MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 124 Disband the sect, terror comes

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In the past few decades, although Liuxuanmen has not developed into the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world like today's Shaolin.

But it has long since changed.

No longer the small sect of the past.

Although I don't dare to say how famous the sect is, how powerful the sect is.

But there is still a bit of prestige in this area of ​​Qingzhou.

There are many disciples in the sect, there are tens of thousands.

Today, the sky is a little dark.

The cold wind howls...

On Qingfeng Mountain, everyone in Liuxuanmen was in a panic, and all the disciples looked worried.

All of this stems from the news that came from the rivers and lakes!

Today is the fourth day that Yu Shaolin was destroyed!

Three days later, the demon head who destroyed the Shaolin Temple will descend on Liuxuanmen!

The top beings like Shaolin Temple are not the opponents of that monstrous devil, so what does Liuxuanmen do to resist?

This is a very real problem.

Facing these demons that were almost impossible to defeat, the vast majority of Liuxuanmen disciples felt a deep sense of fear in their hearts.

The elders in the Six Profound Sect were even more worried because of this.

Inside the conference hall.

One of the elders looked ashen, extremely ugly.

The head of Liuxuanmen, Wang Chujue, is located in the center of the hall. As the head of Liuxuanmen, his face is much more gloomy at this moment!

The atmosphere was extremely heavy.

I don't know how long it has been.

After Sect Leader Wang glanced over the elders in the hall with a solemn expression, he seemed to have made a decision.

Then, he closed his eyes and said solemnly, "Call all the disciples in the sect, I have something to say."


The elders sent orders one after another, and it didn't take long for a famous disciple from the Liuxuanmen martial arts field to gather.

Tens of thousands of disciples were in darkness, and the sound of howling cold wind mixed with human voices seemed a little chaotic.

After all the disciples arrived, the head Wang Chujue walked out.

When the disciples saw this, they immediately shut up.

At this time, except for the sound of the cold wind blowing from time to time, there was no sound at all.

In the cold wind, Sect Leader Wang stood on the high platform of the martial arts field with a solemn expression, and said loudly:

"Three days later, Liuxuanmen may suffer the calamity of annihilation.

As the head of Liuxuanmen, the old man announced today that Liuxuanmen will be disbanded today.

From today onwards, you will no longer be disciples of my Six Mysterious Sect, go down the mountain separately! "

The strong voice mixed with internal force, penetrated the whistling cold wind, and rang in everyone's ears.

The moment the voice fell, everyone in the field was stunned!

"Senior brother, you!"




"Absolutely not!!"

A number of elders turned pale in shock, and they stepped forward one after another.

But before they could get close, the head of Wang raised his hand and shook it slightly.

"No need to say more, I have made up my mind."

"But this!"

The elders were hesitant to speak, not knowing what to do for a while.

Different from those disciples, all of them as elders have witnessed the development of Liuxuanmen from a small sect to the scale it is today.

It's like watching a child grow up slowly, Liuxuanmen is like the child who grows up slowly.

In the hearts of the Liuxuanmen elders, they have long regarded these Liuxuanmen as their own children.

It can also be said that for the development of Liuxuanmen, they have invested nearly a lifetime of hard work.

Seeing the growing growth of Liuxuanmen, they will also feel extremely happy!

Now, I heard that Senior Sect Master actually said that the Six Profound Sect was going to be dissolved, which made them greatly horrified!

Even if they each understood in their hearts, the senior brother in charge of Liuxuanmen was definitely much more than himself!

Secondly, for the decision to dissolve Liuxuanmen, everyone knew very well what was going on.

Three days later, the demon came.

With the current overall strength of Liuxuanmen, it is simply impossible to resist.


Once that happens, it will definitely be a sea of ​​corpses and blood...

The reason why the head of the sect is like this is for the sake of the tens of thousands of disciples in the sect, and he doesn't want to let many disciples die in vain.

But even though he knew in his heart what the sect master did this for.

But hearing these words, the elders still had a hard time accepting it!

"Isn't there any other way, Senior Sect Master?!"

"You brothers and sisters."

Sect Leader Wang turned his eyes and looked at the many elders.

"You guys are ready to go down the mountain together, as long as my Six Profound Sect inheritance is not destroyed, one day, it will rise again.

These children are still young, the demons are ferocious, and they will only die in vain..."

While speaking, Sect Leader Wang's gaze swept over a disciple of Liuxuan Sect under the stage.

After the elders heard the words, they also glanced at a famous disciple with complicated expressions.

Indeed, what the sect master said was right.

Even the mighty Shaolin cannot resist demons.

If these disciples with average strength and realm stay here, I am afraid they will only become the rations of the demons...

"it is good!"

After a while, Elder Wang Mu Wang closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"As the Sect Master Senior Brother said, from today onwards, there will be no more disciples in the Six Profound Sect.

However, the old man has already had enough old bones now. The scenery on Qingfeng Mountain is beautiful, so he will be buried here after his death. "

"Junior Brother Wang, you..."

The head Wang Chujue was halfway through his words, and Elder Guo Yang Guo took two steps forward and interrupted: "Senior brother head, there is no need to say more, what brother Wang said is exactly what I want to say, I have lived for more than 100 years. , The old man has long been impatient, hahaha, this Qingfeng Mountain has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is pleasant.

The old man has lived for most of his life. To be foul, even if he were to die, he had to die here before he could feel at ease, hahahaha! "

"Hahaha, not bad, the old man also has this intention!"

"The old man is the same!"

"Senior brother in charge, please don't dissuade me, Hu Hansan also intends to do so!"

"Hahaha, I'm waiting for a bunch of old bones, even if I die, I'm bound to coexist with Liuxuanmen!"

An elder was impassioned and laughed loudly.

The loud laughter suppressed the sound of the cold wind blowing through.

It's a complete look of death.

When Sect Leader Wang saw this, it was not good for him to say anything more.

So he immediately burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, okay, since that's the case, the old man won't say more!"


Suddenly, at this moment, someone in the dark crowd of Six Profound Sect disciples spoke out loudly.

"Although my realm, Qin Fenfen, is not high, I know how to repay my gratitude!"

"Ten years ago, the army was in chaos, and my Qin Fenfen family was destroyed. In the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, the snow was flying, and the streets would freeze to death. If it wasn't for the fact that the sect took in, I'm afraid I would have died a long time ago!"

"My life is given by the sect. Today, the sect suffered disaster. I, Qin Fenfen, will not back down. I am willing to live and die together with the sect!"

The disciple who spoke was naturally incomparable to that of Sect Master Wang, his internal strength was insufficient, and his voice was hoarse because of his roar.

In the howling cold wind, it seemed to be a little lower.

However, even so.

When the disciples around him heard this sentence, even several disciples also said loudly:

"It's the same for me, Zhang Liuliu. The sect has also given me a life. I am willing to live and die together with the sect!"

"And my Wang Wuliu!"

"Master, and I, Zhang Fuquan!"


All of a sudden, a group of Six Profound Sect disciples spoke up one after another.

In just a few short breaths, there are already more and more!

Although their realm is not high, their voices depend almost entirely on roaring.

But even so, as more and more people roared, many voices mixed together, and the whistling wind was suppressed!

Sect Leader Wang Chujue and many elders watched this scene and were naturally very moved.

What an honor it must be for a sect to have so many disciples who are willing to live and die together with the sect!

Looking at a disciple who was roaring at the death of his name, Sect Leader Wang was very pleased.

But, how could he watch these disciples die in vain?

Then he spoke again to persuade.

Among them, for some disciples, Sect Leader Wang firmly disagreed with them staying!

At this time, Liuxuanmen is no longer the same as it was in the past.

There are many disciples in the sect, there are tens of thousands.

Some disciples are not alone, these disciples all have families.

For such a disciple, Wang Chujue could not allow him to stay no matter what.

Among them, there are some disciples who lost their parents in the war, so the disciples have no worries, and in their hearts, they have already made Liuxuanmen their home on the spot.

For such disciples, Wang Chujue could not find any reason to persuade them to leave.

After several persuasion to no avail, he gave up this choice.

In the end, a total of more than 3,000 disciples stayed behind, willing to coexist and perish with Liuxuanmen!

The rest of the disciples were not people who were greedy for life and fear of death, but were all persuaded to leave by the head Wang Chujue and the elders using family as an excuse!

From noon to noon, in front of Liuxuanmen Mountain.

A disciple who was about to go down the mountain packed his bags and parted with the remaining disciples with tears in his eyes.

"Brother Qin, take care!"

"Brother Guo, why are you crying? Hahaha, you always tell me that your sister is the most beautiful in the village. If you don't die this time, I will be your brother-in-law, hahahaha!"

"Brother Wang, it's a great pity in life that you haven't had a chance to taste the specialties of your hometown, after all the good work, let's live!"

"Hahahaha, Brother Li, let's say, burn me more paper money next year!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Sun, I almost forgot, I have been poor for most of my life at the top, and when we get to the bottom, we also want to be rich, how much paper money, don't forget to burn two more little ladies, ahahahaha!"

"Brother Zhang, you must live!"

"Alright, alright, chirping, let's not talk too much, it's getting late, let's go down the mountain quickly..."

"Take care, go!"

The leaving disciples burst into tears one by one, while the remaining disciples were completely the opposite, laughing one after another.

Everyone hugged each other, very reluctant to part, and after a long time, they reluctantly walked down the mountain.


Soon, the sun on the horizon had already set.

The sun sets in the west, at dusk.

The sky became darker and darker.

Pieces of scattered snowflakes fell from the sky.

Because of the departure of a large number of disciples in Liuxuanmen, it seemed a lot deserted at the moment.

After the many disciples who stayed said goodbye to those who left, they walked towards the residence in twos and threes.

Suddenly, a disciple seemed to think of something, and said, "By the way, I don't know if Doctor Su has come down the mountain?"

The moment the voice fell, a famous disciple around heard the sound and looked over.

They couldn't understand more about this divine doctor Su.

Su Yusu is a genius doctor. Not only is his medical skills extremely high, but he is also able to cure diseases.

People are even more wonderful!

The real benevolence of doctors!

Most of the disciples present had received his favor, and even some disciples were pulled back from the gates of **** by Divine Doctor Su. It can be said to be his savior!

Therefore, everyone respects this divine doctor Su extremely.

"A few days ago, Divine Doctor Su declined to see guests. I am afraid that Divine Doctor Su and his old man haven't heard the news yet!"

"Ah?! There is such a thing!"

"Let's go, let's hurry up and inform Divine Doctor Su that he is going to the old man's house!"

After hearing that Doctor Su was still on the mountain, several disciples immediately became anxious and hurried towards the back mountain where Su Yu lived.

Not long after, the disciples had already arrived at the back mountain realm where Su Yu lived.

Sure enough, I saw a sign placed at the entrance of the valley.

Refusing to enter!

The disciples are not unfamiliar with this brand.

Often Divine Doctor Su would place this sign whenever something happened.

If it was changed before, out of respect for Divine Doctor Su, after seeing this sign, the disciples would not dare to disturb them, and they would not even dare to shout loudly here.

But now, things are different.

The demon will come soon, but he can't take care of that much!

When even a famous disciple shouted loudly.

"Doctor Su!"

"Doctor Su!"

After a while, the shouts were not answered.

Several disciples became even more anxious and stepped into the valley.

However, when they came to the valley, they searched everywhere but couldn't find any trace of Divine Doctor Su.

The disciples were very puzzled about this.

After thinking about it, I think there is only one possibility, and that is that Doctor Su should have gone down the mountain to collect herbs some time ago...

In this way, when all the disciples saw that Doctor Su had come down the mountain, they immediately put their hearts down one by one and left with peace of mind.


On this day, in the early morning, it was snowing lightly, and the sky was falling with little The seven-day deadline has come.

Inside the conference hall.



Elder Guo Yang slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and said angrily, "The Qingzhou Wang family, the Nanhu Li family Su family, and the winning faction, these guys who swing the door are too deceiving!"

The rest of the elders in the hall and the head Wang Chu Jue also had extremely gloomy expressions at the moment.

I just got the news that the disciples who went down the mountain in the afternoon a few days ago were actually stopped by the many forces who wanted to please the demons who had already been ambushed on the outskirts of Qingfeng Mountain!

At this moment, it was the day when the demon came.

In order to perform well in front of the demons, those forces brought a Liuxuanmen disciple who had already gone down the mountain to gather at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Suddenly, right at this moment, bursts of jiejie laughter resounded throughout the world.

A huge cloud of blood floated over Liuxuanmen.

At this moment, terror seemed to envelope the entire Qingfeng Mountain!

The demon has come!

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