MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2223 Dust

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The enchanting Nanbo seems to have noticed something, slowly looking back, his eyes showing a playful look, indifferent: "The two women of the Feng nationality are still alive, and they are still younger! This time, people come true, or I solved the problem once and for all, this time I will not kill you, leave you two to ride me! Win the moon!"

Hao Yuedao: "The disciple is in. Tianzhu novels"

"The master sent you a gift!" The enchanting Nanbo stretched his finger to the confrontation army, proudly said: "Give this so-called world to you as a gift, how?"

The spirit of listening to the old department is alive.

Haoyue hated: "The disciple is not interested in the world, just want to revenge for the family!"

Soaring and Cheng Taize secretly complained, this woman actually became a disciple of the enchanting Nanbo, did you make a mistake?

"Give you, you will suffer!" The enchanting Nanbo faintly, as if to take this world is as simple as taking a sac, and squinting at the crowd, "Shun me, Chang, against me! Give you a chance, willing to surrender Come to me."

Everyone is silent, many people in the army of both sides look at me, I look at you, no one expected such a thing.

On the floor of the ship, White Lord asked the Witchwalker slightly: "Are you sure that when he came back again, it was the silence?" The voices were only heard by a few people here.

The Witchwalker sighed: "If I can still get it, I dare to hit it. I will definitely bypass it before I meet it. Is it afraid of him? I am just sure about predicting the position of the Star Gate. I am willing to do so because of the will of others. There is only a hunch in this aspect that is inaccurate and inaccurate."

The white master squinted at Miao Yi. "To him, are you not quite accurate? He has already reached the point of today."

Witchwalker: "I was faintly presupposed to have a good atmosphere, and people will come out because of you. As a result, someone actually found you. I didn't say it. But you can see what he is now. Do you still feel right? Is it a person who can pass this level? Do you think he can deal with the enchanting?"

On the other side of the high crown, it seems that I don’t know what the two people are talking about.

See no one answered, the enchanting Nanbo finger next to the moon, "it seems not to surrender, my disciple is here, who dares to challenge? Who dares to challenge?"

He even asked twice, but he supported him, who dared to come out to fight?

Whether it is Miao Yi, or the opposite of the Qing and the Buddha, they are not snoring. They have gradually become more energetic, knowing that the enchanting will not let them go. Once the enchanting is hard, it can only be a fight. It will change again.

Poison Star, South No Gate Treasure.

The illusion is filled in the treasure house, and the street people come and go. No matter whether men, women and children are the same face, even the animals and animals in the animals faintly bring the contour of the face.

Suddenly, a crow flew in, fluttering and fluttering on a branch, as if it were a different kind, because the face of the crow did not fit the face.

Due to the arrival of this crow, the street illusion seems to have been destroyed. It is like a strong wind blowing through the dust, sweeping away the illusion in the treasure house.

The eight-ring brow sitting on the lotus throne trembled, "Hey!" sighed softly.

The white lady who sat down below looked up and looked up with a slight question: "Why does the master sigh?"

The Eight Rings and the eyes opened slightly and sighed softly: "White sound, I seem to have encountered a disaster in the world. If I don't solve it, I am afraid that it will be a difficult road. You will finish it for me."

"Yes!" The white lady got up and should be down.

The Eight Rings waved toward the bottom of the finger, and a silent void crack appeared in front of the White Snake, and the White Snake took a step.

"Who dares to challenge?"

When the third voice of the enchanting Nanbo took a bit of a savage voice, the voice suddenly fell, and a void crack suddenly broke through the starry sky.

A woman with a long shawl and a white dress appeared in the snow. The filigree jade feet stepped out of the void, and the face was quiet and kind, and the void crack suddenly disappeared behind her. She was quietly in the air, across the lineup of the enchanting Nanbo lineup, as if it should be enchanted by Nanbo’s shouting.

The white lady appeared out of thin air, making countless people awkward.

"White Lady?"

Both Qing and Buddhism are unanimous, and the two face each other. It is obvious that they can call out the name.

"White Lady?"

There was a slight commotion on the Nether Dragon Boat. Wu Chang, Huo Zhenjun and Yin Erlang, who stood at the bow, also widened their eyes in unison. It was unbelievable.

Wu Chang looked at the side and asked: "How did this woman come out?"

Huo Junjun said: "You ask me, who do I ask?"

Yoshijiro: "It looks so good, where did it come from?"

The white master of the ship's upper floor looked at this scene, his eyes fell on the hands of the white lady, and the thoughts showed a thoughtful look.

The white lady who floated in the tenth of the Ming Dynasty had a clear eyes and quietly drifted around. She saw the situation of confrontation between the army and the situation of the confrontation between the parties. The eyes fell on the people of the Nether Dragon Boat, and they smiled slightly.

The white lady did not know what was happening on the scene, and the gentle voice echoed in the starry sky: "If you want to solve the problem, you should stop it. Can you stop here?"

This is not a mistake, but this is a bit of a slap in the face of the enchanting Nanbo. This is what it means to let the enchanting Nanbo stop.

The enchanting Nanbo released a rant in front of so many people. Now let him swallow it back, and he has to swallow it.

However, it is indeed uncomfortable that the enchanting Nanbo is uncomfortable, and some of the words are stopped. The other hand that he just showed up, he can't do it, a little taboo, I don't know where this person came out.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that everyone’s eyes were on him, as if they were asking him, did you agree to stop?

"Who is this?" Miao Yi asked her voice, how do they look like green, Buddha, they all know each other, just saw this woman greet the white master, there is such a person in the world can shock Is the enchanting South Wave?

He suspects that this woman is a demon master, but he has seen the portrait of the demon master many times, and his facial outline does not seem like it. Besides, the demon Lord can shock the enchanting Nanbo?

A little stunned to take off and replied: "Your Majesty, this person is called Baiyin, the person called Bai Niangzi, who was the white master of the year, has disappeared for many years."

Miao Yi asked: "Is it amazing?"

Soaring: "The year was considered to be a master, and the grades of the Ten Commandments are almost the same as they were."

Miao Yi can't help but look at the white master. Is this the reason why the white master knows that the enchanting cockroaches have appeared and dared to show up?

"Who is the white lady?" After seeing the sound of Yuluo's strangeness beside him, the Fengzuo Xuan female couldn't help but ask.

Yuluosha probably explained it, and it was almost the same as that of soaring. The Fengzuo mysterious woman couldn’t help but look at the white master.

"Who is this woman?" The enchanting Nanbo eyes stared at the white lady, and the head was slightly biased, asking the left child who had recovered his youthful appearance.

"White Lady, the white master of the year..." Zuoer also introduced it.

After listening to the introduction, the enchanting Nanbo is more and more depressed. Under the white master's hand, the strength of the year is not as good as that of the white master. Can you see that this is like a person who is not as good as the white master?

He is not afraid of the white lady. He wants to challenge him even stronger opponents in the past, but he is not stupid. A person with unknown details often makes you unable to eat and walk. The entanglement is that no one knows this. The true details of a woman.

"White Lady, the monk who does not wear clothes and cloaks is the enchanting Nanbo, you be careful." Wu Chang on the dragon boat suddenly shouted aloud, but he was more concerned about the appearance of the white lady.

This scorpion came out. Before countless people who only guessed the enchanting identity were confirmed and secretly scared.

The white lady turned around and looked at the enchanting Nanbo. She was also somewhat surprised. "You are the enchanting Nanbo?"

"It's me!" The enchanting Nanbo sneered, "Crushing the void, across the starry sky, it seems a bit of a skill, you want to intervene in my business? This matter has nothing to do with you, don't look for it!"

Bai Niangzi understands, and it is not that I have never heard of this old monster. It seems that the so-called dusty catastrophe of the master means that this enchanting, and the tenth: "Amitabha, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha!"

Wu Chang on the dragon boat had a bit of a toothache: "Amitabha is out, is this woman really a monk?"

The fire on the side was really sighed: "Is it visible? You are not dying, you are desperate!"

"Becoming a Buddha?" The enchanting Nanbo suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed: "I am a Buddha, why do you have to become another?"

Bai Niangzi: "You have been robbed in a reincarnation. Why don't you repent? If you make another time, I am afraid that it is difficult for heaven, and the sea is boundlessly back!"

The enchanting Nanbo coldly said: "So, do you have to interfere with me?"

Bai Niangzi shook his head: "Just persuaded you to look back early, and you should be able to get rid of it as soon as possible. Why bother and often cause troubles in the world, do you not know that you are in cause and effect?"

"Let's talk nonsense!" The enchanting Nanbo disdain I can't listen to it at all, what kind of reason he listened to more, and turned back to Yu Yuedao: "Someone came out to challenge you, it is proof When you cultivate results."

This is to let Hao Yue first come out to try the water, to see how the depth of the other party is, after all, there is no bottom, there is no one around.

Haoyue is not a fool. I naturally understand the intention of the master. But she complained about revenge. She has been forbearing for so many years. It’s hard to have today, and it’s impossible to put down the knife and make it into a Buddha.

One of the moons flashed out and confronted the white lady, and the body suddenly shrouded a shadow of tearing the void.

The green Lord in the wait-and-see voice to the Buddha: "It’s like you are!"

The Buddha's main eyebrows, he himself feels a bit like, but it is not surprising that the original enchanting Nanbo in the seal land can recite his cultivation. The enchanting genius knows that the practice of cultivation and the teaching of his disciples are not surprising. However, it is not like it soon.

The shadow of the torn hollow of the moon was suddenly rotating, like a tornado, and it quickly formed a strip in the body, and the body was full of small scorpions. (To be continued.)

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