MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 125 The big dream is a few years in autumn, what year is today

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"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

this moment.

Many disciples left in Liuxuanmen came out one after another.

The elders and the head of Wang also looked extremely solemn at the moment, and flew out of the discussion hall.


Hearing that, he raised his eyes and looked towards the distant sky, and everyone was immediately stunned.

I saw that at this moment, the sky above Qingfeng Mountain was already shrouded in dark clouds of blood.

In an instant, there was a gloomy wind, and there were faint sounds of ghosts and wolves in the dark blood cloud.

Incredibly weird!


Suddenly, at this moment.

There were bursts of laughter from the cold wind in the distance.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came, and figures appeared in the distance.

These people are male and female, and their clothes are not uniform.

It can be seen that it comes from different forces.

However, the same is.

Between every faction, a disciple of Liuxuanmen was bound and brought over.

In just a short time, the dense figures of numerous forces surrounded the Six Profound Sect!


"These guys!"

"These despicable villains of the Victory faction!"

At the moment when these forces appeared, the elders in Liuxuanmen immediately recognized their identities.

There was a lot of anger in their eyes, and they wished to kill all these people under the palm of their hands!

These are the forces that intercepted the disciples coming down the mountain to please the demons!


The middle-aged man with a mustache on a national character face took two steps forward and swept in the direction of the elders with a proud face.

"This old man is the head of the Victory Sect, who are you the head of the Six Profound Sect?!"

Between the words, the head of the winning faction had a very disdainful tone, as if he didn't take Liuxuanmen in his eyes at all.

At the same time, at the moment when his voice fell, someone from the other forces also said:

"I am the great elder who opened the door, where is the head of Xiaoliu Xuan?!"

"Who is!"

"Why don't you stand up for your grandfather?"

"Not bad, not bad, who is the leader, come out quickly!"

The voices were mixed together, and all the forces who climbed Qingfeng Mountain did not care about Liuxuanmen in the slightest.

The faces of the elders of Liuxuanmen were ashen, and they were extremely angry!

This group of snobs!

A guy who is a dog and a man!

The winning faction, the revolving door, the Li family Wang family in Qingzhou, etc. these days, although there is not much intersection with their Liuxuanmen on weekdays.

However, under the rapid development of Liuxuanmen over the past few years, which of these forces is not respectful?

If it weren't for the demons, how could these guys dare to be so presumptuous as they are today!

Guo Yang, the elder Guo was so arrogant, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, raised his big gun and jumped up!

But at this moment, the head of the sect Wang Chujue was one step ahead of him, flew forward, and said loudly:

"Under Wang Chujue, he is the current head!"

As Wang Chujue spoke, his whole body suddenly burst out!

The powerful internal force formed an invisible aura, isolating the snowflakes falling from the sky.

His robe was blown to the sound of hunting, and his eyes were sharp like arrows, swept away from the people of the various forces in front of him!

"Everyone, my Liuxuanmen and you have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the recent past."

Wang Chujue's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "It's a bit too much for all of you to act like this now!"

"Hahahaha, that's good."

The head of the winning faction laughed loudly, "Sect Master Wang, it's good to say so, but who made you provoke the monsters?"

"Not bad, hehe."

The head of the revolving door also sneered, "The demons are so powerful, how can you be someone you can provoke with your little Liuxuanmen?

If you know each other a little, just kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe the monsters can give you a good time. If not, hehe, the Shaolin Temple a few days ago will be your end today, hehehe! "

"a ha ha ha!"

After hearing the words, many other forces also burst into laughter.


Suddenly, at this moment, a loud shout came.

But seeing Guo Yang, the elder Guo was furious, and his whole body suddenly burst out with aura.

The heavy spear in his hand shook violently!

Set off a burst of snow flying!

"You and other rats are greedy for life and afraid of death. Today, this old man is dead, and he does not want to become a demon's lackey like you!"


The moment the words fell, Elder Guo jumped up and shot towards the winning faction with a gun!

At this time, the other Six Xuan elders couldn't bear it any longer, and they used their movement techniques to charge over!

Sect Leader Wang was already full of anger at this moment, and naturally he was not to be outdone.

At the same time, all the disciples in the Six Profound Sect also had red eyes!

Looking at the bound former classmates, at this moment, they have long forgotten their fear and put their life and death aside!


"Come on!"

"Rats die!"

"Fight these guys!"

A famous disciple waved the weapon in his hand and rushed over desperately!

The head of the Victory Sect and other leaders of the forces looked at each other with a sneer on their faces.

"It's good, it's just right!"

"Hehehe, a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die!"


Immediately, the winning faction also made their move.

For a while, the sound of shouting and killing continued, mixed with the banging and roaring of swords colliding!

The scene is extremely chaotic!

At the same time, in the distant snowstorm.

A tall monster with a ferocious face was looking at this place with a sneer.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, the ancestor is wise, it's really as his old demon family said, we don't need to do it at all, hahaha!"

"Yes, yes, hehe, it's really interesting to let these ants kill them!"

"Hehehe, yes yes, where can these ants get me to wait?"

The demons sneered again and again, and there was a strong sense of disdain in their words.


Shouting to kill.

"Winning blow!"

The head of the winning faction slashed with a knife!

The sword sank with great force.

On the side, the big elder of the swing door is holding a crescent double hook, the angle is extremely tricky, and every move hits the key point!

"Six Mysterious Sword Techniques!"

The head of Wang Chujue is one against two.

At the same time, he was not at a disadvantage when dealing with the head of the winning faction and the great elder of the swing door.

Holding a long sword, he flew up and down.

The Six Profound Sword Technique was unfolded, and in an instant, sword flowers were scattered all over the sky.

Sword shadows are hard to detect with the naked eye.

At this time, although he has not been able to break through the Martial Saint.

However, he has already reached the pinnacle of semi-sacredness, and his inner strength is unfathomable and incomparably strong.

After decades of improvement, Liu Xuan swordsmanship is now even more exquisite.

The angle is tricky and often unexpected, it is really hard to resist!

The head of the Victory Sect and the Great Elder of the Swing Gate were unable to resist within three breaths.

There were bloodstains on their bodies. If they hadn't dodged in time, they would have died under the sword at this moment!

The head of the winning faction and the grand elder of the swinging door were terrified in their hearts!

But I never thought that the head of the Six Profound Sect would be so powerful!

"Brother Wang, Brother Li, help me!"

"That's right, the two brothers, I'll wait until I join forces to kill this guy first!"

In the distance, after hearing the words of the Wang Family Patriarch and the Li Family Patriarch, they immediately nodded and joined the battle together!


"You despicable villain!"

"Senior brother, I'll help you!"

Not far away, many Liuxuanmen elders who noticed this scene were stunned, wishing they could immediately rush to kill them.

However, their own situation at this time is not good.

Several forces have joined forces to deal with Liu Xuanmen, and there are too many people to deal with.

Basically, every elder is at least one against two!

It is impossible to escape at all!

Under such circumstances, it is very unfavorable for Liuxuanmen!

At the beginning, the disciples and elders of the Six Profound Sect were able to gain the upper hand with their desperate aura.

But as time goes on, after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

The people of Liuxuanmen gradually lost their rivals.

Little by little, he retreated towards the depths of the door...

However, even so, the disciples and elders of the Six Profound Sect did not flinch or fear at all!

As early as a few days ago, when they chose to stay in Liuxuanmen, they had already risked their lives!

Therefore, today they are all brave and not afraid of death!

"not good!"

At this moment, the head Wang Chujue suddenly glanced at him, his expression changed, and he happened to see that the elder Wang Mu Wang was seriously injured and his life was in danger!

At this critical juncture, he forcibly used his whole body skills to push back the leaders of the winning faction, and then retreated.

Afterwards, he swiftly shot out a sword energy towards Elder Wang Mu, pushing back an old man who was about to attack Elder Wang.

"Junior Brother Wang, how are you!"

"Thank you, Senior Sect Master, I'm fine."

"Hurry up and take this pill!"

While speaking, Wang Chujue quickly took out a vial from his pocket and poured out a green pill from it.


At this point, the fighting stopped.

The head of the winning faction sneered again and again, "Master Wang, accept your fate!"

"Hehehe." The head of the Wang family smiled coldly and commanded: "The children of the Wang family listen to my orders, search around, and don't let any survivors go!"

On the side, the big elder of the revolving door also smiled gloomily at the moment, and said in a hoarse voice: "Not bad, hehe, Sect Leader Wang, take a good look at how many disciples of Liuxuanmen are still alive, hahahaha!"

Wang Chujue glanced around with a look of grief and anger on his face.

However, I saw that at this moment, most of the Six Profound Sect's disciples were killed or injured. Looking around at the ground, the walls were all red with blood.

The Liuxuanmen of the past has changed its appearance, and the surrounding houses and halls are also dilapidated in the shadow of swords and swords!

Watching this scene, Wang Chujue felt his heart pierced like a knife, extremely sad.

Unexpectedly, Liuxuanmen was not destroyed by demons in the end.

It's in the hands of these greedy lackeys!

At the same time, he also felt ashamed of his deceased master, lived up to his expectations, failed to manage Liuxuanmen properly, and cut off the inheritance of Liuxuanmen in his hands.

"Master is on top, my apprentice is incompetent, I can only kill one more!"

Wang Chujue muttered to himself, then his eyes narrowed, but he was already planning to do his best!

At this moment, he was already ready to die!

The inner strength of the whole body is running wildly, and the breath is getting stronger and stronger!

The strong wind blew up the snow, making it hard to open one's eyes...

"What! What!"

Suddenly, at this moment, the head of the Victory Faction seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying.


The voice is trembling!

"You! You broke through!"



"Saint Wu!"

"How could this guy break through at this time!"

After the great elder who opened the door felt this powerful aura at this moment, he was also shocked!

The gap between the Martial Saint and the Semi-Saint is really too big!

The difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud!

Although this Wang Chujue has just broken through the Martial Saint, it is definitely not something they can fight against together!

Immediately, the head of the Victory Sect and others were incomparably horrified, and hurriedly flew away.

The strong warriors can come and go freely among thousands of troops, and they can take the heads of the enemy generals as if they were searching for things!

If such a strong man wants to take his own life, it is too easy!

They don't want to lose their lives like this!

"Where to go!"

Sect Leader Wang shouted loudly, raised his palm and slapped it fiercely.

A powerful palm shot out!


In an instant, the head of the winning faction in the distance exploded on the spot, blood splashing!

Seeing this, the great elder of the revolving door in the distance was even more heartbroken, and immediately ran wildly with his inner strength, his movement was a little faster, and he ran wildly!

The same is true for the two heads of the Li and Wang families, who are extremely fearful in their hearts!

However, at this moment, the powerful aura emanating from Wang Chujue's body seemed to grab them like an invisible big hand.

The three of them only felt that their inner strength had become very sticky at this moment, making it difficult to mobilize.

His movement suddenly slowed down, as if he was stuck in a quagmire!

"no, do not want!"

"Master Wang, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Feeling the changes in their bodies, the three immediately trembled with fright!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Suddenly, bursts of strange laughter came.

The afterimages came galloping after one after another, they were still far away at first glance, and the next second they were already approaching!


"It's the monsters!"

Seeing that the demon was coming, the big elder who opened the door and the others became excited.

"That's great, the monsters are here!"

"Hahaha, the Six Profound Sect will be destroyed today, and the Lord of the Demons will come, and you will be captured before you can, hahahaha!"

"Isn't it, just you rubbish, where are the opponents of the monsters?"

"Hehehe, this is simply courting death, you guys who don't know how high the sky is!"

"Hahahaha, the monsters killed them, oh oh oh!!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

At this moment, a monster laughed and took a step forward.

"Wu Sheng?"

The moment the voice fell, his palm shook violently and slapped it!

Wang Chujue's eyes narrowed, and he used his whole body to meet him.


After a muffled sound, Wang Chujue fell backwards and fell to the ground with a bang.

Puff puff!

Several mouthfuls of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he was seriously injured!

And that demon just took two steps back slightly, nothing happened.

There was silence in the field, and no one would have thought that the monster was so powerful!

With a wave of his hand, even the Martial Saint can be easily defeated!

"Master Demon is mighty!"

Everyone, including the swinging door and the winning party, shouted loudly.


The demon glanced at Wang Chujue lightly, and said with a sneer, "Hehehe, what Martial Saint is just a joke in my eyes!"

Wang Chujue slowly closed his eyes, and at this moment his heart suddenly became much more relaxed.

It's all coming to an end...

At the same time, he also felt very fortunate!

Fortunately, for his daughter, Wang Xiaoxiao had already left the sect and went down the mountain a few years ago.

"Where is the Six Mysterious Gate Sword Saint?!"

"Where is the Six Mysterious Gate Sword Saint?!"

"Where is the Six Mysterious Gate Sword Saint?!"

At this moment came the voices of the ghostly Gorefiends in the void, resounding through the heavens and the earth.

However, there was no response.

"Hehe, the Six Profound Sect is about to be destroyed now, and the Six Profound Sword Saint has not come out. It seems that the Six Profound Sword Saint has long been scared and dare not come out!"

"Not bad, not bad, the ancestors have boundless mana and supernatural powers. I'm afraid that guy has already been scared to the point of shit, hahaha!"

In the words, all the demons turned their gazes to the people in Liuxuanmen, and a trace of cruelty flashed in their eyes.

Shaking his long sharp fingernails, he intends to catch the surviving Liuxuanmen disciples!

"The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is it today?"

But at this time.

Accompanied by a yawn, a distant voice suddenly sounded from the heavens and the earth!

The sound was suddenly far and near, as if it was there or not.

But it is extremely real, and everyone's ears echoed...

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