MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 215 happy tanabata

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Song Zhaodi looked at each other involuntarily, with two braids, a small face the size of a slap, a red face, a small nose and mouth, round eyes, a height of 1.62 meters, wearing a white print The shirt and the wide, fat gray trousers made him look petite and petite. Song Zhaodi secretly guessed that the girl should be at most 90 pounds, and she should be from the south: "Are you, the new teacher?"

"Yes, yes." The girl nodded again and again, "Hello, eldest sister."

Song Zhaodi: "Hello. Teaching high school?"

The girl was surprised and couldn't help but ask: "How does the eldest sister know?"

"We only need high school teachers here." Song Zhaodi thought about it, "The school is not far from here, I'll take you there."

The girl hurriedly said, "Thank you, eldest sister."

Song Zhaodi saw that she was carrying a large bag and a bag in her hand. Hurry up, I have to go home and pack the dishes."

The girl was embarrassed, but after hearing what she said, she quickly handed over the bag: "Excuse me."

"It's all right." Song Zhaodi said, "You should call the principal in advance and ask the male teacher in the school to pick you up. Although our island is not big, the road is tortuous. Almost everyone who goes to the island will faint."

The girl smiled, embarrassed: "I'm in a hurry."

Song Zhaodi said it, only to think that the girl might not have a phone at home, so she changed the subject: "What's your name?"

"I, my name is Liu Jingjing. You, you can just call me Xiao Liu." Liu Jingjing said.

Song Zhaodi said, "Then call me Teacher Song."

"Song, Teacher Song?" Liu Jingjing paused and looked at Song Zhaodi, a little surprised, "Are you a teacher?"

Song Zhaodi nodded and pointed to the second-floor building in front: "This is where the teacher lives. Next door is the high school and junior high school, and beyond that is the elementary school. Let's go first, Cao who is in charge of logistics. The teacher also lives here."

"Oh, okay, thank you, thank you, Teacher Song." Liu Jingjing followed up, and heard someone shout, "Mr. Song, why are you here?"

Song Zhaodi: "A new teacher. Teacher Cao, first arrange two rooms for her."

"No problem." The man who was repairing the bench went back to the house to get a set of keys, and came out to see the person behind Song Zhaodi, "Yo, she's still a beautiful little girl." He deliberately said, "Song Zhaodi Teacher, how about the arrangement next to your son?"

Song Zhaodi said with a smile: "Okay."

Teacher Cao choked, shook his head and smiled, came over and said, "Give me the bag."

"No, no, I can carry it." Liu Jingjing ducked.

Mr. Cao saw this: "Then I'll take you there." After speaking, he paused, "Just come over by yourself? Your family didn't send you?"

Liu Jingjing nodded, wondering why he asked, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Our school has a cafeteria, but it hasn't started yet. There is no one in the cafeteria." Teacher Cao said, "You have to prepare pots and pans to make by yourself. Otherwise, you will be at my house first these few days. Eat it."

Liu Jingjing shook her head: "No, I bought a lot of food when I came. Should I be able to buy a stove on the island? I'll make it myself in the afternoon, and I can cook in the evening."

Opening the door, Mr. Cao pointed at the new bed and new table, "The principal told me earlier that a new teacher will come this year. This bed and table were bought a few days ago. You can take a rest, I'll be there later. I'll take you to buy something." He handed her a set of keys, "The keys are all here, you can keep them."

Liu Jingjing hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome." Song Zhaodi put down her bag, "I'll go to the principal. Xiaoliu, if you have any questions, you can tell the principal directly."

Liu Jingjing hurriedly said, "Thank you. Please."

"No trouble, it should be." Song Zhaodi said.

Mr. Cao: "This is our director Song, the dean of the high school department."

Liu Jingjing opened her eyes wide.

Teacher Cao smiled: "Did you not expect the director to be so young?"

"Go and pour a glass of water for the girl." Song Zhaodi smiled, "Don't be nervous, you'll be home when you come here." After a pause, "You clean up first." wink.

Teacher Cao then said, "I'll pour you a glass of water." After going out, he couldn't help but say, "That girl doesn't look right. Come to the new unit to report such a big thing, even if Her home is far away and her family is busy, so she should find a relative to accompany her."

"Perhaps her family really can't get away." Song Zhaodi said.

Teacher Cao shook his head: "There are still six days left of school. Even if you are busy these days, you should be free in a few days."

"Then I don't know." Song Zhaodi said, "If you want to know, ask when you give her water."

Mr. Cao: "I'm a young girl, I don't have the nerve to follow her and ask questions." Seeing the dishes in Song Zhaodi's hand, "Mr. Song, you can go home. I'll be back. Go tell the principal that the new teacher is here."

"That's fine." Song Zhaodi said, "Our little tiger wants to eat beef, I asked the workers of the non-staple food factory to order a few kilograms of beef for our family, and my arms are sore when I carry it around like this. already."

Mr. Cao: "Your third child can eat." Pause, "You are used to him."

"I passed the exam in two years, and I couldn't eat if I wanted to." Song Zhaodi said, "Now, just eat." After leaving the door, he turned back home.

Song Zhaodi arrived home, Sanwa and the others haven't come back yet. After eleven o'clock, Song Zhaodi packed up the beef, and the four brothers came back.

Sanwa shouted when she entered the door, "Mother, we caught a lot of crabs. Shall we eat crab fried rice cakes for lunch?"

"Don't eat beef?" Song Zhaodi asked.

Sanwa's eyes lit up: "Have you bought beef?"

"Buy ten catties, enough for you to eat several times." Song Zhaodi said, "Keep the crabs for dinner."

Erwa: "If you eat fresh seafood, it won't be delicious at night. Mother, it's called Zhenxing Fried Steak, and I'll make rice cakes."

"You don't think it's too much trouble, just do it." Song Zhaodi said, "Do more. Today there is a new teacher at school, and there is no pot or stove at home. When it's done, Sanwa will give it to her. bowl."

Sanwa was surprised: "A new teacher?"

"It should still be a math teacher." Song Zhaodi said, "There is only one math teacher in the high school, and it was brought up from the junior high school."

Sanwa is curious: "Is it a fresh graduate like Zhenxing?"

"I look like it." Song Zhaodi said, "A little soft-spoken in her twenties, she sounds like someone here, a rather shy girl."

Zhen Gang was surprised: "She's still a woman?!"

"Yes." Song Zhaodi said, "It's called Liu Jingjing, as his name suggests."

Zhenxing hurriedly asked: "What's it called? Liu Jingjing? Willow of the willow?"

"Yes." Song Zhaodi said, her eyes widened suddenly, "Don't tell me, it's your classmate again?"

Zhenxing: "It's not a classmate, it's an alumnus. My God, I've found it. I'm not a big baby!" He ran out.

Song Zhaodi froze for a moment and looked at her sons: "What do you mean by revitalization?"

"If I heard correctly, Zhen Xing knows each other, and the other party also likes Xing Xing." Erwa said.

Sanwa closed the refrigerator: "I have to go and see."

Song Zhaodi opened her mouth, but the word "you" did not come out, Sanwa had already run to the gate: "Zhengang, go and have a look. It's really your brother's classmate, take Sanwa away return."

"My brother, my brother's looks can only be regarded as Zhou Zheng, he is a little better than the head of Shen, how come so many girls like him." Zhen Gang frowned, "I'm prettier than my brother , how come no one likes me?"

Song Zhaodi was speechless: "Is it the time to struggle with these? Hurry up and watch Sanwa and don't make trouble."

"My brother had two girls like that. If it was a big baby, twenty girls would have to come?" Zhen Gang asked.

Song Zhaodi: "Twenty women? I want to find him. Can you find him?"

"I can't find it." Zhen Gang thought about it carefully, he may not be able to find a big baby in the future when Uncle Zhong wants to find him, "Going to the military academy is still a bit beneficial. If I knew earlier, I should have let my brother attend Military school, save the peach blossoms one after another."

Song Zhaodi sighed: "Do you want to wait for Sanwa to mess up your brother's affairs before you go?"

"I'll go now." Zhen Gang turned and ran out.

Erwa asked: "Mother, do you still make steak?"

"What else are you doing." Song Zhaodi said, "We can use knives and forks, but Liu Jingjing may not be able to use them. If they are really revitalized alumni, they will have to call them for dinner at noon. The steak, people thought we were deliberately embarrassing her. Put the steak in the refrigerator. Take the beef out and marinate it, make braised beef and crab fried rice cakes. Then steam some rice and stir-fry a few vegetarian dishes."

Erwa: "Then we have to do it now."

"Let's do it." Song Zhaodi went to the kitchen, "This revitalization, I asked him a few days ago whether he would die or not. The girl came here and ran faster than a rabbit."

Erwa thought for a while: "Mother, I feel like I liked people before Xingxing. He was embarrassed to ask that Liu Jingjing to come back with him, so he told us that he was not a target."

"It is possible." Song Zhaodi sighed, "It seems that tomorrow's revitalization will have to renovate the house."

Erwa was surprised: "Get married so soon?"

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "Zhenxing wants to get married now, and I don't agree. No matter what, you have to get along for half a year, and then get married again."

Erwa: "What if you find it inappropriate?"

"Then I'll find someone to transfer Liu Jingjing back to the city, isn't it simple?" Song Zhaodi said, "The key to this is that the girl's family may not agree."

The second baby doesn't understand: "Why? Zhenxing has a good temper and can cook. Although he is not as tall as his elder brother, he is not short at 1.75 meters. Parents are gone, you and my father The conditions are no worse than the sons of other soldiers."

"You don't know, that Liu Jingjing's situation is a bit complicated." Song Zhaodi said, "I always feel that she and her family are in trouble."

Erwa tentatively asked: "Is it because you want to teach on the island?"

Read The Duke's Passion