MTL - Shooting In Nightmare Game [Unlimited]-Chapter 32 monster factory

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The underground factory has a large area and the structure of the rooms is very complicated. Without a map, it is difficult for them to judge whether they are on the right path.

Fortunately, the factory didn't have too many mechanisms, which made their progress smooth.

Difficulty in distinguishing directions has become their biggest problem.

After getting lost again and making a detour and walking back to the original place, Xie Xinghui couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Go this way."

Jiang Jingzhe knew he was wrong, followed behind him, and asked, "Do you still know the way?"

Xie Xinghui became a little strange when he said this expression: "After leaving the room just now, I feel... I can smell it."

"Smell what?"

He turned his face away in embarrassment: "Smell."

Jiang Jingzhe was silent for a moment, and said euphemistically: "Maybe I have studied Chinese, and I know that smell is followed by smell, just like eating is followed by food?"

"My sense of smell has become many times more sensitive than before. I can smell the smell of steel, nutrient solution, paper, ink...even human blood." Xie Xinghui felt that he could smell all the smells in front of his teammates. It was a bit embarrassing, but he also knew that the extra sensitivity in his body might be unusual—even he himself was not sure if it was a hallucination because he was not used to it at first, so he didn't speak.

Jiang Jingzhe nodded clearly: "No wonder you have a special smell test."

Considering that this factory is full of transformed people... Could it be that Xie Xinghui turned into a half-orc?

Abandoning the unreliable thoughts in her mind, she turned to thinking about how to "develop" the use of Xie Xinghui: "So you have a GPS that will never be blocked. Is there anyone in the direction we are going now?"

Xie Xing nodded.

"There are people, and they should be in a high position. In addition, there is another smell that I can't tell what it is... like a beast, and..." He really didn't know how to describe it, and finally closed his mouth.

The smell composition of the senior staff of the factory is obviously different from that of other staff, which is also an important reason why he can distinguish.

But only so much information is enough, and both are existences that need to be vigilant.

— Correspondingly, it may also become their source of intelligence.

Previously, in order to get out of the current predicament as soon as possible, they had to give priority to solving the two staff members, and thus lost the opportunity to ask questions.

After that, relying on Xie Xinghui's nose to guide them, they walked through intricate corridors and approached another room. At first glance, there is nothing in this room, but the more it is, the more people should be wary.

Xie Xinghui reminded in time: "There should be lasers."

But there are no doors and windows in this room, so it should be impossible to connect to other rooms. Simply setting up a room with lasers, what is it for protection?

Jiang Jingzhe asked: "Is there a secret way?"

Xie Xing shook his head back: "No, but there is a layer of fake wall covering in the front wall, and there should be a combination lock after tearing it off."

So this heavily-trapped room is just to keep a combination lock... After unlocking the combination lock, what will be released?

Jiang Jingzhe gave up without hesitation: "Then let's go to another place."

Xie Xinghui: "..."

Jiang Jingzhe said straightforwardly: "What if this is the factory's self-destruct button? I don't want to try it."

However, the system couldn't understand the guest's avoidance of the possible danger, it hastily said: [This is not a self-destruct button! ]

The ordinary exploration, once the system intervened, it seemed wrong.

Jiang Jingzhe paused and said, "So that's how it is."


"Let's go." She greeted Xie Xinghui as if nothing had happened.

[Laughing, I feel the system is depressed just looking at it]

[Hahahahaha, but is it really possible for the system to feel depressed?]

[I don't think the system is really AI, I have always suspected that it was played by humans...]

[Hey, no matter what, I'm happy when it eats up! 】

Xie Xinghui hesitated for a moment, and said, "I can smell... the switch inside is connected to that monster."

He had been trying to tell by smell with his eyes closed just now, and the result was even more exaggerated than he thought, he could even smell the connection of every line in the switch.

"And, that high-level person is walking towards this room."

Jiang Jingzhe's face changed, and he looked around, and as expected, he saw the camera in a very hidden gap.

Perhaps the higher-ups have discovered their intrusion.

It was too late for them to leave here quickly.

The door behind him opened automatically, and a small elderly scientist in protective clothing walked towards him. His stature is stooped, and his age can only be seen through the fine lined eyes behind the goggles.

"An unexpected guest..." He dragged his voice and said maliciously.

Jiang Jingzhe calmed down instead, and said politely: "Hello."

The old scientist raised his eyebrows, but his micro-expression could not be seen due to layers of protection. He said calmly: "The movement of your escape is really big, and it has caused me a lot of losses."

"For this reason, don't you think you should express something?"

Jiang Jingzhe asked sincerely: "Give you a severe beating?"

"Pfft." Xie Xinghui couldn't help laughing.

The old scientist still had a kind smile on his face one second, but the next second he pulled out a weirdly shaped gun from his waist without hesitation. Although its appearance is different from the guns we usually see, Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui still don't want to test its lethality.

They were squeezed into this small room, with the old scientist and his gun who had blocked the door in front of them, and the invisible laser behind them, it was a dilemma.

Jiang Jingzhe considered the possibility of fighting an old scientist for a moment—although she thought she was a good person who respected the old and loved the young, but that was only limited to a peaceful world. Under such special circumstances, beating the old man would not make her feel guilty at all Yes—however, in the next second, she saw that what was fired from the old man's gun was not a small bullet, but an electric light that dissipated in the air.

The electric light wrapped around the outer layer of the old scientist's protective clothing, but it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

If they hadn't distanced themselves from the old man in time, they would definitely have been hurt by this kind of range attack.

Jiang Jingzhe couldn't hold back and muttered in a low voice: "He actually has AOE!"

[Laughing to death, this AOE gave me a whole lot of fun]

[Explain to those who don’t know, this is a game term, which means range attack]

[(狗头) Everyone is honestly fighting hand-to-hand, why are you the only one using AOE magic! 】

【Here he comes, he comes with his forked lightning】

Xie Xinghui is also thinking about ways to get out of trouble.

When encountering difficulties in the past, Jiang Jingzhe rescued them many times, but now Jiang Jingzhe has also lost her magical backpack. Until the last moment, he really dare not pin his hopes on Jiang Jingzhe's special ability "DEBUFF ".

Being blocked in this room, if you go to the exit, you will be attacked by the wandering electric light, so... the only chance to break the situation may be the combination lock surrounded by lasers.

The monster is sealed, so it shouldn't be with this old scientist, and it won't pick a target when attacking. On the contrary, the old scientists blocking the door are more likely to be the first to be attacked.

Releasing monsters can at least bring about a little new change to the current situation, so that they won't be so passive.

After making up his mind, Xie Xinghui turned around abruptly and jumped short.

Jiang Jingzhe's tone changed: "You!"

She thought that Xie Xinghui had forgotten that there was a laser behind her, and she almost thought that she was going to see the tragedy happen, but she didn't expect the result to be completely opposite.

Xie Xinghui's movements were nimble, and he made all kinds of strange and handsome poses at the speed of ordinary people running. He even stepped on the wall and jumped over halfway, making her almost think that she was underestimated.

In a short time, he walked to the middle of the wall, tore off the wallpaper and quickly pressed a few numbers.

【What's happening here! 】

【Shocked, Xie Xinghui, did you learn gymnastics? 】

【I feel like I'm watching a spy movie...why haven't I heard that he has this skill before】

[I feel like I missed dozens of episodes]

Even though the old scientist saw him turning over, he was still unwilling to leave until he heard the sound of sirens resounding throughout the factory.

With a dark face, he gritted his teeth and said, "How do you know the unlock password?!"

He was indeed shocked by this flowing movement. He just finished questioning, and he didn't even have the time to attack Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui. He ran away without looking back. Jiang Jingzhe just disappeared in the blink of an eye. silhouette.

"As for..." she murmured.


As the chief consulting scientist here, the old scientist knows better than anyone what kind of monster this is.

Or rather, what a horrible monster they made.

I have to say that the sound of the siren is indeed a bit alarming.

After the password was unlocked, all the traps were unlocked. Xie Xinghui didn't need to make stunt-like gestures, he walked straight back.

"How did you know the password? Your skills have become so good." Jiang Jingzhe asked the confusion of all the audience in the live broadcast room. In terms of lasers, it can be said that there are odor fluctuations caused by high temperature in the air, but good skills have nothing to do with the sense of smell.

Xie Xinghui's statement was the same as before: "I felt as if I could do it, so I ran over naturally. As for the password... because I can smell the frequency of use of different keys and the residual smell."

What he said lightly is actually scary enough, and it is a good thing that this is not the real world, otherwise... With such a person, no matter who or where, there is no secret at all.

Jiang Jingzhe touched her chin: "Maybe you have really been transformed into a half-orc."

Xie Xinghui saw her gaze suddenly turned to the top of his head, and said speechlessly: "Don't think about it, you don't have ears."

"Oh." She said regretfully, and added unwillingly a few seconds later, "This is very soulless."

"Shut up."


They were talking and were about to escape from the room when Xie Xinghui froze suddenly.

His whole body was fixed in place, his pupils visibly shrunk into vertical pupils, and he stood there as if a cat had been blown up, but he didn't dare to move even a step.

Just seeing his reaction, Jiang Jingzhe knew that he probably smelled the released monster.

She pushed Xie Xinghui, but Xie Xinghui still didn't move, he tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, practice breathing lightly, trying to pretend to be an ornament. In desperation, Jiang Jingzhe could only slap him on the forehead suddenly.

Xie Xing came back to his senses, held back the swearing and said eagerly, "Let's run away!"

Jiang Jingzhe thought for a while, then shook his head: "You run away, I'll attract its attention."

Xie Xinghui looked shocked and confused.

The bullet screen is also very puzzled:

【Jing Zhe, do you want to be a saint? ? ? No, really no! 】

[No, no, I suddenly remembered that Jing Zhe actually had a setting of no injury... Does anyone remember the ability of that card bug...]

【Ah, I almost forgot, she was almost uninjured, so I didn't expect this ability at all】

Before Jiang Jingzhe had time to explain, he saw a monster wrapped in black silk thread appeared at the end of the corridor. The monster rushed towards them at an extremely fast speed, and appeared in front of their eyes in an instant, and dropped its claws.

The only thing she can do is to take the blow.

Xie Xing choked back a sad "No—" and was dumbfounded when he saw Jiang Jingzhe's unscathed arm.

Jiang Jingzhe said casually: "As you can see, the first DEBUFF I drew was for my own... card BUG."

Xie Xinghui breathed a sigh of relief: "You still say that you are not... In fact, you are the real Emperor of Europe, right?"

Jiang Jingzhe felt that it might be her only luck.

Xie Xinghui can smell the old scientist's current location. His location must be the safest place. They just need to lure the monster there. Whether the old scientist fights the monster or the monster cannot break through that place, for them It's all earned.

Jiang Jingzhe urged: "Hurry up and lead the way, walk faster."

Xie Xinghui said worriedly: "Could it be that your ability is still time-sensitive? Or is it painful?"

Jiang Jingzhe shook her head, and then remembered that she was standing behind Xie Xinghui, her movements could not be seen by him, so she said instead: "There is no timeliness, and there is no pain."


"But I don't want to be scratched by it." Jiang Jingzhe said the most simple words, which made it impossible to refute.

Just at this time, the system that had not made any sound just now finally found the opportunity to release the task.

[Mission release: Every region has a unique story, please join this tourist attraction, and listen to the ancient local legends from the parties! ]

Jiang Jingzhe: "A tourist attraction?"

Xie Xing replied: "Participants?"

The system doesn't hide its intention to make trouble at all?

They were speechless.

Jiang Jingzhe looked at the monster that had been pawing at her, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

At such a close distance, the black line also interfered with her, but it did not prevent her from seeing that the monster's body should be a human being. It looked huge, but it was actually very light, so it wouldn't burden her at all.

Maybe her special ability is really buggy. The monster was still changing directions and beating her, but it had no effect. When it was about to hug her and bite her, it was stuck in this state.

...Well, as expected it is a card bug.

So... does the person involved refer to this monster?

Is this like being able to communicate? !

She sighed: "Since this monster was released from the factory, the scientists must know something, maybe there is a special antidote to the berserk."

"It seems we must find him."

Xie Xinghui led her to where the old scientist was. The old scientist was hiding in a completely closed black box. The ventilation system was connected to another set of special equipment. It stands to reason that she should not have been noticed, but it was a pity that when he was walking earlier, The scent left behind still gave away his presence.

Xie Xinghui just followed his original walking path, and easily opened this supposedly solid shelter.

The old scientist looked at Xie Xinghui, his face flushed red, and just about to start cursing, he saw Jiang Jingzhe and her pendant.

The old scientist was suddenly as quiet as a quail.

He paused for a few seconds and found that the monster had no intention of attacking him, so he tentatively said, "How did you find this place?"

While speaking, he was still staring at the monster closely, holding the **** he had used earlier in his hand.

The monster still ignored him.

The old scientist obviously relaxed a lot, and the movements of leaning on the recliner were much more comfortable.

Xie Xinghui asked back: "This has nothing to do with you. Do you know what this is?"

The old scientist snorted coldly, turned his head and didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Jiang Jingzhe made a gesture to take a step forward, the black thread wrapped around her body even stretched forward mischievously, almost touching the old scientist.

The old scientist was so startled that he jumped up from the recliner and almost fell to the ground. He was really terrified of this monster.

He still couldn't understand how Jiang Jingzhe "coexisted peacefully" with this monster, but obviously, if he didn't answer the question, he might be attacked at any time.

The current situation is almost like a reversal of not so long ago.

It was also a closed and empty room, and the people who were blocked in the door became old scientists, and the people who blocked the door with their toes turned into Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui.

The old scientist said reluctantly: "This is synthetic man T-1."

Just listening to the name, you can understand what kind of "synthetic man" exists, which makes people shudder.

[Fuck, this is indeed a factory doing human experiments]

【God... don't know what to say】

[Wooooow, I had a bad feeling when I saw the clone before, this world is so dangerous]

"Tell me in detail."

The effect of Jiang Jingzhe's personal opening was outstanding, and the old scientist replied tremblingly: "This is an unknown gene I collected from a meteorite before. I just experimented with it and fused with humans. I didn't expect it to become such a monster... Its five senses And lethality is extremely terrifying, after I found that it often fell into a state of out of control, I forced it to sleep."

The old scientist glanced at Xie Xinghui uneasily: "Until he looses the shackles."

His words are really infuriating. Even if it is an experiment on human beings, he can use the rhetoric of "testing it casually", which shows that he has no regard for human life at all.

But this passage also reveals the key message: the monster often falls into a state of out of control, which means that he sometimes does not lose control.

Maybe they can ask...the old legends in the quest while the monsters don't get out of control.

In order to complete the task, Jiang Jingzhe suppressed his anger and continued to ask: "How can I make him regain his sanity?"

The old scientist rolled his eyes and said slyly, "Well..."

Jiang Jingzhe didn't want to hear him make up lies, so she took another step forward.

The closer she got, the more the old scientist could feel the terror and oppression at the biological level. He said stiffly, "Even if you threaten me, it's impossible for me to really give you the antidote."

Jiang Jingzhe took another step forward.

The old scientist clearly showed the helplessness of animals in the face of powerful natural enemies. He curled up uncontrollably and said stubbornly: "I can't... let such a monster really become a weapon in the hands of others."

When he said this, it made people suddenly realize.

Indeed, for such a powerful monster, if the controller has an antidote that can restore his sanity at any time, it means... this humanoid weapon is controllable.

"Controllable" itself means selfish desire.

If it is put on the battlefield, or anywhere else, the casualties it will cause must be terrible.

Jiang Jingzhe finally stopped, and took a few steps back to the distance where the scientist could breathe smoothly.

She sarcastically said, "Such a large human experiment you still feel compassion at this time?"

The old scientist said weakly: "Do you really think that I built this place because of my own selfish desires? There are far more relationships involved than you can imagine. I am indeed doing this kind of research, but I have no intention of disturbing the social order."

What he said didn't make Jiang Jingzhe think highly of him.

"It never came to its senses, and the result was still wanton destruction," she said.

The old scientist looked at the obedient appearance of the monster lying on her body - except for the ferocious fangs - and silently closed his mouth.

This doesn't seem like wanton destruction, does it?

[Laughing to death, I can actually see the meaning of hesitating to speak from this stinky old man]

【Looking at how pitiful, weak and helpless he is, I can't tell who is the villain for a while】

【Hahahahahahahahaha **** joke】

The old scientist came up with a way to get out of trouble.

He didn't want Jiang Jingzhe and others to leave alive, nor did he want to be buried in the mouth of the monster.

In this case, it is better to let them **** him back to the office by taking advantage of their special ability to restrain the monster first, and then make another plan.

— After all, there is a real antidote in his office. Only after he has a way to suppress the monster can he have the confidence to deal with Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui.

"I can lend you the antidote, but the antidote is in my office, and you must **** me back," said the old scientist.

Jiang Jingzhe and Xie Xinghui looked at each other and agreed to the proposal.

She was just about to walk towards the door when Xie Xinghui jumped back a few steps unexpectedly.

Jiang Jingzhe, who was suddenly disgusted: ...

Xie Xinghui said awkwardly: "You should also stay away from me."

She reasonably suspected that Xie Xing walked so fast on the way back, not only because Jiang Jingzhe was anxious to find the old scientist, but also because he wanted to distance himself from Jiang Jingzhe...

All the way to the old scientist's office without incident, when they forcibly pulled the monster off, locked it temporarily and injected a large amount of anesthetics according to the old scientist's instructions, the monster finally fell into a short dormancy.

In the next second, the old scientist who walked to a console unknowingly pressed a button, sealing the entire room.

No one can escape from this room now.

Jiang Jingzhe knew that they must have been tricked, so she still maintained a calm expression: "Aren't you afraid that he will wake up and go crazy later?"

The old scientist waved his hand: "As I said, there is an antidote in the office. The only thing that needs to be solved now is you."

He is not afraid at all now, and shows a malicious smile with confidence.

Jiang Jingzhe didn't panic: "Do you think I can untie all his shackles before I die?"

Now is the time to compete.

She acted calmly, but it made the old scientist flustered.

The old scientist knew that it might not be easy for her to untie the shackles, otherwise, she, who was immune to monster damage, would have done so directly instead of verbally threatening. But he was not sure whether Jiang Jingzhe could do it.

Jiang Jingzhe is the most special experimental subject here. She is as special as a monster, and her various abilities are still under research. Compared with Xie Xinghui, who has outstanding abilities in various aspects, Jiang Jingzhe, who looks like an ordinary human at first glance, makes him even more afraid.

He knew in his heart how fast the monster's metabolism was. Those high-concentration anesthetics that were instantly fatal could not make the monster truly dormant. Only the chains of these special materials could really seal it.

He can't afford to gamble.

The old scientist didn't want to show his timidity, so he came up with a compromise method.

He could give Jiang Jingzhe another chance, and he could kill her by cheating.

"Since we can't do anything to each other, why don't we leave it to God to decide? If you win, you will inherit everything about me... The antidote, or the experimental data, can be found in this room."

He didn't say the second part, but everyone knew that if the old scientist won, the two of them would be ghosts.

He took out a revolver from a drawer that he had collected as a hobby.

Jiang Jingzhe had a premonition when he saw □□.

She watched as the old scientist unhurriedly loaded a cartridge, closed the magazine, and placed the gun on the table between them.

"Want to play?" the old scientist asked kindly. "An old and classic game."

— Russian roulette.

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