MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 214 clean up the new house

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Yuan Shuo was stunned, and it took a while to find his voice: "Your adoptive mother is amazing!"

"It's alright." Zhen Xingdao, "She will compile the "College Entrance Examination Materials" because she went to college."

Yuan Shuo's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it: "Your adoptive mother went to college?"

"Binhai Normal University. Binhai is a small place, not comparable to the emperor." Zhenxing said modestly.

Yuan Shuo couldn't help but glance at the kitchen, and wanted to say, he couldn't see it. The only words left were: "Your adoptive parents are very good."

"It's okay." Zhenxing pointed to the cake, "Eat the cake, my adoptive mother made it in the morning."

Yuan Shuo looked at Ren Jiajia and Yu Hong, you two eat, I can't eat, I have to slow down.

Yu Hong pokes Ren Jiajia's arm. Ren Jiajia turned to look at him, Yu Hong said silently, forget it.

Ren Jiajia felt that Wengzhou Island was a small place before she came, but when she got off the boat, she felt that Wengzhou Island was too small, and Zhenxing should not stay here. At first glance, the Zhong family's house was a two-story building, but Ren Jiajia was shocked. She didn't allow her to think about it. She faintly saw Ma Zhenxing with her back to her by the water pressure well, so she quickly asked if Ma Zhenxing was at home. .

Rao Shizhenxing has said that he can go back anytime he wants to go back to the city, but Ren Jiajia has not given up: "It's not very convenient to travel on this island."

"There are supply and marketing cooperatives and non-staple food factories on the island, and daily necessities can be bought." Zhenxing said, "I think it is very convenient."

Ren Jiajia asked: "Surrounded by the sea, it seems that there is not even a library, don't you think your life is boring?"

"It's not boring at all." Zhenxing said, "There are some outside, and there are on the island. By the way, our school also has a ping pong table. The school organizes a movie from time to time, and my house also has a TV , except that you have to take a boat to go out, it is no different from Emperor Zhu."

Ren Jiajia opened her mouth: "Ma Zhenxing—"

"Jiajia, eat the cake." Yuan Shuo interrupted her, preventing her from continuing.

Zhenxing glanced at Yuan Shuo, smiled, and pushed the plate in front of Ren Jiajia. Afterwards, Zhenxing stood up: "I'll go see if the meal is ready." Before the three of them could speak, they went to the kitchen.

Yuan Shuo waited for him to enter the kitchen before whispering, "Jiajia, don't persuade him. Ma Zhenxing is different from us."

"Don't you think he is aggrieved by staying here?" Ren Jiajia asked.

Yuan Shuo immediately regretted coming over with her: "Zhenxing's adoptive father, did you see clearly just now, at most forty-five years old. He is now a teacher, waiting to be fifty years old, or fifty-five years old. Years old, at least the deputy commander.

"Even if as Zhenxing said, the troops can't control the place, he can find his comrades, friends and the like to transfer Zhenxing to the university. Not to mention that Zhenxing's adoptive mother also knows the imperial capital University. Principal. Ma Zhenxing is so self-willed, that people don't have to worry about the future. The issues we consider are not a problem for him. "

Yu Hong didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit it: "Yuan Shuo is right. Jiajia, Zhenxing is not the same as us. After dinner, let's go back."

Ren Jiajia is not reconciled. However, Zhenxing came out again with bowls and chopsticks, and greeted Ren Jiajia and the others to eat.

At the dinner table, Ren Jiajia tried to speak several times, but was robbed by the Zhong family. When she is full and just put down her chopsticks, Zhenxing will send them to the dock.

Ren Jiajia wants to cry. However, seeing that her face was not good, Zhen Xing asked her if she was suffering from heat stroke and wanted to take her to the hospital. Ren Jiajia can only say that it's okay.

Zhengxing heard that she was fine, and immediately said to send them to the dock. Ren Jiajia didn't want to leave, but Yuan Shuo and Yu Hong came down one step ahead of her, and Song Zhaodi didn't say, don't leave and spend a day on the island. She was not thick-skinned enough, so embarrassed to offer to stay, Ren Jiajia had to go back with the two of them.

After three o'clock, Zhenxing came back, and when I entered the door, I saw the three younger brothers and Song Zhaodi sitting on the bench, looking like a tribunal.

Zhengxing thought it was funny: "I'm not familiar with them, and I didn't know they would come. When they got on the boat, I told them that it was inconvenient to come by boat, so don't come again."

"You don't have to explain these things to us." Song Zhaodi said, "Does that Ren Jiajia like you? Honestly!"

Zhengxing nodded: "It should be a bit."

Come with him."

Zhenxing: "Fortunately, you didn't say it. Otherwise, I'll ask the eldest child to beat you up when the eldest child comes back tomorrow."

"My eldest brother?" Sanwa said, "When he is on vacation, I will go to the Second Artillery Academy. He wants to repair me, but he can't find a place."

Song Zhaodi: "Revitalization, besides Ren Jiajia, is there Fang Jiajia, Wang Jiajia? I have to be prepared."

"What are you going to prepare?" The revival tentatively asked.

Song Zhaodi: "Of course to deal with your rotten peach blossoms."

"Yes, rotten peach blossoms!" Sanwa said, "Everyone will come to the house."

Erwa glanced at him: "People's patience is limited, if you say it again, Zhenxing can't wait for the big brother to come back and beat you in person."

"He told outsiders the address of his home casually, and I'm not allowed to say a few words to him?" Sanwa asked.

Song Zhaodi: "Didn't tell anyone? Revitalization."

"How can you." Zhen Xingdao, "I only said that my home is on Wengzhou Island."

Song Zhaodi: "That's the other person they asked when they got off the boat." Then, she looked at the sons, "You guys will find someone in the future, and when you get married, take them home with you. Otherwise, you will be alone. Two, there are fourteen, Master Zhong and I can be bored to death by you."

"Mother, don't worry." Erwa said, "In the future, I'll bring people over after I'll get the certificate."

Song Zhaodi gave him a white look: "It's too much." Turning to Zhenxing, "It's fine in the afternoon, let's go and clean up your house."

"House?" Zhen Xing thought he didn't hear clearly, "You, you want me to move out?"

Song Zhaodi: "When friends come later, you take them to the school's family home, so we don't have to hide in the kitchen. Remember to move the TV over there."

"Mother, Zhenxing said TV for us." Sanwa said, "Put it in our room."

Song Zhaodi: "Second baby and Zhengang will go to school in a few days. You have to study hard and try to pass your eldest brother. What do you want TV for? Zhenxing, ignore him and move out."

"The one that Liu Ping bought for you?" Zhenxing asked.

Song Zhaodi: "I told you to bring it back, but I kept it for your use. Otherwise, as soon as we get on the train, I will find a chance to sell it."

"I ate too much at noon, just in time for activities. Let's go." Erwa stood up and found that Zhenxing was not moving, "Hey, Zhenxing, you have to explain it to Mr. Song to understand? Mr. Song called You clean up the house assigned to you by the school, and tell you to move the TV over there, so that's what you're talking to."

Zhenxing looked at Erwa: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Er baby is not talking nonsense." Song Zhaodi said, "Our house is too small, when you come back with a girl, it is inconvenient to speak in the living room. Upstairs, the bedrooms of your brothers are inconvenient. , the guest room is unoccupied all the year round, and the inside has a musty smell, which is inconvenient."

Zhengxing was a little speechless: "Teacher, I just graduated, are you too anxious?"

"I'm not in a hurry at all." Song Zhaodi said, "I'm afraid your mother is in a hurry. Go back and ask me the dream, Song Zhaodi, Song Zhaodi, my son should get married! With my heart, I can Scared to death by her."

Zhenxing: "Then I'll go back and see my mother and discuss with her, don't scare you."

"What you said is the same as the truth." Sanwa glanced at the two of them, "It's a few days before the Chinese New Year's Day, can you stop talking about this?"

Song Zhaodi: "I don't want to either. Revitalize, go or not?"

"Go, go." Zhenxing stood up, "I'm afraid if I don't go again, you will recruit my dad."

Song Zhaodi: "Your father is looking for Zhong Jianguo when he comes, and it is impossible to find me. Sanwa, go get a broom, Erwa, get a washbasin, Zhengang, and find some broken towels. Zhenxing, Holding your TV." As she said that, she pulled out the key that the principal gave her, and suddenly thought of something, "The school also divides me into two rooms, and I will stay at my place when Erzhen comes back tomorrow."

"Teacher, I'm still early." Zhen Gang said, "I have at least five years."

Song Zhaodi thought about it carefully: "Yeah. I almost forgot. When you graduate, the TV should be replaced. You really can't be in a hurry."

"Mom, I don't want to go to the second gun." Sanwa suddenly said, "I want to go to Normal University, and I will go back to the island tomorrow."

Song Zhaodi: "Are you a teacher? Day after day, year after year, teaching students?"

Three baby imagine, shaking his head again and again: "Forget it, I'll go for the second shot. Dad can't control me, and big brother can't control me."

"You." Song Zhaodi didn't want to see the children too far away, but if she dared to say so, Zhong Jianguo could drive her to the guest room.

Speaking of which, the people on the island heard Sanwa say that the revitalization came back to teach, and originally thought that Sanwa was talking nonsense. Qu Zhuangzhuang's school was far inferior to the revitalized one, and was also assigned to Hangcheng. Even if Zhenxing can't be a teacher in the university, he will be assigned to the best high school in the imperial capital.

Polarization is back.

Song Zhaodi took her four sons to clean up the room for Zhenxing, and her five mothers went to the school's family courtyard, followed by a group of people who watched the fun and actually came to help.

The house was tidy up, as Song Zhaodi said, she locked the door and Zhenxing continued to live at home. Because of his serious work in revitalization, on August 21st, he will prepare a lesson.

Song Zhaodi thought that he had been staying at home for many days, and asked Zhenxing and Erwa to go to Yongcheng.

There is no factory building in Yongcheng, just pull the courtyard wall first. The person Erwa looked for was serious, and almost no one was lazy. On the 23rd, they gave the workers their wages in advance. Gein is about to start school, and Erwa has to pack up and go back to the imperial capital.

As for the later stage? Naturally, Song Zhaodi went over to take a look. If the construction is not good, Song Zhaodi also has a way to clean them up. Although the salary has been settled.

August 25th, the Qixi Festival of the lunar calendar, in the morning, Song Zhaodi came back from the non-staple food factory with a cabbage, and saw a young girl looking around, as if looking for something.

Song Zhaodi walked over and asked, "Girl, who are you looking for?"

"This eldest sister, how can I get to the school for the children of the army?"

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