MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 213 knowingly ask

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Zhenxing looked back, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help muttering: "Why are they here."

"Is that your classmate?" Song Zhaodi affirmed.

Erwa smiled: "Yes. Mother, I told you before, we went to Zhenxing once and saw several girls around him, and the one at the door was one of them. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Rising up and walking over, "You guys, why are you here?"

Erwa whispered, "I know and ask Ma Zhenxing."

"Go and pour a few glasses of water, Erwa." Song Zhaodi washed her hands with water, "Zhengang, you and Sanwa wash the vegetables, I'll go take a look." Then she wiped her hands with a towel and went to the door He said, "Zhenxing, please come in."

Zhenxing opened all the doors and pointed to a man about 1.73 meters tall: "Teacher, this is Yu Hong." Pointing to another man who was about 1.68 meters tall and had a slightly fat body , "This is Yuan Shuo. This is Ren Jiajia."

"Hello, I'm Zhenxing's adoptive mother." Song Zhaodi smiled, "It's hot outside, Zhenxing, bring your classmates into the house."

Zhenxing glanced at the three of them, a little helpless: "How do you know my home is here?"

"The teacher told us." Ren Jiajia said.

Zhenxing took a step, turned to look at the three, and tried to ask: "You guys, aren't you here to persuade me to go back?"

"Yes." Ren Jiajia blurted out.

Zhengxing frowned: "As I said, I'm teaching on the island and I'm not going anywhere. It's useless for you to persuade me."

"We didn't want to persuade you either." Yu Hong said, "We came here mainly to see the charm of Wengzhou Island."

Zhengxing: "It may be an ordinary island to you, but to me it is my hometown, which means something extraordinary."

"But you stay here to teach high school students, don't you think it's overkill?" Ren Jiajia asked, "We walked all the way from the wharf, and we've all looked carefully. This place is similar to the suburbs of Imperial Capital. If you stay here, you will only be a high school teacher when you grow old."

Zhengxing turned to the other side and rolled his eyes before turning around: "Let's go to the house." He stepped into the living room, turned on the fan, and greeted the three students to sit down before saying, "The island is quiet, I I like the quiet life."

"You—" Ren Jiajia didn't know what to say, and thought for a moment, "The school has cultivated you for so many years, because I want you to make a difference."

Pour out the tea, and Erwa, who was about to go out, stopped: "I hear what you mean, teaching high school is mediocre?"

"She didn't mean that." Yu Hong said, "Jiajia hopes that revitalization will be more effective."

Erwa asked: "What is your standard of 'active'?"

"This..." The three of them looked at each other, they didn't think about it.

Second baby: "Big cities have the advantages of big cities, and small places have the advantages of small places. My mother and my father, the foster father and foster mother of Zhenxing, didn't say anything. Why do you insist? Let Zhenxing go back to the imperial capital?"

"Don't your parents know that it is better to stay in the imperial capital than to stay here?" Ren Jiajia asked.

Erwa's face changed instantly: "My mother doesn't know anything, but she knows that Zhenxing is a person and an adult. Even if she is an elder, she must respect Zhenxing's choice."

"Second baby, go out and help Sanwa wash the vegetables, it's time to cook later." Zhenxing said.

Erwa pouted, walked to the water well, saw Song Zhaodi coming with a few melons, and whispered, "Mother, that woman misunderstood that you called Zhenxing back."

"That woman?" In Song Zhaodi's mind, a person appeared in Song Zhaodi's mind, about 1.6 meters tall, with a long face, fair skin, single eyelids, and a flat nose, "That Ren Jiajia? The little girl who just came out of society has everything. I don't understand, don't have the same knowledge as her. Wash these melons and keep your dad back to eat."

Sanwa: "Mother, let's buy a watermelon."

"It's already the beginning of autumn, and the autumn melon is bad." Song Zhaodi said, "When you go out another day, buy some peaches and pears. This season's peaches and pears are delicious." Zhu continued, "Don't feel young, it doesn't matter if you eat something cold, serious illnesses are just accumulated little by little."

Zhen Gang: "Teacher, don't talk about health care. The fish is ready, you can put it in the refrigerator first. I'll clean up the chicken, and we can cook."

"Go in later." Song Zhaodi said, "Let them chat for a while."

Zhen Gang: "I don't want to talk too much. My brother might want to get into the kitchen to cook right now."

"Then I'll go in and have a look." Sanwa washed her hands with soap, took a step, and turned back, "Mother, what should I say?"

Song Zhaodi: "You don't have to say anything. If you want to hear what they talk about, go in and ask them to drink water, and then sit down beside Zhenxing."

After listening to it for a while, Sanwa couldn't listen anymore, and it was all about how good the capital was and how bad this place was, so she said to Zhenxing, "I'll see what my mother is doing, and ask her to come in and cook."

Sanwa's voice was loud, Song Zhaodi could hear it clearly, and when she saw Zhengang cleaned up the chicken, she came in with the fish: "Zhenxing, what do your classmates like to eat?"

"Anything will do." Yuan Shuo smiled, "I'm causing you trouble."

Song Zhaodi: "No trouble, no trouble. Our family buys a lot of vegetables today, tell me directly what you like to eat, don't be polite with me. The classmates who are rare to revitalize come here. If I knew you were coming, I would Let's go buy some more food."

"Can Auntie cook steak?" Ren Jiajia looked at Song Zhaodi and asked, "I want to eat steak."

Then Zhen Gang, who came in, paused and looked at Erwa who was carrying vegetables. Is this woman ill?

Song Zhaodi froze for a moment: "Steak? Are you sure?"

"Auntie can't do it?" Ren Jiajia asked.

A trace of impatience flashed in Zhenxing's eyes: "We don't have beef in our house. If you just want to eat steak, then I will find a fishing boat to send you off the island now and eat at the Imperial Hotel."

Ren Jiajia turned pale.

Song Zhaodi wanted to sigh: "Zhenxing, don't be ignorant, Erwa, bring the dishes and let's cook. By the way, Sanwa, take out the cake from the refrigerator and let a few A brother and sister padded their stomachs."

Erwa and the others ran to Yongcheng all day long. Song Zhaodi was afraid that they would be too busy to eat, so she made a lot of cakes and put them in the refrigerator and kept them to take to Yongcheng tomorrow.

Sanwa took out a piece and went to the kitchen to cut it into small pieces before serving it on a white porcelain plate.

Ren Jiajia and the others listened to their classmates talking about steak several times in school. At that time, the revitalization was also there, and they said that the steak was actually not as good as the roast beef. Zhenxing's classmates didn't believe it, and Zhenxing said that his adoptive mother had done it. Ren Jiajia told Song Zhaodi that she wanted to eat steak.

There was a classmate's birthday later, and one of the classmates said that foreigners eat cakes on their birthdays. At that time, it was reform and opening up, and a few gluttonous classmates said that they didn’t know when they would be able to eat cakes.

Zhenxing added that his adoptive mother would do it. Except for Zhenxing's roommate, everyone else felt that Zhenxing was bragging, including the three who came today.

Ren Jiajia looked at the cake, surprised, and remembered what Zhenxing said before: "Are you afraid that you won't be able to eat steak and cake when you arrive at the Imperial Capital?"

"Where is this from?" Song Zhaodi reminded Zhenxing to keep a distance from female classmates. Except in public places, Zhenxing is far away from female classmates.

In public places, such as the library, the female classmates sat opposite him, and he also chatted with the male classmates. As a result, he and Ren Jiajia were classmates for four years, and they did not talk as much as he did at home in a day. Because of this, Zhenxing was surprised by her arrival.

Zhenxing: "I also make cakes and steaks. I have seen my adoptive mother make them many times. If I want to eat, I can also eat it in the imperial capital. Ren Jiajia, Yu Hong, Yuan Shuo, I finally Again, I won't go back. Also, I have already started preparing for lessons, and the school starts on September 1st, and I am the Chinese teacher here."

"Ma Zhenxing, it stands to reason that I should also respect your choice." Yuan Shuo didn't want to come over, it was Ren Jiajia who said she gave him the fare, Yuan Shuo just had nothing to do, so he ran with her a trip. When he came to Wengzhou Island, Yuan Shuo was very disappointed here. For the sake of his classmates, Yuan Shuo continued, "If you stay on the island, your life will be like one day for 40 years. Have you ever thought about it?"

Zhenxing said with a smile: "My adoptive mother told me all of what you said. I'm mentally prepared. Besides, even if I regret it in the future, as long as I don't give up my studies, I can still transfer back. ."

"How to adjust?" Ren Jiajia asked, "Ma Zhenxing, you are too naive. The school keeps you and you want to come back. If you want to go back in the future, it will be more difficult than reaching the sky."

Zhengxin had a headache when he heard her talk: "I have my way."

"Is there a guest at home?" Zhong Jianguo raised his foot and found a few strangers. He paused subconsciously and took a closer look. There was only Zhenxing in the living room, Song Zhaodi and the others were not there, "Zhenxing, you friend?"

He cheered up: "It's my classmate, come and see me. The teacher and Erwa are cooking in the kitchen."

"Then I'll take a look." Zhong Jianguo nodded to the three of them and went to the kitchen.

The three of them looked at Zhong Jianguo, who was wearing a white military uniform and holding a hat, and was stunned for a while. Yu Hong asked, "Your adoptive father is a soldier?"

"You don't know?" Zhenxing asked, "When you came, did the teacher tell you?"

Ren Jiajia shook her head.

Zhenxing: "My father was a martyr. Later, my mother went with me. My father's comrade-in-arms, my Uncle Zhong, adopted me and my brother. The one who just carried the fish in was my brother. "

"The way you just mentioned, wouldn't it be your adoptive father?" Yuan Shuo asked.

Zhenxing: "No. My adoptive father is just a naval division commander and has no control over the place."

"Master?!" Yuan Shuo was surprised, "Why, I never heard of you."

Zhenxing: "We have a lot of teachers here, and we are not commanders, so there is nothing to show off." Too lazy to deal with a few classmates, he said, "The way I am talking about is my adoptive mother. There is an editor named Song Zhaodi on the "College Entrance Examination Materials" set of materials, which is my adoptive mother, and she is very familiar with the president of Imperial College."

Read The Duke's Passion