MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 135 Stealing the door is a professional bully

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  Chapter 135 Stealing the door is a professional bully

   "No wonder..."

   "No wonder?"

  Hearing his grandfather's sudden words, Zhu Nianyan turned his eyes away from the Foundation Establishment Pill in his grandfather's hand, and looked curiously at his grandfather Zhu Cong: "No wonder what, grandfather?"

  Zhu Cong shook his head, and looked at Xu Bai: "The little girl from the Su family just now must have used this Foundation Establishment Pill to enter Taoism."

  Xu Bai didn't hide anything, just nodded.

  If someone else asks, he promises to know nothing.

   But Zhu Cong?



  Zhu Nianyan couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing these words, and looked at Xu Bai: "So she entered the Tao with the Foundation Establishment Pill, my God, do you know that these things are expensive?"

  Unfortunately, she just felt envious and jealous towards Su Meng, who had already entered the Tao.

   Never thought about...

"its not right."

  Zhu Nianyan thought about it, and looked at his grandfather Zhu Cong.

   "Grandpa, isn't the Su family an aristocratic family, and it's also from the Tianji Sect, the Eight Sects of Immortal Dao, doesn't it mean that they have good heels?"

   "The girls of the Su family are different."


   "The Su family's girl's innate foundation was damaged. Originally, the Su family wanted this girl to practice humanely."

  Zhu Cong said this simply, then, he glanced at the Foundation Establishment Pill in his hand, and then handed it back to Xu Bai: "Take it, it's too wasteful for reciting cigarettes."

  This is telling the truth.

  The effect of the Foundation Establishment Pill is enough to allow an ordinary person to enter the Tao in an instant.

  But Zhu Nianyan...

  Although Zhu Nianyan did not enter Taoism, he was only short of such a goal. Using this foundation building pill is no less than using a cannon to beat mosquitoes. There is nothing else to say except waste.

  But Xu Bai took Zhu Ji Dan, and did not choose to take it back, but directly shook his hand, and threw it towards Zhu Nianyan, who was holding the Zhu Ji Dan.

  Zhu Nianyan exclaimed, subconsciously stretched out his hands, and firmly caught Zhu Jidan.

   "Don't you want it?"

   "I never have the habit of taking back what I give away."

Xu Bai said lightly, perhaps the Foundation Establishment Pill is of great value in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, this Foundation Establishment Pill is not much different from the small blue pills on the market except that it is more difficult to refine coming.

  Zhu Nianyan blinked, feeling the arrogance in Xu Bai's words, her eyes fell on the palms of her hands, and just smelling the fragrance gave her the feeling of being a Daoist Zhu Jidan.

  After Xu Bai finished speaking, he looked at Zhu Cong who was trying to speak, and directly changed the subject: "Old man, do you know the Su family very well?"

  While he was talking, he thought of Zuo Lei who had decided to commit suicide after listening to Su Ruyu's words.


   At a moment, Su Meng suddenly switched to the Great Wilderness Human Race.

  Zhu Cong glanced at the granddaughter next to him, and after listening to Xu Bai's words, he chuckled: "Understood, not to mention, it's just that he knows better than ordinary people."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows: "Do you know the mystery of Su Meng's life experience?"

  Zhu Cong nodded: "Of course."

  The mystery of Su Meng's life experience is a secret to many people, but it is definitely not a secret to him, the master of robbers, the leader of the heresy, and his hands and empty hands.

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   Really know?


"can not say."


  Xu Bai frowned, listening to these words.

"can not say?"

   "Yes, I can't say."

  Zhu Cong looked serious, not as if he was joking, and looked at Xu Bai with a very serious expression: "I know it's a matter, but I can't say it, because if I say it, there will be great danger."

  Xu Bai smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of danger."

  Zhu Cong laughed.

   "I didn't say you would be in danger. You were lucky in the first place. Otherwise, I would have taken you to do righteous deeds back then."

"What do you say…"

   "I'm talking about the girl from the Su family."


  Xu Bai frowned: "Tell me, I will not be in danger, but Su Meng will be in danger?"

  Zhu Cong nodded and said, "Yes, and it's a big danger."

  Xu Bai frowned tightly.

   Difficult to understand.

   "Wait a minute, let me wisp."

  Xu Bai shook his head and looked at Zhu Cong: "You mean, if you tell me the mystery of Su Meng's life experience, I will not be in danger, but Su Meng will be in danger?"

  Zhu Cong nodded again: "Yes, that's what I mean."

  Xu Bai smiled: "Sorry, I can't understand it. If you are worried that I will tell others, don't worry, I am very trustworthy in keeping secrets."


  Credit level, no matter what, it is better than Chen Shan, the king of gossip in the police station.


  Regarding Xu Bai's credit, many intellectual and independent women in Fengcheng can testify for him.


  Zhu Cong shook his head again.

  Seeing this, Xu Bai looked at Zhu Cong with suspicion gradually, and began to doubt whether Zhu Cong really knew, or was he pretending to know in order to show his compulsion.

  Zhu Cong seemed to understand Xu Bai's eyes, and said with a smile: "If I tell you that Su Meng was able to be born, I am also responsible for this, would you believe it?"

  Xu Bai was slightly taken aback when he heard these words.

  Zhu Cong smiled mysteriously: "On bullying the sky, I steal the door, and I am the authentic one."

  The core meaning of Tianji Art is just a tricky way to intercept the heavenly secrets, run on the river of fate, use the observed fate, and change the fate through small things.

  But for the bandits who practice the way of heaven and escape, they can directly enter the long river of fate, and they don't need to beat around the bush, just go straight to change their own destiny.

after all…

  The sky-repairing strategy of stealing the door can make an ordinary person who has no cultivation foundation reach the cultivation level. If this can't be called bullying, then there is nothing that can be called bullying.

  Xu Bai was obviously shocked when he heard Zhu Cong's words.

   Truly shocked.

Of course.

   What shocked Xu Bai wasn't Bu Tiance, the thief, but Zhu Cong who said that he had personally participated in the mystery of Su Meng's life experience.


  Xu Bai still hasn't figured out why Zhu Cong said that if this matter is told, Xu Bai who knows the secret will not be in danger, but Su Meng, who has the secret itself, will be in danger.

   "And still in great danger?"


   "Where does the danger come from?"

  Not only is the mystery of Su Meng's life experience related to his mission, but Xu Bai is also curious about this matter aside from the mission, who made Su Meng his apprentice.

  Xu Bai frowned, and looked at Zhu Cong: "I've never seen Su Mingli, but no matter what, he should be better than Su Bancheng and Anya, right? With these three people, Su Meng will still be in danger?"

  Zhu Cong once again gave an affirmative answer.

   "Yes, there will be."

   "How is it possible, who is so powerful."

   "I didn't say that the danger comes from people."


  Hearing these words, Xu Bai subconsciously looked up at Zhu Cong.

   Danger does not come from people.


   What is it?

  Xu Bai opened his mouth and looked at Zhu Cong. Just as he was about to ask questions, suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside the shop.

  Zhu Nianyan looked at the surveillance at the side, and saw a man and a woman standing outside the door, his eyes lit up.

  Xu Bai also set his sights on the surveillance video.

   into the eyes.

  Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

  A man and a woman outside the door are the Su Bancheng he just mentioned, and Anya.

  Zhu Nianyan opened the door of the shop, looked at Anya standing at the door with surprise, and said sweetly, "Sister Anya."

Anya smiled slightly, and just when she was about to speak, she moved her nose and smelled the scent of medicine that she had smelled in Su's Manor, and when she was about to speak, she saw not far away, that sitting over there, with Zhu Cong Xu Bai, who was drinking tea together, had a flash of light in his beautiful eyes that seemed to know something.

   "Sect Master Zhu."

  Su Bancheng, who came with Anya, also had countless thoughts flashing through his mind, and then with a serious expression, he bowed to Zhu Cong who was drinking tea: "Thank you, suzerain, for the kindness of the elixir."

  Zhu Cong was dumbfounded.

  Xu Bai understood.

  Su Bancheng mistakenly thought that Su Meng's Foundation Establishment Pill flowed out from Zhu Cong.



  Zhu Cong frowned: "What..."

  Xu Bai returned to his senses and interrupted directly: "Master, I forgot to tell you, I gave Su Meng the elixir you gave me."

  Su Bancheng raised his eyebrows again.

  An Ya on the side also raised her eyebrows.

  Zhu Cong also looked at Xu Bai with raised eyebrows, and immediately saw the expression in Xu Bai's eyes facing him.

   Good guy.

   I don't know why, but he suddenly discovered another one, why he didn't say anything before joining his sect, but suddenly figured it out, and joined a highlight of his sect.

  Zhu Cong's thoughts turned quickly, and after a few words, his expression quickly became natural from the unnatural state: "This... Forget it, just give it if you give it."

  He acted very magnanimously, as if, I am the majestic suzerain of the robbers, the leader of the heresy, and a mere foundation-building pill, which is not worth mentioning.

  Su Bancheng was listening to what Xu Bai called Zhu Cong just now, and couldn't help but look at Anya aside, as if making eye contact.

  What about Jianzong?

  It's late.

  The person you are optimistic about has gone to the wrong way without agreeing with one word. On the wrong path of cultivation, he has gone all the way.

  An Ya ignored Su Bancheng's gaze, and sat in. She sat on the sofa very naturally, her beautiful eyes fell on Xu Bai.

  She doesn't believe that there will be Jidan in the Pirate Sect.

  If there is any sect that is more taboo to use elixir than the Eight Sects of Immortal Dao, then it is the Sect of Stealing.

   After all, since the sect was divided into nine, the Daomen, who inherited the main body, once swore that when the split-off Dandingmen returns, when will the Daomen regain the skill of pills.


   This is still a big oath.


  Guanmen will never use pills, let alone this kind of foundation-building pills that people can directly enter the Tao after taking them.

  If the Robbery Sect can use the Foundation Establishment Pill, then the Robbery Sect has already had Taoist disciples running all over the mountain.


  (end of this chapter)

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