MTL - Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 1096 1096 reality [61] black database? (two)

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Chapter 1096 Chapter 1096 Reality [61] Black Database? (two)

This assistant has been with Ryan for five or six years.

It is Professor Ryan's teaching assistant. I also made great achievements in mathematics. When he helped Professor Ryan to organize the materials, he also followed Professor Ryan.

Over the years, he has seen many people with Professor Ryan. The last time he helped the National Space Agency calculate an algorithm, the president also personally met the greatest mathematician in M ​​today.

After seeing such a large assistant, Ryan couldn't think of anything else that would surprise him.

"What's the matter." He pushed his glasses and leaned over to the assistant.

The assistant was manually handed over several times before he stabilized himself and pulled a paper on the computer to the top.

Professor Ryan looked at him like that, and when he was curious, he looked at the papers on the computer.

This is an algorithmic paper on latitude space.

When I saw the title, Ryan didn't care very much, and didn't mean to look at it. Now many of the latitude space theory has been overthrown, and no new breakthrough point can be found.

But the assistant was too excited, and Ryan looked down on his patience.

Originally, some of the carelessness was not very concerned about the look, and then put away the careless look, he squeezed the assistant and sat down on the seat.

The eyes behind the lens are very bright.

This paper is a bit long, and the algorithm inside is unique and novel.

If you are just a person with a relatively simple mathematical foundation, you can't basically understand it. Don't talk about other people, even if there is somewhere in this degree, Professor Ryan seems to be slightly embarrassed.

Professor Ryan asked the assistant to take the paper and the pen.

After reading it again, when he saw the second time, he took the paper and the pen and began to calculate with the writing of this person.

The people in the National Laboratory are very busy, but Ryan rarely appears here, so a few old math guys see Ryan's rare paper holding the excitement of what to count, can not help but come over and ask.

After all, Professor Ryan was a mathematical genius. He stayed up all night and turned the algorithm written on this round into essence.

The whole eyes were red, but he didn't feel tired at all, but he was mentally awkward.

"I don't have time to talk to you now," Professor Ryan ignored the people. He just handed the results of one night to the people. "You can see this and I have already simplified it for you." Otherwise, you may not be able to read her papers!"

He did not care about those people after he said it.

Turn to the contact information left by the author of that paper.

The other party left the mailbox with the name.

Professor Ryan told the assistant about the email address of the person during the calculation last night. "Look at her reply, no reply?!"

Ryan urged the assistant.

The assistant took out the phone and looked at it and shook his head. "Not yet, Professor."

Professor Ryan was anxious, and the assistant was also very anxious. He didn't sleep last night, basically every ten minutes to see the author replied that he did not.

However, after waiting for one night, the author has not responded.

The assistant couldn’t help thinking about it. How is this person’s heart so big?

Have you written such a paper that can change the pattern of the future mathematics department, do you want to know the results?

If he is, he must hold his mobile phone and look at the mailbox.

In fact, he has gone from last night to the present, and that person has not responded to a word! No word at all!

The assistant is about to collapse.

Professor Ryan has never seen such a burnout person, but he can't wait. "The person is using the flower country mailbox. We will first go to the flower country."

The assistant nodded.

I didn't have a bath, and I still didn't eat, but Ryan didn't want to wait any longer. They were academic, and they didn't sleep for a month in the lab. At this time, they wouldn't be entangled in these small problems.

Professor Ryan hurriedly bought a ticket to the city of Huaguo S.

"Also, contact the director of the aviation bureau and say that the new algorithm has broken through." Professor Ryan told me one by one.

"As for the media, we have to wait for the reply before we say it."

"The most important thing is to report to it," Professor Ryan said seriously. "Let the people above find out the identity of this person."

"To report?" The assistant stunned.

Professor Ryan nodded. "Reporting, this is more serious than you think. This is a flower country. If you say more, you don't understand."

In the academic field of mathematics, M countries generally have the upper hand, especially those mechanical algorithm problems, which are basically the calculation results submitted by the M-country laboratory.

Professor Ryan has always been a leader in this field.

He is also a leader in the field of mathematics and has his own pride.

At the moment, even if he has to admit that this sudden emergence of the Chinese people must be above him.

After this incident, the flower country must have some say in this regard.


Ye Haohua naturally did not expect that Professor Ryan is now on the plane.

She did not even think that she originally wanted a degree, but she invited the mathematics national treasure of M country to China.

Something that happened last night was somewhat unexpected. Ye Haohua has forgotten the matter of publishing his thesis.

Naturally, I don't remember that I still have a mailbox.

When Jiang’s phone call came over, Ye Haohua was just getting ready. She lazily pointed to the mobile phone. “Yes, you wait for me.”

After hanging up the phone, I glanced at the phone with a lot of text messages sent from the leaves.

She replied to a few messages.

Ye Haohua was not sad more than yesterday, and there was not much anger. After all, it has been seventeen years since, and it is not worth the sadness of Su Shi.

"I am leaving." Ye Haohua admires the line and admits that the housekeeper waved freely, and left with sunglasses and a mask.

Mu Liu followed her and told her how angry Nie Yuyu was when she went to Nie Yuyu last night.

Mu Xingzhi looked at Ye Haohua's back disappeared from the window, he only regained his gaze, his body's gentle atmosphere disappeared, full of enthusiasm, "Su family is trying to contact South doctor, with a team of foreign experts?"

Miao Guanjia’s claim is that “Mr. Nan knows that it’s Miss Ye’s sister and may agree.”

"That tells him, don't worry about Ye Hao, the experts have arranged it," Mu Xingzhi flipped a piece of paper and his voice was indifferent. "Want to stand up, she also matches?"

Mu Guanjia slightly decapitated.

If there is no such thing as last night, Mu Xing may not do so.

He knows that Su Shi’s favorite favorite in his life is the most favored. Ye Hao, seeing Ye Hao hurt like this, Su Shi is afraid that he is even more sad than his own injury.

But she never thought that the five-year-old Ye Yuhua would be sad when she was tricked into hiring mercenaries.

When I thought about it, I couldn’t help but think of what Qin Hao told him last time.

Mr. Nie rescued Xiao Xiaohua from a group of mercenaries. He did not intend to take her back to the island. She waited for seven days in the stone separated from Su Shi.

Mr. Nie later saw that he couldn't bear it. He had to personally return Xiao Xiaohua back to Ye Family, but Xiao Yuhua did not agree.

Later, Mr. Nie took her back to the island.

Mu Xingzhi took the pen and was upset. Since talking to Qin Yu, he couldn’t help thinking about it. What did she think about in the past seven days?

I waited for a day to be disappointed every day, and I didn't want to go home at the end.

Seven days, enough Ye Jia came to three back and forth.

"At that time, the South Island could not accommodate her. The people in the top ten military regions forced her to leave, forcing her to hand over the training camp. I obviously didn't want her to leave the West Island, but I was afraid that she would bother me. So I found Ye Family. Secretly revealing her identity to Ye Jia, I thought... I thought she would have a home like that, and she wouldn’t be able to accommodate her anywhere.” Mu Xingzhi finally couldn’t calm down, he put down Pen, one word per word, gnashing teeth.

I knew it was like this. How could he hand over the information to the Ye family?

"You can leave the young master and the old man. They like Miss Ye." Mu Guanzhi knew that when he left Ye Haohua, he wouldn’t be more willing than anyone else. "You see Miss Ye see the leaves after the young master, is it not? Very happy."

When I heard this sentence, Mu Chen’s frown, “Where did she see Ye’s happy?”

“Unhappy and unhappy,” Mu Butler said quickly. “Miss is happy to see Master Ye.”

Mu Xing looked up and looked at the housekeeper, licking his lips.

Mu Butler looked down at his toes.

One person knocked on the door outside the door, and the butler was immediately released as if it had been released. The man whispered a word in the ear of the housekeeper.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xingzhi picked up a pen again and whispered.

There is some doubt in the housekeeper. "The M National Space Agency is in the information of Miss Chaye, and we have been intercepted."

Mu Xingzhi looked at him. "Are you sure it is the space agency, not the FBI?"

The housekeeper sighed. "I asked several times."

"What kind of excitement does the space station have?" Mu Qizhi's side squatted, and suddenly remembered something. "Is she a black family database?"

The mouth of the housekeeper took a moment, "FBI can't find the trace left by Miss Ye."

Ye Haohua likes to tease people in the FBI, but never left a trace.

How can people in the space agency easily crack out what Ye Haohua left behind?

After a while, the outside talents sent another message.

“Professor Ryan?” Mu Xingzhi did not know much about the academic community. He also knew that Ye Haohua rarely contacted these people.

"It should be a matter of academic qualifications." Mu Guanjia thought of Mu Liu before he mentioned him.

Mu Xingzhi nodded. "Give them some information."

Now Ye Haohua's information is on the side of Mujia. Some people want to check the information of Ye Yuhua, and one of them is clear.


Ye Haohua on this side has already seen Jiang Jie waiting at the intersection.

Let Muliu stop the car.

"I don't dare to sit." After Jiang Sister sat up, she suddenly came.

Today, Ye Haohua started directly from Muyuan. Mu Liu opened a blue car and showed a very low-key appearance. In fact, it was extremely luxurious.

Ye Haohua has always ignored this kind of thing.

Today's trip is to go to a charity party.

Ye Haohua has always done charity work and donated it to the orphanage. Because of this, Jiang Jie guessed that Ye Haohua should be an orphan.

The last time Ye Haohua took a contract, and donated it to the orphanage for 10 million.

The charity party can't be rejected, and Jiang Jie has always maintained the image of Ye Yuhua. This kind of donation Ye Haohua never cares, but Jiang Jie will jointly promote the team every time.

There are a few people on Weibo who say that Ye Haohua is speculating, but the underground commentary is basically, "Have you seen tens of millions of donations made by the speculators?"

"Doing charity is not a shame, but it can also affect your fans." When Jiang Jie and Ye Yuhua said this, Ye Haohua went by her.

The charity party will also take a red carpet.

Then I went to the stage to say a few words, but Ye Haohua had nothing to say. Except for the red carpet, the entire party shot could not find her.

Jiang Jie took the phone for a long time and found Ye Haohua in a corner.

"Zuzong, you can find you!" Jiang sister panted with her mobile phone.

Ye Haohua looked up. "What happened?"

"Your phone," Jiang Jie handed the phone to Ye Haohua. "Chinese is very blunt, some mouthfuls, it should be foreigners."

Ye Haohua is wearing a dress today, there is no place to install a mobile phone, and the mobile phone has been placed on Jiang Jie.

When I heard Jiang’s words, Ye Haohua’s mind flashed a lot of people.

She originally thought that those people abroad had found themselves on their heads.

"Is Miss Ye?" After Ye Haohua said hello, the voice over there was suddenly agitated. "I am Ryan. Do you remember the paper you sent me the day before yesterday..."

The other party said a lot.

Ye Haohua just remembered that one of the pieces he had written had to go to the back door to get the doctor's thesis.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Jie saw Ye Haohua slammed after hanging up the phone and couldn't help but look at Ye Haohua.

Ye Haohua took the mobile phone in the palm of his hand and heard it. He only smiled at his lips. "Jiang, my ancestors, I will have a degree immediately."

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion