MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 279 Beaten up on your own

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The self-reliant face turned red: "My dormitory is quite big, with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a study."

"If your grandfather is gone and you go back to the imperial capital on vacation, do you live in a guest house or directly at your mother-in-law's house?" Song Zhaodi didn't wait for him and Xiao Yun to speak, and added, "You can't go back every time. Are you going to Xiao's house?"

"As far as I know, Xiao Yun's younger brother's family lives with your father-in-law, mother-in-law, and Xiao Yun's grandfather. The Xiao family also has a nanny, a security guard, and a steward, plus you two, you Don't you feel crowded?"

Rehabilitation: "It's not crowded, it's just not convenient. Right? Brother."

Scratch his head on his own: "I didn't think about that."

"It's our ill-consideration, Teacher Song, we listen to you." Xiao Yun said.

Song Zhaodi: "Don't think I'm nagging. You are busy with work and want to save trouble, I can understand. But marriage is a major event in a lifetime. For both of you, it's only once in a lifetime, we have the conditions to do it If it is better, we must do it well and save it from later regrets.”

"I won't regret it."

Song Zhaodi said with a stern face: "Say it again!?"

"We listen to the mother." Zili said quickly.

Song Zhaodi: "Erwa, is the house in the imperial capital expensive?"

"I don't know about other places, but a house near the Asian Games Village is at most 20,000 yuan." Erwa said, "The place is a little bit off, and you can get it for 15,000 yuan."

Song Zhaodi turned to independence: "How much money do you and Xiao Yun have?"

"My mother wants us to buy a house?" Zili said, "Our unit is divided."

Erwa: "Brother Zili, you still don't understand what mother means? What mother means is that when you are resting, you want to go out for a walk and have your own house, so you don't need to go back to the work unit or go to Zitengyuan is now. If you have a room outside, you can invite friends over to play. It’s not convenient to go to your unit and Zitengyuan, right?”

"I have a little over ten thousand." Xiao Yun said.

Self-reliant: "I'm almost fifteen thousand."

"In the past, Erwa used your money to set up a factory, but I agreed to pay you back twice." Song Zhaodi said, "Then Erwa gave me 5,000, and I helped you save it in the bank. Jing Jinghe Zhenxing, when Zhengang and Xue Qi got married, I gave them 2,000 yuan each, and together, I have you 7,000 yuan here. Erwa, 30,000 yuan can buy a decent commercial house in Wudaokou ?"

Erwa: "Definitely."

"Then you go to the imperial capital and take a look and take pictures for me. I'll buy it for you during the holidays." Song Zhaodi said, "Call me and tell me what you want to decorate. "

I hurriedly said, "Mom, we can just buy it ourselves."

"I'll go." Erwa said, "Mother, don't run around on such a cold day."

Xiao Yun: "You are very busy with work—"

"It's not just for you." Erwa said, "I plan to open a store in the imperial capital, and I have asked my friends to help me find a few stores. If I hadn't waited for you to come back, I would have gone to the imperial capital now. already."

Zhengxing hurriedly asked: "I remember that you already opened one in Shencheng and one in Imperial City last year, why are you still open?"

"The market needs it, I can't help it." Erwa said helplessly. Zhenxing wanted to beat him. Before Rong Zhenxing could do anything, Erwa turned to independence, "When are you going back? I'll go with you."

Self-reliance: "We're taking a week off and we have six days left."

"It's been so long, Xiao Yun, I'll call your mother and ask her when she has time to see if you can settle your affairs this time." Song Zhaodi said Pick up the phone again.

Xiao Yun poked his self-supporting legs twice, turned his head to look at him, how did your adoptive mother say that wind is rain?

I smiled and patted her hand: "Mother, will you be in a hurry?"

"Don't rush." ​​Song Zhaodi said, "Everything you need for an engagement can be bought in the imperial capital. Besides, it's not a marriage, and you don't need a treat. Your grandfather and I will bring something to Xiao Yun's house for a meal. Food is not as troublesome as you think."

Zhengxing nodded: "It's very simple. When I went to Jingjing's mother's house with my teacher, it took only three days to go back and forth. It's easier to go to Xue Qi's mother's house. In the afternoon, we came back by plane. When we got married, you Afraid of trouble, we only invite close relatives. Zhen just got married last year, and our family only has six tables in total."

"Zitengyuan is inconvenient to store wine, so it will be done in a restaurant." Song Zhaodi said, "If it weren't for the restaurant on our island, the food cooked by Zhengang and Zhenxing would not be as delicious as that made by Zhengang and Zhenxing. , last year when Zhen just got married, he put it in a restaurant."

Erwa: "Set the wedding date and let me know. I'll give you a suit and a wedding dress for my sister-in-law."

"You still make wedding dresses?" Liu Jingjing asked.

Erwa shook her head: "No. Because I won't, I fainted from foreign planes, and went abroad to stay for half a month, specializing in how foreign wedding dresses are made."

"Then I'll trouble you." Xiao Yun said.

Erwa waved her hand: "No trouble. I made the clothes Zhen Gang and Xue Qi wore on their wedding day. I also made the clothes for Zhen Xing's wedding."

"The clothes in his factory are now divided into three grades." Gengsheng explained to Xiao Yun, "The most expensive clothes are designed by him, and the middle and low end are designed by his apprentices. High-end clothes, he It can be done in half a month of retreat. In the past two years or so, I have been designing dresses for actors and singers.”

Cancan tugged at the rehabilitated arm: "Uncle, and me."

I was stunned for a moment and wanted to ask, what else do you have? Seeing Cancan take a look at Erwa, he couldn't help laughing: "Yes, the clothes we wear are all made by the second uncle."

"Be quiet." Song Zhaodi was dialing the number.

Changsheng picked up Cancan and whispered, "I will get your uncle married tomorrow, and Cancan will be a little flower girl. I will ask my second uncle to make you a small suit too."

"Second uncle, I want too." Cancan covered his mouth and said.

Erwa twisted his face: "You can only be obedient."

"I'm obedient." Can Can said in a small voice. However, as soon as he finished speaking, Yan Yan in the nanny's arms burst into tears.

Liu Jingjing saw Song Zhaodi talking on the phone, so she quickly took a small quilt, wrapped it in Yanyan, and carried him out. The nanny hurriedly looked for milk powder. The attendant, Xiao Du, went to get the kettle.

Ma Cancan wrinkled his nose: "Brother is really annoying."

"You were like this when you were young." Reborn.

Ma Cancan: "Grandma said, I'm good. Aunt said, I'm good. Uncle said, I'm good."

"If you usually go to work, who will take the children?" Xiao Yun asked Zhenxing in a low voice, afraid of disturbing Song Zhaodi's call.

Zhenxing: "We take Cancan to school, the nanny is at home, we come back from class and help the nanny take care of Yanyan together. Xue Qi and Zhengang take care of them at night. Occasionally Zhengang rests, just Zhen Gang and the nanny lead Cancan and Yanyan at home. Sometimes the reborn and the second baby come back and help."

"So many people?" Xiao Yun exclaimed.

Zhenxing: "If it was Cancan, Jingjing would lead him alone without feeling tired, but Yan Yan is different, that child is too noisy. He also cried when he was hungry, and cried when he was sleepy. I cried when I was bored, and even when I urinated. Xue Qi wanted to throw him away more than once." After a pause, he continued, "Xue Qi's mother was afraid that she would really throw Yanyan away, so she told Xue Qi that it would be over in a few days. Come and help Xue Qi take it for a while. Her mother retired this year. "

"Fortunately, we decided not to have children." Xiao Yun couldn't help but rejoice that he had foresight.

Song Zhaodi's hand trembled, and she told Pei Yuling to talk to the imperial capital. Hang up the phone and ask, "You don't want children?"

"Mother, listen to my explanation." He coughed and cleared his throat, "Xiao Yun had been single before because the person who was dating her heard that she didn't want to have children, not because she didn't want to. Students, just tell her that they are not suitable.

"Once we chatted, she asked me if I wanted to have children, and I said I didn't have the confidence to be a good father. However, she wanted it when she was born, and she didn't want it. We chatted a few times later. , decided not to have children."

Song Zhaodi: "What does it mean to be a good father without confidence?"

If I can't accompany my child, I feel that he is very pitiful. It is better not to have children if they are born and not raised."

Song Zhaodi supported her forehead: "Do you know why your father urged you to get married?"

"I know." said independently, "Dad thinks I'm not too young, so I should get married."

Gengsheng smiled and said: "It should be a ghost. Dad thinks that our family is prosperous and yin is declining, and I hope you can have a daughter."

Reborn: "The name has been chosen, it's called Lingling. When I chose the name for Yanyan, I specially looked for it, and I kept talking about Zhongling Yuxiu, ingenuity. I can guarantee that if my mother gives us life A younger sister will also be called Lingling."

"Don't talk nonsense." Song Zhaodi glared at him, then turned to Zili and said, "Your grandfather is old, don't tell him if you have this idea. If he asks, you say Xiao Yun When you are old, you are taking care of your body, and you have to take care of your body well before you can give birth.”

Xiao Yun hurriedly asked: "Mr. Song, do you agree?"

"Why don't I agree?" Song Zhaodi was puzzled and seemed surprised to see her, "I haven't had children myself, so how can I control whether others have children or not."

Xiao Yun: "I heard from my mother that you didn't give birth because there are too many children at home."

"No." Song Zhaodi said, "In our hometown, it is extremely sinful for women not to have children. I don't care about gossip, but my parents will be stabbed in the spine. But I really don't want to force myself, I chose to marry Zhong Jianguo. It's not because I married Zhong Jianguo that I have many children, so I didn't give birth."

The second baby nodded: "Mother said it before, I can testify. Dad talked to mother a lot because of this."

"Teacher, if I said before that I wouldn't have children, you wouldn't rush me, would you?" Coaxed Yanyan, Liu Jingjing, who came in with Yanyan in his arms, asked curiously.

Song Zhaodi said with a smile: "I won't rush you, Zhenxing's mother will rush you."

Liu Jingjing paused, feeling the wind gusts around her: "Teacher, don't scare me."

"I didn't scare you." Song Zhaodi said, "By the way, Zhenxing, ask Zili, do you still remember that?"

Curiosity: "What's the matter?"

Zhenxing finished talking to him and asked, "Do you remember?"

"I don't remember, but when you say it, I have a vague impression." Zili said, "At that time, Sun Wanru hadn't divorced Uncle Shen, right?"

Song Zhaodi nodded: "I said you saw it at first, but they insisted that I scare them. Do you believe it now?" After glancing at a few sons, she said to Xiao Yun, "If you want to Don't feel embarrassed, if the child is older, go to the orphanage to adopt one.

"Also, Zhong Jianguo really hopes you can have a girl. So, when he comes back, you explain to him. Xiao Yun, your parents, don't take me with you when you explain Otherwise, your mother will think I'm setting a bad example for you."

"Mom, where is Dad..." said independently, "Tell us about it."

Song Zhaodi waved her hand: "You don't have to think about it. Your dad is the first hurdle. In the future, not only will people ask you why you don't want children, but they will also say that you have a physical problem behind your back. Your own business?"

"No." Liu Jingjing said to Song Zhaodi, "Zhenxing and I were married for two years and conceived Cancan, and some people told me that you were finally pregnant. I thought you were sick and could not conceive. up.

"Xiao, Xiao Yun, other people dare not say that in front of you, they must be whispering behind their backs. Your mother, it is possible that as soon as she calls you, she will mention the child.

"When I came to work here, my mother was angry with me and asked my sister to call and urge me. I told them that I didn't want it for the time being, and no one believed it." , paused, "If my mother called me at the time, she would definitely quarrel with me. Most mothers are the same. Even if you compromise temporarily, you will ask in the future. You have to be mentally prepared."

Xiao Yun couldn't help but think that when she told her mother that she didn't want to raise children, her mother said, don't talk nonsense. Xiao Yun couldn't help but have a headache and sighed, "Thank you for reminding me."

Xiao Yun: "You can only do this first."

"After the Spring Festival, you will be thirty-four, and it will be delayed for a year at most." Erwa reminded her, "Actually, there is a way, isn't your mother already retired, tell your mother , you can give birth, but the child is to be raised by her. Your mother will definitely not urge you. "

Xiao Yun thought carefully: "This is a way."

"Isn't your brother's child quite old?" Song Zhaodi asked, "You don't need your mother's help to take care of it now, your mother is very likely to agree."

Xiao Yun shook her head slightly: "When my brother's child was born, my mother was still at work, and his mother-in-law took care of him. Even so, my mother was too noisy when the child cried at night."

"Then you will block your mother like this when you turn around." Zili said, "If your mother promises to take care of us, I will say it is my problem."

Song Zhaodi: "Then you don't have to go to work, you have to go to the hospital every day."

I have nothing to say about being self-reliant.

Song Zhaodi laughed, and just about to speak, she saw Cancan fell asleep: "Zhenxing, go and bring Cancan's little bed and tell him to sleep here."

Zhenxing glanced at his son: "It's time to sleep, it's time to sleep at night."

"You tell him a story at night." Erwa said, "He was going to sleep with the rehab last night, and he was going to sleep with me when he took off his clothes. I read to him for twenty minutes, and he Fell asleep."

Liu Jingjing: "That's because he didn't sleep last night. He slept during the day, went to bed early at night, and woke up at five o'clock the next day, earlier than other students who went to school early. "

"We'll cook in a while. Cancan wakes up when she smells the fragrance." Song Zhaodi saw that Yan Yan in Liu Jingjing's arms was also asleep, "Zhenxing, take advantage of this time when you're not busy. , you should stew what should be stewed, and fry the green vegetables when your father comes back."

Reborn put Cancan on the cot, stretched, and froze suddenly: "The phone rang, Erba, hurry up and don't wake Yanyan."

Erwa hurriedly picked up the microphone and heard the words clearly, frowning.

Zhenxing, who was about to go to the kitchen, stopped, walked over to Erwa and asked silently, "Who is it?"

Erwa covered the microphone: "Second aunt."

"She?" Reborn sat down and couldn't help muttering, "What is she doing again?"

I kicked the rehabilitated calf and asked in a low voice, "How does she have our phone number?"

"It is estimated that Du Tao told her." Gengsheng said, "There are many people who know our number, the mother of the dog, and the aunt, vigorously them. She can ask anyone who she wants. arrive."

Erwa said, "I see." Then she hung up the phone, "Mother, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

"Bad news is also good news?" Song Zhaodi made a random guess.

Erwa smiled and gave a thumbs up: "My mother is my mother. Du Fafang was arrested for committing a crime. The good news is whether it was committed here, not in his hometown, but in the Southwest."

"He wants the second aunt to sin again?" Liu Jingjing asked hurriedly.

Erwa gloating over the misfortune: "Er aunt can't stand what he caused this time."

"Is it serious?" The attendant Xiao Du was curious.

Erwa: "Sit in prison."

"Murder by mistake?" Zhenxing guess.

Reborn: "Definitely not, Du found that coward, and asked his daughter-in-law to come forward for stealing things. When others beat him to death, he may not dare to fight back. Erwa, don't betray him. "

"The second aunt said that Du found that he didn't know who to hear it. The people in the southwest were poor, so he went there to recruit workers." Erwa said, "There are a few young girls who are very beautiful, I guess After holding it for a long time, I coaxed a girl to a remote place and gave it to that.

"When the accident happened, she was still in the local area and had her own support. The girl went to the police and was arrested by the local police on the same day. The local people will definitely punish the local people according to the law."

Zhenxing couldn't believe it: "He, isn't he quite rich? By the way, doesn't the second aunt suspect that he has another woman?"


Song Zhaodi was not surprised at all: "How did Song Lainan know?"

"Someone went with him, come back and tell the second aunt." Erwa said, "As for who, the second aunt did not say. The second aunt called me just to ask me, Du found this Will you ever be able to come out?"

Song Zhaodi: "You say you don't know first, and then you say you know, what's going on?"

"I don't know about this either." Erwa said, "Second aunt asked me to help her find out how many years she could be sentenced to, and I said I knew."

Rehabilitation: "Now is not the time when the attack was severe a few years ago, and the girl has no worries about her life. It is estimated that she will be sentenced to ten years. Ten years later, he will only be in his fifties when he comes out."

"Listen to what Erwa said just now, Eryi hopes that he will not come out in this life?" asked independently.

Erwa: "The two of them had no relationship ten years ago. Eryi now has a house and a storefront, although it is rented by someone else, but when Du found out, Eryi I often help people who are looking for a job to get in touch with jobs, and I can also sell snacks or something, so I don’t worry about running out of money. I definitely hope that Du Fang will die in prison.”

"Don't investigate." Song Zhaodi pondered for a moment, "Look for someone to find out if Du has done it before. If he has done it, tell the police over there and ask them to investigate."

Rebirth: "Mother, don't be so troublesome. The local police really want a severe sentence, so they will investigate it themselves. Erwa, tell Eryi that it will be sentenced to 15 years, and if Du finds himself in prison If he performs well, he may come out early. Erwa asks someone to inquire, if it spreads out, it will not affect him well. There is a relative of the rapist. "

"Then don't ask." Between Song Lainan and Erwa, Song Zhaodi chose the latter without hesitation, "Don't talk about it."

Self-reliance: "We know. But why is he going out at this time? Isn't it almost New Year's Eve?"

"Maybe any factory is in a hurry to ship the goods, and they can't make it out after working overtime." Erwa said, "Du Fafa only helped the factory contacts in Yongcheng last year. He has been helping the factory contacts in Hangcheng for half a year. If he doesn't do this, Du Tao and her younger brother won't have to go to work in the future, and help Du Fafang—wait, mother, Du Fafa is in, and the second aunt can go with Du Tao do it."

Song Zhaodi: "Your second aunt is not stupid, she can think of it. Don't be too busy, otherwise, you will be blamed later."

"Okay." Erwa stood up, "I'm going to wash the vegetables and stew. Brother Zili, is there anything you want to eat?"

Self-reliance: "Dumplings?"

"Yes." Erwa said, "There is just a piece of pork in the refrigerator." As soon as he finished speaking, it felt dark in the room. Erwa turned back subconsciously and saw Zhong Jianguo standing outside the door, "Dad, you, are you off work?"

Zhong Jianguo: "I heard from others that he is back on his own. Is this Xiao Yun?"

"It's me, hello uncle." Xiao Yun hurriedly stood up.

Zhong Jianguo waved his hand: "Sit down. Did you decide when to get married when you came back this time?"

Self-supporting forehead: "Dad, I have something to tell you."

"I haven't considered it yet?" Zhong Jianguo asked.

Rehabilitation is not too big a deal to watch the fun: "Brother, I think we should take off our dad's belt before you say it."

"What do you mean?" Zhong Jianguo looked at Jiasheng, then at Zili, "Xiao Yun is pregnant?"

Self-reliance is full of black lines, and he dare not hesitate any more. While explaining why he doesn't want children, he hides behind Reborn. Seeing that Zhong Jianguo has no plans to get up, he stops: "Dad, this matter , Xiao Yun and I have been thinking about it for nearly half a year, I hope you can understand."

"I understand." Zhong Jianguo nodded, seeing that he didn't believe it, "With your mother in front, there is something I can't understand."

Self-reliance heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you Dad." After speaking, he sat back next to Xiao Yun.


Slapped on the back, stunned, watching Zhong Jianguo clutching the belt that was removed at some point, unable to believe his eyes: "Dad? You, you beat me?"

Your mother? Do you still have me and your mother in your eyes?"

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