MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2045 Wrong!

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"Kazak !?" Someone in the league immediately recognized the huge demon charging ahead.

"It's him! It's not him! His soul is very mottled, almost not his deity. It is estimated that after some strengthening, it becomes another existence." Thrall shouted. Once a tribal chief and now a shaman master of the Alliance, Sal's accomplishments in the realm of soul can be called the pinnacle. His words are authority in this regard.

Everyone was immediately clear.

Kazak is already an old opponent of the Azeroth.

According to the original history, he will appear as a fortress at the time of [King of Draenor], that is, the overlord Kazak.

In this life, from the inexplicable run of Karazhanri to the battle of Mount Hyjal, Kazak appeared twice. Of course, Duke will not forget Comrade Kazak. After all, the entire time point of the King of Draenor is missing, and the enemies appearing in it are likely to be postponed to now.

Duke guessed right.

Everyone immediately matched this guy from the pre-release information.

"As scheduled, do it!"

The body of Magni * Bronzebeard suddenly swelled, from a small crystal man to a ten-story guardian-level giant within three seconds.

He waved the same Enchanting Hammer that grew larger, and was not afraid to confront the boss in the Doomguard.

It wasn't just him. A thin, tall figure in the crowd ripped off his robe, exposing a handsome face and a bright blond hair.

Kael'thas * Eversong, a former elven prince, now plays as a demigod of the elemental fire of Azeroth. Suddenly, a raging flame emanated from his body, and he and his phoenix ‘Ao’ merged into one. The phoenix phoenix imaginary, which flared open behind him, uttered a noise of Qingyue.

Together with Magni, he combined two major demigods and launched a mad attack on the overlord Kazak.

However, soon their combination will be forced to separate.

More Void Lords of the Burning Legion killed:

King Galaxus of the Eredar family, Prince Markzar, Sokressa the Eternal, Vihar the Tyrant, and Queen Kellyth.

Caslanathir from the Dreadlord, Sassovar the Corruptor, Motifaloth, and Malifikus.

Shivaola's Mother Shahraz, Mavarens.

Representatives of fear guards, the strongest without scars, Omor, Helmer, Ambassador.

Fel Lord Lord Sakar, Betugue.

Many of these evil leaders have been beaten or even killed by the Alliance. However, after their souls returned to the Twisting Nether, they were resurrected and appeared in front of the Azeroth Coalition in a new state.

Perhaps some guys have lost most of their souls when they were killed before.

so what?

The Burning Legion became famous for annihilating humanity.

Kil'jaeden needed their combat power, so they were mixed with the souls of many low-order Nether Lords.

The mottled soul causes its spellcasting ability to drop significantly.

It doesn't matter, they can still fight with their powerful bodies.

The tomb of Sargeras, which was originally not spacious, suddenly became extremely chaotic after being squeezed into so many large pieces. Mortals can hardly find a place to call it safety.

Last second, maybe Odin had just stepped on Odin's big foot. In the next second, it is likely that the devil's sheep's hoof will be trampled on.

That kind of chaos is like a pot of porridge.

Fortunately, League heroes have long been adapted to this melee. Even if they are scattered and scattered for a while, they can use various professional skills and find ways to get together with their peers.

Originally, if these Void Lords had been killed alone, other Titan creations and Vageri would be able to help.

Unfortunately, they also have enemies that they must deal with.

Countless demonic elites flew past the dome, which was not too high, in the tomb of Sargeras.

One row, two rows, three rows ... these demons lined up to penetrate the darkness, attempting to overwhelm Vagri's formation and occupy the coalition's head.

Vagri who could fly was unwilling to be outdone. They almost immediately launched a flying tactical maneuver in mid-air. While dodging rainy shadow arrows and fireballs, they attacked the demons with white and gold beams of divine power.

Even though they tried to intercept, many flying demons swept down and attacked the Alliance Heroes below.

There are too many demons, and shooters like Halduron Mingyi and Shantis Feiyue can't shoot at all.

For a moment, Shantis wanted to zoom in.

Unfortunately, [Star Fragment] or something, it is a bit too wasteful to deal with these elite demons. In this underground grave shrouded in the evil forces of Sargeras, Elune's power was weakened to the greatest extent, and it was almost impossible to second.

It can be said that the power of the goddess of the moon is used a little bit less here.

Shantis gritted her teeth and continued firing.

Malfurion lifted the oak staff, and he raised his head, reached out, and a ball-shaped curtain wall made of vines immediately appeared on top of all mortal heroes.

Then he pushed forward again, and the vine wall immediately extended and grew out. The demons who were diving were too late to dodge, and slammed into it.

There is no continuous hard object impact sound like ping-pong ping-pong, but like a spider web catching flying insects, only to see the ugly figures wrapped around the evil energy one by one, followed by a thin vine inserted into these demons body.

Soon, after a few twitches, these demons were braided.

Even with the vine shield that Malfurion is doing all he can, and the wide-area light shield of Alonthos Fao, everyone still feels like a demon rain overhead, countless demon limbs and flesh. It cracked down, and actually stumbled a layer of smelly stuff on the ground.

It seems that the situation of the coalition is shaky, but the strong man with the natural department can sustain energy, which is able to grind energy consumption.

Especially after the return of Freya, the guardian of life, she is as firm as a rock. No matter how the demon army strikes, the coalition forces remain motionless.

Even the demons had too many corpses, which blocked their own way forward. This caused the Burning Legion to set fire wildly.

Not only in the cemetery, around the tomb of Sargeras, more than one hundred portals of various sizes ranging from 2 to 30 meters in diameter were opened in one breath.

From the smallest kid, hellhound, to the big hellfire, and the magical mech, they are all rushing outward to attack the alliance's position.

Fierce fighting broke out inside and outside the tomb.

However, Kil'jaeden was still upset.

He suddenly found something wrong.

There are many female heroes missing from the Alliance Heroes. To be precise, none of the women around Duke are present.

Read The Duke's Passion