MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 123 The old ancestors, the mana is boundless

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The strong palm wind roared towards a demon like a broken bamboo.

The snow on the ground was also divided into two by the palm wind, and the snowflakes flew!

Master Mo had incomparable anger in his eyes.

Although Shaolin Temple regards compassion as its heart.

But for such inhumane, blood-sucking demons, naturally, they won't be so pedantic enough to use Buddhism to influence them.

As the saying goes, killing the wicked is a good idea.

Master Mo didn't let go.

This palm fully gathered his skills for hundreds of years in his life!

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

If he were an ordinary martial artist, he would be almost unable to make any countermeasures, and he would have been blown away by the palm of his hand.

But demons are demons after all, and their methods are very imaginable.


The demon didn't panic at all, a sneer appeared on his face.

Immediately, he raised his paw and greeted Master Mo.


There was a loud bang, and countless snowflakes flew in the sky.

The energy released from the collision between the two instantly swept away all the snow on the ground. Even the monks of the Shaolin Temple in the distance felt the ground shaking slightly at this moment!

The countless snowflakes that flew over immediately drowned the two figures, and there was no trace of them.

But soon, the next moment.

With a muffled sound, a figure suddenly flew out of the snow fog!

All the Shaolin monks took a close look!

She couldn't help but turn pale in shock and exclaimed!

"Master Mo!"

But I saw that the man who flew upside down was the Shaolin holy monk wearing a cassock with white hair and beard, the first great holy monk in the Bodhidharma Hall!

Ding Ding Deng Deng...

Master Mo took dozens of steps back one after another, and this was enough to remove the violent energy from his body.

After standing firm, Abbot Xuankai and Saint Monk Xuanku flew up.

At this moment, the monks also hurriedly gathered around with worried expressions.

"Master, you!"

"No... no problem."

Master Mo waved his hand slightly, looking a little difficult.

At this moment, his face looked a little abnormally rosy, and he seemed to be slightly out of breath when speaking.


Suddenly, at this moment, Master Mo's throat moved slightly.

In a slight muffled sound, a strand of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth!

His face instantly turned pale, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

His body was a little vain, and he was about to stand unsteadily when he was swaying!


When the surrounding monks saw this, they immediately reached out to help.

Abbot Xuan Kai's expression changed, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

He stepped forward quickly and grabbed Master Mo's wrist to check the injury.

"This!" After Wei Wei felt it, Abbot Xuan Kai was shocked.

He hurriedly took out a small bottle from his bosom, and out of it came a crystal clear elixir.

"Junior Brother, take this thing quickly!"

Master Mo did not hesitate, and immediately took the pill and swallowed it in his stomach.

Immediately, he meditated cross-legged, refining the medicinal power in his body to heal his wounds.

"Senior Brother Abbot." Master Xuan Ku, one of Shaolin's three holy monks, said worriedly, "Master Mo, he?"

Abbot Xuan Kai had a gloomy expression on his face and shook his head slightly, "That monster is too powerful, and Master Mo is seriously injured..."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

At this time, there were bursts of jiejie laughter in the flying snow that had not yet completely dissipated.

An invisible gust of wind suddenly blew up out of thin air, and the flying snow scattered all over the sky.

The demon who fought against Grandmaster Mo just now showed his figure.

At this moment, his claws had burst open, and his blood was blurred.

However, he didn't seem to feel the slightest pain at all.

"I still think how powerful your Shaolin Temple is. It seems that you are nothing more than rice buckets."

While talking, a strange scene happened!

I saw that there was a strange squirming of flesh and blood at the two claws of this monster that had already burst, and the flesh and blood grew rapidly. Within a short time, the two pairs of claws actually grew out intact!

"That's right, that's right, these ant rice buckets have made me wait in fear for so many years, it's really ridiculous when I think about it, it's ridiculous!"

"No, it's just such a thing, where do you need the Netherworld Gorefiend and his old demon family to take action, that is simply an insult to his old demon family!"

"Hehehe, what's the matter with them, I can't help but want to eat a lot!"

"Hehe, the meat of these bald donkeys is the real delicacy in the world!"

"Ahahahaha, you're right, these bald donkeys are not close to women when they urinate, and their bodies are of a boyish boy. The essence in their bodies is much fuller than that of ordinary people, and their flesh is very good!"

"It's very true, it's very true, we are not opponents to those bald donkeys in the outside world, but these things here are just enough for us to feast our eyes on, hahahahaha!"

The other few demons sneered, but in their words, they already regarded the monks as meat on a plate!

When the monks saw this, they were shocked and angry. At the same time, a sense of despair and fear also rose from the heart of a famous monk!

A demon is already so powerful!

And there are more than a dozen names here!

All of a sudden, all the monks were terrified, and could not help but subconsciously gather their gazes towards Master Abbot.

The abbot Xuan Kai was also very solemn at the moment.

He turned his eyes to look at his younger brother, Master Xuan Ku, and at the moment, Master Mo, who had temporarily suppressed his injuries.

The three looked at each other and said nothing.

But both sides already understood what they meant.

The power of these demons is far beyond their imagination.

Even if it is to unite the power of the three martial arts, it is really hard to resist!

Today, Shaolin Temple may be in a catastrophe!

At this critical juncture, Abbot Xuan Kai realized that he could not delay for even a second, and immediately turned his eyes and instructed in a deep voice, "Let's get out of Shaolin quickly, run for your own life, and leave me Shaolin to inherit!"


"But Master Abbot..."

"Quick retreat!!"

The monks wanted to say more, but before he could finish, the abbot Xuan Kai spoke again.

Then, he didn't pay any attention to the monks, because the monsters not far away had already deceived him!

"Great Mercy and Great Compassion Mantra!"

In the roar, Abbot Xuan Kai, Master Xuan Ku, and Master Mo flew up with their whole body of real energy!

There were bursts of golden Buddha light all around the three of them.

At the same time, there were words in their mouths, and the sound of Buddha mantras echoed in the void.


"Shut up for me, it's so ugly!"


"These dead bald donkeys, even these warriors are so difficult to deal with!"

The three of them sat cross-legged out of thin air, a trinity.

A faint phantom of the Buddha appeared behind him, and the dazzling golden light blocked the demon at this moment!

"Come on!"

At this moment, how can the rest of the halls still not understand, this is the master abbot who sacrificed their lives to buy time for them to escape!

Immediately, a famous monk ran away in tears.

But, at this moment!

From the blood cloud above the Shaolin Temple, a series of sneering sounds suddenly sounded.


The blood clouds gathered, and a huge blood-colored face that was nearly a thousand meters suddenly appeared in the void!

The infiltrating laughter echoed from all directions. At this moment, tens of thousands of monks only felt dizzy, their blood was surging, their bodies were swaying, and their standing was unsteady!

Under this terrifying sound, the abbot Xuankai and others caused the blood in the body to tumble and spit out a large mouthful of blood!

The Dharma mantra was forced to be interrupted, and the chant came to an abrupt end.

The shadow of the Buddha behind him gradually dissipated, although the golden light gradually dissipated.

"Where is the holy monk?!"

"Where is the holy monk?!"

"Where is the holy monk?!"

After three consecutive beeps, the terrifying sound waves made all the temples in the Shaolin Temple collapse, and the thousand-year-old temple turned into a messy ruin at this moment!

A few breaths passed.

There was no response from the collapsed ancient temple.

"Hahahaha, what a **** holy monk, I think he was scared by his ancestors long ago and ran for his life!"

"In my opinion, what a **** holy monk, maybe he has exhausted his lifespan and died for a long time, hahaha!"

"Not bad, not bad, take 10,000 steps back, even if there really is a so-called holy monk, how can you wait for me?!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, it is extremely, there is an ancestor, let alone this holy monk, even if it is the mysterious powerhouse in the Six Profound Sect, what can it do?!"

All the monsters and monsters laughed and opened their mouths one after another.

In the voice of the words, they all showed disdain on their faces, obviously they didn't care about the Shaolin monk from decades ago at this moment.

At this moment, the injuries were extremely serious, and the three Abbot Xuan Kai, who had already run out of oil, looked at each other, and deep sorrow flashed in their eyes.

Naturally, they also know the saint monk from decades ago in the mouths of these demons.

The palm that fell from the sky at the beginning, recalled at this moment, the three are still shocked by it!

After stepping into Martial Sage for all these years, they even more understand the terrifying effect of that palm!

That is already beyond human effort!

However, after that palm, no matter what they did, they couldn't see the senior saint monk.

Even the slightest trace of it could not be detected, as if there were no senior monks in the temple at all.

They were puzzled by this.

In the end, after thinking hard, I only came to two conclusions.

First of all, there is no holy monk at all, but the Buddha appeared that day.

Secondly, it can only be considered that the senior holy monk has traveled in the world and is not in a temple.

"Hehe, old bald donkeys!"

At this moment, several demons looked over with greedy eyes, as if they were looking at some delicious food.

"Amitabha, goodness is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil."

The three of Master Xuan Kai sat cross-legged and returned to the west after he finished speaking.

"I want an arm!"

"Don't grab it, this leg is mine!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Blood splattered, and in just a short time, the bones of the three holy monks of Shaolin were all gone!

Immediately afterwards, before the rest of the Shaolin Temple monks recovered from their shock, they all set off and opened their mouths again!


"don't want!"

In an instant, screams could be heard endlessly.

Normally, the solemn, peaceful and peaceful Buddhist holy land is now like a **** of an Asura, with blood everywhere and bones!

"All right."

Suddenly, the voice of the Netherworld Gorefiend sounded from the void.

The demons stopped their movements and looked puzzled.

"Ancestor, who are you?"

They are eating vigorously at the moment. The meat of these monks is extraordinarily delicious.

It's almost so delicious that you can't stop!

"Leave some for now, isn't there another Six Profound Sword Saint?"

The Netherworld Gorefiend smiled coldly, "Hehehe, there are no holy monks in Shaolin, so I want to see if there are any swordsmen in the Six Mysterious Gates!

Leave some living mouths to go down the mountain and let them spread the news that the deity will come to Liuxuanmen in seven days. At that time, there will be no humans and animals left in Liuxuanmen! "


The voice fell, and all the demons immediately screamed!

Old Ancestor is worthy of being an Old Ancestor, his words are so domineering!

This is why he doesn't take that Six Profound Sect Sword Saint in his eyes at all!

Thinking of living under the terrifying deterrence of the Six Profound Sword Saint all these years, I feel like I'm dying of humiliation.

At this moment, after hearing these words, all the demons suddenly appeared in their minds as if the scene of blood flowing in Liuxuanmen seven days later, and the constant mourning.

Thinking of this, the hearts of all the demons are naturally extremely excited, extremely happy!


"The ancestor is mighty!"

"Ancestors and ancestors, the magic power is unparalleled, the supernatural powers are vast, and the mana is boundless!"

"Ancestors and ancestors, the magic power is unparalleled, the supernatural powers are vast, and the mana is boundless!"

"Ancestors and ancestors, the magic power is unparalleled, the supernatural powers are vast, and the mana is boundless!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The Netherworld Gorefiend burst out laughing, and the laughter echoed from the sky above the Shaolin Temple...

Three days later.


"Shaolin was destroyed by demons!"


"How is this possible!"

Shaolin Temple is the Big Dipper of Mount Tai in martial arts, and every move may affect the general trend of martial arts!

Naturally, there are many forces concerned.

Such a great sect, the super-first-class top forces were destroyed, and they were still beaten up from the mountain gate with integrity!

When the news was brought down the mountain by the monk who survived from the Shaolin Temple, it immediately caused an uproar in the martial artist world!

It's like thousands of waves are set off on the calm sea!

This news is really too shocking!

The Shaolin Temple was destroyed!

If it wasn't for the news that it was from a few prestigious masters in the Shaolin Temple, no one would believe it!

At this moment, both the martial artists of the rivers and lakes, and the royal families of various countries have realized a terrible problem.

Those demons seem to be far more powerful than previously imagined!

And with the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, another news that shocked the world is the Liuxuanmen!

Liuxuanmen is different from Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Temple has a long tradition and is a millennium power.

And Liuxuanmen started out as just a small sect, little known.

If it weren't for the mysterious Sword Saint who was born out of the sky decades ago, it wouldn't have attracted much attention.

Actually, UU reading www.uukanshu. In the past few decades, the demons have disappeared, and the mysterious swordsman has also disappeared, never to appear again.

People's memory of it also gradually fades with the passage of time.

In the rivers and lakes, the legends about it almost no longer exist.

The same is true for the concern about Liuxuanmen.

Without the mysterious Sword Saint powerhouse, the ordinary Liuxuanmen would naturally not be able to compare with a behemoth like the Shaolin Temple.

Now, even the Shaolin Temple, the invincible holy monk who once fell from the sky in the martial arts conference decades ago, has been destroyed, and the Liuxuanmen will inevitably escape the tragic situation!

For a time, even the surrounding countries that heard the news of the Jianghu Wulin were extremely dissatisfied with Liuxuanmen!

At the same time, because of the incomparably powerful strength displayed by the demon.

Some forces are actually trying to please the demons, and they are planning to go out of their minds and prepare to take the lead in targeting Liuxuanmen!

This is to pray for the favor of the demons!

On Qingfeng Mountain, inside Liuxuanmen.

After the news came, the elders did not dare to delay, and when they realized the seriousness of the matter, they immediately convened a meeting of elders!

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