MTL - Spiritual Recovery: Gamification of Reality-Chapter 136 Zhu Cong who was injured

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  Chapter 136 Zhu Cong who suffered a Taoist injury

   Anya and Su Bancheng did not stay long because Xu Bai was here.

   After all, the two of them didn't come here because Xu Bai was here.

  They came to look for Zhu Cong.

  After the two sat down on the sofa, they didn't even drink a cup of tea. After Su Bancheng said two or three words to Zhu Cong that were difficult for others to understand, Zhu Cong also got up from the sofa.

after awhile.

  Zhu Cong followed Su Bancheng and Anya behind him. He wasn't in a hurry, but he didn't leave the **** shop calmly either, and didn't even have time to say hello to Xu Bai.

  Xu Bai stood at the door, looking at Su Bancheng and Anya who were taking Zhu Cong away, squinting his eyes.

  Although he didn't understand the conversation between Su Bancheng and Zhu Cong just now, his intuition told him that it must have something to do with the increasingly mysterious Su Meng.


  What is the big secret of Su Meng's life experience?

  Xu Bai took a deep breath in his heart. Although he didn't have any heart to gossip, he must admit that the more this happened, the more curious he became about the truth of Su Meng's life experience.

at this time.

   "I might know a little bit."


  Xu Bai returned to his senses, and looked at Zhu Nianyan behind him.

  Zhu Nianyan was sitting on the sofa at this moment, taking over the original seat of Zhu Cong, sitting there, imitating Zhu Cong's appearance, making tea in his hand.

  After Xu Bai closed the shop door, he returned to the sofa.

"you know?"


   "Why, I feel like you're lying."

  Xu Bai smiled, and looked at the expression on Zhu Nianyan's face. Although the latter had smoky makeup on his face, it was difficult to see his micro-expression, but if you look carefully, it is still possible.

  Zhu Nianyan listened to this sentence and defended himself.

   "I do know."

   "Really know?"


Zhu Nianyan raised her head, just in time to see Xu Bai's serious eyes, hesitated for a moment, then put down the tea set in her hand, leaned against the sofa behind her, shrugged and said, "Okay, I've got a showdown" : "Well, actually, I'm not sure, but at the very least, I must know more than you. How about it, let's exchange information last time, brother~"



  He is the eldest disciple of the sect master of Pirates, and Zhu Nianyan is the second disciple of the sect master of Pirates. There is nothing wrong with this title.

  Although Zhu Nianyan entered the banditry before Xu Bai, Zhu Cong couldn't help but gave Xu Bai the title of personal first disciple instead of Zhu Nianyan.

  Before Zhu Cong personally passed on the identity of the eldest disciple, he didn't even give it to his own son.

  Xu Bai listened to Zhu Nianyan's title, hehe smiled, nodded, and looked at Zhu Nianyan: "Okay, junior sister, what do you plan to use this information for me?"

  Zhu Nianyan seemed to have already made plans. After Xu Bai said this, he simply said: "I'll tell you what I know. Give me a copy of Dong Tianming's information."

  Xu Bai raised his eyebrows.

   "Dong Tianming? Chairman of Tianming Military Industry?"


   "Why do you want Dong Tianming's information?"

   "His data file is locked, and only insiders can get it."

   "I know that."

  Xu Bai is well aware of the file lock that Zhu Nianyan said.

   "Tianming Military Industry signed the Patriot Agreement five years ago. According to the agreement, Dong Tianming's information is classified as A-level. Not only Dong Tianming, but all the information that has signed the Patriot Agreement are locked."

  Xu Bairu said that his file is also locked, unless the person who inquires his file surpasses him in terms of security level, otherwise, there is no way to obtain his information.

   This point was mainly considered by the Federation for security reasons, but to be frank, Xu Bai didn't know exactly what it was thinking about.

  For him, after signing the Patriot Agreement, the only advantage is that after he parks indiscriminately, no matter how many times he goes to the traffic court, he can tell the judge that he is a first-time offender and hopes to be treated leniently.

  Zhu Nianyan seems to have a different opinion on this.

  She pouted.

  "The Patriot Act, to put it bluntly, isn't it the Capital Protection Act, and the public has the right to know."

   "Then you will tell the public, are you a superhuman?"

   "What, of course not."

   "Then don't talk about the right to know."

Xu Bai didn't want to talk about the right to know with the smoky makeup non-mainstream girl in front of him, so he looked directly at Zhu Nianyan: "My security level is A-level, but I can call up Dong Tianming's file information, but you have to first Tell me, what do you want Dong Tianming's information for, why, your opportunity to enter Taoism lies in him?"

  Zhu Nianyan didn't speak, but, shrugging, it was obvious that he admitted it.

   Seeing this, Xu Bai nodded thoughtfully.

  He knows that there are no distinctions in the Taoist sect, and that there is no one way to enter the Tao. Anyone who is an individual can enter the Tao. It's just a matter of time.


  Before this, Xu Bai only knew about it, not very much, but just now, after he got the "Strategy for Repairing the Sky" taught by Zhu Cong, he became a little clearer.

  Before entering the Tao, the disciples of the Pirates also practiced "Bending the Sky", but not entirely. The method before entering the Tao is called "Bending the Sky".

  It can also be called "Self-replenishing Law".

  Practice this method, there is no threshold, even a pig, under the blessing of this method, can steal the evil person's luck for his own use and complete the foundation by stealing once a day in the dark.

  Some people may be able to complete themselves by persisting for three days, and thus enter the Tao.


  Some people may have to persist for a hundred days.

   Like Zhu Cong?

  But Xu Bai seriously suspected that Zhu Cong had lied.

   No other.

If according to what Zhu Cong said, he also participated in Su Meng's life experience back then, then it was more than 20 years ago, but when Xu Bai was young, Zhu Cong told him that he needed to persist in daily life. It takes a hundred days for one robbery to be regarded as a complete meritorious deed.

   This time is not right.

   Did the old guy forge his own rank?

  Xu Bai thought about it.

  Zhu Nianyan, who was sitting there, saw that Xu Bai just nodded and didn't answer, and was a little impatient: "Would you like to exchange it? Give me a letter of approval. If not, I'll figure it out on my own. Anyway, I..."

  Xu Bai returned to his senses, looked at Zhu Nianyan, and nodded: "Exchange."

  Dong Tianming's Tianming Military Industry can be regarded as one of the top ten existences in the entire Federation, and he is also very famous in Fengcheng.


   These have nothing to do with Xu Bai.

  Dong Tianming is just a businessman, and he is a law enforcement officer. It is reasonable for a law enforcement officer to check the businessman's file. There is nothing he dares to do, or whether he can do it.


  As long as there is no money involved, it is not considered information trafficking.

  Xu Bai looked at Zhu Nianyan and said, "Tomorrow morning, I will send you the information. Now, it's your turn."

After Zhu Nianyan heard Xu Bai's answer, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, as if he felt that the exchange was too easy, but looked at Xu Bai suspiciously: "You are not lying to me, after you get my information, tomorrow Just say that I lied to you."

Xu Bai smiled: "This is not a one-shot business. If there is no accident, we will be brothers and sisters for a long time, isn't it? I have no reason to lie to you on the first day of becoming your senior brother." Junior sister, this is not a good tradition, and it is not conducive to our unity, is it?"

  Zhu Nianyan nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with Xu Bai's words.


   "So, I will keep my promise and give you the information you want tomorrow. Of course, I also hope that you will do the same. Don't fool your brother with information that is of no value at all."

"Do not worry."

  Zhu Nianyan raised her eyebrows, patted her chest and said: "I know, it is definitely valuable. For example, I know that the reason why grandpa came down from the mountain to steal every day more than ten years ago is because of the Su family."

  Because of the Su family?

  Xu Bai looked up at Zhu Nianyan.


   "My father told me that it was because grandpa was invited to go down the mountain to Su's house, so grandpa missed my father and my mother's wedding. Over the years, I have heard my mother talk about it."

   "Even because of the Su family, my grandfather stayed in the world for so long. It wasn't until I was fourteen that I returned to the mountains."

   "This is what led me into the robbery door."

"The most important thing."

Zhu Nianyan looked around to make sure that there was no one around, then moved closer to Xu Bai, and said in a low voice, "I heard from my father that before the grandfather went down the mountain, he was already at the Nascent Soul Realm. Afterwards, my cultivation did not advance but retreated, and even the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm was in jeopardy. My father asked my grandfather what happened, but my grandfather did not say anything, and took me down the mountain the next day, and then in Fengcheng settled down."

  Xu Bai listened to Zhu Nianyan's words, his mind was greatly moved.

   Twenty-one years ago, before Zhu Cong went down the mountain, he cultivated as Yuanying.

  Six years ago, when Zhu Cong returned to the mountain, he retreated instead of advancing, and the golden core was in jeopardy?

at the moment?

  Xu Bai recalled the realm of Zhu Cong he saw.

   Returning the golden elixir.

  Only Zhu Cong, who is at level 30, is at the corresponding realm, and I am afraid that he is only worthy of entering the Tao and building a foundation.

what is this?

  Cultivate in the opposite direction?

  Xu Bai frowned.

Zhu Nianyan lowered his voice, and said: "I asked my father quietly, and my father said that grandpa may have been injured by the Dao, so after so many years, his cultivation base will not advance but retreat. This may be why grandpa is going down the mountain Since then, the reason why I have been thieves every day, grandpa lied to you, he has not retired at all, the reason why there are no small thieves in this street is all thanks to my grandpa."

  Xu Bai glanced at Zhu Nianyan and said, "I know."

  Zhu Nianyan blinked.

   "Did you know Grandpa didn't retire?"

   "Heh, I've known your grandpa longer than you. Besides, didn't your grandpa tell you that when you were thirteen years old, I already had the title of Thief Saint?"


  (end of this chapter)

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