MTL - Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life-Chapter 819 say something serious

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Lin Tianwen sat in the living room, took out his mobile phone and sent Fan Siyuan a message.

He really didn't expect Liu Beibei to come to visit him today after he arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Doesn't this girl have to go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Liu Wenqi quickly brought Liu Beibei to the living room.

Lin Tianwen had read her profile a long time ago, and there were photos on the profile, so he recognized the girl as soon as she came in.

"Mr. Lin, hello, I'm Liu Beibei from the SS Special Office in Shanghai." The girl stepped forward and introduced herself without waiting for Liu Wenqi to introduce herself.

"Liu Beibei, right? Your dad called me yesterday. Let me take good care of you." Lin Tianwen said with a smile, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Liu Beibei obediently sat on the single sofa on Lin Tianwen's left.

"Did you come to the magic capital yesterday?"

"Well, it came yesterday."

"Then why come to me in such a hurry?"

"Uncle Fan said let me visit you earlier."

"So it was Fan Siyuan who told you." Lin Tianwen nodded, he understood, it turned out that someone gave advice.


"Old Fan has already told me, and I will contact you for technology investment in the future."

"Yes, so please take care of Mr. Lin in the future."

"Don't worry. Your dad called me too."

"My dad also called Mr. Lin?" In Liu Beibei's impression, her father was an old antique who didn't like going through the back door and followed the rules. He didn't expect to call Lin Tianwen too. Could it be that Father love?

"Well. In this way, you leave your phone number to me. If there is investment in the future, I will find you."

"Okay." Liu Beibei hurriedly left his phone number.

She was very nervous before coming, because no one had told her what kind of person Lin Tianwen was, and she only knew about it through online comments.

After staying for a while, Liu Beibei said goodbye and left.

Standing in the corridor, Lin Tianwen looked at the electric golf cart going away, and couldn't help feeling that there were people who could do things easily.

However, this girl is really business-like, and on this day, she will not give a box of mooncakes when she visits.

He looked at it for a while, then turned and walked back into the house.

After a while. The girls are back too.

"Have you bought all the gifts?" Lin Tianwen came to the glass passage and asked the girls who had just got off the plane.

"Well, I've bought everything." Li Muqing said.

"Then are you going to send a representative to send it over now?" Lin Tianwen asked again.

"That's right, otherwise I won't be in time for dinner." I said.

"Since we have to send it over now, hurry up." Lin Tianwen reminded.

"Sister Xiyu, let's go quickly." Situ Jin urged.

"Let's go." Zhang Xiyu nodded and said.

The two returned to the shuttle.

After a while, the shuttle flew into the sky and left the manor.

Lin Tianwen said to the rest of the girls, "Go and see your presents."

"That's right. We still have presents." Gong Na came back to her senses and said.

The girls went to the small living room to get presents.

"Oh, how stupid we are! Sister Xuanxuan, Sister Qingya, and Sister Xiaoxiao all reminded us in the group. Brother Tianwen also sent a photo to remind us." Lin Xi looked at the phone and said in surprise.

"You ran out just now, we couldn't even shout." Lin Tianwen said with a smile: "So, I sent you a photo. I didn't expect you didn't see it."

"How can I care about looking at my phone! At that time, I was so impatient." Li Muqing said.

"Did you leave your name on all the gifts you bought?" Lin Tianwen asked.

"Keep them all." Li Muqing nodded.

"We didn't buy the same thing!" I said proudly.

"No repetition? That's not easy!" Lin Tianwen nodded and said.

Originally, it was quite difficult to buy gifts for the elders during the Mid-Autumn Festival, especially for Lin Tianwen's parents. It was not appropriate to buy gold, silver and jewelry.

"What did you buy?" He asked curiously.

"Secret." i said mysteriously.

"Xia Tian and Nuo Yi, did you tell them?" Lin Tianwen suddenly remembered that these two girls were still working overtime.

"Ah? We forgot. Brother Tianwen, what should we do?" Yunluo said guiltily.

"Forget it and forget it. It's okay. My parents won't blame you for this matter." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Boss, I informed the two wives at noon." Liu Wenqi walked over and said.

"Thank you, Steward Liu." Yun Luo said gratefully.

"This is what I should do." After Liu Wenqi finished speaking, she bowed and went to the kitchen.

As the evening approached, Xia Tian and Wang Nuoyi came back from the Devil's City, still carrying presents for Lin Tianwen's parents.

"Brother Chaohua, send someone to Lijiang to deliver it. By the way, take the gift that Xuan Xuan and the others prepared." Lin Tianwen took out the communicator and said.

"Okay. Boss." Liu Chaohua responded immediately.

In addition to preparing gifts for Lin Tianwen's parents, Xuan Xuan also sent a gift to Lin Tianwen's aunt on behalf of the girls.

When the remaining shuttle took off, the shuttle that Zhang Xiyu and Situ Jin were on landed just in time.

"You two are back? It's just in time for dinner." Xuanxuan was preparing for today's reunion dinner, when she saw the two walking in, she said.

"Fortunately, my aunt came to pick us up. Otherwise, we would be late." Situ Jin said.

"Auntie came to pick you up. Did you call?" Xuanxuan asked.

"Yeah. My parents don't know how to drive. I can only call my aunt." Situ Jin said.

"You two are pretty clever." Xuanxuan said with a smile, "Hurry up and call the sisters out for dinner."

"Okay." Situ Jin nodded.

Zhang Xiyu stood aside obediently and watched the two talk.

When night fell, the light rain that had been raining for a whole day finally stopped.

The dark clouds in the sky also slowly dispersed, and a little bit of starlight can be seen faintly.

Only the moon was missing.

Lin Tianwen stood in the garden, smelling the fresh air and looking at the sky. The star-finding software on his phone was looking for the moon.

Finally, I saw the moon vaguely in the corner of the sky, but it was too much.

It is estimated by God that we will not see the moon today.

Lin Tianwen took advantage of the night to let the system launch a cloud-repelling bomb he bought earlier.

After a few seconds, the sky became clear and clear to the naked eye, and the stars and the moon were also exposed.

Seeing this scene, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Brother Tianwen, it's time to eat." I stood in the corridor and shouted.

"Here we come." Lin Tianwen glanced at the sky again before turning around and walking towards the house.

After the meal, a man took the first group photo with twenty women. It's not easy to get all the members together.

After that, everyone came to the observatory, and it was a bit cold to sit outside now.

The observatory is relatively warmer.

"Hey, the moon is out. It's so bright and round." Situ Jin said in surprise seeing the bright moon in the sky.

"Where is the moon coming from? Aren't there clouds before eating?" i said.

"Look up." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Wow, there really are. In the afternoon, I said that it would be a pity not to see the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival." I said in surprise.

"The moon will be watched later, let's talk about the business first." Lin Tianwen said.

"Brother Tianwen, what business are you going to do?" Lin Xi asked.

"Wait for Miss Xuanxuan to tell you." Lin Tianwen said.

"Oh. It's so mysterious." Lin Xi said in a low voice.

After waiting for a few minutes, the three sisters came to the observatory together.

Lin Tianwen sat alone in the corner, looked at the girls who sat obediently, and secretly took a photo.

Xuan Xuan looked at the sisters and saw that everyone was there, so she stood up and said, "Taking advantage of today's reunion, I will represent your men and say something to the sisters."

The girls below looked at Xuan Xuan seriously, waiting for her to speak.

"Let's talk about the first thing. If you are dissatisfied with your current job, please bring it up now."

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Xuanxuan said, "Since everyone is fine, let's forget about the first thing. I will move on to the second thing. Tianwen set up a family trust and put 50 billion in it. When everyone goes back to sleep, go to Housekeeper Liu to sign. From now on, the monthly living expenses will not be paid, but will be paid through trust. This is no problem, right?"

Seeing that she shook her head again, she continued: "Tianwen will visit everyone's parents before the Chinese New Year. I haven't told my parents about the matter yet. Take the time to talk about it. If my parents Find another way."

"My parents don't object."

"My mother doesn't object, but agrees."

The girls said one after another, and Xuan Xuan listened carefully, and there was nothing wrong with it.

If there is no problem, then there is a problem. Not all parents will agree with Lin Tianwen and their current relationship.

After all, it would be embarrassing for her daughter to follow a man with no name or title.

"Everyone, don't be afraid that if uncles and aunts don't agree, Tianwen will leave you. If there is a problem, we will face it together." Xuan Xuan reminded again, but the result was still the same.

"Since everyone is fine, let's forget about it. Let's talk about the last thing. After Tianwen visits his uncle and aunt, your relatives will know that your man is Lin Tianwen, so they will definitely come to you for help." All kinds of busy."

When the girls heard this, they all chatted with each other.

Unless you live in a valley without internet, you must have heard of Lin Tianwen's name to some extent.

So isn’t there a saying that no one asks you if you are poor in the busy city, but you have distant relatives in the distant mountains if you are rich.

"We discussed it. If your relatives really come to you for help, you can agree first, and then we will take care of it later." Xuan Xuan said.

The girls all nodded.

Of the girls present, only Situ Jin, Lin Xi, Gong Na, Yan Xueer, Wang Nuoyi, and Xia Tian's families are slightly worse off.

"That's all I want to talk about. Go on watching the moon." Xuan Xuan said with a smile.

"Sister Xuan Xuan, don't you want to watch the moon with us?" Yun Luo asked.

"Look, I'll go and see if my daughter is awake, and I'll come later." Xuan Xuan said.

"I brought my daughter here when she woke up. I will take care of her," Lin Tianwen said.


Lin Tianwen sat and waited for Xuan Xuan to come back.

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