MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2043 Cyclonus Breakthrough

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On the second floor of the Tomb of Sargeras, Kil'jaeden chose one of the largest underground squares where several leaders swarmed up.

Gross, a former and extremely powerful Lord of the Abyss.

As a punishment for past failures, Gross was covered with burns. Now Gross, like the hellfire in the legion, seems to be made of burning green stones.

Except for the four-legged dragon-shaped lower body and the obese upper limbs peculiar to the Lord of the Abyss, he could hardly see his noble identity.

Every action of this monster will crack and flutter his flesh and blood, accompanied by endless pain.

As a powerful fighting creature, he was appointed by Kil'jaeden as the No. 1 boss of the Tomb of Sargeras.

He was happy to impose this pain on everyone who challenged him.

Whether as the Lord of the Abyss or the current Molten Monster, he is charging forward.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!-For the army!" He shouted, rushing to the flesh-and-blood Great Wall made up of a large body of guardians.

Immediately before rushing to the coalition strongmen, the molten monster slammed into the ground with two stout front legs.

The ground was surging, and the green lava visible to the naked eye was passing under the solid floor, and a whole row of floor tiles "cracked". When the molten fire was about to rise among three crowds of ten black lava pillars, Hoody, the guardian of the ice, shouted, "I'm coming!"

A huge frost axe slashed to the ground fiercely, and a frost element stronger than Gross was poured into the ground in this way, and at the same angle, the lava heat flow was spit against the ground.

The lava flow, which has not fully exerted its violent destructive power, is cooled directly. Even the lava pillars were instantly brittle and crumbled on the spot. Not only that, the frosty waves that pressed back even rushed out of the ground, and in turn Gross sealed one leg completely.

"Demon, just let me have fun with you!" The ten-story guardian stood in front of the five-story Gross ...

Uh, it's a bit of a hurry to bully!

Over there, the [Devil Trial Chamber] launched a raid. They aimed at Freya, who was a little bit outside.

Since mortal forces had long been expected to invade the Tomb of Sargeras, Kil'jaeden summoned his best catchers, Attigan and Belak, to surround the invaders and prevent them from using the Pillar of Creation to go further underground. city.

Unfortunately, if they are used to target the mortal strong, they will be quite powerful.

But the opponent is Freya, which seems a little insufficient.

The same moment Hodiel counterattacked Gross, the huge sickle of the demon group split the neck of the guardian of nature, and a violent wind blasted Freya's body indiscriminately.

It seemed that Freya was miserable.

If she is a mortal strong, perhaps this combination hits her knees.

At the same time, Freya stabbed Atigan's chest with a hand knife indifferently. Under the eyes of all the demons in astonishment.

It's green.

The green light that represents nature bursts out on the chest of the demon lord, accompanied by a large number of stinky flesh and blood pieces, slowly descending from the air.

They are too anxious. If first they kill the bunch of ancient trees, thorns and flowers that follow behind Freya, the humanoid plants and the like, Freya's life recovery ability will be greatly reduced.

Face straight?

Sorry, Freya is invincible in this state!

The No. 3 and No. 4 bosses of the Tomb of Sargeras were the Naga thug Hayatham and the Moon Sisters, respectively.

As Naga ... there is nothing to stop the charm of Vasiqi, who is already a demigod.

Vasiqi has long been a martial art, and he is all in the mud.

Except for the former upper elven queen Azshara, no Naga strong can stand and speak in front of Vasque.

So Hayattan had already surrendered early in the morning, and now he was in the coalition.

As for the sisters of the moon, the first thing to explain is that the tomb of Sargeras was originally the temple of the moon. As you go deeper into the tomb, the scenes everywhere show its elf style. The quaint walls are covered with spider webs, and the tone is completely different from the black-green tone of the entrance hall. However, in the long years, the dark power sealed by Aegwynn under the grave gradually affected this place.

Before the incarnation of Sargeras was buried underground in the Temple of the Moon, the Sisters of the Moon had already become guardians of the Temple.

Even after death, they remained faithful. But during these thousands of years, something has distorted their ability to distinguish between enemies and friends. The madness devoured them slowly. Now anyone who enters this temple will be executed by them.

Unfortunately, only Duke was so extravagant that he had a token from Elune.

Well, when the current high priest, Shantis, opened her robe and appeared with the fetish given by Elune, the sisters of the moon jumped to loyalty.

This scene directly annoyed the eggs.

Unfortunately, whether it is the leader of the Burning Legion or the guardian of the Allied Forces, they are all blood cows.

Compared to the ten-story guardian, most of Sargeras's tomb is considered narrow, which is destined that there is not too much space for the guardian to besiege. Leaving a few mortal strong to help a little, the troops continued.

The fifth child is Saslin. As the most unlikely Hivaela mother and wife, a tough battle is inevitable.

According to Blizzard's father, the introduction of the mother-in-law Saslin is that she has been committed to constraining marine life with her dark will. Relying on this power, she summoned a terrible nightmare from the depths of the sea, and drowned all enemies who dared to challenge her.

Sounds like a bunker, right?

To put it plainly, in fact, it can be described in one sentence-the other party does not want to talk to you, and she has thrown a mermaid at you.

Once an elite mermaid with blood comparable to a small boss jumps on someone, it will stick like nougat and all kinds of harassment.

Under normal circumstances, you must rely on Saslin's own tricks to solve the game.

In addition, there are annoying big squids, chubby fish, jellyfish, and a mess of marine life.

But this time, Thorim, Guardian of Thunder, was facing Saslin.

For these humble little ones, Uncle Thorim is thundering all over the body, no matter what you come to, whether you want to, or not, raising your hand is a thunder that splits your whole family and turns the seafood into a barrel for the whole family.

Your uncle is your uncle, which directly inspired the thunderstorm, covering the entire shallow and deep water area with thunderstorms composed of thousands of thunder snakes.

There weren't many rounds, and Mother Suslin screamed and was hit by Thorim's Thunder Sledgehammer, smoky and lying on the spot.

Read The Duke's Passion