MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 31 monster factory

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Jiang Jingzhe blinked, but Xie Xinghui deliberately looked away, and only looked at her again after a few seconds.

Through eye contact, the two temporarily exchanged each other's plans.

Jiang Jingzhe: Do you want to save?

Xie Xinghui: No, let's see the situation first.

"Are you going to handle it?" Jiang Jingzhe lowered her voice and asked.

The man scratched his hair and said in surprise: "It's rare that you would give me this opportunity...then let me do it."

He laughed "hehehe" a few times, thinking about how to abuse the escapee.

Contrary to what Jiang Jingzhe expected, she thought that the man would at least enter the interrogation room first, and then think about how to torture Xie Xinghui, but she did not expect this man to be unexpectedly cautious.

He clicked a few times on the control panel outside the interrogation room, the ceiling above the interrogation room automatically opened and a gun-like existence descended, clinging to the ceiling.

This kind of equipment has obvious weapon characteristics, Jiang Jingzhe couldn't hold back, and asked, "What is this?"

The man replied subconsciously: "The anesthesia needle fires the gun."

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

His colleague is even better at using these torture tools than he is. How could he not even know the anesthesia gun to be used in the first step?

Before he could react what was going on, Jiang Jingzhe, who got the answer, slashed at the back of the man's neck with a knife, and his body slipped from the chair.

Xie Xinghui, who was sitting in the interrogation room, also realized that the machine hanging above his head had stopped moving, and he looked keenly at the camera.

Jiang Jingzhe directly dragged the man on the ground into the interrogation room, and said: "You can't let him really inject you with anesthesia, so I knocked him out anyway. They don't seem to have any follow-up treatment for the escapees, even if you are an undercover agent, you won't be able to meet them." companion."

"Well, thank you." Xie Xinghui, who was unbound, rubbed his wrists. After seeing the man dragged on the ground with a bruised nose and face, he was silent for a few seconds, and asked, "Why did you drag him in?"

Jiang Jingzhe: "You change clothes with him, and then... let's try this big toy."

Although it is a bit inhumane to use a living person to test the medicine, but considering that this can only be regarded as treating the other person in the same way, it can make people feel a little better, not to mention that this is just an ordinary anesthetic.

"If it's useful, we'll take some away." She stated her main purpose.

Xie Xinghui: "..."

He changed his clothes silently. After the two experimented, they found that it was indeed useful, and the man still kept breathing, which meant that it would not hurt anyone's life. They found a container in the laboratory to pack a little and left.

They don't have weapons, so it's inconvenient to use anesthesia needles directly, but if they just use an anesthesia needle launcher to shoot them into a container, add water to dissolve and seal it, it can also be a useful weapon.

"It would be great if my bag was still there, so we can use the water gun directly." Jiang Jingzhe said regretfully.

Xie Xing replied: "...Why did you put a water gun in your bag?"

Jiang Jingzhe spread his hands innocently: "There will always be times when it will be useful, don't we need it very much now?"

She can always take out a pair of inexplicable things that really work out of such an ordinary bag, which is really incredible.

After solving the two staff members they met, Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui planned to leave here temporarily, so as not to expose the loss of contact between the two staff members, and instead let them be surrounded.

Before leaving, she flipped through various documents in the laboratory, most of which were obscure data and research information, which only made her more convinced that this was a... factory for human research.

Xie Xinghui had a different harvest: "I saw your photo."

Jiang Jingzhe leaned over, and sure enough, she saw her own photo, her expressionless face was more dull than the ID photo.

【So Jiang Jingzhe is really the experimental subject here? 】

[Thinking carefully, I am terrified, is this some kind of underground black factory]

[It's so strange, my picture became very blurry from the beginning of this dungeon]

[Upstairs you are not alone! I suspect it is a mosaic]

[...Wait, wait, could it be! ! 】

Jiang Jingzhe flipped through the information at random, and found that it probably related to her own research data... However, what is confusing is that the same experiment may have the results of conflicting experiments at the same time.

For example, in the same period of time, you want to measure the speed at which a person eats and the efficiency of homework. In a state where this person has no way to do these two things at the same time without letting them affect each other Under the circumstances, it is impossible to obtain two data.

Unless... there is more than one 'she' here.

This conjecture is really frightening.


What happened to Cui Miaomiao and Ji Chen was not as unlucky as Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui, who became experimental subjects. They were in the same town, and it was easier to find each other's traces.

When the two met on the street, they slowed down their pace very tacitly, and talked peacefully like passers-by who had never met before, but their expressions did not change.

"I'm the daughter of a factory owner here," Cui Miaomiao said, "but my dad seems to be a workaholic and often stays away from home."

Ji Chen rubbed his nose, and before he could reveal his identity, he heard the tour guide not far away shouting: "The time for free activities begins! All tourists, please come back here at six o'clock in the evening to gather for the tour! Note Stay, it's under the clock tower!"

He spread his hands: "I am one of the tourists in that tour group."

Cui Miaomiao nodded thoughtfully.

"What are you here for?" Cui Miaomiao asked, since there are special tour groups in this place, it means that there must be famous scenic spots.

However, Ji Chen had only just transmigrated, so he didn't know anything about it.

"There are still three or four hours until six o'clock in the afternoon. In the evening, I will go to visit with you." Cui Miaomiao made up her mind. If you follow the tour guide, you will definitely get more information.

Ji Chen agreed: "Just walk around casually during this time."

Cui Miaomiao patted her chest proudly: "I will pay for everything!"

Ji Chen said with a smile: "Every time you play a character, you don't need money. You really... fully understand what it means to be an emperor."

Suddenly, Ji Chen's eyes swept across a familiar face.

He paused, and said: "I saw Jiang Jingzhe." After saying that, he hurriedly chased after him, for fear of losing someone.

Jiang Jingzhe's pace was extremely fast, even Ji Chen with long legs would need to trot to barely catch up, Cui Miaomiao was out of breath long ago.

She stopped abruptly and turned, her inorganic blue eyes met theirs.

The girl in an ordinary hoodie and trousers stood in a dark alley, her expressionless face was indeed a bit bluffing.

Ji Chen was stunned by such gazes, and stopped consciously.

Cui Miaomiao hadn't recovered from the strenuous exercise yet, she complained while following her breath: "Jiang Jingzhe, you are walking too fast!"

When she raised her eyes again, the chill in Jiang Jingzhe's eyes had subsided.

She smiled naturally: "If you call me earlier, I will walk slower."

Cui Miaomiao stepped forward to hold her hand, but Ji Chen stood still.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Jingzhe looked back at him suspiciously.

Seeing Jiang Jingzhe's usual small movements and micro-expressions, Ji Chen rubbed his temples, secretly thinking that he was thinking too much. They have experienced too many companions being replaced in these dungeons, causing him to be a bit of a shadow now.

He waved his hand: "It's okay."

It is very difficult for a person to imitate the details of various behaviors vividly, this must be Jiang Jingzhe himself.

"Where are you going?" Cui Miaomiao asked, "Tell me about your current situation."

Jiang Jingzhe's expression was a bit subtle: "I was in a factory when I woke up... I just left there now, and I have to go to the town to complete the task."

"Mission, hey, it's also..." Cui Miaomiao sighed, "We can do the mission when we find Xie Xinghui."


After seeing those research materials, Jiang Jingzhe expressed his conjecture to Xie Xinghui with a sullen face, and Xie Xinghui was also stunned: "If there are your clones, then maybe there are mine."

They could only stay in this room for the time being and rummage through the information. They finally found Xie Xinghui's information, but found no relevant signs.

"There are no conflict experiments in your experiment records, but you have more smell experiments and habit experiments than me." Jiang Jingzhe put the two data together for comparison.

"It may be an experiment based on the characteristics of different individuals." Xie Xinghui concluded.

Xie Xing replied: "Let's get out of here first."

Jiang Jingzhe hesitated at this time, she shook her head: "I have to go and see my clones first, if possible...destroy all of their and my genetic samples first."

Even when it comes to destroying many human beings and consciousnesses that may already exist, Jiang Jingzhe's attitude is unexpectedly cold and unhesitating.

Xie Xing opened his mouth back, but finally said nothing.

They found out where Jiang Jingzhe's clones were based on the subdivision of the underground factory, and as expected, there was at least one large room where she was exactly the same—all dormant in the nutrition cabin.

"You escaped from here too?" Xie Xing asked back.

"No," Jiang Jingzhe shook her head, "I woke up in Area A... Maybe it was to distinguish the main body from the clone."

She searched on the main control panel of Area A, and sure enough, she saw the destroy button. With just one touch, toxins would spread from the nutrient solution, and after a while, the organisms in the nutrient cabin would be decomposed until it was empty. one person.

【I feel a little uncomfortable... They all look like real people】

[What about your mother, if you really keep these clones, who will be responsible if something goes wrong? 】

[I agree...and wait until the enemy here uses clones to deal with the Lord, it will be really embarrassing, it is better to kill it in the cradle]


Jiang Jingzhe nodded: "Let's go."

She glanced at the warehouse full of nutrition cabins again, and sighed heavily: "I don't know if you have noticed... There are many nutrition cabins that are empty here. I just don't know whether the experimental subjects are dead or not. I didn’t have time to fill the vacancy, so I left here.”

Xie Xinghui was also aware of this problem. If it was the latter, it would be fine for the identical Jiang Jingzhe to go out, but if they ran into their teammates...

"Better not." He said palely.

The two non-chieftains have already gathered together, so the Ouhuang over there will not be infected with non-qi, right?

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-03-31 14:08:26~2022-04-03 17:34:16~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Tangma; 10 bottles of Mist Harrier and Shenming Fengchun; 5 bottles of Sexy Zhuang Zhou; 1 bottle of Chi Xiaoluo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes