MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 212 military camp visit

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Liu Ping choked, but didn't give up: "I'm not talking about someone else, but the eldest of our family."

"Lian Lie's eldest daughter?" Song Zhaodi shook her head, "No."

Liu Ping doesn't understand: "Why?"

"The reason for the rebirth of the marriage is the old Qi, and we don't plan to intervene." Song Zhaodi said, "Zi Li should also find a partner, or should you introduce her to Zi Li?"

Liu Ping: "She doesn't like your family doing research on their own."

If the introduction is a little worse, they will also blame you."

Reborn couldn't help reminding: "Mother, the meal is ready at home."

"Got it." Song Zhaodi walked downstairs, said hello to Mrs. Lian, and went out with her two sons.

Song Zhaodi just went out when Mrs. Lian asked, "What are you talking about with Teacher Song?"

Liu Ping did not dare to say that she wanted to introduce someone to the rehab: "My mother asked me to buy her a TV, and I am discussing with her how to send it to her."

"This is simple." Mrs. Lian said, "You can buy it and send it to Qi's house and ask the children to move back. By the way, if someone asks you, they will buy it for Teacher Song. of."

Liu Ping didn't understand why she said that, so she nodded honestly.

After lunch, Liu Ping went to work. Song Zhaodi drove her four sons straight to the suburbs in an ordinary jeep borrowed by Old Qi's security guard. Gengsheng wanted to ask for leave to follow, but Song Zhaodi told him that he could only sit on the roof of the car. Rehabilitation immediately went to work honestly.

Around three o'clock, Song Zhaodi and her party arrived at the entrance of the barracks. After registering the transfer, Song Zhaodi and the others followed the soldiers to the reception room.

At the same time, Dawa heard someone shouting: "Zhong Qiangqiang, come out soon, there is someone at home."

Zhong Dawa frowned, and when she opened the door, she scolded, "Can you **** speak?"

"Am I wrong?" The person who spoke was puzzled.

Dawa: "Of course it's wrong. People who don't know think I'm in prison."

"Our side is almost like a prison. Hurry up. When I came, I saw that your sister was almost in the reception room, and the call will be transferred to you later." Down, the phone rang.

Dawa didn't bother to answer the phone: "My sister?"

"That's right. Your brother Zhenxing also came. He and your sister walked in the front, and the other three walked behind. They should also be your brothers."

Zhong Dawa wanted to curse again: "That's my mother!" When she went in to answer the phone, it was indeed the reception room who turned over, said she knew, and ran out. Passing by his comrade-in-arms, he kicked his ass, "I have eaten chili oil for four years, and even the people who make chili oil can't recognize it. What's the use of the country to support you!" After speaking, he ran to the reception room.

The person who rushed over to spread the word was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed, running and asking, "Is it your stepmother, Teacher Song Zhaodi?"

The eldest child was too lazy to pay attention to him, ran to the reception room, saw his mother wearing a white skirt and his brothers wearing white clothes and black trousers, and immediately wanted to go back the same way: "You are deliberately here to stimulate me ?"

"The heart of a villain is the same as that of my father." Sanwa pointed to the small cloth bag on the table, "It is your clothes, which my mother told you to wear when you go out. There is also a pair of slippers. and two pairs of cloth shoes."

Erwa: "In this bag is the coke leaves and naan that my mother made for you. I was afraid that it would be broken, so I always held it in my arms when I came. This is chili oil. Mother, let's Let's go."

"Don't be mad at him." Song Zhaodi said, "It's hot in summer, I'd rather wear an extra piece of clothes during training than take off only the vest."

Dawa pointed to his face: "Is it dark?"

"It's almost the same as when you used to play crazy on the island." Song Zhaodi was surprised when she saw him. She thought that the baby would be sunburnt.

There was no one else in the reception room, and Dawa said directly: "I am an officer, and I will sit in the rear to strategize when I go to the battlefield. The training task is relatively light." Jiao Ye Zi, "Why did my mother come here suddenly?"

Song Zhaodi dragged Sanwa to her side: "He misses you."

"No." Sanwa said, "Don't talk nonsense."

The big baby looked at him: "Want me to beat you?"

"I don't have it." Sanwa turned and hid behind Song Zhaodi.

Dawa: "If you go to the Military Academy tomorrow, maybe you can still be assigned to me."

"I figured it out, I'm going to the Second Artillery Engineering College." Sanwa said, "Dad said that after graduation, you can go directly to the Second Artillery. The Second Artillery is an independent arm, even if you are a general in the future , don't even think about me."

Dawa reminded him: "The Second Artillery Academy is not in the imperial capital, it is quite far from the imperial capital."

"I know." Sanwa said, "Dad told me."

Big baby: "It's not convenient for mother to see you."

"I'm not a child, I don't need my mother to see it." Sanwa snorted, "It's not like you, come here and ask for brother Zhenxing and Gengsheng to send you."

Dawa is gearing up: "I think you really need a beating."

"Stop making trouble." Song Zhaodi said, "We came in someone else's car, and we have to send it back before it gets dark. You brothers talk for a while, and we'll go back."

Dawa pointed at Sanwa: "I have nothing to say to him, I just want to beat him. By the way, has the address of Erwa's garment factory been selected?"

"I almost forgot if you didn't say it." Song Zhaodi said, "Let's go to Yongcheng when we go back."

Dawa: "Then you go back." Turning to Erwa, "When school starts, bring me something to eat."

"I brought it from home?" Erwa stared, "How can I say it. If you want something to eat, call Brother Gengsheng and ask him to deliver it to you. If he didn't have to go to work today, Come with us."

The big baby tutted: "I'm my brother."

"My brother has many." Erwa said with disgust, "No one else is as troublesome as you."

Song Zhaodi wanted to laugh: "I brought you here, not for you to quarrel with Dawa. Dawa, we really left."

"I'll see you off." Dawa came out and saw a few people who had a good relationship with him standing outside the door openly eavesdropping, raised his hand and closed the door of the reception room, afraid of a few people After stealing something from him, he said, "Mother, he just said you were my sister."

The thin, tall, dark-skinned young man is embarrassed: "The main reason is that Aunt Song is too young."

"I'm not old either." Song Zhaodi said, "I'm only thirty-seven years old this year, and I'm not even forty."

Young man said: "I think you are at most thirty years old."

"I think so too." Song Zhaodi said seriously.

The young man choked and looked at Dawa subconsciously, how come your stepmother is thicker than you?

The big baby smiled and said: "Mother, don't tease him. Come, go with me to send my mother."

"Auntie came here?" Another asked, "I'll find a car to take you back to the city."

Song Zhaodi: "No, we came by car." When she walked to the door, Song Zhaodi opened the door and sat behind the steering wheel.

Several young officers who came with Dawa were stunned. The car drove away and a cloud of dust was thrown up. Only a few people recovered and looked at Zhong Dawa in disbelief.

Dawa and Yourongyan: "My mother is so powerful."

"My God!" Dawa's college roommate exaggeratedly widened her eyes, "Your mother can cook delicious food, make clothes, and be a teacher, but still drive? Your father Where is it sacred?"

Dawa: "My dad is not holy, he is just an ordinary person. By the way, the most popular set of "College Entrance Examination Materials" has Song Zhaodi on it, which is my mother."

"No way?" The young man who said he was looking for a car to deliver Song Zhaodi drooled, "I just bought two sets a few days ago and sent them home for my cousin and cousin."

The big baby nodded: "Yes. Mr. Song is thirty-seven years old, and he is full of peach and plums all over the world, and he is all over the world."

"That's not it. A set of "College Entrance Examination Materials" has indeed changed the fate of many people."

Dawa: "It has nothing to do with the "College Entrance Examination Materials". If one day you see someone from another army being very enthusiastic about me, don't doubt it, it must be my mother's student."

"Zhong Qiangqiang, you say that, does your father know?"

Dawa's scalp tightened and she turned around quickly: "Lian, Uncle Lian, why are you here?"

"I'm not here, where should I be?" Lian Lie asked.

Dawa: "I was wrong, you are busy with work, and you are busy, so I will not disturb you." After speaking, she ran towards the reception room, and had to take the things Song Zhaodi prepared for him.

The man with Lian Lie looked at the backs of several young officers and couldn't help asking: "Do you know?"

"Liu Ping's nephew." Lian Lie said, "The son of Zhong Jianguo of the East China Sea Fleet."

The middle-aged man turned to him: "I have seen Zhong Jianguo. He came with Deputy Commander Wu at the meeting last year. It looks like it. By the way, is he married?"

"Zhong Jianguo?" Lian Lie said, "If you don't get married, how can you get such an eldest son."

The middle-aged man frowned: "You know I don't mean that. Wait, Zhong Jianguo is the Zhong Jianguo who raised Da Qi's two grandsons? The couple has trained four college students?" Lian Lie nodded, "Well, does this Zhong Jianqiang have a match? I'll introduce him to one."

"Zhong Jianqiang said that he didn't think about personal issues until he was 30 years old." Lian Lie lived in Zhong's house for a few days, and knew about the eldest child. Knowing that he had a big temper, he introduced him to someone who didn't like him. , he can scold the mother. So I didn't dare to take it on for him.

The man asked: "It's time to decide, and get married in two years, isn't it good?"

"Comrade Zhong Jianqiang was born in 1962 and is only 20 years old this year." Lian Lie asked, "Which girl can wait for him for ten years? Another point, he said before that he needs to find a A beautiful, gentle, understanding, and learned girl."

The man frowned: "He is looking for a daughter-in-law? It's almost the same as choosing a concubine."

"In a few years, Zhong Jianguo will rise to the next level. If he adds a few more items, he will be able to find it." Lian Lie smiled, "Not to mention that he has a high degree of education, looks good, and A group of capable brothers. Sometimes I can't help but want to introduce my girl to him. Unfortunately, he doesn't like it."

Dawa ran to the reception room and was surrounded by several comrades who asked him who "Uncle Lian" was. The big baby is talking nonsense, "Uncle Lian" is his father's classmate.

Some people didn't believe it, but no matter how they asked, Dawa gave this answer, and a few people gave up, but they couldn't help but guess who Dawa's father was. However, Zhong Jianguo was in the East China Sea Fleet, too far away from the Imperial Capital Military Region, and a few young people never thought of breaking their heads.

Speaking of which, Song Zhaodi planned to go to Xiaosong Village. Liu Ping brought a TV back, and Qi's old house didn't need it. She could only move back and take the car directly back to Wengzhou Island.

After a day off at home, Song Zhaodi took a few sons and a roll of money to Yongcheng to contract land. Don't think about the fertile land, Song Zhaodi chose a barren mountain, including a small hill, which cost only 5,000 yuan, and the property rights are still 70 years old.

The Yongcheng government did not dare to contract like this, Erwa said that he wanted to set up a garment factory, which would provide local people with many employment opportunities, and Song Zhaodi said that Erwa was a student of Imperial College, so they dared to contract give them.

Song Zhaodi prepared 20,000 yuan for Erwa, which can be said to be all her family's savings. When the land was contracted, Song Zhaodi gave Erwa 2,000 yuan, and told him, Zhengang and Sanwa to invite a few people to pull up the courtyard wall, build the production workshop next year, and buy machines the year after.

School starts on September 1st, Zhenxing has to go to class, Song Zhaodi didn't ask him to go, and asked Erwa to take her two younger brothers to find a mason. In order to train Erwa, Song Zhaodi didn't follow her when she went to Yongcheng.

On the 4th of August, everyone was looking for them. Erwa, Zhengang and Sanwa ran to Yongcheng every day. Song Zhaodi sat under the big tree and talked to a group of family couples.

August 15th of the Gregorian calendar, Song Zhaodi’s birthday, is also the day Japan announced its surrender On your birthday, by the way, treat Comrade Zhong Jianguo, a soldier.

After nine o'clock, my mother was cleaning up under the magnolia tree when someone asked, "Is Ma Zhenxing at home?"

Song Zhaodi raised her head, two young men and a young girl: "Zhenxing, is your classmate here?"