MTL - Show Love System-Chapter 99 "My God ... the demon is sky-high." (1)

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Of course, the look on the face is more wonderful, and there are two old men on the side of Wang Ning. When Wang Ning was brought back to the family land, he wanted to take away Shi Lingxi together. It was because they thought that Shi Lingxi had no power. Ordinary people.

But now that Feng Shui is taking turns, Shi Lingxi has awakened his abilities, and has also become a peerless master. A little child under the age of 20 can actually make the best Lingdan, but it looks like the success rate is not low. ...

"Homeowner ..." One of the old men called Wang Ning, his face full of guilt. If they did not stop at that time, Wang Ning took away Shi Lingxi, then this Danshi is now their Wang family.

Wang Ning did not answer his words. His eyes had fallen back to Shi Lingxi's back. The feeling of being astonished was stronger every time, but the light in Shi Lingxi's eyes could no longer be shared with people outside Lou Yuan.

"Wang!" Ren Fox, someone is glaring at you!

Rhubarb reminded Shi Lingxi that at the corner, Shi Lingxi turned back and stared back angrily, but he could not catch up with Wang Ning's sight. Lou Yuan held one hand on Shi Lingxi's cheek and turned him back.

"Oh, I back you." Lou Yuan gave a low cough, then squatted in front of Shi Lingxi.

Shi Lingxi came up without any hesitation. He kissed Lou Yuan's cheek affectionately. The smile on his face finally restored the brightness of the past. From his heart's joy, he whispered, "A Yuan, it's good that you wake up . "

"Well," Lou Yuan also smiled slightly on his face, and he stepped back steadily stepping back to Shi Lingxi.

He also once again confirmed to everyone the status of Shi Lingxi in his heart. Not only can the city's owner give up for Shi Lingxi, but even he can willingly assume the title under Shi Lingxi.

Xiong Kun and others do not need any reminders. They consciously changed the name of Shi Lingxi from Dr. Shi and his wife to the city masters or adults. They are also willing to obey Shi Lingxi from the bottom of their hearts.

Shi Lingxi has been back to the temporary theater where they lived. Lou Yuan only put Shi Lingxi down. He gently rubbed Shi Lingxi's cheek, and pulled people closer and closer. Shi Lingxi went into the meeting room for a meeting.

They sat down and waited for a while, Chen Yun and others came over, and 10 minutes later, Xiong Kun and Wolf were also here. Then each of them reported to Lou Yuan their own affairs, including the news of the North City Base.

After Shi Lingxi finished speaking, he and Lou Yuan also reported on some of his recent initiatives. "Railway transportation on the ground is used first. I'm recruiting people to build an underground rail transit connecting the base of Beicheng and Jincheng."

The zombies were not only entrenched in a Jincheng city, but the cities in the last ten or nine of the last days were occupied by the zombies, and they were very mobile. If the ground traffic was to be maintained for a long time, it would require too much manpower and material resources.

The most suitable method is to connect underground traffic when the zombies or beasts invade the boundary between the two cities again.

Shi Lingxi has this idea, which is related to some new energy development research in the research center, and also inspired by the ability of the loess system. The safety of underground transportation will definitely be higher than the ground in the future.

Lou Yuan had no objection to Shi Lingxi's idea. He looked at Shi Lingxi and gently patted Shi Lingxi's shoulder. "Everything in Jincheng comes as you think. The military and I will support you. of."

Shi Lingxi heard the serious look dissipated, he smiled gently, "I won't let you down."

Lou Yuan put it on Shi Lingxi's shoulder manually, but he couldn't hold it any further, and then gently rubbed Shi Lingxi's ear, "OK."

Chen Yun, Xiong Kun and others were very conscious of the state of waiting for the sky. When Lou Yuan retracted his hands, they turned back silently and continued the previous topic.

After more than three hours of the meeting, the talents dispersed, and Jincheng's future development plan was basically determined.

All the rules that this city will set are negotiated for the psionicist and spirituality, which means that the subjects who will enter and leave the city in the future are also psionicist and spirituality.

Shi Lingxi didn't want Lou Yuan to wake up, so he was too tired. After the memories, he took people to the restaurant, and then two large pots of sea animal meat came up.

These sea animal meat will be a specialty in Jincheng, and Shi Lingxi intends to make the most of the recipe in their home.

He is going to open a special restaurant in Jincheng and Beicheng, each selling special processed spiritual materials. It is definitely more delicious and easier to absorb than direct stew or roast.

For the specific selection of people and training of chefs, Shi Lingxi asked Sun Yu to do it. Sun Yu was sloppy, and he was a little gifted at seeing people and flickering people.

Lou Yuan picked up a piece and tasted it. This pot is full of A-class sea animal meat. The fresh and smooth meat quality is better than that of most alienated animal meat. It is really good.

He was not polite to Shi Lingxi. Now it is time for him to need a lot of energy to replenish. The two large bowls of meat, Shi Lingxi and Wang Beibei, ate some, and all the others ate them all.

Shi Lingxi wiped the sweat from Lou Yuan's forehead and asked Lou Yuan softly, "Is it enough? I won't let people cook another pot."

"Enough," Lou Yuan nodded. The heat on his body was still boiling, but he was quickly absorbing the essence of the sea animal meat. In two minutes, all the abnormalities in his body disappeared, and the two pots of meat that had been eaten were all digested. .

Shi Lingxi watched Lou Yuan eat more, he felt happy. He pulled up Lou Yuan who did n’t need to eat and went outside. The sky was completely dark. The full moon of Yupan hung in the sky. See sporadic fire.

Over the past three years, most of Jincheng's infrastructure has been destroyed, and it is even more impossible to get electricity. Until now, they have used temporary self-made grease lamps on sea beasts.

Shi Lingxi didn't want to make Jincheng's development overly rely on Beicheng Base. He had to solve most of the problems by himself. In the process of solving, it was also the process that he really controlled Jincheng.

He became the master of the city, and he deserved to be worthy of the name. He was beside Lou Yuan, and he should be the one who could stand by him.

They walked around and didn't go back to the room to sleep. Lou Yuan slept for half a month and didn't want to sleep at all. Shi Lingxi was full of joy and excitement. He couldn't sleep either. They climbed to the highest roof of the theater and found a corner to sit down.

Needless to say, they just leaned on each other in this way, and they were filled with warmth and happiness.

Shi Lingxi shook Lou Yuan's hand and inserted it into Lou Yuan's fingers a little to cross his fingers. "A Yuan, what was the battle that day, I want to know."

"Okay, let me tell you ..." Lou Yuan's other hand covered their hands. He carefully recalled for a moment, and told Shi Lingxi everything after he left Shi Lingxi. .

What the zombie king Qin Yue said to him, how he chased Qin Yue, how to hang him hard, no reservation, no concealment.

Shi Lingxi leaned on Lou Yuan's shoulder. He raised his head slightly and looked at the night sky. This is the night sky not seen in the city before the end of the world. The moonlight is as bright as silver, and the whole earth is covered by it. Clean and does not look abnormal.

"Hey ... is it going to change again?" Shi Lingxi looked at the moon, a little glory gradually became thicker in his eyes, and after a while, Guanghua dissipated, his eyes returned to clear, at a certain moment he seemed to smell a kind of letting The power of his heart.

After Lou Yuan said this, he told Shi Lingxi that he was silent. Although the Zombie King was resolved, he could not guarantee how long the peace would be. He did not know how much time he had spent for the North City Base during his nine deaths.

Shi Lingxi closed her eyes and tilted his head to Lou Yuan, he whispered, "A Yuan, I will always be with you."

Rejoice what Lou Yuan rejoices and protect what Lou Yuan protects. Shi Lingxi never thought that he would love such a miserable man, and he was so happy.

Lou Yuan didn't answer. He tilted his head and kissed Shi Lingxi's forehead gently, his hands tightened a little, and he held him tighter and tighter.

They sat on the roof for a night, and there was a light red in the sky, a red sun rose, and the bright sun poured over the entire city in front of them.

"System A236 was successfully upgraded to c-level, opening contract functions and turning on the system's intelligent realization mode."

Shi Lingxi's eyes slowly opened. He sat upright, and then looked at Lou Yuan who was looking at him. A very obvious smile appeared on his face. "A Yuan, I have a secret to tell you."

Lou Yuan looked for a moment, vaguely guessing what Shi Lingxi was going to tell him, and he nodded, "You said."

"But before you say it, you have to answer my question first," Shi Lingxi said in a tone. He took Lou Yuan's hand again, and asked with a serious look. "In any case, you are willing to agree with Do I die together? "

Facing Shi Lingxi's serious eyes, Lou Yuan nodded, and replied earnestly, "willing."

The two words he answered seemed to have a strange magic power. Only for a moment, the world in front of him had not changed except Shi Lingxi, everything else became a string of strange rune codes that he could not understand.

However, the situation calmed down quickly, and he heard a voice in his ear, "Lou Yuan, the host task bound object, the host life and death deed object, now open the sub system function to Lou Yuan, the sub system A236 is for you."

Shi Lingxi could hear what the system said to Lou Yuan.

It can be seen that Shi Lingxi's look became innocent. He lowered his head, his ears closed, his long eyes were covered, and his tone was pitiful. "Ayuan, you should not be angry ..."

Lou Yuan took a deep breath, and now his head was a little dazed and he didn't know how to get angry.

Shi Lingxi still lowered her head, and her expression was not good enough. A pink love in his arms suddenly faced Lou Yuan, and they were waiting for Lou Yuan to digest this incredible secret together.

"I never told you one thing. Before I met you, I almost died once, was bitten by a zombie, and fell into a cave of an alien creature. It saved me 236."

Shi Lingxi's heart was full of grudges and grievances. He was able to accept the system so quickly and carry out the task seriously, because he knew that without the system, there was almost no possibility that he would survive that situation.

Thanks to the gratitude, the system's tasks were no longer strange and no reason, and he worked hard to complete them.

"Tasks are tasks, I like your mind ..."

Before Shi Lingxi's words were finished, Lou Yuan was pulled into her arms and hugged tightly. Lou Yuan could not care about pondering too much. The fact that the system saved Shi Lingxi by itself was enough for him to accept its existence with the greatest kindness.

Lou Yuan's heart was beating. He had never been so afraid for a moment. He was afraid that Shi Lingxi would not appear in his life. They were afraid that they would never meet or love each other.

Shi Lingxi, who was stuck in Lou Yuan's arms, blinked, and he put his hand on Lou Yuan's back, and patted him gently.

After ten minutes passed, Lou Yuan let go of Shi Lingxi again. He looked at Shi Lingxi and took a deep breath again. "I'm not angry ..." It's true that I'm not angry, but there will be more or less A little depressed.

After all, Shi Lingxi took the initiative to punch him, a big part of it was because of system tasks.

"Ayuan is the best," Shi Lingxi heard Yan immediately kissed Lou Yuan's cheek with a reward. The smile on his face was very bright. The last secret was revealed to Lou Yuan, and he was happy from the inside out.

Lou Yuan grabbed Shi Lingxi, showing a bit of helplessness and petting. He kissed Shi Lingxi's forehead, and by the way, the daily task of refreshing Shi Lingxi was completed.

He reached out and rubbed Shi Lingxi's tail again, and another daily task was completed. Sure enough, his ability to accept was unparalleled.

"Is the weakness because the mission failed?" Lou Yuan didn't ask Shi Lingxi, but talked to System A236. He asked a lot, especially the punishment. The last time Shi Lingxi was weak, it made him feel bad. Already.

Now that he knows the existence of the system and the punishment mechanism, Shi Lingxi can no longer face such a situation.

The system has to answer questions. After upgrading, it is more intelligent, but the degree of fault-finding has not improved. In addition to first protecting the lives of Shi Lingxi and Lou Yuan, it still has to follow the procedures set by it.

"Ayuan, you forgot to touch my face ..." Shi Lingxi reminded him that his jaw had been raised, and he felt that he had the character of the Lord of the City. He no longer needed to complete these wonderful tasks, and guided him with his family Lou Yuan. .

Lou Yuan held on to Shi Lingxi for a moment, he lifted Shi Lingxi from his waist and jumped directly from the roof. Another gust of wind took Shi Lingxi back to their bedroom.

When the door was closed, he lowered his head and blocked Shi Lingxi's lips first, then undressed and undressed people who didn't know how to sell and eat without restriction.

Shi Lingxi's eyes screamed with the bullied tears, leaned on Lou Yuan's chest, and fell asleep, no longer thinking of any tasks or tasks ...

However, Lou Yuan continued to understand and explore the various functions of the system after lameness, and looked at Shi Lingxi's tasks in the past, the list of tasks facing the zombie show, even he looked speechless.

After a while, he asked, "Can the pink love above my head be hidden?" He didn't know what Shi Lingxi thought of him with such love ...

"Yes," the host responded immediately, and for another two seconds, it replied, "Hidden."

So the fact is that Shi Lingxi could hide the love on his head from the beginning, but Shi Lingxi never thought of doing so.

Lou originally hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Why me?" When he asked, the look in his eyes was very dangerous. There was a vague system to answer this question, and he was about to get angry.

"You are the only one living in the world that meets all of the host's mate selection criteria." The sound of the system is ancient, but when it is more intelligent, it can better understand the power and danger of Lou Yuan. Chop off.

In addition to the standard answer, it added the answer again, "According to the system's first memory scan of the host, he has had a mood completely in line with your crush."

Shi Lingxi consciously believes that this kind of emotion is a worship of the strong, but the system used to interpret him as secret love.

Lou Yuan was satisfied with the system's answer, and did not ask too much about Shi Lingxi's past. There is no secret between him and Shi Lingxi, but it does not mean that he will not respect Shi Lingxi.

"What is the new mainline task?" He knew the system existed, and then he must help Shi Lingxi complete the task together.

"The trigger condition of the new task has not been formed and cannot be refreshed temporarily." The system answered Lou Yuan's question.

Lou Yuan groaned for a moment, without further questioning. He closed his eyes and slept with Shi Lingxi for more than an hour. Then he quietly got up to help Shi Lingxi handle something.

Shi Lingxi has been tired for so many days, and now he wakes up, it is time to change Shi Lingxi and take a good rest.

Shi Lingxi woke up to sleep at 11 o'clock and woke up. He looked at the loving dumplings beside the pillow. The memory of a few hours ago returned instantly. There is no doubt that this love is a systematic manifestation mode. Quite easy to hold.

Shi Lingxi grabbed the system, pinched and poked at it, and after some research, it was finally determined that this was an energy body that he could not understand. He could pinch various shapes, and he could hide if needed.

"So, what's the use of this realization model?"

Shi Lingxi squinted and looked at the system that was pinched and deformed by him. It was impossible to sell it to him.

The system did not immediately answer the question of Shi Lingxi. It broke free from Shi Lingxi, changed back to pink love, jumped to the shoulder of Shi Lingxi, switched to Wang Beibei's voice, and replied cutely, Lead the way. "

Shi Lingxi seemed to be silent for a while, and he raised his forehead. "Take me to Lou Yuan."

The pink love heart has a pair of wings, and it leads the way in front of Shi Lingxi. It does have this function.

Just before Shi Lingxi left the room, he came back to find his original Lou Yuan. The pink love flew back to the shoulder of Shi Lingxi, became smaller and thinner, and then stuck on the side of Shi Lingxi's neck. Skin is on.

"A Yuan," Shi Lingxi stopped and called Lou Yuan. He still felt a little bit weak, but after the guilty conscience was more sweet.

"Xiaoxi," Lou Yuan approached, rubbing Shi Lingxi's ears, his eyes were low but he had infinite affection, and there was nothing to investigate. "Sun Yu is waiting for us. I'll take you to eat first." thing."

"Okay," Shi Lingxi responded obediently, but instead of passing her hand to Lou Yuan, she tiptoeed and kissed on Lou Yuan's cheek, "Good afternoon, my lady of the city."

Lou Yuan's eyes were deep for a moment. He held Shi Lingxi's hand and took Shi Lingxi to the restaurant. They were full and satiated before they came to the meeting room to meet Sun Yu.

Sun Yu told Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi that there was a place where his master used to live in Jincheng. In addition to doing things for Shi Lingxi in the past few days, the rest of his time was looking for this place. Only to this day he finally got a little brow. .

"My master is Erpin Dan and Erpin Zhenwei. His cave house is not easy to find. There is no special way to find it, and then Jincheng is made into a large array by Qin Yue. The entrance of my master's residence was directly damaged ... "

Sun Yu explained to them cluelessly these days, and then he took out an old jade pendant and smiled on his face. "Fortunately, I still have this on my body, and I can take you there."

"Let's go then," Shi Lingxi stared at Sun Yu for a few moments, then nodded his head, and no doubt people don't use it. Sun Yu must have hidden nothing to say, but it will not hurt them.

Later, he, Lou Yuan, Sun Yu, and Rhubarb, all three of them came to a half-ruined earthen house in the western suburbs. The jade pendant in Sun Yu's hand issued a soft light. This is indeed his master's residence. The entrance.

"The entrance was so badly damaged. This time, my master ’s Dongfu should not be maintained for a long time and it will be completely destroyed. At most 30 minutes, no matter what we find, we must exit. Otherwise, the space shock may be caused by the boss Lou. "

Sun Yu stopped to speak again and warned, he was afraid that Shi Lingxi was holding the book and fascinated, delaying the time. What's going on inside, he can't guarantee that they will most likely be separated by the torn array.

"Here it is!"

Sun Yu walked around the house and pointed a wall to Lou Yuan and Shi Lingxi. He first dropped Yu Pei on the wall, and then slammed into the wall with his eyes closed. Something was hit, but nobody was gone.

Lou Yuan glanced at Shi Lingxi, and he whispered, "I'm advanced."

According to Sun Yu, only one person can pass. Lou Yuan thinks for a moment, but still thinks he should go to see the situation in advance.

Shi Lingxi nodded, he watched Lou Yuan go in, he followed immediately, but "Beep", he actually hit the wall, he did not believe in evil, he tried to walk in again, and "Beep" again, his head was bashing It hurts, he still can't get in the wall.

"The entrance to the space repels the breath of the host, and the system is cracking."

Shi Lingxi did not hold back his tooth decay, and it was the same last time in the secret place of Peach Blossom Forest. He touched the floor for a long time and found nothing. Lou Yuan stepped on a clod to enter the real secret place. .

Now at this door, Sun Yu and Lou Yuan can go in. He and Rhubarb are blocking the outside.

"Wang!" Ren Fox, nothing underground! Rhubarb looked around and found nothing. In his eyes, it was just an excessively hard wall, without any special induction.

"Okay, let's wait," Shi Lingxi sat on a stone, waiting for the results of the system to crack, while staring at the wall where Lou Yuan and Sun Yu disappeared without blinking, of course, in his heart But he didn't look so calm.

Ten minutes later, he stood up again, three foxtails swayed behind him, but it was the foxtail of light condensing the energy of the sun, and for another two minutes, he wrapped himself around with this energy, and his whole body looked like A soft light source.

He came to the wall again, his eyes closed, and hit him again, and this time, instead of hitting the wall again, he hit a flower field covering the sky, and the flower was bigger than his half body. Big, he instantly felt like breaking into the giant country.

"236, lock Lou's position and determine his condition."

Shi Lingxi's words fell, pink love flew from the side of Shi Lingxi's neck, and she floated up and down for a while. It seemed to be in contact with its sub-system. After a full minute, it gave Shi Lingxi a reply.

"Lou Yuan is 20 kilometers away from the host. His vital signs are normal. The space here is extremely unstable. It is recommended that the host leave as soon as possible."

Shi Lingxi heard the words for a moment, he nodded, and began to look for the Scarlet Stone Gate that Sun Yu had told him before, and that was the way to leave. And it doesn't look like a Dongfu at all, it is a wider space than the secret place of peach blossom forest.

Shi Lingxi ran for 20 minutes under the guidance of systematic love before he ran to the edge of the flower field. He took a breath and was covered with pollen, and looked up as a white flower field with no end.

"What the **** is this ..."

Shi Lingxi turned his head and muttered without any delay, and continued to follow the system of love to the place of Scarlet Stone Gate. When he arrived, he felt the danger of being swept behind him. He no longer hesitated, and hit the stone gate again.

Then he bumped into Lou Yuan's arms, and he returned to their world safely.

Lou Yuan hugged Shi Lingxi and quickly backed away. The broken earthen house completely burst open. There was no other way for Sun Yu and his master to enter the cave.

"What's wrong with Xiaoxi?" Lou Yuan rubbed Shi Lingxi's hair and ears. When Shi Lingxi rushed out, she looked very embarrassed, apparently encountering any danger in it.

Shi Lingxi talked about falling him into the flower field, and Lou Yuan and Sun Yu also talked about it.

This is really more deadly than popularity. Lou Yuan and Sun Yu are not at all dangerous. They directly enter the safest area of ​​Dongfu, and they come out because there is nothing to explore.

Sun Yu got what his master wanted to give him, and Lou Principle asked the system to copy all the books. After doing this, they came straight out.

"So, maybe you went straight to the edge of a different space?"

Sun Yu's eyes were shocked and frightened, but Shi Lingxi was not surprised to encounter such a danger.

Shi Lingxi's complexion gradually calmed down, he was considered assured, Lou Yuan and they were very rewarding.

He tilted his head to look at Lou Yuan, and the shock dissipated, and his eyes brightened again. Only a moment later, Lou Yuan let the vice system copy the data to Shi Lingxi's 236.

"I can see it clearly, this kind of place is not an opportunity for me," Shi Lingxi said, touching his head and hitting the wall several times. He finally got in and fell to an unknown place. He will still be in the future. Wait with ease.

However, this unpleasant mood is still very strong, why should he be treated differently?

"Well, when my family cracks this matrix, I see who can stop me from finding a baby," Shi Lingxi lay on Lou Yuan's back, muttering, and now he can only comfort himself.

Lou Yuan was silent for a while, and he and Shi Lingxi urged, "Xiaoxi, don't use the light power in front of people."

When he crossed that space barrier, he was certain that Shi Lingxi could not enter. There was the purest psionic energy in it, which naturally repelled demons. Unless the person who controlled the entrance to a different space took the initiative to lead the way, Shi Lingxi could not help it. In and out.

However, Shi Lingxi's light power blocked his enchantment, allowing him to cross the barrier smoothly, and directly entered him into the inaccessible realm. The light power was more extraordinary than they thought. Already.

Originally, his celestial body was enough to make the world stunned. He didn't want Shi Lingxi to be treated like this, especially when they hadn't figured out the secrets of the hermit family.

Shi Lingxi heard the words without any hesitation, "OK, I listen to you."

He touched Lou Yuan's cheek. "Don't worry about it, there are always great gains this time."

He has quickly browsed the bibliography brought back by Lou Yuan. The Dan Book and the Zhenwen Book are halved. Many Dan books coincide with the secret place of the peach blossom forest. The most valuable books should be those of the Zhenwen Book, and Sun The manuscript left by Master Yu.

The only thing that Shi Lingxi was disappointed with was that in the books collected by Master Sun Yu, there were no basic methods for him and Xiong Kun to practice.

"Huh?" Shi Lingxi blinked, and he found that the pollen that had been attached to his clothes and could not be thrown away was gone, "236, where are those pollen?"

"Pollen penetrated into the surface of the host and was purifying the demon blood for the host. Whether to use system energy to prevent purification."

It's not the first time that Shi Lingxi has been purified of any demon blood. The necklace sent by his grandparents has the effect of demon blood purification. From this point of view, this pollen should be beneficial. He hesitated for a moment, but refused.

It is not easy for the system to have some energy, and it was used by him. It is estimated that it cannot come out and jump around in a short time.

"A Yuan, find me a quiet room, I need to retreat." Shi Lingxi felt the restlessness of the demon blood in his body, and he needed to calm down to guide him well. This is an intuition, more precisely an intuition from the blood veins. It requires him to do so.

Lou Yuan nodded his head and accelerated his steps. He directly fled Sun Yu and Rhubarb. He carried Shi Lingxi to a basement in the theater. He asked Shi Lingxi to meditate. He painted the gourd in the same way. Shi Lingxi arranged a more advanced isolation matrix method.

"Oh my **** ... the demon is sky-high."

Sun Yu and Rhubarb stopped in front of the square of the Grand Theater. They looked up at the rising spirits and felt shocked. But then Rhubarb scatters his legs and runs to the place where it can be closest to the demon to absorb.

Sun Yu stopped at a distance and didn't dare to approach. She was also stunned by the demon moment, as well as Wang Ning and Jiang Ying.

However, the isolation array method laid down by Lou Yuan can only isolate external interference to Shi Lingxi, and the vision caused by Shi Lingxi cannot be isolated.

Wang Ning and Jiang Ying and others can easily guess the source of this vision.

Lou Yuan, as the purest celestial body, will never be a monster even if it will cause vision during cultivation. Then it is most likely that the alchemy talent is so scary that Shi Lingxi.

Shi Lingxi has an identity of alchemy master, and even the two old-fashioned old men beside Wang Ning can't say anything about demon magic. The thing that Shi Lingxi can make is the best quenching spirit.

Such a vision lasted a day and a night before it completely disappeared. Everything in the city's main house and the military headquarters was normal, and there was nothing to be disturbed. Jincheng was also under construction in an orderly manner.

Wang Ning and others also disappeared after the vision disappeared, and they came to say goodbye the next day, but they still could not see Shi Lingxi or Lou Yuan. They left the people stationed in Jincheng and took Lou Yuan to promise them Remuneration and extra rewards, set off to return to their respective clan.

But in the future, they will not have fewer opportunities to come to Jincheng, and the upcoming bustling here can already be foreseen.

"The Lord Jiang left a message. If you and the city owner want to unravel, you can come to the Jiang clan." Chen Yun conveyed the words left by Jiang Ying to Lou Yuan, and he took out a bag, "This is the Wang family Mainly for the city owner. "

Lou Yuan took it up and took it directly. It had an address in it. It would not be the clan of Wang clan, but Wang Ning could be contacted at this place.

Lou Yuan squeezed the bag, and it turned into powder in just a moment, but the look on Lou Yuan's face was still faint.

"Chen Ran is already here. You arrange for him to stay first, and then he will go to him in the afternoon."

"Yes," Chen Yun nodded, and then left the room.

Since Wang Ning handed him the bag, he knew the fate of the bag.

Lou Yuan dealt with things in this office for a long time. After lunch with Wang Beibei and Rhubarb, he went to Chen Ran. After seeing Chen Ran, he returned to continue to deal with things. At night, he entered the basement, but still only in Walked at the door.

Shi Lingxi's entire body is wrapped in a cocoon formed by a demon qi. He still has no response to the outside world. He breaks in and may interrupt him, so let ’s not say that Jiang Ying and Wang Ning ca n’t see Shi Ling. Xi, even he couldn't really see Shi Lingxi.

Seven days and seven nights passed. Lou Yuan's body was cold and cold. He didn't realize it, but Chen Yun and others didn't dare to face him alone for too long.

During the meeting, Lou Yuan suddenly looked up. He stood up and left the conference hall directly to the basement. After hesitating for a moment, he withdrew from the array and came to the white giant cocoon, and gently stroked his hand on the giant cocoon.

There is no doubt that Shi Lingxi is in it. He feels that Shi Lingxi has an abnormal heartbeat, and according to the system, Shi Lingxi is about to wake up. In these days, he did not check the books and check the information, but there is no record in any books. Shi Lingxi this situation.

He was worried but clueless, and had to wait and keep.

Shi Lingxi's feeling was relatively pure. He just guided the blood of the demon to his tail according to his intuition. After a while, he fell asleep, and he woke up in an eggshell.

He blinked, and then blinked again, then he waved his hand towards the eggshell, who was so bored to get him an eggshell and locked it!

After tearing it, the egg shell was broken into light spots like a light curtain. Shi Lingxi raised his head to see a pair of slender thighs. He was quite familiar with these legs. He continued to look up and saw Lou Yuan in shock.

What happened, when his family Ayuan grew so tall!

"A Yuan!" Shi Lingxi called Lou Yuan and found her voice strange.

Then he vacated the whole person to make Lou Yuan hug him. He stared at Lou Yuan's eyes, his pupils contracted slightly, and then enlarged. He saw a living white three-tailed fox in Lou Yuan's eyes.

"Ayuan ..." Shi Lingxi called again, his voice trembled, and he looked more and more immature. "I have become a fox?"

Lou Yuan swallowed slightly, and he nodded. "The stream?"

"Why did I become a fox?" Shi Lingxi finally lowered her eyes and looked at herself, her small paws raised, long white hair, shiny and smooth, a genuine three-tailed small fox.

Lou Yuan's heart was no less shocked than Shi Lingxi. The demon giant cocoon isolated the investigation of his spiritual thoughts, and he did not know when this change occurred in Shi Lingxi. Shi Lingxi was still Shi Lingxi, but Become a little fox.

"Become a fox, how can we kiss and how to make love ..." Shi Lingxi pumped his head and felt that the problem was very serious. It should be very difficult for Lou Yuan to fall in love with the animals.

Lou Yuan caress Shi Lingxi's ear and walks towards their bedroom, he groans, "There will be a way."

Even if he went to the major hidden world families to check the information, he would find a way to change Shi Lingxi back.

"236, why don't you stop talking?" Shi Lingxi finally sounded another one he could call for help. After almost 20 years, this suddenly turned into a fox, it was really difficult to adapt and accept.

"The host fox's blood awakening degree is as high as 100%, and its form is fully beastized, gaining 3 times the speed increase, 3 times the defense amplitude, and 3 times the demon power amplitude. The host can try to exhaust the demon power."

The system didn't say anything because it was also analyzing the physical condition of Shi Lingxi. It can be said that it was the first time that this situation happened in Shi Lingxi's inventory records.

Shi Lingxi tilted her head and looked at Lou Yuan. Lou Yuan stepped in a different direction, took Shi Lingxi directly out of the city's main house, and came to a beach on the outskirts of Jincheng. A few days ago, there were power activists here. Hunted.

Lou Yuan hugged Shi Lingxi without stopping, but walked away from them directly to the more remote beach. He then laid down Shi Lingxi, and then he watched Shi Lingxi completely abuse these A and B sea beasts.

That delicate and small claw, once waved out, a B-level sea beast died. A-level sea beast can resist the power of Shi Lingxi's claw, but their degree cannot reach Shi Lingxi, and in the end it was Shi Lingxi. Tear the defense to death.

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