MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 76 Sword Breaking the Unparalleled City, Divine Sword Yulei Jue

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At this critical moment, Su Yu was not flustered at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

If a guy randomly ran out and said he was invincible, he could hang me up?

Then, after so many years of conscientious sign-in, isn't the day and night of ascetic practice wasted in vain?

Dugu Dongfang naturally didn't know what Su Yu was thinking. At this time, he fell from the sky, and the blood sword on his arm slashed a scarlet sword in the void!

The wind whistled past, bringing a pungent **** smell.

Before that, Dugu Dongfang was a genuine half-sage of martial arts, and his strength was considered to be a superior level among the powerhouses of the same level.

Now that he is possessed by this Dugu Demon Sword, with the help of the power of the Demon Sword, his strength is naturally much more terrifying than before!

The majestic power in his body made Dugu Dongfang feel an unreal feeling.

As he said before, at this moment, he seems to have truly surpassed all things with the Dugu Demon Sword, and he is invincible!

In an instant, a distance of hundreds of meters was crossed!

At the same time as the blood-red sword light passed by, it was accompanied by bursts of miserable howls...

Although Dugu Dongfang's sword was mainly aimed at Su Yu, the slight sword qi that escaped from it was not something that ordinary warriors could bear.

A sword slashed, and in the Wushuang City below it, countless attics collapsed. Wherever the sword light passed, the black residents instantly became several pieces of flesh and blood...

In an instant, Peerless City bleeds into a river...

The blood water and the fast speed gathered and transpired, turned into a blood mist, and then merged into the Dugu Demon Sword.

Make this magic sword a bit more powerful!

Among them, the children of the Dugu family were not spared.

However, at this time, Dugu Dongfang turned a blind eye to this and didn't care.

His eyes were red and his face was crazy.

The fierce and terrifying sword energy hit Su Yu's head!


The blood-colored sword light instantly drowned Su Yu's figure, and after a loud noise, a long and deep hole was torn out from the ground where Wushuang City went out!

After a while, the sword light dissipated, and Su Yu, who was standing there, did not appear.


At this moment, Dugu Dongfang was suspended above the city gate, and immediately burst out laughing after seeing this scene.

Obviously, this kid has been completely wiped out by his own sword.

Such a fierce attack, there is simply no Half-Saint enough to resist!

Although the strength shown by this kid before was very evil, it was unbelievably powerful.

But judging from the aura it revealed, it definitely didn't take that step, and it was just an unbelievably powerful semi-sage.

Dugu Dongfang smiled coldly, glanced at the position where Su Yu was standing before, and muttered to himself: "This old man is holding the Dugu Demon Sword, and he has already stepped into the realm of Martial Saint, how can a mere half-sage compete with me, you won't die. injustice…"

Suddenly, he didn't wait for his words to finish.

At this time, his brows were wrinkled, and a look of surprise flashed on his face. The next moment, his eyes were like electricity, and he looked directly in front of him at a very fast speed!

After seeing this, he immediately turned pale with shock, and the expression on his face instantly became stiff.

Wushuang City is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is pleasant.

There is a dense forest of lush greens dozens of feet away.

Before the jungle, a young man in a green shirt stood there quietly, tall and straight, with an indifferent expression, who else could it be if it wasn't Su Yu? !

"You! You are not dead!"

Dugu Dongfang dared to be astonished.

How is it possible, how could this guy escape his own sword!

Suddenly, Dugu Dongfang seemed to have thought of something, and exclaimed: "You are the Martial Saint!"

"Forget it, let you see what it means to be truly invincible..."

Su Yu spoke lightly and did not explain much. At this time, he was already unwilling to spend more time talking.

The moment the words fell, he didn't pay attention to Dugu Dongfang's unbelievably horrified expression. With a slight shake of his left hand, a suction force came from his palm.

A slight cracking sound rang out.

In the dense forest behind him, a branch above a big tree snapped and fell into Su Yu's hands at a very fast speed.

There seems to be nothing special about a young man holding an ordinary branch.

But at this moment, Dugu Dongfang in the distance did not know why, and at this moment, an extremely bad premonition suddenly became angry in his heart!

Not only him, but even the Dugu Demon Sword in his hand seemed to have fear at this moment, and the entire sword body was trembling slightly!


An invisible sword intent filled the void, and this powerful sword intent actually made him a little breathless!

It feels like things are going badly.

Dugu Dongfang subconsciously wanted to withdraw and retreat.

But at this moment, Su Yu held a branch in the air in front of him.

In an instant, the sword intent surged, as vast as the sea.

A dazzling sword glow appeared out of thin air, like a flash of lightning in the dark night!


Accompanied by the sound of a sword chirping, hundreds of meters of sword energy can be drawn across the sky...

Dugu Dongfang didn't have time to react at all, the dazzling sword energy had already slashed past him, and instantly cut him into two pieces from the waist...


There was a loud bang, and the smoke was everywhere.

The sword qi was so fierce that even the thick city wall behind him was cut in half, and it collapsed and broke apart!

Right now, it seems that Dugu Dongfang is dead and can't die anymore, but Su Yu doesn't think so at this time.

If an ordinary person suffers such a fatal injury, it is naturally impossible to survive.

However, the Dugu Dongfang at this time is not enough to be called a person anymore...

However, I saw that at this moment Dugu Dongfang's two bodies were growing at a very fast speed with thin red shreds, and these shreds were connected to each other and would soon be connected together.

"It seems that this Dugu Demon Sword is not simple..."

Seeing this scene, Su Yu secretly thought.

Although this is just a sword, the power of the demon contained in it is not necessarily inferior to the demons in the Gorefiend Sect. If it is expected, the demon who used this sword must be an incomparably powerful one. demon.

"It's time to end."

Su Yu raised his finger and a golden light flashed, landing on Dugu Dongfang who was about to be reconnected at this time.


The sound of screams suddenly sounded, even though it was just a small flame, but after this spark supported Dugu Dongfang, it instantly burst into flames.

No matter how Dugu Dongfang struggles, the golden flame cannot be extinguished.

In less than a moment, the golden flames shot into the sky, and Dugu Dongfang's figure was already wrapped in it, and the screams became weaker and weaker until they gradually disappeared.

After a quarter of an hour, the flames dissipated...

Dugu Dongfang didn't even drop the ashes, and there was only a **** long sword left in the field.

"Not bad."

Su Yu nodded with satisfaction. The golden flame just now was the special flame that he condensed through the Sunshine of the Nine Suns after the mutation.

With his intuition, he could feel the enormous power contained in this golden flame, but there was no chance to try it.

Now that it was used on this Dugu Dongfang, the power of this golden flame really lived up to his expectations, it was very strong!

Destroying Dugu Dongfang is not a difficult task, it is just a matter of convenience.

Su Yu turned his eyes and looked towards the Dugu Demon Sword.

There are several blood thorns growing on the hilt of this sword, it seems that the hilt is not for people to grab...

Because as long as one grabs the sword, the barb on the hilt will definitely pierce the palm of the hand!

Su Yu's thoughts moved, and he grabbed all five, and took the Dugu Demon Sword in front of him from a distance.

This sword is too weird and evil to be thrown away here. In order to prevent unnecessary troubles, it is better to take it back.

Thinking in his heart, Su Yu put away the sword, packed it with his steps, and carried it behind his back.

At this time, there was silence in Wushuang City.

Whether it was the surviving residents of the city or the children of the Dugu family, they didn't even dare to breathe at this time.

Some were even terrified...

And Su Yu didn't pay attention to these people. At this time, his figure flashed, turned into an afterimage, and flew towards Wushuang City.

A quarter of an hour later, none of the children of the Dugu family who had a close relationship with Dugu Dongfang were alive...

With the demise of the Dugu Dongfang lineage, the Dugu family no longer has any powerful characters, and the remaining ones are just some miscellaneous fish in the innate realm, and they can't make any waves at all.

The rest are just some branches of the Dugu family, and these branches are usually oppressed by the Dugu Dongfang branch, and they are not doing well...

Su Yu can't completely exterminate the entire Dugu family...

After all, he is not a murderous person.

If it wasn't for Wang Xiaoxiao's sake this time, if it was someone else, he wouldn't have come to this Peerless City on purpose.

The purpose of this visit has been achieved, and the reason why Su Yu is still in Wushuang City is that Su Yu is not idle.

Instead, he planned to sign in at the Sword Tomb of the Dugu Family.

Soon, with his extraordinary movement skills, he was already within the Dugu Family Sword Tomb.

However, the scene in front of this sword mound is very different from what Su Yu saw in Dugu Discipline's memory.

According to Dugu's self-disciplined memory, this sword mound should be filled with all kinds of such famous swords.

But today's sword tomb is a mess, with broken sword bodies and hilts everywhere.

The original famous sword has now become a piece of junk.

Su Yu was not puzzled about this. When he first came to the sword grave, he felt the breath of the Dugu Demon Sword lingering in it.

Obviously, the tragic situation in this sword tomb is all thanks to the Dugu Demon Sword!

It was obviously broken by the terrifying energy fluctuations when the Dugu Demon Sword was unsealed...

The scene here, if it were seen by any sword-wielding person, would probably show a heartache.

But these are not uncommon for Su Yu.

Although the sword here is considered to be a peerless sword in the eyes of others, in Su Yu's eyes it seems very ordinary.

Can a sword that can be interrupted be called a good sword?

The sword mound is huge, and at its most central point is a huge altar.

And here is where the Dugu Demon Sword was sealed.

"System, sign me in here."

When he came to the altar where the Dugu Demon Sword was sealed, Su Yu secretly communicated with the system.

Almost in the next instant, a system prompt sounded in his ear.

"Did, sign in successfully, get the magic sword of thunder and lightning!"

"The real magic of the sword and the thunder?!"

With the sound of the system falling, Su Yu thought for a moment that he heard it wrong.

He quickly and subconsciously opened the check-in reward record and system space to check it. When he really saw a crystal clear jade slip placed in the system space, he couldn't help laughing wildly!

"This is actually true!"

After a while, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Su Yu put the jade slip on his forehead.

In an instant, a stream of information about this swordsmanship came from the jade slip.

Divine Sword Royal Thunder True Secret: Use the body of a mortal to trigger the supreme might of the heavens and the earth, spread with a sharp blade of divine weapons, lead down the nine heavens of divine thunder, panic the heavenly might and divine power, when the move is made, the sky will be shaken, the situation will change color, and the power is unparalleled!

The Tao of Tai Chi Xuanqing emphasizes sharing the world with one breath, one body with nature, using one's body to control the creation of nature, and transforming it into great power.

"It's really this swordsmanship!"

After digesting the information in his mind about the true magic of the Divine Sword and Thunder, Su Yu became more and more excited and excited.

"This is really a big surprise!"

Su Yu secretly said in his heart, fortunately, with a move in his heart, he planned to come to this sword tomb to sign in.

Otherwise, if you just return like this, wouldn't you miss such a powerful spell?

After fully understanding the Wushuangcheng incident, Su Yu returned to Liuxuanmen.

In the days that followed, Su Yu resumed his old life.

Only a small change occurred during this period.

I don't know if it's because of Wang Xiaoxiao's life and death this time, or because of some other reasons.

The head of Wang and Mrs. Wang became more and more fond of their precious daughter Wang Xiaoxiao, even to the point of doting.

Under this premise, Wang Xiaoxiao has no restraints, and runs to Su Yu more frequently every day...

Of course, no matter what, Wang Xiaoxiao was a girl after all, and she still had to go back every night.

This is the bottom line of Sect Leader Wang and Madam Wang.

At the same time, the news that the Dugu family was visited by a mysterious powerhouse quickly spread with the death of Dugu Dongfang and other masters of the Dugu family.

The Dugu Family is not a small character!

Such a thing at the moment naturally makes many forces in the rivers and lakes shake!

One by one, they inquired about the news, trying to find out what was going on inside.

Why did the Dugu family provoke such a powerful existence? ? ?

After all, such a mysterious powerhouse that is outrageously strong, his own forces will definitely not be able to provoke him in the future!

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