take them yourself."

"Ah? And presents? Xixi, have you prepared presents for your parents?" Gong Na asked.

"No, I haven't given you any gifts during the Mid-Autumn Festival since I grew up. No, I have given you mooncakes." Lin Xi said.

"When you have time now, hurry up and buy it." Zheng Qingya reminded.

"Hurry up, grab your bag and go to Hangzhou to buy gifts." Li Muqing said.

"Let's go quickly." I said anxiously.

The girls didn't even pick up the presents, they all went back to their rooms to get their bags.

Xuanxuan didn't remind them, just looked at them with a smile.

Zheng Qingya was also smiling at the side, and Hua Xiao even covered her eyes, these silly sisters.

"What gift did my mother give them?" Lin Tianwen asked Xuanxuan.

"You don't know?" Xuanxuan asked in surprise.

"What do you think, when did my mother tell me something now, didn't she always tell you?"

"Mom and Dad bought each of them a piece of jade jewelry, a pair of earrings, look." Xuanxuan turned her head to the side, exposing her ears.

Lin Tianwen glanced at it, but he didn't expect it to look pretty good. Whether it's water or ice, this pair of earrings is estimated to cost tens of thousands of yuan.

The reason why Zheng Qingya and Hua Xiao laughed just now was because the three of them were wearing earrings, but the other girls didn't notice.

"You three sisters are good enough. Tease my sisters like this." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"You can't blame us. The three of us have been showing them the earrings on our ears, but none of them asked, and the observations were too careless." Hua Xiao said.

Lin Tianwen was about to say something when he saw the girls and ran back to the living room in a hurry, and then went to the garden to take the shuttle when everyone was there.

"Look, they are so anxious that they don't even look at any presents." Hua Xiao said.

Lin Tianwen shook his head with a smile, then patted Xuanxuan's earrings and sent them to the group. His reminder was obvious.

It's just that no one in the group replied to the message, and they didn't find out about it, so they could only say that they were in a hurry and rushed to the doctor.

He hurriedly asked the security team to follow, so many girls should pay attention to safety when going out together.

"It's okay, let them go shopping. It doesn't matter what they buy, as long as they want it." Xuanxuan said.

"You guys go to take a nap, and I'll go to the study for a while." Lin Tianwen said.

"Are you going to see Huayuan Network's Mid-Autumn Festival event?" Xuanxuan said.

"Well. I invested 5 billion yuan, but I don't know how it will work out."

"Your 5 billion is probably equivalent to giving it away for nothing," Xuanxuan said.

"No, you can hear it when you throw it into the water." Lin Tianwen said quite confidently.

"Then you go to the study." Xuanxuan said with a smile.

Lin Tianwen came to the study, turned on the computer, and then logged into the official website of Huayuan Network.

Huayuan Network Mid-Autumn Festival activities are in full swing.

It has been more than half of the process since the early morning.

As Xuanxuan said, his 5 billion is nothing but an effect.

But the number of registrations has increased by more than 10 million today.

The current number of registered users of Huayuan Network has grown very slowly. After all, the real number of Huaxia Internet users is only those.

In addition, Huayuan Network has requirements for users, and false registrations just for welfare subsidies are prohibited.

Lin Tianwen spent the 5 billion just for netizens to care more about his family, and has no requirements for user growth.

Therefore, netizens gave him a new nickname, Sancai Boy.

However, this nickname has another meaning in the eyes of other e-commerce companies, that is, people are stupid and rich.

With so many enterprises under Lin Tianwen's name, the profits generated every day are calculated in tens of billions.

Huashan Pharmaceutical was originally the main source of profit, but now Huanong Company is the big one.

In addition to accepting desertification control business, Huanong Company has also opened up the sales business of nutrient solution.

Domestic agricultural companies and landscaping companies are all customers of Huanong Company.

So Lin Tianwen spends 5 billion a day on the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is really drizzle.

The second phase of Huaxin's project is about to be completed. Once this project is put into production, the domestic chip demand does not need to rely on imports, and it can even be dumped abroad.

That's right, dumping.

The production capacity of the second-phase project can meet the global chip demand, coupled with low cost and good chip performance, dumping is inevitable.

The pc chip project will also be launched in October. By then, there will basically be no shortcomings in the chip industry in China.

Once the pc chip project is launched, the operating system project will also be launched, and the habit of human beings for decades in window mode will soon be changed.

The authorization of sixty-eight technologies will change every aspect of people's lives in China within a year, and it will be clear at a glance where the moon is rounder.

The most important thing is that in October, the second world will be online, and the fate of many people will change, especially students in remote areas. They will receive the same education and see a wider world.

Lin Tianwen was so stunned, he didn't expect that his thoughts had drifted away.

Looking at the background data of Huayuan Network, he sent a message to Xiao Lingfei.

Xiao Lingfei, who was in a meeting, saw the message from Lin Tianwen, and the gloomy expression on his face was gradually replaced by a smile.

The employees below whispered to each other as if they were watching a thriller.

"Mr. Xiao is in love?"

"I haven't heard of it! But she looks good when she smiles."

"When did you ever see her smile? It's wrong, very wrong."

"I'm still used to Mr. Xiao's expression just now. It looks scary now."

"Cough cough."

Xiao Lingfei's assistant coughed a few times.

The voice of discussion disappeared instantly.

Xiao Lingfei turned off the phone screen, put away the expressions on her face, and said, "Do you have any questions? If there are no questions, let's implement it immediately. I will see the effect at five o'clock."

Seeing that the employees had no doubts, she said, "Let's adjourn the meeting!"

The employees picked up their laptops and left the conference room one after another.

"Boss Xiao, just now.

. "The assistant got up and said while tidying up the things on the table.

"Am I usually serious?" Xiao Lingfei asked while looking at the reflection on the phone.

"There is really no smile." The assistant is also a sincere girl.

"Okay, I got it. You keep telling me that if you can give the boss a satisfactory answer to the Mid-Autumn Festival activities and the fan carnival, I will give you two more months' salary in October as a bonus." Xiao Lingfei said.

"Mr. Xiao, why didn't you say that just now?" the assistant asked.

"Huh?" Xiao Lingfei turned cold and looked at the assistant.

"Mr. Xiao, I'll notify you right away." The assistant ran out of the conference room as soon as he took the things.

Xiao Lingfei smiled and shook her head.

This assistant was recruited by her personally. She graduated from a prestigious school and is quick to handle affairs, but sometimes she lacks emotional intelligence.

It was obvious that Xiao Lingfei was disturbed by Lin Tianwen's message just now, and she just didn't remember it.

The assistant can just follow her instructions to inform. If you ask too much, isn't it because your EQ is too low.

The content of the message Lin Tianwen sent her just now was very simple, just to praise her for doing a good job in this event.

If she remembered correctly, this was the first time the boss praised her.

It's a bit like a child who gets a high score in an exam and wants to be recognized by his parents.

Lin Tianwen watched the Mid-Autumn Festival activities of Huayuan Network, and then paid attention to the progress of the theseedworld project. The second world will be launched on October 1st. This is a project that is making money every day, and it will be a cancer killer in the future There is also the existence of making money.

At present, the potential users of the second world have exceeded 500 million, because the sales of game helmets and game pods have exceeded 500 million.

The first stage of the second world is only aimed at domestic users. After all, domestic game users have exceeded 200 million, accounting for 40% of global users.

When the second world goes online, Lin Tianwen plans to donate game helmets to areas with expensive and scarce educational resources, so that students in those areas can go to the second world for half of the time every day.

The famous teacher course is launched simultaneously with the second world.

At present, with the help of Fan Siyuan, Ada has signed a contract with a well-known domestic middle and high school senior teacher, ensuring that there are senior teachers in every area and every subject to teach every day. UU reading

Of course, these senior teachers are teaching in a semi-public nature.

Moreover, those who had prepared a case in the education department were reported in the province.

Lin Tianwen looked at the project schedule and couldn't help admiring Ada.

This girl went from the butler of the presidential suite to his personal butler, and then directly became the general manager of Huayou Company.

Although many things of the game company are ready-made, there are too many companies in the second world that need cooperation. From the start of the project, it took only two months to catch up with the schedule. It is really not easy.

During this time, Ada was too busy to come to him to play games.

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, he still asked Ada to rest, otherwise the girl would have to work overtime.

The project is coming to an end soon, and at the critical moment, she, the general manager, is not around, so she always feels that she lacks a backbone.

After Lin Tianwen learned about the situation under his name, he turned off the computer.

To be honest, the current computer has made him a little disgusted, and he feels too backward.

There are cheap and advanced personal PCs in the system mall, which beats the current PCs.

However, he still plans to wait for the second world to develop a few more projects, and to give the domestic manufacturers some time to transform after taking out the personal pc project.

Maybe a year later, there will be a special gaming headset for playing games, and the rest will be handed over to personal PCs.

As soon as Lin Tianwen came to the living room, Liu Wenqi walked over.

"Boss, there are visitors at the door."

"Visitor? Is there anyone coming to visit during the Mid-Autumn Festival today?" Lin Tianwen was a little surprised.

"The visitor's name is Liu Beibei. He was sent by SS." Liu Wenqi said.

"Tell her to the living room." Lin Tianwen knew who it was when he heard it was Liu Beibei.

"Okay, boss."

Lin Tianwen took a bottle of coconut water and came to the living room, waiting for Liu Beibei.

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