MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2044 Third plan

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There are only two leader monsters set in the tomb of Sargeras in advance, namely [Guard Maid] and [Aggregate].

The Guard Maid was assigned to Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras. She has been guarding for hundreds of years. But the Guardian did not anticipate how the evil energy leaked from the avatar would affect the Titan construct, which was slowly distorted by this evil force.

General Sa's cemetery used to be the sacred cemetery of the night elves, but the Burning Legion has twisted it with a soul engine. This evil machine draws the energy of the dead and twists them into monsters.

These two bosses may be okay if they deal with mortal strong men, but it is not enough to look at the main guard of the guardian like a wolf.

Not to mention, there is a group of heroes who are not demigods, but better than demigods.

Even if they deliberately covered their breath and energy fluctuations with a magic cloak, Kil'jaeden could be sure that even if these artifacts did not officially step into the realm of gods, they would be able to exert their combat power not lower than that of low-level demigods.

"Talagu_ganmota!" At the bottom of Sargeras's tomb, Kil'jaeden yelled.

Anyway, there is no translation of the Ereda language, such as ‘rely on’. The wrong evaluation of the strength put Kil'jaeden into a passive state.

The first few monsters were basically hanged by the guardians of Azeroth.

As a last resort, Kil'jaeden could only launch a large ambush that he would have launched after Duke came out.

He was so angry that he became so angry that he would have to play a hole card in advance. He knew that Duke, as a demon demigod, had a remarkable level of space magic. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't find him this year in charge of the Burning Legion's portal to Azeroth.

I wanted to wait for Duke to enter the tomb of Sargeras and go deeper. For example, when he was fighting hard, he was ambushed. How could his own younger brother give him no strength!

Letting the guardians go further will lead to serious obstruction of Lord Sargeras' resurrection plan.

Kil'jaeden waved his claws and ordered: "Wait, the whole army is attacking. Hold me up. I will use the third option."

For Kilgardan, who is used to pitting people, it is a shame to use the third option. At that time, he wanted to dig into the shoes of Ner'zhul, almost annihilate Ner'zhul, and even broke his bones and continued to work for the army.

But now both plans are yellow.

One is to pit Duke, which is the most ideal.

The second is to take Illidan from Azeroth's main timeline, and use it to inject Sargeras energy and the body of the backhand as resurrection materials.

Unfortunately, neither will work.

The third plan was a bit weak. As soon as Kil'jaeden raised his hand, a space-time door from another timeline opened. Two powerful Void Lords carried it out with their own hands, and it was another Illidan's body.

"Damn! It's not the main timeline, this guy is too weak. The great Lord Sargeras resurrected with this stuff would have to spend more energy and energy."

Kil'jaeden scolded him, and the flames lingering around his huge body made the strong men in the legion feel hot and unbearable, with a terrible suffocation. No void lord dares to approach him. Not to mention ordinary low-level demons, it is estimated that when they touch such an ignition star, they will quickly spread to the whole body, burning their bodies with their souls.

"let's start!"

No one dared to touch the mold of Kil'jaeden, and a group of Erida warlocks quickly began the ceremony.

At the same time, at the Tomb of Sargeras, the coalition forces are still advancing steadily.

As the guardians wiped out the demons or twisted beings that worked for the Burning Legion, a large number of Wagrid and Titan creations poured in. They filled the upper half of the tomb of Sargeras with a burly body.

One post in three steps and one post in five steps.

Not only that, there are two Naaru members who enter directly under the cover of Draenei and the Titan Creations. Under the guidance of the priests of the Sister Elune, with the power of Elune, they will use the Holy Light to transform the evil energy in the graveyard Purification.

At the forefront of the tomb, a combination of demigods such as Qiraji Twin Emperor and a new group of Zerg leaders, on the way, most of the demons along the way were destroyed by the Swarm.

After the elite bugs of not small size fight off the demon army, there are subsequent engineering bugs to clean up the corpses. When the main force arrives, basically only the demon blood will remain on the road, and there will not be much leftover limbs.

Basic corpses will be tucked into branches or small caves.

"Well! Nothing happened to us! It was as easy as an outing." Gavenlad carried the new wind sword made of the ‘Austrian Trash’ remnant and swayed along the side of the team.

"The paralysis will kill you!" Tirion sighed. "The enemy can kill from any angle, such as smallpox and floor."

"Sweeping here will be a difficult battle. From head to tail nerves will be tense, and people will soon be exhausted." Saidan Dasuohan teased: "Isn't it that you and Turalyon are paying full attention."

"You're enough ..." Turalyon was a little angry.

For decades, how could the remaining silver four elder brothers not know the root of their family?

Looking around, this lineup is simply gorgeous to explode.

The left wing is the demigod Ursoc and the Usol brothers; the right wing is the **** Wolf, Godlin, and Thorim, the guardian of the Thunder who has already completed the opponent; the guard is the Tortoise, the tortoise; Na.

In addition to the League of Legends League, there is also the guardian Odin, his huge body is almost a hill. Of course, there will not be a chance for him to shoot. Occasionally, a demon breaks through the swarm avant-garde, and it will only ease the round array of thousands of Wagrids.

The power of these poor ‘spiritual spirits’ transformed by the soul in the war is unquestionable, just looking at their holy wings that emit white light always feels a bit ironic.

Suddenly, the magical communication of the troops ahead was severely disrupted.

"Enemies ... attack ..." Wicklor's voice sounded very anxious.

"Enemies !? All enemies are here!" Odin didn't care.

Odin is arrogant and has his arrogant capital.

Other league heroes don't take this message so lightly.

The Emperor Wicklower has been working since he took over Duke.

Even after being killed, their brothers are still very reliable after the resurrection. As the league's old affiliate race, its leaders are very clear about its Zergling's combat power. It would be tricky for Vicoll to jump, or it would be an enemy that exceeded the twin emperors' ability.

"First-level combat readiness!" Varian just yelled, and seven or eight huge shadows were almost in horror, regardless of the order.

They came out of the darkness, and one face broke through Vagueri's line of defense. ——

PS The little guy was uncomfortable last night, and the adult showed him to the emergency department. Stayed up most of the night. The later chapters are a bit buggy and are changing.