MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 280 Self Engagement

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Self-reliance wanted to explain, but opened his mouth and didn't know where to start, because he didn't plan to tell his parents before he came, mainly because he was afraid that it would spread to his grandfather's ears.

"No more words?" Zhong Jianguo pointed at him and asked.

Xiao Yun stood up: "Uncle Zhong—"

I pulled her up and interrupted her: "Dad, I, I was wrong. I called back last time, I should have told you. You, don't worry, there will be no next time. "

Home, Zhen Gang didn't say that he wanted to get married when he had dinner on the evening of September 30. He went out for a walk and came back and told us that he wanted to get married.

"You two are prudent, you have thought about it carefully, and you have to tell us in advance. If you don't say anything, you will get the certificate directly when you come home, and you don't want children? I have a good temper. If you don't talk about others, if you replace it with Xiao Yun, your cousin Xiao Xiurong, you have to scold you both by pointing your nose."

Self-reliance is full of shame: "Mother, we were wrong."

"Forget it, your dad has already beaten him." Song Zhaodi sighed, "When you arrive in the imperial capital, don't say that you didn't plan to have a wedding before, and don't mention that you don't want children. To make everyone happy, When it comes to children, we will talk about it when we can't."

"I missed the point." Xiao Yun continued.

Song Zhaodi frowned: "Don't talk about it. Be careful your dad takes off his shoes and beats you."

"Zhen Gang has been through it." Erwa said, "Zhen Gang told me." Before everyone could speak, she said, "Dad, isn't it a granddaughter, I will call my daughter-in-law to give birth tomorrow. "

Rebirth: "You can find the object first."

"You are older than Erwa." Zhong Jianguo attacked him, "When did you find him?"

Reborn choked: "What, I'll help Zhenxing cook." Turned around and ran into the kitchen.

Zhong Jianguo snorted coldly and turned to self-reliance.

Sit down quickly: "Dad, I really know I'm wrong this time."

"It's true or false, let's talk about it later." Zhong Jianguo said.

Song Zhaodi: "Self-reliance, Xiao Yun, go upstairs to rest for a while, and come down for dinner in half an hour."

Seeing this, she quickly pulled Xiao Yun upstairs.

Xiao Yun had known him for several years, but he had never seen him so cowardly, so he couldn't help asking, "Are you so afraid of your father?"

"I'm not afraid of him." Zili pushed open a door and saw a few bunk beds in it, he knew it was their brother's room, and pulled Xiao Yun in, "I'm not honest. To be honest, my dad could get up and beat me up when I was asleep in the middle of the night. During the day when everyone was around, my dad would beat me, and if it was in the middle of the night, he could really beat me to the core."

Xiao Yun's eyes filled with distress: "Did you get beaten often when you were young?"

"No. It's the first time I've grown this big." Self-reliance said, and took off his coat, "It hurts, do you look red?"

Xiao Yun asked, "First time?"

"Yeah." Zili said, "My dad did it, which means he was really angry, so I can't explain it, and I can't argue, otherwise, he will be even more angry."

Zi Li's suitcase is in the room, Xiao Yun's absence, Zi Li put on a down jacket, took her to the next room, saw her suitcase beside the bed, "Change your clothes, let's go down. I'll get you cotton shoes."

"Do you have any?" Xiao Yun asked.

Self-reliance: "My mother's room must have them." She went to Song Zhaodi's room and found a pair of shoes with wool hooks, "New, wear them. These shoes are warmer than your lint shoes."

At the same time, the brothers who hid in the kitchen secretly looked out. Seeing that Zhong Jianguo was still expressionless, he asked in a low voice, "Dad is really angry?"

"Is it still false to be angry?" Erwa hooked her head and glanced out, "You better be honest these two days, Dad has been disliked by you for a long time, and always wanted to beat you, but he didn't catch it. Chance."

Rebirth: "I don't need your reminder, I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon."

"Every time you're about to be beaten, run back to Zhenhai." Zhen Xing said, "If it's the Spring Festival and your county is on holiday, where do you go?"

Rebirth: "Then I'll be honest and try to avoid Dad. By the way, Erwa, when Du Ming is sentenced, don't forget to tell your mother."

"It's still early." Erwa said, "The top priority is the matter of self-reliance and Xiao Yun."

On the morning of January 4th, Song Zhaodi, Zili, Xiao Yun and Erwa went to the imperial capital. On the 5th of January, Erwa, Zili and Xiao Yun went out to see the house, while Song Zhaodi and Qi Lao went to Xiao's house with gifts.

Pei Yuling has met Song Zhaodi before and thinks Song Zhaodi is very good. Last night Xiao Yun told her that it was Song Zhaodi who proposed to buy a house. She, a mother, never thought of it, she felt that Song Zhaodi was the world Rare good mother-in-law.

Early this morning, Pei Yuling called the nanny to buy vegetables. She and the attendant cleaned up the house neatly and made a pot of tea, waiting for Song Zhaodi and Qi Lao to come.

Xiao Yun is now 33 years old. When she heard that she wanted to get married, Pei Yuling wished she could talk to Zili first, and then hold the wedding later. As a result of what Song Zhaodi said, Pei Yuling and Xiao Ping'an had no objection.

The man sincerely asked for marriage, and the woman's parents were eager to marry her. As for the wedding date, Xiao Ping'an said he had to find someone to do the math.

Song Zhaodi thought to herself, just look up the calendar to find a suitable date for marriage. Seeing that Xiao Ping'an was very cautious, he swallowed the words in his mouth and said, it's time to do the math.

Buying a house on her own and having two children with her, Song Zhaodi had nothing to worry about and went back the next day.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Song Zhaodi took the money to Qi's house. The next day, she took the money Qi Lao gave her and went to the street to buy things. On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Song Zhaodi and Qi Lao went to Xiao's family for employment. They set the date for Zili and Xiao Yun to marry on the May 4th Youth Day, and held a banquet at the State Guest House.

Song Zhaodi returned home, and Liu Jingjing heard her say "State Guest House" and asked, "Teacher, can we go?"

"You all go." Song Zhaodi said, "I'll take out the air ticket. Zili has no relatives. If you don't go, there's not even a table in Zili. It's too shabby."

Zhenxing: "Auntie they won't go?"

"Your aunt and uncle, uncle and aunt went there, and there were only four of them." Song Zhaodi said, "There are five tables of guests at the Xiao family, and I feel that there are only two tables here. But I told Pei Yuling that there are three tables."

Zhong Jianguo was also at home at this time: "Let's pay for the banquet, did you say it?"

"Said." Song Zhaodi said, "At first Xiao Ping'an did not agree, I told them that Jingjing and Xue Qi married, and I gave them the meat, tobacco and wine for the banquet. The money, I asked their parents to buy it. Pei Yuling agreed."

Zhong Jianguo: "The Shi family didn't look for independence?"

"Not yet. However, it's really hard to say in the future." Song Zhaodi said, "On the day of the self-supporting wedding, if his aunt gave a red envelope in the past, it would be a problem."

Liu Jingjing: "I heard Zhenxing talk about self-reliance and rebirth, how can they still have the face?"

"Shameless people can do anything." Song Zhaodi said, "We think it's incredible, they may think it's nothing. Forget it, don't talk about them, I've been running fast in the past two days. broken."

Zhong Jianguo: "Zhengang will come back later and ask him to beat your legs." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhengang came in, and behind him was Xue Qi who took the child out to play.

"Teacher, what's wrong?" Zhen Gang asked while changing into cotton slippers.

Cancan: "Grandma is not feeling well."

"What are you holding in your hand?" Zhen Gang came over and pinched his face.

Cancan raised his hand to show off: "Second uncle bought it, Transformers, I won't let you play."

"I bought it, don't give it to me to play, you are fat." Zhen Gang stared at him and said.

Cancan hurriedly said, "It's not you, it's Uncle Erwa." He even hid the Transformers behind him.

"Stingy." Zhen Gang glanced at him and walked to Song Zhaodi's side, "Teacher, press now, or after dinner?"

Song Zhaodi: "Press it again after you have eaten. The meal is ready long ago, so I will wait for you and Xue Qi. By the way, Xue Qi, when will your mother come?"

"The second month of February has passed." Seeing the child looking at Liu Jingjing, Xue Qi gave her Yanyan, "She said she could only come for half a month."

Song Zhaodi: "Your father hasn't retired yet, and it's good for your mother to be here for half a month. If it were me, and I left for a week, your uncle would have to call."

"One week?" The revitalization turned to Zhong Jianguo, "Up to five days."

Zhong Jianguo: "Do you have an opinion?!"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Zhenxing stepped back and said, "I'm going to serve the meal."

Cancan followed: "Dad, I'll help you." Before Zhenxing could speak, he asked again, "I don't eat vegetables."

Help to work and eat more meat. "Who did you learn from?" Zhenxing was sure, he had never taught Cancan to say such things.

Zhengang: "Either baby or rebirth. As long as they come back, your son can't see anyone else. If you don't want to see your son become another rebirth, try to separate him from rebirth. open."

He has been busy making small suits for you these days, do you still want it?"

Cancan turned to Zhong Jianguo: "Grandpa..."

"Your father didn't lie to you." Zhong Jianguo said, "If you don't believe me, I'll call and ask your second uncle?"

Cancan shook his head and looked up at Zhenxing: "Dad, I'm teasing you."

Zhenxing was stunned for a moment, then reacted, really wanted to give him a kick, pointed at him and said, "Try me next time, I'll beat you."

Cancan glanced at Zhenxing, and rushed towards Song Zhaodi with Transformers.

Song Zhaodi hugged him: "Go and help your father get chopsticks, and I'll put away the toys for you, otherwise, Yanyan will need it when he sees it."

Cancan turned her head to look at Ma Yanyan who was lying in his mother's arms and stared wildly: "Grandma, put it in the closet." Sai Song took Di's arms and walked to Yanyan's side, Sticking out his tongue and making a face, "I won't let you play." Then he ran to the kitchen.

"Next year today, they have to fight every day." Song Zhaodi threw the toys in the cabinet and whispered, "Call Erwa later and ask his master in the factory to give Cancan Make a suit."

Liu Jingjing: "The second child is still in the imperial capital?"

"Zili's house is about to be renovated." Song Zhaodi said, "I will give Erwa a sum of money and ask him to help Zili buy TVs, fans and furniture. When those things are done, he can Come back. I reckon it's a week away."

Liu Jingjing: "It's finished so soon?"

"Simple decoration, it's similar to your house." Song Zhaodi said, "Zi Li has some money left in his hand, I asked him if he wanted to dress up a little bit, Xiao Yun said that they don't live often, it's enough to live in people. ."

Liu Jingjing was surprised: "Can you live?"

"I listen to the meaning of self-reliance. Xiao Yun cleans up the house assigned to him by their unit. Maybe it's because of this." Song Zhaodi said, "She has no opinion, let's save trouble. I Now I hope that Youth Day will come soon, and they will get married, so I will not have to worry about it."

Zhenxing brought out the dish: "They are married, and you have four unmarried sons."

"The four of them, I won't be worried if they don't get married in this life." Song Zhaodi said, "Forcing them to get married is also today and tomorrow. If you look for someone at the age of ten, they will be thirty next year."

Zhong Jianguo: "Your two sons, I don't think they have reached their thirties. I still think they are seventeen or eighteen."

Read The Duke's Passion