MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2224 Konoha

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The image looks a bit strange.

The white lady seems to want to say something, but then she doesn’t yell at her at all, so she rushes past the white lady, and she waved her hand, which is a tearing of the void, like the flashing whip of countless snakes, such as Thunder. Pull out, anyone can see that the attack power is huge.

The white palms of the ten-handed palms show one, and the palms are pushed, and a white jade palm is like a stone tablet.

Boom! The whiplash is broken and lightly resolved, which proves that the repair of the two is not at one level.

The rushing momentum continued, and when it was approaching, the arms were hugged one by one, and the densely-tweeted scorpion that was dragged behind them smashed out and quickly became longer, wrapped in a large bowl to the white lady.

"Amitabha!" The white lady gently slammed the Buddha's number, and her palms were again in front of her body. The scorpion suddenly burst into soft white light, and the body seemed to have a rising sun. The scorpion that had been entangled was not yet entangled in the white lady, and it was softened. The white light rises like a balloon, and it is difficult to touch the body of the white lady.

Haoyue constantly waved his arms and his body receded, clearly seeing that she wanted to tighten her pressure.

This scene has aroused many people's surprise, and both of them can clearly control the virtual light as the real thing.

The enchanting Nanbo wave looks at the glue between the two without expression.

"How can the white lady resist the hand? Is this still the sultry white lady?" The Yin Erlang on the Nether Dragon Boat was slightly more urgent.

His words have just fallen, and the unsettled moon seems to have really stirred up the reaction of the white lady. The soft white light wrapped in the shadow of the sky suddenly jumps out of the sea like the sun, and it shines like a ray.

Boom! The entanglement of the entanglement of the shackles of the moon was instantly collapsed and it became a void.

Hey! Haoyue spurted a blood out of the sky and was shocked to fly out.

The two are obviously not the opponents of a grade. If the white lady does not counterattack, the counterattack will not be able to resist.

The left child came out and took it back.

The people here have not yet returned, and the enchanting Nanbo suddenly slams into the air. For example, Jiuyi’s thunder and lightning crossed the starry sky, and the shadow of a torn hollow is like a ray of light shining on the white lady’s body. The power of the attack slammed into the white light, and a huge fist shadow appeared beneath the setting. The side of the white light that was attacked was quickly suppressed, and the white light was directly blown out by a punch.

After the white lady was shocked, she floated for a certain distance to stabilize her body shape, and the look of the enchanting Nanbo gradually became dignified.

"I didn't expect this world to have a master of the soul!" The enchanting Nanbo snorted and screamed out. The apprentice suffered a loss and the master immediately took the shot. This shot was too shallow, and the discovery was just like this. The white maiden’s gaze reveals a greedy look. “I’m very interested in your broken sky and the way across the sky!”

He had previously thought that the strength of Bai Niangzi was strong enough to break the void and cross the sky, so that he did not dare to act rashly. When he found out that it was not the case, he was completely scared. The other party should have mastered a profound technique. law. This technique really appeals to him and intends to possess it.

God's soul master? Wu Chang, Huo Zhenjun and Yin Erlang on the dragon boat were horrified, and it seemed that they could not believe that the cultivation of the White Snake had reached the soul of God. Actually broke through such an insurmountable level, true and false, the enchanting did not lie?

The white eyes on the boat floor flashed, and it seemed a bit surprising.

However, a group of people have noticed the white-eyed man's eyebrows, and they have not seen the law under the spell. Before that, they thought that the white lady had done something to cover up. At this time, the enchanting Nanbo reminded Fang Zhi that the white lady's cultivation was already back to the truth!

"God's Soul..." The Green Lord screamed, and the Buddha's eyes looked at the White Lady's eyes were somewhat inexplicable.

Everyone knows what it means to break through the soul of the gods. Strength is second, and the most important thing is to live forever.

The enchanting Nanbo figure flashed, bringing out a long shadow that was not lost for a long time. He rushed to the white lady, and a fist punched out and blew out. The traces of tearing the void were flashed like a phantom, and concentrated on the white lady. Stirring the movement of the stars, people who have not been taught do not know the power of geometry.

The white lady looks extremely dignified, and her palms are turned over. She introduces a white jade palm with a huge monument like a stone tablet.

With a few signs of disillusionment, the torn phantom smashes and smashes the shadows of a white jade, and the wrath of the mana is fluctuating, and the people who are watching the station are also suffering from storms. The people are desperately trying to resist.

I don't know how many people are astonished. The two talents have just played against each other. The momentum is like trying to overwhelm the stars.

Both sides of the army and the horses cast spells together, and the mighty surging mana fluctuated the violent mana that fluctuated to dissipate invisible.

It is difficult to distinguish between the winners and the losers in the air. It is obvious that the actual repairs of the two sides are not much different.

The enchanting Nanbo’s eyes are excited and the face is wary. When the fist is out, the voice is out: “Since Sanxian Fuxi, for many years, there is no opponent for me to fight, only this world’s talents. Withered, empty and lonely, don't want me to come out of the mountain, immediately catch one, good! Take out all your skills, see how long you can stop me!"

If the words fall, it seems that it is difficult to make him enjoyable in the air. The shadows are rushing out, and the arms are staggered. The body is striking like a huge inscription on the white jade palm, all the way crashing into the palm of the hand, the roaring sounds in the stars.

The moment when the two men collided close to each other, they both took a shot.

The enchanting black hunter hunts and wanders, and the palm of the phantom is like gold and copper, and the golden light is shining. The edge of the palm shadow has a slight crack like a torn void. For example, the palm shadow is covered with a layer of black light, and the golden light and the black light are intertwined. Surprising.

The white lady's skirt fluttered barefoot, and a long hair was also hunting behind her, and the palm of the film burst into a rich white light.

At the moment when the two palms collided, the golden light was like a ray of sunshine, the golden light was soaring, and the white light and pure white were also skyrocketing.

Jinguang is gorgeous and dazzling, white light is upright, and there is awe.

In the roar of the sound, the huge palms of the impact were shattered and restored.

The golden light and the white light are inexhaustible, but a layer of black light shrouded around the golden shadow of the palm of the hand crossed the white light and seemed to stick between the palms.

The white lady's eyes are a bit bigger, and it is found that the enchanting Nanbo's palm has produced a strong adsorption force. No matter how much he withdraws himself, he can't withdraw it. The madman urges the mana to push away, but finds that it tears the void. The black light consisting of tiny cracks, such as countless cracks, directly applied to the force and penetrated from the crack, which seemed to have no effect on the enchanting.

The palms of both sides are continuing to shrink, and it seems that the outsiders seem to have been pushed and squeezed by both sides.

Only Bai Niangzi knew best in his heart that he had been restrained by the enchanting and could not be separated. The closer the two sides approached her, the more dangerous it was. Another palm that stood on the chest turned over and pointed at the bullets. A white light flashed away and shot at the other side.

The enchanting Nanbo sneered, one hand and one shoulder, black squatting, stirring in the hands like a black curtain, will shoot the white light finger to offset the invisible. The momentum was shaken and swayed like a wave, and the white lady quickly returned to resist. The enchanting but the momentum of the hand trembled, the black scorpion as a black blade smashed to the white lady.

The white lady is fiddling, avoiding the black blade, and grabbing the black scorpion on the side.

However, the sudden change suddenly occurred, and the enchanting Nanbo twitched and shook. The one caught in the hands of the white lady suddenly swelled. For example, the dragon grows longer, and instantly turns around the white lady's arm and quickly wraps the white lady.

The white lady was shocked, and her body suddenly burst into glare.

The enchanting is the palm of the hand that suddenly slammed back, and the homeopathic banged out like a thunder.

The white lady wants to escape, but she is shackled by the enchanting. She can’t hide, she can’t avoid it, she’s got a punch, and the glare of the white light is also broken up by this punch.

"Hey!" The white lady who was hit hard hit a **** spurt.

The black scorpion that caught her was also unable to withstand the great strength of both sides, and the white lady who had escaped from the black shackles that had been caught spinning out.

The enchanting trembled, the black cockroaches fluttered back and slanted over the shoulders, and looked at the white lady with disdain. "I haven’t done it until I have done it. I still have a lot of energy. The ability to dare to run out in front of me is really not self-reliant!"

There was another blood in the mouth of Bai Niangzi, which was stained with red clothes. The one that was shot was too real and has been seriously injured.

"White Lord! You have no way? White Lady is in danger, stop the enchanting!"

Wu Chang on the dragon boat suddenly looked back at the white master on the boat floor, and hurriedly called, and the meaning was obviously asking what to do.

The White Lord did not seem to intervene. He shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, if I didn't guess wrong, there are real masters behind it!"

"The real master?" Wu Chang, Huo Zhenjun, Yin Erlang stunned.

The Shixing Palace and other people face each other, the enchanting appearance, and the white-naughter who has emerged a godly spirit, is already surprising enough. What real masters are there?

Gao Guan looked at it and asked: "Who?"

Wu Chang suddenly took a forehead and asked: "Isn't that what the white lady called?"

The white master is slightly dagger, "wait and see!"

Huo Zhenjun and others suddenly realized that it is ah, the person who can adjust the white lady to become a master of the soul of the gods can be simple, even the white lady is so powerful, the teacher naturally needless to say, how to forget this.

The crowd immediately immediately watched the battle scene.

I saw the white lady holding her chest in one I found out the star bell in my hand, I don’t know where to contact.

Poison Star, Nan Wumen Treasure, quiet as a sculpture, sitting on the lotus throne, sitting on the lotus ring, gently flipping a hand, a star bell floated out and floated in front of him.

The message of Bai Niangzi came: Master, your disciples can't solve the problem, I am afraid you still need to personally solve this robbery.

Eight Rings Reply: My heart is hard to eliminate, I don't want to see them again, I want to break this dusty edge. If I see you again, my heart is afraid of it.

White Snake: This robbery is fierce, and the perpetrators are deaf to Nanbo, and the disciples are seriously injured!

Enchanting Nanbo? The quiet eyes of the eight rings suddenly slammed open, whispered: "Master, Muna..."

PS: Today is this, travel is outside, tomorrow may be late, forgive me!


. (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion