MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 146 My born boyfriend

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In fact, Han Wenqian knew when he was out, but he was not prepared to follow.

Since the decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate. He is not the kind of indecisive person. Xie He has been given to others by him, and he has nothing to do with him since then...

He just didn't expect to receive a text message from Xie He. Although there were only a few lines of words, it seemed to be able to feel the eagerness of the young people who were eager to be understood and trusted through the screen.

He believes in him like that, and hopes that he also believes in him...

Han Wenqian suddenly felt a bit bored in his chest. The painful and struggling emotion once again made his forehead hurt. He threw his mobile phone aside and tried not to look at it, but even if he closed his eyes, he would continue to show the face of the youngster’s fearful fear... Why... why must I install it so innocent!

Do you think that I will be the same as before, unconditional trust to protect you, and then you will use the ruthless use of betrayal?

Han Wenqian slowly opened his eyes, his eyes condensed like ice, and he put on his coat and got out.

When Han Wenqian came to the hotel, he just saw Xie He being pressed by the people.

The slim and beautiful body of the young man was completely exposed. The delicate face was full of fear and fear, and the dark eyes were full of water. He tried his best to resist but did not help, and soon he lost strength and confusion... At this moment, he suddenly turned his face and looked at him. Zhang mouth faintly despaired and cried: " me..."

There were no focal lengths in the pupils, but he looked at him in a blank direction. He probably didn't recognize him, but he was instinct for help.

He wants him to save him.

Han Wenqian’s heartbeat suddenly paused for a moment. This is where he held the palm of his hand for 16 years... but he betrayed him like that, so he must ask him to try the taste of life. He did not hesitate to abandon him, determined not to care.

But at this moment, he looked at Xie He’s face full of tears and thought that he was about to be invaded by other men. Suddenly he felt unbearable and could not continue to watch.

This is a child with a big hand as a younger brother.

At this moment, he looked at him with such trusting eyes and asked him for help...

How can you be indifferent? Even if he actually hates him.

Han Wenqian suddenly stepped forward, his lips moved and made a deep voice: "Let him loose."

Zhou Yuebin stunned. Although he saw Han Wenqian coming over, he did not care. They dealt with Lin Biao as a matter agreed by Han Wenqian, but... What does Han Wenqian mean to stop now? Wouldn't it be a remorse?

Zhou Yuebin’s face suddenly changed. “Han Ge, you are...”

Han Wenqian’s hand on his side shook his hand and said: “Don’t think too much, I’m not a man of the anti-Ir, waiting for me to drive him out of the Korean family, he’s still yours.”

Zhou Yuebin is preparing to launch a gun. At this time, there is annihilation and igniting, but in the end, he dare not violate Han Wenqian. The expression of regret reveals Xie He and shrugged: "Listen to you."

Anyway, it’s just a gadget, it’s not necessarily a play, wait, wait.

Han Wenqian took off his coat and put it on Xie He's body. He took him to another room and threw it directly on the bed.

Xie He’s consciousness is not clear, he curled up and rolled over the bed, and there are traces of tears on the delicate and beautiful face. The lips are slightly open, the clothes are scattered, and the long and white legs are curled up. Showing a weak and fascinating side.

Han Wenqian stared deeply at Xie He. This is his first time... There is something that should not be impulsive to this young man. This kind of impulse has never been seen before. He couldn't help but think of the past life. Even if all the evidence shows that Lin Biao is the traitor, he still looks for him with the last hope. He wants to hear him deny it. If Lin Biao denies it, he will definitely believe him. He will investigate the fact again.

That life, he has always trusted him.

But no, Lin Biao did not deny that he was in bed with Qin Lan... he was rolling out with other men and ridiculing him with cold and mean words.

How much he once believed him, how much hate him now!

The anger in Han Wenqian’s chest began to surge again. He had already decided to retaliate with the most cruel means! Let him try the pain of being betrayed! Therefore, when Zhou Yuebin made a suggestion, he did not veto, he would not care about him any more.

But why did she see that Xie He was caught by a group of men, and when he saw him crying and begging him... Still couldn’t hold back?

Did you let him go like this? So forget it? How can it be!

Han Wenqian's cold eyes fell on Xie He's body. It was a beautiful and attractive body. He used this kind of body to seduce Qin Hao and calculate his company.

Since Qin can sleep, why can't he?

Han Wenqian reached out and pinched Xie He's chin, and asked him to look up. He looked at Xie He's black eyes and his eyes slowly moved down. The pale pink lips opened slightly, seemingly tempting him to kiss. .

Seducing him, hard, awkward, possessing him!

The last sensible string in Han Wenqian’s eyes collapsed, leaving only hatred and *.

save you? No, I will not save you, I will only make you suffer.



[Thank you: Baby, what happened to you? 】

[444: Yesterday Han Wenqian did not come to do / (tot) / ~ ~] is terrible!

[Xie He: So I am not reminding him to come? Smile jpg]

[Xie He: My good brother has hurt me for so many years, and it is so short-cut, it is very difficult to ask him to do it all at once... The reason why he can give me a heart, and the time of his rebirth is very The key is the highest peak of anger. People do everything under impulse and anger. When he calms down a bit, he is reluctant to give me to others to ruin. The children of their own family can bully themselves. Others can't bully. This is human nature. 】


[Xie He: The tragic story stays on paper, or just hears it is too pale, where is it better than seeing it? As long as he comes, he can't do anything indifferent. Of course, I can't let him really let go. 】


[Thank Ho: And I prefer the 18cm love brother compared to the group of weak chickens:)

[444:......] Nothing to say _(:3ゝ∠)_

Han Wenqian sat on the sofa and looked at the people on the bed with a dark look.

The youthful slim body was full of rude traces left behind... Han Wenqian slightly narrowed his eyes. At first he just wanted to hurt this person because of anger, but then he was gradually dominated by *, this body It seems that there is some kind of magic that can't stop him. This person... also makes him unwilling to let go of his hand, wanting to see him crying begging for mercy under him.

[叮, the target Han Wenqian good feeling 10, the current good feeling 30, blackening value 80]

Han Wenqian annihilated the smoke in his hand, when the young eyelashes on the bed trembled.

Xie He slowly opened his eyes, he looked at Han Wenqian's direction, moved his lips and made a hoarse voice: "Brother..."

Soon he felt that his bones were all scattered, and the pain in his body, and the traces on the bed... All this made Xie He look sad, and the horrible memories of last night returned to his mind again. I remember to go to Shuyan, but they were pressed by Zhou Yuebin...

Then by those disgusting people...

Xie He was pale, suddenly holding his head and making a scream. He didn't remember. He didn't remember, but his body remembered...

He shouted for a while, his throat was sore, and suddenly he stopped and looked at Han Wenqian. His eyes were full of despair and fear. He said, "Brother... You saved me... right? You saved me, but nothing happened... right?"

Han Wenqian's eyes changed and he quickly understood that he did not remember what happened after the rescue last night. He thought that those people had invaded him.

Ha... Han Wenqian looked at Xie He faintly and spit out the ruthless words again: "When I went, everything was over."

Xie He heard this sentence, and the last trace of luck and hope in his eyes also dissipated... He curled up his body, and the pain left on his body clearly reminded him of the fact that he did not continue to deceive himself.

So disgusting... so disgusting...

Xie He squatted on the edge of the bed and suddenly retched, even if nothing could be spit out at the end, it still did not stop.

Han Wenqian stared deeply at Xie He. He slowly walked over and gently lifted Xie He’s face and took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth. In the pale face of the youth, the black eyes are in a desperate color, as if the whole world has collapsed.

That kind of helplessness, that kind of grief.

That's it... it's more painful and desperate.

Take a good look at the pain I have experienced.

[叮, target Han Wenqian blackening value -20, current good feeling 30, blackening value 60]

Han Wenqian threw the dirty handkerchief into the trash can and made a cold voice: "I warned you, if there is a second time, I will not take care of you again. How did you promise me? I went to see those people again in a day, not only sucking-toxic... but also indiscriminately paying, what men and women can eat, I really look down on you."

"Ah, ah--" Xie He suddenly reached out and grabbed his ear and screamed. He didn't want to hear these words, enough! He doesn't want to hear! He was red-eyed and looked at Han Wenqian. "I didn't! It was Zhou Yuebin who framed me! He personally admitted it! They killed me!"

Han Wenqian picks his lips and laughs: "He framed you, do you have evidence?"

Xie He’s lips tremble: “I...”

Han Wenqian added: "Without evidence, why should I believe in you? After all, your performance is not worthy of others' belief."

Han Wenqian’s words are like a knife and a knife. The heart of his heart is almost paused and his blood is cold. Yes... no one will believe him at all. He has no evidence... He is all dirty, and even the blood is dirty. He himself will not believe such a disgusting person.

No one can help him, even the brother who loves him the most is not willing to take care of him again...

This cognition caused him to lose his last strength and weaken his weakness.

Han Wenqian disdainfully glanced at him and threw his clothes on him. He said, "When you put on, you have been missing for a whole day. Do you want your mother to worry?"

Han mother had already given Xie He more than one phone call to ask him why he didn't go home on the weekend, but no one answered, so he was very worried about calling Han Wenqian. If he is not worried about his parents' feelings and the troubles that may arise, Han Wenqian has already driven Xie He out directly... but now it doesn't matter, he always has a way to let him take the initiative.

Xie Hewen’s words were motionless, and the huge blow made him almost unable to react, and his eyes were empty.

Han Wenqian did not have that patience. He directly picked up Xie He and put his clothes on him. Except for his face, his face was still very poor. He couldn’t see anything else, but he was sick.

His voice is cold: "What do you want to do to die? If you don't want to hide it, just tell everyone what you did, let everyone see your current virtues, see if you did something. What, I also help you wipe your butt."

This sentence finally made Xie He have a little reaction and trembled.

If everyone else knows what to think about him? I think that everyone will look at him with disgusting eyes... I will laugh at what he has done...

No, then everything is ruined.

His life, his dreams...

Han Wenqian loosened Xie He’s hand and his voice was intolerant: “Hurry up and decide if you really want to be self-deprecating and say it directly, I will leave now. If you are dead or alive, it will have nothing to do with me.”

Xie He’s hand gripped the bed tightly, his body was shaking, and there was a bang in front of him. For a long time, he made a weak voice: “No... don’t let others know.”

Can't let others know...

The only remaining obsessiveness made Xie He slowly stand up. However, he almost fell when he landed. He bit his teeth and slowly got on the car behind Han Wenqian.

Han mother saw Xie He finally went home. He was a little angry and wanted to ask why he didn't answer the phone. But when he saw Xie He's pale face, he suddenly became worried. "Oh, what's wrong with you? I'm sick." ?"

Xie He looked at Han mother with timidity, and the pain and despair of shame made him dare not look straight into the eyes of Han mother. He bowed his head and said: "The cold, nothing."

His voice is a little choked, and Han mother has always been very good to him. Will she believe him? Or will he hate him like Han Wenqian? Can he tell her? No... or don’t take risks... these scandals are disgusting...

Han Wenqian's disgust has already put him on the verge of collapse. He can no longer bear the blow of a close person... and even if he is no better than his own mother, he has always been self-aware.

But... really painful what to do... who can help him...

Han Wenqian saw that Xie He’s struggle was hesitant. He grabbed Xie’s wrist and smiled at Han’s mother: “Mother don’t worry, I will send him to rest and will take care of him.”

Han mother is very reassured to Han Wenqian. This son has always been steady and reliable and knows how to take care of his younger brother. He nodded and said, "You are going to take a break with you. Yes, I am sick when I am sick. I am graduating soon. It’s no big deal for a few days.”

Han Wenqian nodded: "I know, I will arrange it."

Xie He still did not have the courage to open up, let Han Wenqian pull up, Han Wenqian pushed him into the room, the expression on his face changed, leaving only indifference and disgust, and turned away without saying a word.

Xie He did not react. Han Wenqian’s performance made his heart numb. This is the person he relied most on admiration. Now he despise him like this, and he is cold-faced to him when he is most painful...

Any excuse will not help...

[444: The host is big, why should Han Wenqian lie to you? _]

[Xie He: He just wants me to suffer. I am as he wishes, how can I not drop the value? Ha ha. 】

[444: ...] seems to be the reason _ (: 3 ゝ∠) _

[Xie He: And it’s boring to sing in a one-man show. I saw that he was so painstaking about pouring dirty water on me, just couldn’t help but want to cooperate with him :)

[444:......] What is this bad taste?

Xie He slowly swayed into the bathroom, opened the water of the shower and began to take a bath. It was only two hours of washing, and there was no meaning to go out.

In the evening, the Korean servants prepared meals, and the Korean mother was ready to go out and shouted to eat, but he was stopped by Han Wenqian before he arrived at the door. He smiled and said: "If you sleep, you should not wake him up. Later, I asked someone to heat the food and send it to him."

Han mother did not reluctantly, laughing: "Okay."

Han Wenqian visually watched the Korean mother leave, and then directly pushed away the door of Xie He and went in. There was no one in the room. Only the sound of the water flowing from the bathroom, Han Wenqian’s face suddenly changed, striding forward. When I opened the door, I saw that Xie He’s fruit fell to the ground and had no response.

Han Wenqian breathed a meal, and the action responded one step ahead of the brain. He rushed over and hugged him from the ground, touched his breath, and just fainted. He discovered that he was worried about him just now... Han Wenqian’s eyes suddenly cooled down, and he still cares about this despicable traitor.

[叮, the target Han Wenqian good feeling 10, the current good feeling 40, blackening value 60]

No, this is absolutely not allowed.

Han Wenqian held Xie He and threw it on the bed. He didn't care if he would catch a cold, so he went out.

Since the return of Xie He, there has never been a door.

Until the next night, Han Wenqian came over again, holding a tray in his hand, and there was a hot meal on it. He said to Xie He: "Come and eat."

Xie He sat on the bed with his knees, and he looked at Han Wenqian with a disappointment. There was a hint of hope in his eyes, and his voice was dumb: "Brother..."

Han Wenqian looked at such a thank-you, his heart was stuffy, cold and cold: "If you don't want to die, you will eat. If you really want to die, go outside and don't stay at home."

Xie He’s eyes shook and finally turned into a sorrow and despair, but no attempt to justify. Anyway, no matter what he said, Han Wenqian would not believe it. He would only use his more ruthless words to despise him. Then why should he still take his own insults...

Han Wenqian apparently did not mean to wait for Xie He to eat here. He only sent the meal because of the request of the Korean mother. It is a matter of thanking him for not eating or eating.

Xie He watched Han Wenqian leave, didn't move at all, didn't take long to sleep in a groggy way, and when he woke up, he was hungry and hungry, but he still climbed over and ate the cold food.

He doesn't want to die... he can stick to the past... sure...

He still has a lot to do...

He ate and ate, could not help but think of those disgusting things, and spit out things, and became weak. But he wiped his mouth, insisted on eating the rest, and then curled up in bed again.

When Han Wenqian came over again, he smelled the frown in the room.

Originally, I loved the clean and tidy youth. At this moment, the room was in a mess. The ground was dumped garbage. Under the table was a dry vomit, which looked dirty and decadent. He squinted at the youth on the bed. He rolled the quilt into a ball. He seemed to think of something terrible. He frowned and closed his eyes, curling his body like a hedgehog to protect himself...

Han Wenqian put down the food and went out again.

Xie He didn’t know that Han Wenqian had come and left. He had been dreaming for a long time, and then he felt the pain of a hundred claws. It was painful and painful... He thought it was a nightmare, but the pain of opening his eyes not only disappeared, but increased Severe, his heart is eager... eager for something.

Xie He’s eyes showed a painful look. He knew what he wanted, but he couldn’t... can’t...


Han Wenqian was sitting in his room. Although it was already late at night, he did not sleep. Instead, he sat on the sofa neatly, as if waiting for something.

It is already the third day.

At midnight, the door suddenly came and slammed the door openly. Xie He was wearing a rumpled pajamas and slammed down in front of Han Wenqian. His face was twisted because of pain, struggling to get up, but his hands and feet trembled. Looking up at him with his dark eyes, his bloodless lips moved and twitched: "Brother... I am so painful... You help me..."

Han Wenqian was slightly darker. He reached up and lifted his chin. His thumb was on his soft lips, his index finger swept over his facial contours, and his fingertips rubbed through the smooth and delicate skin... This is their family's meticulous care. Growing up, the temperament is clean and beautiful, so anyone who likes it.

So Zhou Yuebin, Qin Hao, they are all seduce by him...

Now he is no exception.

Han Wenqian’s eyes are more and more dark, and he opens his mouth. It’s not as cheap as those outsiders. It’s better to leave it for yourself. Anyway, you owe me so much.

Just a little bit, use your pain, despair, and body to pay for it.

Han Wenqian squinted his lips and made a low-pitched laugh: "Please help me with the cost."

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