MTL - Sign In From the Handyman For Ninety-eight Years-Chapter 77 The first person in Kendo, Xiaoshan Village was destroyed

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Within a few days, the major forces have already obtained some news about the mysterious powerhouse.

After all, when Peerless City Dugu Dongfang held a large banquet, many martial arts schools in Jianghu more or less sent people to send congratulatory gifts.

In addition, there are many people in Wushuang City, and many people have seen the battle that day with their own eyes.

Not only that, but it didn't take long for the story of Liuxuanmen being oppressed by the Dugu family that day gradually spread.

When these two things were linked together, Zhao Guo and several neighboring martial arts circles outside Zhao Guo all exploded!

For a time, the Six Profound Sword Saint, who had disappeared for several years, resurfaced!

Moreover, it is countless times louder than the name three years ago!

Whether it is the head of the Dugu family, Dugu Dongfang, or the Dugu Linli in his clan, they are all masters of kendo!

With a superb swordsmanship, he has almost stood at the top of the swordsmanship of today's martial artists!

And even with these two superb swordsmen, they are still not the opponents of the mysterious powerhouse!

And according to reliable news and rumors, it seems that a special change has taken place in Dugu Dongfang that day, and its strength has increased several times...

But even so, he still died under the mysterious Six Profound Sword Saint, which shows how powerful his strength is!

Within a few days, the head of the patriarch of countless forces, as well as countless hidden masters, came out of the border and came to the outside of Wushuang City in person, wanting to find out.

When they came here, they saw the unrepaired ruins and broken walls, after seeing the unparalleled city wall that was cut neatly and the fractures were extremely smooth, without exception, they were all stunned on the spot...

Not to mention anything else, it is just that with a sword qi at hand, severing the thick and unparalleled city wall, just this is enough to kill countless martial arts semi-sacred powerhouses in seconds!

Could it be that the mysterious powerhouse related to Liuxuanmen is not a semi-sage at all, but has already taken that step and has already stepped into the realm of Martial Saint? !

Otherwise, is such an appalling scene really caused by a half-sage of martial arts...

For a time, countless high-level leaders of the forces were shocked and at the same time warned and restrained their disciples not to provoke the Six Profound Sect.

So as not to be targeted by the mysterious Six Profound Sword Saint, which would cause some unnecessary troubles, and may even be a disaster!

After this incident, Liuxuanmen became famous on the rivers and lakes, and even jumped from a small sect to a first-class top force in one fell swoop.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the current Liuxuanmen Sect Leader Wang Chu Jue in the innate realm, mainly because of the deterrent power of the mysterious Liuxuanmen Sword Saint.

In the martial arts world, especially in the hearts of those who use swords, the title of Liuxuan Sword Saint almost already represents the number one person in the world of swordsmanship!

Although the Shushan Sword Sect was secretly upset about this, they didn't dare to say anything more at this time.

A sword qi severed the unparalleled city wall, and Jianyang Zhenren, the contemporary head of the Shushan Sword Sect, said that he really couldn't do it...

At the same time, there are still some strong people who have reached the semi-holy state for countless years, but have never been able to step into the martial arts. At this moment, they all got up and went to visit Liuxuanmen.

In an attempt to meet the mysterious Six Profound Sword Saint, who seems to have successfully taken this step.

I hope to get the guidance of this Six Profound Sword Saint, so as to break through the bottleneck, and also step into the dreamed martial arts realm.

However, these semi-sacred powerhouses who came to visit, all of them, all returned without success...

Because the current head of Liuxuanmen, Wang Chujue, is also extremely confused in his heart, and he does not understand who the mysterious Sword Saint powerhouse is?

Where do you live?

He didn't even understand what was the relationship between this senior swordsman and his Six Profound Sect, and why did he help them over and over again...

And at the time when the Six Profound Sword Saints in the martial arts world of various countries and the countless people who practiced martial arts were rumored, there was also an ominous premonition secretly raised in the hearts of some people...

Longhu Mountain has a long heritage, and it has existed in this world since the Zhao Kingdom had not yet appeared.

On the Longhu Mountain, just looking outside, the contemporary Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi stood with his hands behind his back, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he muttered to himself:

"Sect Master of the Gorefiend Sect, Peerless City, it seems that this world will be in chaos soon, no, it's better to take precautions early..."

As a contemporary Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, he has been restless all day long since he heard about the Battle of Wushuang City, his face was worried, and his heart was secretly worried.

In the battle of Wushuang City, he was deeply shocked by the strength of the mysterious Six Profound Sword Saint. At the same time, when he learned about the fact that Dugu Wushuang was holding the blood-colored magic sword that day, he couldn't help but secretly worried about it...

The monsters in the world are not just a fictitious legend. If nothing else, there is a forbidden place just above their Dragon Tiger Mountain!

According to the word of mouth of the old heavenly masters from generation to generation, this forbidden place was once sealed by the first generation of heavenly masters with demons!

There are many people who have the same concerns as the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master, such as the Shushan Sword Sect and other ancient sects that have a long history and are also secretly taking precautions.


Time flies so fast, and soon it will be another year of winter.

The cold wind was howling and the snow was flying.

This kind of weather started a few days ago. Several days of goose feather heavy snow and howling cold wind made people put on thick cotton jackets, and stoves were also raised at home to keep warm.

The entire land of Zhao State was covered in silver, and looking at the whole of heaven and earth, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere...

Yuannan County is located hundreds of miles north of Wujun County.

Although this place is the same as Wujun County, it is also the county seat, but this Yuannan County is much more prosperous than Wujun County.

The population of the city is at least three times that of the county seat of Wujun County.

Xidong Village is a small village located in the north of Yuannan County. Although it is a small mountain village, it is located at the foot of a big mountain called Fenggu Mountain.

Reliable mountains and mountains, people in the village live a modest life. There are a thousand households, and every household lives by hunting and collecting herbs.

In this cold winter, the hard-working people are also forced to rest. The whole family sits around the stove at home to warm up, eat, and chat about daily life. Every household is full of laughter and joy. scene.

The residents in Xidong Village are naturally the same.

However, when the night came, when almost the vast majority of men, women and children in Xidong Village had already got into the warm bed and fell into sweet dreams one after another, on the peaks and valleys not far from the village, they seemed extremely strange. unusual……

The heavy snow for the past few days made the peaks and valleys become white, and the trees in the mountains and the ground were covered with a thick layer of snow.

The mountain forest in the middle of the night is very quiet, but in this cold winter, the flowers are withering, the leaves are withering, and it is becoming more and more quiet.


But at this moment, in the depths of this silent mountain, there was a sudden burst of dull and terrifying roars...

The place where the sound came out was a very remote valley. The moment the dull roar sounded, the entire valley seemed to tremble slightly.

On the ground, the snow on some trees was shaken and fluttered, and within two or three breaths, the roar became louder and louder, and at the same time, the vibration of the valley became more and more violent.

boom boom boom...

The dull sound was accompanied by the rumbling vibration. In the middle of this remote valley, it was slowly torn apart out of thin air, and dense cracks appeared in the valley.

With the appearance of these tiny cracks, the dull sound that had been heard before became a little heavier...

as if……

It was as if the source of the sound was under this valley!

One after another black gas emerged from the dense cracks. Wherever the black gas permeated, the white snow instantly seemed to be dyed, and was instantly attached to a layer of dark color, and then quickly melted and turned into one. The eerie black snow on the beach.

Those trees that have fallen leaves and some still lush pine trees have also undergone tremendous changes after the black air permeates them. Clouds of black powder, big and small...

The appearance of this strange black gas is only two or three breaths of effort, but in this short period of time, the entire valley has lost the slightest vitality on the ground, and even some people have noticed that it is not good. The toad and the little snake who had woken up from hibernation were also unavoidable. They were submerged by the strands of strange black air, and turned into a viscous black liquid in the blink of an eye.

After these black liquids appeared, they flowed into the cracks above the valley floor at a very fast speed.

Hissing sound rang out...

It was as if something was swallowing these liquids above the valley floor!

There seems to be some terrifying monster below this valley!


A roar that far surpassed the previous roar sounded again.

Boom boom boom!

The valley shook violently, and the dense cracks were torn open again at this moment, and the cracks gradually became larger, suddenly!

I saw that at the very center of the valley, a huge, scrawny, dry claw appeared out of the deep, dark crack as wide as a person's head at this moment!

The sharp black nails are as long as the head of an adult, and it makes people shudder at a glance...


The owner of this claw seemed to want to tear open the cracks on the ground again, but at that moment, a strange change took place over the valley.


The humming sound resounded through the void, and the dazzling rays of light flickered over the valley, and a dense array of unknown characters emerged from the void out of thin air...

At the same time when this character appeared, the dark valley was like daytime under the dazzling rays of light.

Zizizi! ! !

The remaining black liquid on the ground, under the rays of light, is like water droplets falling on the scalding stove, making a sizzling sound, dissolving quickly, and rising in the air. wisps of water vapor.

At the same time, an even more incredible scene happened.

I saw the dense cracks on the ground, but at this moment, they slowly approached at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a trend of closing and returning to the original.

"Hoo! It's just sealed, don't want to trap this king again!"

A roar came, and a pitch-black strange claw protruded again, and the two claws worked together, and the crack that was about to be healed on the ground began to be slowly stopped.

Not only that, in this roar, the crack slowly widened, and a pitch-black, skinny monster's head protruded from it!

Buzz Buzz!

The existence of countless mysterious characters in the void seems to be to suppress this dark monster. At this moment, the moment the monster appeared, these mysterious characters buzzed louder and burst out even more dazzling dazzling light!

Countless characters spun rapidly from the void, from top to bottom, to suppress the pitch-black monster that had just stuck its head out!

Feeling the change on the top of his head, the dark monster's complexion became more and more hideous, and he roared and opened his **** mouth, spitting out billowing black air.

In an instant, the black gas and the white light collided and intertwined, melting and annihilating each other...

The entire valley is shrouded in black and white, and the scene inside is simply not seen.

About a quarter of an hour later, the black gas and white light gradually weakened and disappeared.

The mysterious runes in the valley re-floated in the void, but compared to before, these mysterious runes became flickering and darkening...

As if it could go out at any time.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A hoarse and piercing voice came. In the center of the valley, although the dark and hideous monster was covered with dense wounds all over his body, he seemed extremely embarrassed, but at this moment he seemed extremely happy.

"Hahaha, it's been thousands of Today this king will finally get out of trouble!"

In the wild laughter, the red light flashed in the eyes of the ferocious monster, and he raised his eyes to look somewhere.

I saw that in the void where his eyes were looking, there was a hole in the countless mysterious runes that flickered and dimmed.


The ferocious monster soared up, and its figure turned into a black light and rushed out of the hole.

At the moment when the demon rushed out of the seal, these mysterious runes seemed to have lost their meaning of existence. They all dissipated with a bang, turned into a little light and scattered into nothingness. After a while, there was no trace of them...


The hideous monster sneered excitedly upon seeing this.

He was suspended in the void, and suddenly a strange light flashed in his blood-red light, and then his nose greedily sucked a few times, his eyes turned, and he looked towards the wind at the foot of the mountain.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, delicious... Delicious ants, I haven't tasted these delicious foods for a long time, I really miss it, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

In the grim laughter of the ferocious monster, the whole body turned into a black afterimage, moving towards the foot of the mountain, and in the blink of an eye, it merged into the pitch-black night sky.

Soon, there was a sound of screaming and mourning in Xidong Village at the foot of Fenggu Mountain. Such a heart-piercing voice seemed particularly harsh and creepy in this silent night...

The next day, early in the morning, in the Yuannan county seat, the magistrate of Yuannan was working when suddenly, someone rushed in in a panic.

"Big... Sir, the big thing is bad, Xidong Village has been slaughtered!

Thousands of households in the village have no one to live!

The methods of the wicked are extremely cruel, you better go and see, my lord! "


The magistrate of Yuannan was shocked, his head buzzing, and for a moment he thought he had heard it wrong.

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