MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 97 "I miss my Ahara ..." (2)

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Ling Xi's eyes were cold and harsh, even Qin You was scared for a moment.

But after being scared, he became even more angry. Shi Lingxi had made him faceless at the meeting before, and he remembered that at this time Lou Yuan was absent, and he dared to run into it.

"Little baby, do you think you can stop here?"

He can crush Shi Lingxi with one finger! Qin You said he was about to come forward, but saw that there were two more people in front of Shi Lingxi. It was Wang Mu and Zhang Jiajia. Lou Yuan had to talk to them, and Shi Lingxi had already talked for them.

At this time, Shi Lingxi handed a needy elixir with the spirit of fire spirit to Chen Yun, Chen Yun took one without hesitation, and then Shi Lingxi said again, "I have ten Needed Elixir, who let this The old man knelt down and I gave it to him. "

Jiang Ying, Wang Ning, and others who were rushed over to see him, looked for a moment, and the fire spirit breath that only the best Lingdan can have will not be wrong. Chen Yun ’s physical reaction will not be wrong, Shi Lingxi. There is indeed a fine quenching miracle on the hand.

"Master?" Jiang's heart moved, with the help of Superb Lingdan, her master could soon reach the top of the third grade and try to hit the barriers of the fourth grade master.

But the first thing that Jiang Jiang started was Wang Ning's two old men. Their strength was not weaker than Qin Sanming and Qin You. One person held Qin Sanming, and the other teamed up with Wang Mu Zhang Jiajia. They really Qin You, the owner of this hidden family, knelt down to Shi Lingxi.

"Do you dare!" Qin You roared, thinking that Shi Lingxi was pulling a tiger's beard, and he was so brave.

But Shi Lingxi didn't have any confusion. He looked at Qin You lightly. He looked like a semblance of sentient beings. There was a breath of superiors on his body, which made Qin You kneel without any sense of disobedience. Can enjoy such a bow.

With a slap, Shi Lingxi's dexterous wrist turned, and he personally shot Qin You and aimed directly at Qin You's chest without any slight deviation.

"If because of you, the original is the slightest damage, I want your entire Qin's blood to pay!"

Shi Lingxi said to stand up. He walked in front of Qin You, and aimed his gun at Qin You's head. He asked coldly, "Tell me, do you want to break now?"

"Homeowner!" The voices of Qin Hui and others behind Qin You came from far away. They were all tied up, and their heads were facing a gun eye. As long as Qin You could not answer the question of Shi Lingxi, Shi Lingxi Absolutely killing.

"Homeowner!" Qin Sanming also shouted Qin You, Shi Lingxi reached an agreement with Wang Ning with Dan medicine, Jiang was watching, and they Qin Shi and Shi Lingxi went down again, it was definitely not just Qin You The gun is so simple.

Qin You was panting like a cow for a while, and even the pain in his chest was not so obvious. He looked at Shi Lingxi with a pair of eyes, and finally got the three words between his teeth, "No more."

Shi Lingxi heard the words two steps behind and sat back in his chair. He raised his hand and "take them down and lock them all up."

"Yes!" Chen Yun and others took the lead. Qin You and all of them were taken into custody. Shi Lingxi killed chickens and tamarins like this. At least for a short time, these hidden families did not dare to make any more noise.

These people took him away, and Shi Lingxi looked in the direction of Wang Ning. The jade bottle in his hand was thrown away without saying a word.

Shi Lingxi didn't leave anymore, he waited at the place closest to Jincheng, time passed by minute by minute, and finally, when the sky changed from white to black and then dawn broke, Lou Yuan dragged a broken body Exit from the entrance of Tsujo.

Lou Yuan's complexion wasn't good-looking. Qin Yue nearly sucked out the zombies in Jincheng and exhausted his methods. Shi Lingxi gave him only one of the six Sipping Lingdans, and almost unlimited gems. To be sucked by him.

Since yesterday afternoon, he was chasing Qin Yue, and Qin's three-pin spirits are a must in hiding and running away, but his power is also unique in finding people. Their fighting methods are constantly changing. The building was destroyed several times.

But in the end, when he served the fifth Sipin Lingdan, he swung Qin Wei directly from the air to the ground, and then did not wait for Qin Yue to flee, and he completely wiped out Qin Yue's consciousness.

In this process, once someone breaks into Jincheng, it may give Qin Hui the chance to resurrect and completely recapture.

Shi Lingxi stood up, didn't rush to the past, and didn't let other people pick him up. They watched Lou Yuan walk out of the area belonging to the Jincheng formation.

Before Ke Lingxi was able to breathe a sigh of relief, a strong vibration occurred on the ground surface, an energy quickly formed behind Lou Yuan, and rushed in this direction.

Shi Lingxi's pupils contracted slightly, and a shout didn't make it to the exit. Lou Yuan only raised his hand and tossed Qin Yue's body. He turned around an invisible barrier and then condensed together. can.

At this time, Shi Lingxi no longer had any scruples. He rushed towards Lou Yuan and ran away. He had never been run so fast after being traced by a zombie. He rushed to Lou Yuan and cast it directly into Lou Yuan's arms. Rushed two steps back.

But then Lou Yuan also embraced Shi Lingxi, he sniffed the breath on the neck of Shi Lingxi and whispered, "Xiaoxi, I'm back."

"Well," Shi Lingxi nodded slightly, holding Lou Yuan's hand slightly shaking. All the queens were afraid to rise in his heart. Without Lou Yuan telling him, he would know that Lou Yuan's encounter was bound to be a life of nine deaths. Difficult Extreme.

There was no trace of power left in Lou Yuan's body. This time was also his most dangerous time. Shi Lingxi stabilized his emotions. He turned Lou Yuan back on his back, and Lou Yuan did not refuse.

"You rest at ease, and you have me next," Shi Lingxi told Lou Yuan softly. Lou Yuan was back, and his heart was relieved. Then there was no chance for those people to jump.

"Okay," Lou Yuan lifted his eyelids and closed it again, and he was really tired. In the past two days, he had waved the silver sword thousands of times. He had never used his abilities so frequently and never overdrawn. Over your own potential.

The breath on Shi Lingxi made Lou Yuan feel comfortable and at ease, his eyebrows gradually relaxed, and he did not sleep until Shi Lingxi carried him back to the temporary camp tent.

Shi Lingxi carried Lou Yuan on his back before entering the tent. He turned around and Xiong Kun told him, "Qin Yue's body is optimistic, and no one is allowed to move."

"Yes!" Xiong Kun and others were full of confidence, and Lou Yuan returned, and everything could not be messed up. Those hidden families had to be lying on his back to be a human.

Shi Lingxi continued to carry Lou Yuan back to his camp account. Then he asked the water to come over. He personally cleaned up Lou Yuan, put on clean clothes, and then fed Lou Yuan with water and Lingdan. Busy work.

"Dr. Shi, Master Jiang and Master Wang all came to meet the head," Chen Yun asked Shi Lingxi outside the big account.

They didn't realize it. After these days, their attitude towards Shi Lingxi was different from the past. Before Lou Yuan asked them to treat Shi Lingxi as Lou Yuan, now Lou Yuan is back. He did n’t ask for it again. He This is still the case.

"No," Shi Lingxi refused without hesitation.

But he did not stay in the tent. After he settled in Lou Yuan, he still came out to preside over the siege. He had to give Lou Yuan a better place to rest as soon as possible.

Lou Yuan used up almost all the zombies of the city by Qin Yue. Although there are still a few missing, they were cleaned up completely by the attack of this brave army. A western-style grand theater auditorium was cleaned up. come out.

Everyone gathered in the square in front of the theater. Shi Lingxi was standing on the balcony of the second floor of the Grand Theater. He looked at the bloodbath fighters, took the big horn in Xiong Kun's hand, and announced loudly.

"From now on, I will be the owner of Jincheng, and Lou Yuan will be my wife!"

There was two seconds of quietness in the air, but these high-rises including Xiong Kun Chen Yun were all Shi Lingxi's ashes, and they knelt down on one knee without any hesitation. "Yes, Master!"

"Master of the city!" The soldiers of the military also followed Xiong Kun and fell on one knee, expressing their sincere service to Shi Lingxi as the city's owner, followed by the powers of the North City Base Power Group.

Shi Lingxi let an S-level ability kneel to him. It has spread. Although he is only c-level, he can do things that none of them can do. His wife is Lou Yuan, There is nothing to hesitate or question at all.

The remaining Clan family members who were still standing were a little embarrassed, but none of them protested. The main force of this siege is well deserved to be the North City Military Department. Presumably, Shi Lingxi crossed Lou Yuan and became the city's master to guard them Already.

Shi Lingxi returned the horn to Xiong Kun. The usurpation was so smooth that he did not expect that he thought he would object against it.

He turned back to the room on the second floor of the Grand Theater. Lou Yuan was still asleep and not awake, but his condition was not bad, but he could not wake up in a short time.

"Just because you didn't wake up early, you can only give me the title of the lady of the city," Shi Lingxi said to Lou Yuan, bending slightly, and he kissed on Lou Yuan's lips. "You are my only city master lady."

Lou Yuan still had no response. Shi Lingxi continued to put Lingdan in his mouth, and Lou Yuan absorbed as much as he put.

Lou Yuan slept directly for 15 days during this sleep. Shi Lingxi quenched Ling Dan and fed him countlessly. If he was not sure his condition was stable, Shi Lingxi would like to give him the last Sipin Lingdan. Hello.

Lou Yuan's eyelashes moved slightly, and his eyes opened slowly. Before he knew where he was, he first felt a furry head on the side of his neck, and Shi Lingxi slept against him, his eyebrows slightly squinting. With.

He was the backbone of all people during the day, and he had to be calm, but after falling asleep, those fears could not be hidden.

Lou Yuan slowly turned to her side, and gently touched Shi Lingxi's ears, and kissed Shi Lingxi's slightly frowning brow. Such touching and kissing can be addictive. He could not wake up Shi Lingxi. Just continue to kiss his lover like this.

"Ayuan ..." Shi Lingxi whispered lowly, his long eyes trembled, and opened again. In a moment, he sat up and stared at Lou Yuan with his eyes wide open. He turned and sat down to Lou On the original body, up and down Lou Yuan.

"Little stream," Lou Yuan reluctantly called for Shi Lingxi, but did not resist Shi Lingxi to check his physical behavior, he quietly informed, "I have advanced."

From now on he is a Sipin spiritual master. His SSS-level mental power is completely transformed into spiritual thoughts when he is asleep. In other words, his power has disappeared, and now he is a pure spiritual practice.

At the same time, five Sipin Lingdans were smashed by medicine, and the original complications in his body were also washed away. In terms of his methods of attack, he is still lacking compared to the people of the hidden family, but in cultivation, he is the first person to be well deserved.

Shi Lingxi heard that he lay his head back to Lou Yuan's chest. He didn't feel much joy. He wrinkled his nose. "A Yuan, you scared me ..."

It wasn't just that he slept for so long. From knowing that Lou Yuan was alone with the Zombie King, Shi Lingxi's worries never stopped, but only at this moment can he show this bluntly.

"I know, it won't happen again," Lou Yuan rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair and ears, he turned around holding Shi Lingxi, Shi Lingxi returned to his body, and he looked down to find Shi Lingxi's lips , Tenderly and anxiously kissed.

Around seven in the morning, Xiong Kun and others routinely came to knock on the door, but no one responded, fearing something was wrong, and could not push it in.

"Stupid you, boss Lou must be awake!" Sun Yu pulled Xiong Kun back, of course, his words were only guesses, but they were the most likely guesses, and he woke up after 15 days of sleep. Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi were at this moment. Definitely can't worry about them.

Sure enough, the door of this room didn't open until 2 in the afternoon, and Shi Lingxi's face was ruddy and he led his lady of the city out.

And Jincheng is also very different from half a month ago. Zombies piled up in mountains are cleaned up. People from the Beicheng base have also arrived one after another. The rail traffic between Beicheng base and Jincheng is restored again.

The reason why Jincheng must be captured is because its geographical location is special enough. On several beaches in the outskirts of Jincheng, there are countless sea beasts that can hunt. They are much more concentrated than hunting alien animals in the jungle.

This place must become a paradise for the gatherers and spiritualists, and it must become the most important satellite base under the Beicheng base.

Turning around them, Lou Yuan listened to the passers-by's discussion at will, and knew many things, including Shi Lingxi crossing him to become the city owner, and also including him to become the wife of Shi Lingxi city owner.

"When you were playing for a few days, you were awake, of course, the city owner was you," Shi Lingxi looked at Lou Yuan's eyes, very surely. At the time, he was definitely better to speak as the city owner, but also to complete the system task .

In addition, after the system task was completed, he could completely return the city owner to Lou Yuan, and the system did not require him to serve for life.

His D-Class mainline mission was completed 15 days ago, and the system was upgraded like Lou Yuan. It can be upgraded tomorrow morning. At that time, he can tell Lou Yuan this final secret together.

Lou Yuan didn't respond. I held Shi Lingxi's hand and pulled the person to a halt. A faint and real smile appeared on his face. "It's good, my master."

"You feel good ... that's it!"

Shi Lingxi looked at Lou Yuan for a moment, and his cheeks turned red somehow. He nodded and responded lightly. In fact, he had to think carefully. When he was in this city, he was more able to maximize his benefits than Lou Yuan.

"Little white brother!" Wang Beibei and Dahuang ran over from afar. A few days ago they also arrived with the last army to come. Now, they are arranged by Shi Lingxi to finish their schoolwork.

Even when they came to Jincheng, they didn't escape the fate of writing assignments.

"Big Brother," Wang Beibei said hello to Lou Yuan obediently, and then she and Dahuang quietly followed Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, and they continued to wander around the city.

Shi Lingxi's fox ears and fox tails are very iconic, and everyone who meets on the road will bow and greet him slightly.

"Jiang Ying and they are all still here. I think it's time to come and meet by chance." Not long after Shi Lingxi spoke, Jiang Ying and Jiang Po appeared. Qin You and Qin Sanming were also not far away. They all had to Make sure that Lou Yuan is awake before he can believe.

"Congratulations to Chief Lou Xiu for another step," Jiang Ying bowed her knees a little, saluting Yingying, she felt very keen, Lou Yuan awoke and became stronger, and the members of their three families were not Lou. The original opponent.

Lou Yuan didn't say anything in her expression, she didn't seem to hear Jiang Ying's words, and didn't see her so low. But even then, Jiang Ying and Jiang Po couldn't raise any anger. The strong are the respect, and Lou had the original qualification to neglect them.

At this moment, Lou Yuan's eyes slightly deflected, looking at Qin You and Qin Sanming.

He didn't lift Shi Lingxi's hand and just waved it. Qin You and Qin Sanming were like broken cloths. They flew out, hit a wall directly, and spit two more blood. Serious injuries are undoubted.

"Did you forget what I said?" Lou Yuan's words were as cold as a knife, which made Qin You and Qin Sanming rekindled. They had a fight against Lou Yuan at first, but now they have only been beaten.

Among them, the layout of Shi Lingxi is very important. Without giving them any chance of Qin's, Lou Yuan awoke, and he had no more chance. "Oh!" They spit out another blood.

Shi Lingxi looked at it faintly. A bright smile floated on his face. Everyone who gathered around the crowd had a feeling of being dazzled. Lou Yuan glanced down at Shi Lingxi, which was a way to hide people. Impulse.

"My family Ayuan said, dare to disrespect me, don't say anything else, destroy Qin first."

Shi Lingxi announced what Lou Yuan had said, and when he was in love, he proclaimed it to the public. He slightly raised his jaw, and passively attracted Xiong Kun and Wolf Eyes, and immediately went to pull Qin Blade and Qin Sanming to Shi Lingxi Come here, that tacit understanding.

Shi Lingxi took Lou Yuan's hand for the first two steps, and seemed to accidentally step on Qin You's wrist. He looked down at Qin You, the smile on his face did not dissipate, and he continued to ask, "My family Ayuan died nine lives Zombie King is dead, should you come over now to discuss Zombie King's body? "

"But Sanpin Spirit Artifact, do you think it can withstand the severe injuries in my family Ayuan half a month?"

What is the purpose of Qin You and Qin Sanming? Shi Lingxi knows the whole thing clearly. The others don't say, depending on their subsequent performances, he can't return the magic weapon to them.

Qin You and Shi Lingxi looked at each other, and saw Ling Ran's intention in Shi Lingxi's eyes, stronger than the last time he held a gun at his brain. This little fox who didn't know how to really want to leave him It's life.

Qin You bit her lip without a snoring sound, and did not dare to reveal the slightest intention of killing, otherwise Lou Yuan's pet husband's fifth-degree temperament would not have killed him on the spot ...

However, Shi Lingxi's sanctions for the Qin family have not yet come to an end. He exclaimed, "Don't you always want to know where the best Lingtan came from? Tell you, it's the master of this city."

"Beginning immediately, the elixir I sold will not be sold with Qin's." Shi Lingxi glanced lightly around, he narrowed his eyes and issued a warning, "If anyone dare to purchase for Qin's secretly, and Qin handles the same. "

"Nervous elixir? The baby is too talking ..." Qin You couldn't help but say a word, but then he snorted again.

Shi Lingxi's fingertips were burning with a white flame, and for a moment, 12 peach blossoms burned and burned all over his body. Even if Qin You was seriously injured and uncomfortable at this moment, he hadn't reached the place where the old eyes were faint, let alone read this. Fire mark.

Condensing 12 kinds of fire marks at the same time, how powerful Shi Lingxi's spirit is! Qin You and Qin Sanming were stunned, as were Jiang Ying and Jiang Po, as were Wang Ning and others who had arrived.

"Throw them outside the city," Shi Lingxi and Xiong Kun finished their orders. He re-held Lou Yuan's hand and turned back to the main city area that he had demarcated only in the past two days. I can only go back.

And after they turned around, they could hear the sound of vomiting blood from Qin You and Qin Sanming. This time, it wasn't the severe vomiting of blood, but the vomiting of blood by Shi Lingxi's spitting blood. Endless.

Jiang Ying, Wang Ning and others also stopped watching Qin You, but in their hearts they were afraid and rejoicing. Fortunately, they did not offend Shi Lingxi.

If you can use a three-pin spirit to pay a powerful Dan division, the price is totally worth it, and because of greed and calculations, Qin You and others lost the wife and lost soldiers. In this case, the Luohe Qin family was afraid It's gone.

Read The Duke's Passion