MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 216 happy everyone

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Song Zhaodi nodded: "It's very possible. If the revitalization dares to live up to others in the future, I will break his leg!"

"What happened to Zhenxing?" Zhong Jianguo asked, "I saw Zhengang running to the school just now and asked him what he was doing. He said it was a big deal."

The second baby turned around and saw that his father was unbuttoning his coat, and ran outside to get Zhong Jianguo's slippers, and then he said about Liu Jingjing.

Zhong Jianguo looked at Song Zhaodi: "Really?"

"I hope it's fake." Song Zhaodi said, "After graduating from the Imperial Capital Normal University, I will not stay in the Imperial Capital, nor will I go back to my hometown. I came here for a man. If it is my daughter, I have to Cut ties with her."

Zhong Jianguo smiled: "Young man, it's normal to be dazzled by love and make wrong decisions." Pause, "Just like Liu Ping, when she was not allowed to marry Jin Lihui, She's secretly pregnant. Isn't it fine now?"

"I'm talking about revitalization, what are you doing to her." Song Zhaodi said, "If I don't brag, if I scare Liu Ping every three days, she would not be her."

Zhong Jianguo nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mr. Song is the best."

Song Zhaodi rolled his eyes at him.

Zhong Jianguo didn't care, turned and sat in front of the earth stove: "Would you like me to help you set the fire? Teacher Song."

"I think I should leave for a while." Erwa looked at his father and then at his mother, "Maybe revitalization needs me more."

Song Zhaodi glared at Erwa: "Take rice and cook!"

Erwa pouted, dug half a scoop of rice into the pot, and brought it to Song Zhaodi: "Mother, if you can't finish it, make egg fried rice at night."

"Okay, Sanwa likes to eat anyway." Song Zhaodi said, "Zhong Jianguo, this may be true. Zhenxing rushes to accompany Liu Jingjing back to her parents' house tomorrow, I guess he will be beaten by his father-in-law. ."


"Needless to say, Zhenxing is definitely willing." Erwa said, "You don't know, Dad, when Zhenxing heard the words 'Liu Jingjing' just now, I can't wait to fly over."

Song Zhaodi nodded: "Indeed. I have never seen him so nervous and excited. Master Zhong, do you want to eat steamed fish or braised fish?"

"I want to eat whatever you want." Zhong Jianguo said.

Er ​​Wa rubbed her arms: "I really can't stand you guys. Dad, I'm almost fifty, I'm going to marry a daughter-in-law, and I'll have a grandson in two years."

Zhong Jianguo: "I also think the revitalization needs you more."

Erwa choked: "I'll go find Sanwa now."

"It's useless for you to find Sanwa." Song Zhaodi didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, "You have to find your elder brother."

Er ​​Wa sighed: "I should have gone with Zhen Gang just now."

"It's not too late for you to go now." Zhong Jianguo said.

Erwa: "If you keep saying that, I'll really leave."

"Wash the vegetables before going." Song Zhaodi reminded him.

Erwa immediately felt very tired: "Mother, I was so disliked by my father, can't you be a little sympathetic?"

"If you find someone, someone will sympathize with you." Zhong Jianguo said.

Erwa glanced at his dad: "I'll talk about this when I'm famous at home and abroad."

"Your brother will not find a partner until he is 30 years old. You want to make a name for yourself. The third child is still like a child." Song Zhaodi said, "It seems that the three of you can't count on it. ."

Erwa: "Even if I marry a wife and give birth to a child, you have no time to help take care of me. If I get married later, and have money to hire a nanny, you and my father don't have to worry, me and I That wife who doesn't know whether it's black or white can't take care of your eldest grandson."

"You will never get married for the rest of your life, as long as you are not angry with me, I will not urge you."

Erwa pondered for a moment: "I can guarantee it. But my elder brother and Sanwa, I can't guarantee it."

"What about me?" Sanwa ran in.

Song Zhaodi heard the footsteps and knew that Sanwa was back: "Why haven't you come back yet. Is that Liu Jingjing here for revitalization?"

"Yes." Sanwa moved a ponytail, sat beside Zhong Jianguo, tilted her head and looked at him, "Dad, you are going to marry a daughter-in-law, do you know?"

Zhong Jianguo wanted to laugh: "Thank you for telling me. Did you hear that?"

"That's not it." Sanwa said, "Zhenxing asked, why are you here. That Liu Jingjing said, I came here because I liked it. One sentence blocked Zhenxing to the point of being speechless. After a while, Zhenxing said, there is nothing here, what do you like? Then he said, I will take you back.

"Liu Jingjing saw that he was packing his things and hurriedly said that you know what I like. Zhenxing stopped. I wanted to listen again, and Zhenxing asked me to go out. Liu Jingjing noticed that I was at the door and asked Who is Zhenxing I. I said it's Zhenxing's younger brother, Liu Jingjing said, hello. I really want to say that I'm not good at all."

Song Zhaodi doesn't understand: "Why?"

"Because Zhen just arrived." Sanwa said, "He told me to come back, I said to listen for a while, and he pulled me out."

Song Zhaodi: "He didn't come back with you?"

"Come, behind me." Sanwa's voice fell, and Zhen Gang also came back.

Song Zhaodi: "Did you see that your brother likes that Liu Jingjing?"

"There is a situation." Zhen Gang said, "Liu Jingjing is really teaching here, my brother will be her person sooner or later."

Song Zhaodi was speechless: "You child, how can you talk. Run again and ask them to come over for dinner. When you come back, the rice is almost cooked."

"Liu Jingjing has nothing there, my brother will bring her back." Zhen Gang saw that the beef was ready, "Teacher, I'll stew the fish. You go out and rest for a while."

Zhong Jianguo stood up: "Erwa, set the fire."

Erwa couldn't help rolling her eyes: "I finally understand why eldest brother loves talking back to you so much."

"You just know." Sanwa looked at him, "Dad is the most annoying person in our family."

Zhong Jianguo walked to the door, stopped and turned around: "Tell me, why am I so angry?"

"I'm not angry with me, I don't know." Sanwa said.

Zhong Jianguo looked at him, snorted, went out to wash his face, and waited for dinner.

The couple were sitting in the living room, sweating and drying in the kitchen, and the revival has not come back. Song Zhaodi was a little worried, and said to Zhong Jianguo, "The child won't really drive Liu Jingjing away, right?"

"He's not a big boy, he can't do such a thing." Zhong Jianguo picked up the watch on the small square table, "Whose is this?"

Song Zhaodi took a look, brand new: "Sanwa's. It should have been bought for him by Erwa. It's half past twelve, I'll ask Zhen Gang to check it out." After speaking, he rushed into the kitchen call.

Zhengang took a plate of fried steamed buns and came out: "Teacher, Uncle Zhong, you can try it. I put a little garlic clove when I fry it, it tastes very good."

"You really know how to eat." Song Zhaodi frowned, "Brush your teeth after you eat."

Zhen Gang: "The garlic cloves are cooked, and there is no peculiar smell in the mouth."

"A few steamed buns were all fried by you?" Song Zhaodi affirmed.

Zhen Gang smiled: "I'll go see why my brother hasn't come back yet." When I went to the school family home, I saw his brother lighting the stove. Zhen Gang looked up at the sun and couldn't help but tut, "Mr. Ma, the temperature is 33 degrees, you are not afraid of heat stroke when you start a fire at the door?"

"Why are you here again?" Zhenxing frowned.

Zhen Gang: "You haven't gone back, the teacher is afraid that you will fight." Seeing Liu Jingjing coming out of the room, "My adoptive mother is waiting for you to go back for dinner. She said that if you don't go back, she will be there at noon. don't eat."

Liu Jingjing looked at Zhenxing, what should I do?

Zhenxing glared at Zhengang, saw that the stove was running fast, and said to Liu Jingjing, "Go pick up a pot of water and put it on the stove." After a while, "You go back to dinner with me first, Come back and clean up."

"No hurry, no hurry, anyway, it's been a long time, and it's not too bad." After Zhen Gang finished speaking, Chong Liu quietly waved, "See you later."

Mr. Cao saw Sanwa coming over and said, "Your mother has not left for a long time, why did you come." Only then did Liu Jingjing know that Teacher Song who sent her over was Zhenxing's adoptive mother.

Zhenxing asked Liu Jingjing to go back to eat. Liu Jingjing was embarrassed to go over, so she took out the fried fruit she bought and said she brought it with her. Zhenxing didn't explain to the girl, he talked to Liu Jingjing several times, and he was still in the library.

Liu Jingjing didn't move, and Zhenxing didn't dare to drag her outside, so he took her out to buy a stove and a kettle, and asked Teacher Cao to borrow a few briquettes to boil some hot water for Liu Jingjing.

When Zhen Gang said this, Liu Jingjing couldn't help worrying: "Otherwise, I'd better go with you."

"Let's go." Zhenxing wanted to say, but Zhengang was talking nonsense. But Liu Jingjing didn't even have a fan here, and it was the hottest time of the day, so he simply said, "Hurry up and lock the door, let's go quickly, me, my adoptive father has to go to work in the afternoon."

Liu Jingjing looked at herself: "I, I want to change clothes again."

"Then I'll wait for you outside." Zhenxing went directly to the outside of the family home.

For a moment, Liu Jingjing came out, this time wearing black pants and a white shirt, or long sleeves. Zhenxing asked as he walked, "Aren't you hot wearing this?"

"It's a little hot." Liu Jingjing said, "I, I thought it was cold here, so I didn't bring short sleeves and shorts."

Zhengxing made a "hmm" to indicate that he knew: "It will take another two months to heat up here. You can buy some cloth later and make a few more pieces."

Liu Jingjing's eyes lit up: "You agree with me to stay?"

"I don't agree with her?" Zhenxing gave her a helpless look.

Liu Jingjing: "Your adoptive mother is the senior high school director. If you don't agree, she certainly doesn't agree. She will ask the principal to transfer me away."

"You know how dare you come?" Zhenxing asked subconsciously.

Liu Jingjing froze for a moment: "I, I didn't know your adoptive mother was a teacher before. Teacher Cao told me."

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask, do your parents know?" Zhen Xing said, "I want to come here, the teacher persuaded me for several days, you want to come here, the teacher did not advise you?"

Liu Jingjing's face changed slightly: "I, I said to come to you, the teacher agreed."

Zhenxing suddenly took a deep breath: "What about your parents?"

"He, they will understand later." Liu Jingjing said.

Zhenxing: "According to you, they don't agree? Liu Jingjing, I don't know what's going on in your family, but I know how difficult it is for a family to train a college student. You should have a good deal with them. —”

"Have they always disagreed?" Liu Jingjing asked, "Do I have to wait for them a hundred years before I come back to you? Do you still know who I am by then?"

Read The Duke's Passion