MTL - Special Agent’s Rebirth: The Almighty Goddess of Quick Transmigration-Chapter 1097 1097 Reality [62] Professor Ryan (three more)

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Chapter 1097 1097 Reality [62] Professor Ryan (three more)

"What academic qualifications?"

Ye Haohua thought for a moment, "Should it be Dr. M?"

Jiang Jie quickly said, "Are you looking for someone to give you a fake degree?"

Ye Weihua: "..."

She decided not to pay attention to Jiang Jie, and said something to the organizers, she would leave early.

Professor Ryan was originally looking for her, but Ye Haohua is not very convenient as a public figure, he has to go to A to find Professor Ryan.

Yes, Professor Ryan flew directly from S City Airport to Beijing after finding the address of Ye Haohua.

His identity is very special. As a national treasure of M country, Professor Ryan is dispatched, and there must be a team of M countries to follow. He has a great influence on the academic circles of Beijing.

Several highly respected people from the Department of Mathematics at A received the Ryan professor personally.

Jiang Jie followed Ye Haohua all the way to A, stupid, and suddenly looked at Ye Yuhua. "You come to A to make a fake, will they give you a fake?"

Ye Haohua: " shut up."


At the same time, Professor A Li’s office is on the doorstep.

Chen Xuan and Mrs. Chen walked toward Professor Li’s office.

"This case is very important to you. Your father's mind is on the fox, you can rely on yourself now," Mrs. Chen said to Chen Xuan. "Professor Li was your mentor. Just tell him to help, you This project is ten, and when you are in Chen’s right to speak, do you still use me?”

Chen Xuan licked his lips and did not speak.

Seeing him like this, Mrs. Chen is not angry with one place. "You still thinking about Ye Haohua?"

"Why are you going to tell the Ye family that I didn't look at Ye Yuhua," Chen Xuan wanted to smoke, but think about it here, but also hold back, irritated, "You know me clearly..."

"Do you know what you are?" Mrs. Chen looked at him. "Do you know that you like Ye Haohua? You didn't like her anymore, and you still have a monk?"

"It is not obvious, what do you know?!" Chen Xuan turned his head irritably.

When Mrs. Chen looked at Chen Xuan’s appearance, she knew that Chen Xuan’s thoughts about Ye Haohua’s feelings were gone. She couldn’t help but twist her eyebrows. “Preface, you shouldn’t come true? I’ve just said Ye Jia’s over there, you don’t want to I miss her again. The people at Yejia didn’t care about Ye Haohua at all. You married her and it’s no different from the one. Ye’s own confession, Ye Haohua, she didn’t even have a primary school education. When did your eyes change? Is it like this? Just because she looks good?"

Chen Xuyu also wants to refute.

It was at this time that Professor Li’s teaching assistant came out.

"Chen Xuedi, you are coming advanced." The teaching assistant used to be Chen Xuyu's senior, and two people also met.

Chen Xuyu quickly told him a sentence.

At this time, Mrs. Chen also smiled and talked to the teaching assistant.

After that, after whispering around Chen Xuan, "I want to accept the harvest, don't give me all the time thinking about Ye Haohua."

Chen Xuan's lips.

A group of three people entered the door.

I found several people in the office.

In addition to Professor Li and his assistant, there are two foreigners.

"Chen Xuan, you wait, I have something to do." Professor Li said in a hurry.

Chen Xuyu nodded quickly.

Mrs. Chen is also very polite and respectful, and she is afraid that there will be a disappointment to Professor Li.

He looked up at the foreign man who was talking to Professor Li. Suddenly, "That... that is not..."

"What?" Mrs. Chen heard his surprised voice and could not help but ask.

It was at this time that the office door was knocked again.

(End of this chapter)