MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 147 My born boyfriend

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Xie He looked at Han Wenqian with tears, his hands clasping Han Wenqian’s wrist, and trembled: "Brother..."

Han Wenqian coveted the hands of Xie He. It was a very beautiful hand. The slender finger joints were well-proportioned. The nails were round and radiant with a jade-like luster. At this moment, he gripped his wrist tightly and forced the knuckles to whiten. The color of Han Wenqian’s eyes was getting deeper and deeper. Suddenly he grabbed Xie’s hand and pressed him directly on the sofa, gently kissing the delicate and beautiful fingers.

Xie He was powerless and could not resist Han Wenqian. He was already suffering and was about to lose his mind. He didn’t even know what he was doing...

"Help me, I am going to die..." Xie He raised his neck and breathed in a hurry, trying desperately to catch Han Wenqian.

Han Wenqian smiled. He bowed his head and kissed Xie He's eyelashes. His lips showed a smirk. "Don't be afraid, I won't let you die."

Because it kills you directly, it is too cheap for you.

Han Wenqian’s eyes fell on the neck and the collarbone that Xie He’s vaguely revealed. The flawless white skin of the white jade still had traces of no fade. It was what he left... He couldn’t help but remember that the youth was mourning under him. The scene, the color of the * reappears in the eyes.

Blowing down the lips of Xie He!


Xie He was confused, he felt as if he had made a long dream, and the beautiful dreams faded a little... The last painful and painless tearing of the illusion of ruthlessness made his consciousness a little bit awake.

His hands clasped the sofa tightly. This is the sofa in the bedroom of Han Wenqian... So who is the person who invaded him at the moment, the answer is obvious.

Xie Hezhen has a deep painful look. He doesn't really remember how he came. He just can't stand it. He feels mad, but he can't find someone else to help him. He can only find him. Brother, has always loved to protect his brother.

This is the person he has always loved to rely on as a brother...

But like the men, he is doing such cruel things to him. Thanks to the nightmare experience before, I can't help feeling sick again.

So dirty, why...

Why do those people want to do this to him, why... even the people he trusts most depends on him...

Han Wenqian’s actions made him feel more painful and desperate than those people.

The betrayal of a close person is far more painful than those who were originally malicious to him.

Thank you for using only the remaining strength, roll over and roll off the sofa!

Han Wenqian did not expect Xie He to suddenly rebel, and he fled directly. His face showed a smile like a smile, and he looked down at Xie He. The tone was slightly raised: "Wake up?"

Xie He looked at him with death and his tears in the red eyes. He said, "Why?"

Han Wenqian smiled. He dressed slowly and sorted out his collar. He said to Xie He: "I said, please help me with the cost."

Xie He bit his teeth tightly, his body is shaking, this is not his brother in memory, this person... so strange, so terrible.

The brother in his memory will not look at him with such a ruthless expression. He will not ask for a price from him. He will not bear to see him sad, but he will not hurt him... but the man in front of him only has indifference, he does not Trust him again and no longer care for him.

He and those outside, no different from Zhou Yuebin.

Why is this sad in my heart... I am sad to be unable to breathe. This is his favorite person, but he can hurt him so ruthlessly.

Xie He’s painful closed eyes, some words knowingly come from taking insults, but still can’t help but want to confirm, to seize the only glimmer of hope, thank you for raising your eyes, clear and transparent A faint glimmer of water, a low-pitched voice: "You... is my brother..."

Tell him that he did not abandon him... he is still the brother who loves him.

Han Wenqian looked at Xie He, the young wolverine fell to the ground, obviously tortured and bruised, but still asked him with the hope of Wei Mi... want to get the answer that makes him feel good, want to get the final comfort in despair .

But when I was questioning you with the last hope, why didn't you give me the answer I wanted to hear?

Han Wenqian gave a low laugh, and there was a little self-deprecating in the voice. Unfortunately, Xie He did not hear it.

He said: "Don't laugh, you are just a thing that I adopted in my Han family. I don't know what to do with you... I am also a brother."

Xie He’s face turned white.

At this moment, he had no illusions of self-deception, and Han Wenqian’s words finally shattered his last hope.

He told him personally that he was just a gadget of the Korean family.

From the day he came to the Korean family, he knew his identity. At that time, although he was still very young, he was enough to remember his own biological parents, so he understood that these were not his loved ones.

The fearful child came to a strange family and carefully survived. I shouldn’t have had a lot of fantasies... just Han’s father and mother are very good to him, the kindly Korean mother’s majestic Han’s father, and one from childhood to large. Covering his brother, all this is so beautiful... This goodness lasted for 16 years.

For sixteen years, let him open his heart a little and integrate into this family. He is so grateful to them for giving him everything now.

It is because I am not a loved one, so I am even more grateful.

He feels that he is so lucky. It is a gift from heaven to come here, so he always wants to work hard to be an obedient, well-behaved good boy. He does not want to lose their love, do not want to disappoint them, don't want to...

He has worked so hard, but he was forced to make another mistake because he made a mistake.

He lost everything he had carefully guarded for 16 years.

It will become such that he is not willing to do so. He does not want to be like this. He does not want to be ruined by life. He does not want to be forced by those men. He does not want to be treated as a person who is corrupted by morality... He does not want this...

However, Han Wenqian would not care at all. What he wanted was about a clean and well-behaved younger brother, not a dirty thing like him.

Xie He made a smirk... He slowly climbed up from the ground, regardless of what was flowing between his legs. He said to Han Wenqian: "I know, thank you for telling me this."

This way he no longer has to have any illusions and can return to reality.

Xie He picked up his clothes and put them on. When he walked to the door, he couldn't help but look back at Han Wenqian. At that glance, it seemed to condense all his hopes and love, still deeply in love... Finally turned into A dead silence, then pushed the door and went out.

Han Wenqian has been watching Xie He leave and close the door.

His eyes continued to show his gratitude. He finally looked back at him, and suddenly his heart smashed into a ball. What kind of suffocating emotions that inexplicably drown him?

Isn't that what he wants? A little bit of pain is exerted on Xie He’s body, making him desperate.

From the moment he was born again, he continued to brew these words, vowed to tell the most ruthless language to the person who betrayed him, to hurt him first, and not to give him any chance to hurt himself.

But why, my heart still hurts?

[叮, target Han Wenqian good feeling 10, blackening value -10, current good feeling 50, blackening value 50]


Xie He returned to his bedroom, closed the door and went to bed.

[Xie He: My brother is absolutely 18 cm, I am very cool. Smile jpg]

[444:o(n_n)o~] In order to make the host cool, he helped him stay awake before going out shopping!

[Xie He: Baby, have you been careful to monitor him recently? 】

[444: Yes! (⊙v⊙)]

[Thank you: How? 】

[444: In addition to taking time to deal with you, he has been investigating Qin Yu in secret. It is estimated that the deployment should be almost the same for Qin. 】

[Xie He: Very good, Xiao Qin is not a good person. The movements of these two people have paid close attention to me. When they really fight, Xiao Qin should come to see me. 】

[444: Ah... if Han Wenqian sees you seeing it, it’s not blackening again _(:3ゝ∠)_]

[Thank you: Baby, have you heard a word? 】

[444: Hey...]

[Thank you: You need to ring the bell to solve the bell:)

[Xie He: Xiao Qin is a must see, but before that, I can still play with my love brother for a while, after all, I have not slept enough for him. 】


Xie He kept himself in the room for a whole day, and when the night was quiet, a person quietly walked to the opposite piano room.

The white piano is quietly placed there. Music is his favorite thing. He likes this piano very much. He remembers how happy he was when Han Wenqian gave it to him. .

Xie He reached out and touched the keyboard gently, looking at the black and white keys... The eyes showed a mourning look.

For a long time, he seemed to have made any decision to go to Han Wenqian’s door and knocked on the door.

After a while, Han Wenqian came over to open the door in his pajamas. Under the dim light, the man's face looked cold and indifferent.

Xie He opened his mouth and made a dull voice: "I have something to say to you."

Han Wenqian turned his side and said faintly: "Come in."

Xie He walked into Han Wenqian's room. His hand clenched tightly and shivered a little. Finally, as if he was determined to say: "I... I want you to help me to quit... I don't want to, continue to do that." ”

He can't give up on himself. He still has dreams and pursuits. He still wants to continue playing the piano and continue the music he loves...

He didn't want to indulge his life in this way. Even if he was destined to be a tragedy, he wanted to struggle again.

Han Wenqian’s mouth is hooked. “Yes, I will send you to the Du House tomorrow.”

Xie He’s lips are white, he shook his head and his eyes were red: “I don’t want to go there, I don’t want to be known by others... Can you help me right? You can help me, I can promise you anything. ......"

Han Wenqian fixedly looked at him. After a few seconds, he said, "Do you know what you are promised?"

Xie He’s eyelashes trembled and said, “I know.”

Han Wenqian narrowed his eyes, what made this young man who was nearing collapse collapsed? Worth, this is your own door, although you are originally in my bag.

Han Wenqian’s meaningful words: “Good.”

Xie Hewen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Han Wenqian would not help him, so he could only choose to go nowhere, or expose his own scandals to be forced to abstain, which is unacceptable to him.

Xie He looked up at Han Wenqian and said softly, "Thank you."

Han Wenqian’s eyes are condensed. This thank you is what he did not think. Why is he treated like this? Xie He can still say thank you to him... Shouldn’t it be resentful and hate him?

However, he looked at Xie He’s clear eyes and suddenly understood.

Xie He no longer thinks that his help to him is taken for granted. He no longer regards him as the uncle who cares for him unconditionally, but just a ruthless person who will hurt the request, because he no longer has extravagant hopes, so he will not resent or If you feel unbalanced, you will only take it for granted.

Because getting help is a price.

Han Wenqian wanted to understand this, his face suddenly cooled down, "Go out."

Although Xie He didn't know why Han Wenqian suddenly became angry, he did not ask for any intent or showed any unhappiness. He turned and walked out silently.

Han Wenqian looked at Xie He’s back disappeared, and suddenly he punched the wall, really...

Hehe... What is the so-called favorite brother, why not struggle more painfully, why is it so simple to accept the fate... It’s so simple to put down, so it would be as simple as betraying him.

He also did not regard him as a real family.

[叮, Han Wenqian blackening value 20, current good feeling 50, blackening value 70]


[444: The host is big, have you deliberately stimulated him... _(:3ゝ∠)_]

[Thank you: Yes, this is all seen by you. Smile jpg]


[Xie He: Is it so easy to drop the blackening value after so simple? How do you get a deeper look at the repentance after death? Kaiduo began to have a half-way reason, he wants to stop, I am not happy. 】

[444: ...] I went, he would like to know if other systems have encountered such a host!

[Thank Ho: And the blackened love brother is very energetic to work hard, I like it :)

[444:o(n_n)o~] He thinks this should be the focus...

On the second day, Han Wenqian took the initiative to look for Xie He and took out a box of medicines. He said: "When you have two episodes, you can't eat more."

Xie He has endured a little uncomfortable, nodding his head, and he is going to pick up the medicine in Han Wenqian's hand, but he hasn't touched it yet. Han Wenqian's hand has been taken back, and the sly eyes look at him coldly.

Xie He’s hands froze, worried and afraid to look at Han Wenqian.

Han Wenqian stared at Xie He's face. Although he loved him for more than ten years, he always knew that this younger brother was very human, but he never had any other thoughts on him until... now.

After the wonderful taste was tasted, I began to remember.

The youth's body, the sound he made when he was in pain, and the squinting eyes that he looked at you covered with water mist... made him unforgettable and eager to have it again.

Han Wenqian slightly opened his lips and spit out a few words: "The clothes are off."

Xie He’s face was white, and suddenly he understood the meaning of Han Wenqian. He paused for a moment, then shuddered and reached for the button of his collar... He lowered his eyelashes and concealed the color of shame and sadness.

This is the price he has long known to pay. He told himself that there is nothing at all. Anyway, this body is so dirty, who is sleeping and not sleeping? It doesn't matter at all, it doesn't matter...

This world is cruel and needs to be paid for.

The goodness of the past is just a dream, this is the real reality.

Han Wenqian looked at the young man in front of him, a little faded out of his clothes, revealing a delicate and beautiful body, finally no longer suppressed himself, pinching his neck and kissing his lips.

You are mine, regardless of past life or this life, I would like to betray me and flee from me.


From that day on, Han Wenqian always asked for help, and Xie He never resisted. He could not do without Han Wenqian's help.

The process of ring-and-break is very painful, but in order to be on the stage, to continue playing the piano, to continue the music he loves, he can endure everything... music has become the only sustenance in his heart, and the only thing that can bring him peace. .

Xie He no longer closed the door, but went downstairs to eat as usual, and smiled as usual with Han Han Han.

Even Han Wenqian did not think that this seemingly vulnerable and vulnerable young man could show such a resilience. He thought he would choose to commit suicide.

But in fact he persisted.

Xie He’s performance during the day was normal, and at night he lived in Han Wenqian’s room. Han Wenqian really fulfilled his promise. If he was obedient, he would help him.

After a few days, Xie He finally received a call from the seniors. Xie He’s mobile phone has been turned off. The schoolmaster couldn’t easily hear the phone call from his home and asked him why he had not taken the school for so long. The performance of the month is approaching. He has not participated in the rehearsal several times, and he has not come to the school to practice. Even the teachers are a little angry.

On this evening, Han Wenqian held Xie He and bit his earlobe. He found himself more and more indulged in this young man. He had never been alone before, and he could attract his sight and heart.

[叮, the target Han Wenqian good feeling 5, the current good feeling 55, blackening value 70]

Xie He was soft and he was lying in the arms of Han Wenqian. He was still covered with a layer of water mist on his eyelashes. After a while, he made a low voice and said: "I... want to go back. Going to school, can you?"

Han Wenqian whispered: "Of course."

Xie He’s eyes lit up, but he remembered his current situation, his eyes changed again and again, he could not do without Han Wenqian. Silence for a long time, Xie He’s face appeared humiliating, whispering, “I... I will come back to you at night, okay?”

Han Wenqian pinched his chin and kissed his lips. He said: "It seems that I am so cool, you can't live without a man."

Xie He’s eyes flashed through the sorrowful sorrowful look. This person clearly knows why, but still has to say such words to humiliate him...

Han Wenqian teased his mouth openly: "Go, I will pick you up after school."

Xie He nodded stiffly and closed his eyes tiredly.

When the sky was bright, Xie Hejing quietly left and returned to his bedroom. In order not to be found by Han Han and Han, he always passed at night and came back in the morning.

I suffer from unimaginable painful torture and humiliation at night, but I dare not be discovered by anyone.

This is a dark day without days.

When Xie He came to the school again, there was a feeling of being like a world.

He stayed at the school gate for a while before he went to see his teacher. His teacher Xu Guokun was an internationally renowned pianist. He was very fond of Xie He’s talent and diligence to accept him as a disciple. Very caring and carrying, if not a teacher, he did not have the opportunity to go to the Royal Concert Hall.

Xie He looked at the teacher with apologies and said, "I'm sorry, I was sick some time ago and I have never been to school."

Xu Guokun always felt that this disciple was humble and eager to work hard, not only talented and good, but he was very valued to him. Who knows that this time it has disappeared for more than ten days without a word, not far from May, so good. The opportunity is not self-confident but deliberate, he was very angry! But looking at Xie He, the whole person has lost a circle, the eyes are blue and black, and the thin cheeks are distressing. I think of his good luck before, and the temper will not be able to come out... Maybe it is really sick.

Xu Guokun sighed: "At least what will be said next time."

Xie He nodded and whispered, "I know."

Xie He admits that the attitude is so good, Xu Guokun will not say him anymore, "Go, don't let me down."

Xie He’s resignation teacher and went to the place where the rehearsal practice was performed. Other students saw Xie He’s appearance and asked him very much. The well-being Xie He has always liked everyone’s likes, watching him’s serious illness. Everyone is very worried about the appearance.

Xie He looked at the sincere concerns of these students and couldn’t help but look sad. He smiled and said: "Thank you, I am fine."

When I said that I didn’t want to be seen by people to see this fragile appearance, all this made his heart feel a touch of warmth. There are still some people in this world who have not changed things. Not everyone has abandoned him... So He can certainly stick to it.


When Xie He left the school, it was already five or six o'clock. When he was about to leave the school gate, he heard someone calling him.

Shu Yan ran in a light yellow dress, panting, angry eyes wide open, angry said: "Lin Lin!"

Xie He looked at Shu Yan, and her heart was awkward. She didn’t dare to look at her.

Shu Yan shouted thank you, "You haven't given me a call after you have been missing for a long time. I don't know if I will worry about it. I heard that you have not contacted you if you are sick... That's for you, but you are coming to school today. Why don't you come to see me?!"

Xie He looked at Shu Yan, this is his first girlfriend... He talked to her very seriously about a relationship.

But how can he tell her what she is doing today? It’s so dirty and ugly... He didn’t think about Shu Yan, but he didn’t face her face at all, facing the girl he loved.

Shu Yan looked at Xie He’s silence and his eyes were red, and the tears flowed down. “ don’t like me, are you? You are hiding from me...”

Xie He looked at Shu Yan’s sad look and wanted to comfort her and wipe her tears, but he didn’t reach out and remembered that he had been played by men. The pure girl, he felt insulted to her.

Xie He did not reach out, for a long time, he said: "I don't like you, let's break up."

Shu Yan heard this sentence, the beautiful eyes showed an unbelievable expression, "You..."

Xie He said: "I'm sorry."

Shu Yan licked her mouth, tears flowed, and suddenly turned and ran out.

Xie He looked at the back of Shu Yan’s departure, remembered her crying, her chest was stuffy, he didn’t want to break up, he wanted to be with her, he even planned their life after graduation.

But it's useless, sometimes... for the person you like, you must know how to let go.

Xie He decided to stand in the same place, he could not see the back of Shu Yan, but still reluctant to leave, until the sky is dim, Xie He slowly turned around, concentrating the sadness in his eyes.

He must go back at night.

However, before I took two steps, I saw Han Wenqian wearing a black trench coat and leaning against the door and looking at him. I don’t know how long I have been there.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes