MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 200 Final strategy

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Xie He’s life is not too easy, and he has not seen 444 his collection for a long time, as if he has completely let go.

For Xie He, this kind of calm life has been a long time and has not passed. From a few years ago, the frequency of the main system to the Raiders in his world is getting higher and higher. In the end, it has almost reached every month. To the point, those people are doing everything they can, and they try to approach him every day.

Every time he has to distinguish who is his attacker, after he dies, he will come to the next one, there is no gap in the middle.

Now, Xie He finally no longer needs to distinguish who is the Raiders in the end. Don't worry that maybe someone he knows is suddenly replaced by another strange soul. No need to... suppress the anger in the heart and play the love game with the outsiders. .

In addition to going to work, Xie He occasionally eats and eats with Yu Shu, watching movies, and a plan to seriously fall in love and plan to live.

444 didn't take it seriously at first, but then it was a bit aggressive. How did he feel that his host really intended to go on like this... But isn't the host largely saying that he is not that kind of person?

444 once again saw Xie He sent Yu Shu away, finally could not help but ask.

[444: The host is big, are you really ready to live with peace of mind? Σ(°△°)_]

[Thank you: Is it not good? 】

[444: Not..."

[Xie He: The mortal said that it is only a lifetime. The fun of the fish is not fish. For me, this game won't win, when will it win, it's too simple... In fact, if it can be so stable It doesn't seem to make any difference if you want to take off your medicine for a lifetime. Smile JPG

[444: ... is also oh. 】 It seems to make sense...orz

[Xie He: So baby don't think too much, this world is very leisurely, nothing to go out to play with :)

[444: Good yeah! ╰(*°▽°*)╯】

Xie He lowered his eyes and covered his chilly look. He... Of course, it’s not such a big man, and he doesn’t like to admit his life, but there is no need to let 444 know.

Xie He drove home, the night city was full of neon lights flashing, the road came and went, the cool air in the wind came the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus... his world is so realistic, but in the eyes of the main system, count as what is it then?

These fresh lives, joys, sorrows and sorrows, what counts as? Is this all true, or is it just because of the illusion that he exists alone...

Xie He was very late when he got home. He came out of the underground garage and saw a tall figure standing at the door of his house. Xie He’s footsteps paused and then walked over without incident.

Lu Ting saw Xie He come over, because he was so nervous that his face looked serious and cold.

In fact, his inner activity is like this.

[Lu Ting: He seems not happy to see me...]

[666: Don't be jealous! 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

[666: According to the information I recently received from 444, Xie He is ready to seriously fall in love with the indigenous people of this world! Are you going to be here for the rest of your life to bless him? 】

[Lu Ting: I don't want to. 】

[666: That's right, so go up and take out your courage! The people you travel through are more powerful than now! 】

[Lu Ting: I still don’t want to talk about it. He certainly doesn’t like me to be like him...] Every time I think about it, it’s like having a knife to shave his heart...

[666: But it turns out that his good feelings are very refreshing. This is what I saw with my own eyes. If there is a whisper, I will beat the thunder! 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

When Lu Ting was undecided, Xie He had already walked to the door. He did not look at Lu Ting, as if he was an invisible person, he took out the key and opened the door.

Lu Ting saw that his beloved had to disappear in front of him... He finally grasped the wrist of Xie He, and his voice was suppressed: "I have something to say to you."

Xie He squinted at Lu Ting and took his hand, his look was cold, "released."

Lu Ting was not loose. He held Xie He’s hand hard. He was a complicated look. He said for a long time: "I want to see you, I am coming back... actually to see you."

Xie He will definitely look at him, his lips slowly revealing a sly smile, his voice is awkward. "I remember you told me before, you came back to see Xie Xi."

Lu Ting's expression is stiff, "That..."

Xie He smiled and said: "You should know me very well... I didn't like Xie Xi since I was a child. I don't want anything I touched."

Lu Ting’s eyes showed a very sad look. Of course he knew it. There was no better person than him who knew how to be a child. He was the one who spent the most time with him.

He still remembers that once, Xie He was a high school... Xie Xi snatched a model that Xie He liked most, and thanked him for his quiet face, secretly giving Xie Xi a scorpion, so that he had to hand back things back. Xie He took the model that Xie Xi was still back but didn't want it, but in the face of Xie Xi's face.

He just saw that Xie Xi was not pleasing to the eye.

"I'm sorry... I don't really have anything to do with him, and I never liked him." Lu Ting looked stunned. He knew that he had done a lot of things. In the eyes of Xie He at that time, he was the most important person. ...just when he left, I don’t know if I can return...

He was not sure if he would see another day, so he didn't want to thank Xie because he was sad.

"Is it?" Xie He's expression was lazy and didn't care. He said: "You don't have to think about it. I don't care if you like him or not. You still remember what I said to you that day."

Lu Ting licked his lips, his face was slightly white, and he certainly remembered... Xie He said that they have no relationship.

Xie He didn't mean to talk to him any more. He opened the hand of Lu Ting and turned around to shut down Lu Ting. Lu Ting reacted faster. He resisted the door with one hand and let Xie He not close the door and put him. Circle in your arms.

Xie He’s look finally cooled down. “What are you going to do?”

[666: Kiss him! Kiss him! According to the ninth chapter of the "Love Raiders Handbook", when you have nothing to say, a strong kiss can solve this kind of embarrassment! 】

Lu Ting gaze at Xie He's face in a close distance. The young man of that year has grown into a stable man. This handsome face smiles like a gentle spring, and when it is cold, it is like a cold ice, deep dark eyes, people can not see. Through his emotions... Under the nose of the tall nose is the thinned lips, Lu Ting recalls the lingering of the two before, that is the first time they used their body to stay so close, the taste he remembered ......

Lu Ting suddenly bowed his head and kissed it! Holding down Xie He’s shoulder in one hand, his strength is so great, Xie He can’t push him.

He managed to restrain himself from approaching this person... but once he touched it, he couldn’t separate it... He missed him like this, and the thoughts that have accumulated for hundreds of years are already on the verge of being irrepressed.

Xie He felt that Lu Ting’s body was like a mountain. The hand that held his shoulder made him unable to move. He could only let him kiss. Xie He never likes to do unnecessary things. He simply does not bother to resist and let Lu Ting kiss one. Enough, until Lu Ting loosened, Xie He did not hesitate to raise his hand and rewarded him with a slap.

Lu Ting was beaten, he looked at Xie He's cold eyes, and his eyes suddenly showed a sly look... Xie He was really angry... But obviously this was not the case last time?

Xie He took back his hand and glanced at him: "Roll, I am afraid of hurting you."

[Hey, the target thank you for the good feeling -10, the current good feeling -30]

Lu Ting's face was pale, and he did not dare to stop it any more. He watched Xie He enter, and the door ‘砰’ closed, blocking him from the door.

[666: Keke...]

[Lu Ting: You are not saying that a strong kiss can solve this kind of embarrassment? 】

[666: Hey... This lacks certain practical effects. Depending on the actual situation, the same method may have different effects. I need to study again. Human emotions are really complicated things...]

[Lu Ting: ...]

[666: But you are not a failure. 】

[Lu Ting: Is this still not a failure? 】

[666: Of course, in fact, you have succeeded! You see how much he hates you now? Isn't your purpose to make him hate you? To a certain extent, you have achieved your intended purpose, so don't be discouraged! You can also make him hate you a little more! 】

[Lu Ting: ... Shut up. 】


Xie He coldly returned to his home.

[444 whispered question: The host is big, you seem to be angry...]

[Thank Ho: Of course, after all, I don’t like the kind of people who like to lie and like to lie. Smile JPG

[444: Then why did you want to tease him like that at first? I thought you didn't hate him so much _(:зゝ∠)_]

[Xie He: Well... some people don’t know how to seize the opportunity. If you know that some opportunities are lost, you lose them. If you want to get the same thing again, you have to pay more for it:)


Xie He had a good night's sleep, the next day was the weekend, he slept asleep, and made a breakfast for himself, only to go out.

As soon as he opened the door, he found that Lu Ting was still standing at the door. Obviously he had not left it overnight and gave him the door to stay overnight.

Lu Ting saw Xie He came out, silenced for a while, bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry."

Xie He’s look is still cold: “What are you sorry for?”

Lu Ting said: "I shouldn't be like that yesterday... But I really want to tell you that I didn't like Xie Xi. I always like you. I just didn't want you to be sorry for me before I left. That's done." He finished with a bang, then looked at Xie He nervously.

That was the most embarrassing thing in his heart. He had tortured him for many years... After a long time, he finally said his heart, what would he think?

This answer has plagued him for hundreds of years.

Xie He looked at Lu Ting and suddenly laughed. "I already knew it."

Lu Ting’s eyes finally had a glimmer of light, and the nervous body was a bit stiff. “You, you know?”

Xie He nodded. "It's not hard to guess? After all, your acting has not improved for so many years, as always."

Lu Ting: "..."

Xie He smiled for a while, then his expression was slightly cold and said: "But no matter what purpose or reason you are leaving, the person who left is the person who left, and I will not care about the person who left me. Change because of your motives."

"Don't you just want me to forget you?" Xie He's lips and a hook, "I will do as you wish."

[Hey, the target thank you for the good feeling -10, the current good feeling -40]

In the eyes of Lu Ting, the light dissipated and suddenly dimmed. His hand gripped and the voice was low. "I'm sorry."

It turned out that this is the idea of ​​Xie He. It turns out that he has been watching so clearly... It is not important for him to leave him for any reason. The important thing is the result.

If he was good at the beginning and thanked him for his thoughts, would the result be different?

Xie He did not look at Lu Ting again, turned and left, drove out.

Lu Ting stood in a daze, for a long time, a bitter smile: "I am more than one thing, he is more clear than I thought."

666 did not expect Xie He to see it in the past, he really underestimated this person.

[666: It’s all over the past... It’s not meaningful to think about it now. Why don’t you think about how to get him back? 】

[Lu Ting: Do you think I can chase him back? 】

[666: I have tried hard, don't leave regrets for myself! Come on! Even if you can't catch it, you can hate you, no matter how you look, you can win! He feels that the emotional intelligence of his family is obviously not an opponent of Xie He, but it is better to encourage him to strive for true love than to see Lu Ting alone. Although the two choices are very bad...but at least in the bad inside Pick a little bit better, right?


Mr. Zhao organized activities on the weekend and a group of people went fishing in the reservoir.

Xie He also made an appointment with them, but he first went to Yu Yu and then passed.

Recently, the relationship between the two has been confirmed. Xie He has taken Yu Shu with him on some occasions. Obviously, he is not planning to play. The friends of Xie He see that he attaches importance to Yu Shu, so he also respects Yu Shu. In this way, Xie always intends to take care of it...

I really looked down on this teacher. I didn’t expect that even the flower-hearted prodigal son of Xie Zong could conquer and admire!

Today's sun is a bit sinister, thank you for propping up the umbrella, but Yu Shubai's face still sees some sweat, Xie He gently looked at him, took out a paper towel for him to sweat, and considerate Give him the water.

Yu Shu was a little shy and whispered: "Thank you."

Xie He over the head, his lips brushed his ear, and made a magnetic and elegant laugh: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Yu Shu’s face suddenly reddened.

Xie He saw a smile on his eyes, and took a hand on his shoulder. He kissed him tenderly, and Yu Shu shook his hand. The fish that had just been hooked ran away.

Mr. Zhao and others looked at the screaming voice. This is where fishing is. This is clearly the show of love, and Xie is still superb.

Lu Ting also came over with a poke, but he did not dare to approach, and a person stood in the distance and looked at it and saw a pit on the trunk in front of him! The sawdust fell to the ground.

[666:......] Poor tree.

[Lu Ting: He used to be a master of love! 】

[666: ... calm! 】

Lu Ting suddenly strode over, Zhao and others saw Lu Ting suddenly appear, one by one, no one invited Lu Ting, how did he come over? Everyone knows the past grievances of Xie He and Lu Ting, so try to avoid letting them meet.

It looks so bad today...

Lu Ting saw Xie He and others kissed together, only felt that the eyes were stinging, and I wish I could separate them immediately! But when I was about to start, I remembered what Xie He said to him on the day. He said that he was not qualified to take care of him any more, and he walked all the way to the sky...

If you do it yourself, Xie He will only hate him more.

Lu Ting forced the suppression of the anger in his heart. He resisted the impulse of the monks, but found a place to sit down next to him and watched them like that.

Xie He actually saw Lu Ting in the corner of his eyes, but he did not care about it. He was not disturbed by the slightest, and he was still gentle with Yu Shu.

It was Yu Shu who later discovered that Lu Ting had come. The fierce and cold man had been watching him with murderous eyes... He was scared and turned white, and whispered thanking him: "Is this not your ex-boyfriend? You are not saying that you It doesn't matter?"

Xie apologetically looked at him and said: "We really have no relationship."

Lu Ting suddenly stood up. He walked over to Yu Shu and said, "We didn't care about it before, but I like to thank him and want to pursue him again, so you are my rival."

Yu Shu: "..."

Mr. Zhao and others: "..." lying trough, what is this drama today? Is it a big reversal? Does Lu Ting not like Xie Xi? Didn't he thank him first?

Xie He’s brow finally wrinkled slightly, and his eyes showed an impatient look. “You have finished, I said that we have nothing to do with it.”

[Hey, the target thank you for the good feeling -10, the current good feeling -50]

Lu Ting heard the good feelings, his expression was stiff, and he almost wanted to give up.

[666: Come on! Don't worry, try to achieve good feelings -100]

[Lu Ting: Six sons, you can really say a little less recently...]

[666: Keke...]

Lu Ting clenched his lips and lowered his head. His eyes were full of awkward look. "I'm sorry, you should be angry with me, but I have always loved you. It was my fault before."

Mr. Zhao and others: "..." They shouldn’t be illusory today, and they are all flying away.

Lu Zong, is this a loyal dog overnight?

Xie He is too lazy to pay attention to Lu Ting, turning his head to Yu Shudao: "Don't care about him."

Yu Shu was a little embarrassed, but still nodded.

Lu Ting looked at Xie He did not look at him, his body shape was a bit stunned, but he did not dare to go to beat people, so thank you will definitely be more unhappy, can only look at the fire of seeing Xie He and others show love, The sour taste is almost ten miles away.

[Lu Ting: I regret it. I knew that I shouldn’t play any tricks. Anyway, he wouldn’t like me. It’s better to explain my mind directly to him. If I look at it, I’m going crazy. 】

[666: Steady, at least you can still watch him now, isn't it? I don’t even see the strong coming. 】

[Lu Ting: What you said seems to be the same reason, that is why I don’t sound comfortable at all...]

[666:......] Well, at least you didn't get mentally ill, I think this treatment is still very good...


From that day onwards, Lu Ting was surrounded by Xie He every day like a follower. Xie He concentrated on falling in love, and he always lamented him with a cold eye.

Lu Ting and 666 study the "Love Raiders Handbook" every day, which said that to impress a person to persevere, to be sincere, do not quit halfway ... Lu Ting continued.

He did not let go of any opportunity to contact with Xie He. He also participated in any activities he attended, gave gifts, greeted the cold, and so on. The performance was deep, and he did not shake his tail.

Gradually everyone knows, Lu Zong's original true love is thankful, although I don't know why Xia Xijin came in to blend in one foot, but this is normal. It is said that when Xie was still young, Lu Zong That's it...

Lu Ting's persevering way to find the way to thank, but the effect is always counterproductive, every time thank you to give him a good sense, eyes are all -90.

444 has been indulging in playing recently and is not thinking about it. Occasionally, when I come back to see this scene, I feel awkward every time. His host's sense of goodness is always not in accordance with common sense! When I first came back, Lu Ting’s deceased look was so refreshing that his host’s host was so good. Now Lu Ting looks back at him, but instead gives him a good impression every day.

666 every day to find ways to contact 444, trying to take some information, but 444 is too stupid, completely do not understand the mind of his home, the useful news is not much.

Soon after, I arrived at Valentine's Day. Lu Ting learned that Xie He was preparing to go out to eat. According to Xie He's usual practice, of course, there must be a harmonious life after eating.

Lu Ting finally couldn't bear it. He turned into Yu Shu's house and tied the poor teacher's hands with his mouth. He determined that he couldn't get out of the door, and then came to Xie He's booked hotel according to the information given by 666.

Xie He has arrived in advance, he has always been a romantic and sentimental person, the selected hotel is very stylish, the environment is elegant and quiet, at the moment a decent suit, more lining his handsome, handsome.

He heard the footsteps slightly turned his head, revealing half of his handsome face, and he saw Lu Ting, not showing a too unexpected look.

Lu Ting was a bit cold because of his nervous expression. He came to Xie He and sat down for a few seconds. He said, "He can't come today."

Xie He was not surprised or angry, but said faintly: "Don't you decide not to bother me any more? What do you mean by doing this now, is it fun to change?"

Lu Ting’s voice was bitter. He said, “I have prepared a gift for you.”

Said to take out a black flannel box, pushed to the front of Xie He.

Xie He looked at the box in front of him and opened it. There was a metal pendant in the quiet, and there was no material, and the gloss was dull. There were two quaint Chinese characters, Ting & He.

Lu Ting said: "This is made by the hardest Ace metal sold in the system store. Nothing can be destroyed. I made two and always took it around. I want to give the other one to you, but unfortunately there has been no opportunity."

Xie He's fingertips touched the pendant, his eyes were deep and he couldn't see any emotions.

Lu Ting seems to think of the past, the look of memories in his eyes, the voice is a bit stunned, "I know that my behavior during this time is a bit ridiculous, after all, I was leaving you first, no matter what the reason, can not change this The fact is that I am not honest, and it is normal for you not to forgive me."

"I just... want to tell you that I have always loved you."

Yeah, what was he hesitating before? Obviously, he loves this person like this, but he dare not say his own mind... Draw the land as a prisoner and trap himself in it.

However, if you don’t say it now, and there’s no chance to say it in the future, it’s probably the biggest regret in life.

In the countless years that Lu Ting left, he always walked on the edge of life and death, and escaped again and again. He never regretted having come to this world for a moment. He never regretted falling in love with such a person...not this person will him. Pushing into such a situation, but this person gave him the courage to survive in sinister, gave him the hope of persistence.

If there is not this love and persistence in my heart, maybe he can't wait for the day to come back?

Maybe he died long ago, and many hosts die every day, and he comes back alive because he always believes... someone is waiting for him to come back.

You let me live back.

"I'm sorry." Lu Ting stood up. He looked at Xie He with a deep look. His eyes were a look of attachment, and his feelings were already -90. Do you really have to wait for -100? Forget it, if he really loves this person, he should not bother him. He is not willing to see him unhappy.

He did this, but he didn't want to hide his emotions any more. This is a frankness that he owes to him. Although it is too late, at least... I don't want to leave regrets.

Lu Ting smiled softly: "If you don't like it, throw it. Wait until I leave and throw it. This is my last request."

After Lu Ting finished, he turned and left.

This time, I really want to leave. It is not that he restrains himself from leaving, but thank you for not needing him anymore.

Lu Tinggang took a few steps and suddenly heard a cool voice coming from behind. "Wait."

He stopped and smiled back. "Is there anything?"

Xie He looked at Lu Ting, and the eyebrows picked it up. The phoenix swept through the unclear light, and looked lazy. "Nothing, just suddenly remembered having a question and forgot to ask, Lu Ting, is your real name?"

The author has something to say: What are you~

Thanks to the empty grenade x1, deep water torpedo x1

Thanks to the astronomical mine x1, rocket launcher x6

Thanks to the fourteen. Shallow water bomb x1

Thank you for loving me or your grenade x4

Thanks to the beautiful stone rockets x2

Thanks to the ancient lane cats mine x20

Thanks to Lishui's mine x8, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to Lin Yu Roy's Rocket x1, Grenade x1

Thanks to the canned mine x1, rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the timeless rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the clear rocket rocket x1

Thanks to Victoria's rocket launcher x1

Thanks to the scorpion cat's mine x8

Thanks for the moon's grenade x1, mine x2

Thanks to Zhizhi's grenade x1

Thanks to Lanze Mint Grenade x1

Thanks to Lillolo's grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1 that dreams of traveling.

Thanks to the evil anti-Routine Jun mine x5

Thanks for the rain grenade x1

Thank you for the grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1 that guards Xue Yangyang's sugar.

Thanks K for the grenade x1

Thanks to Yu Yuan’s grenade x1

Thanks to the grenade x1

Thanks for the grenade x1

Thanks to Ji Moyu’s grenade x1

Thanks to BAO's mine x5

Thanks to the time old mine x4

Thanks Lily's mine x4

Thanks to Twilight's mine x3

Thanks to Tan Jiu - handsome ninety-nine mines x3

Thanks to the cloud dyed mine x3

Thanks to the mine of mine x3

Thanks to the windy mines x3

Thanks to the winemaking anc mine x3

Thanks to a monster mine x2

Thanks to Anjor's mine x2

Thanks for the silent mine x2

Thanks to the louver mines x2

Thanks to Tusu's mine x2

Thanks to the nine-party mines x2

Thanks to Lan Zemin's mines x2

Thanks to the mines of the bonfire palace palace x2

Thanks to Aunt Suki's mine x2

Thanks oh oh mine x2

Thanks for asking for a trip to Han Wenqing’s mine x2

Thanks to Lan Ju Youfang's mine x2

Thanks to the dust mine x2

Thanks to Buzi’s mine x2

Thanks to the mines of Litang Lili x2

Thanks to the 123 mines x2

Thanks to kks mine x2

Thanks to lisa.G mine x2

Thanks to Ye Xia's mines x2

Thanks to Astoria's mine x2

Thanks to TAT's mine x2

Thanks to the blood tofu mine x2

Thanks to the landmine x2 of 22385777

Thanks to the childish mine x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of Shanglu

Thanks for the mine sauce x1

Thanks to An Li to Orange's mine x1

Thanks to Mole Xiansen's mine x1

Thanks for the strange landmine x1

Thanks to the three thousand mines x1

Thanks to AnitaT's mine x1

Thanks to Lig's mine x1

Thanks to the vines and the dew mines x1

Thanks to Xiaoxia's mine x1

Thanks to Nanyin's mine x1

Thanks to the 22458836 mine x1

Thanks to Akira Akira's mine x1

Thanks to the windy mine x1

Thank you for the mines x1

Thanks to the landmine x1 of 19881673

Thanks to Momo Momo's mine x1

Thanks to the landmine 409 mine x1

Thanks to the purple mine mine x1

Thanks to the mine of x2292861

Thanks to the starry rain mine x1

Thanks to the green mine x1

Thank you for the mine that was not updated today.

Thanks to the glutinous rice mine x1

Thanks to the mines looking at the flowers edema and looking at the moon x1

Thanks to Qi Yu’s mine x1

Thanks to the wooden sign of the mine x1

Thanks to the more mines x1

Thank qiu's mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the meatball x1

Thanks to the landmark x1 of 0033

Thanks = stone does not turn pastoral boy turn = mine x1

Thanks for the clear mine x1

Thanks to the 20600909 mine x1

Thanks to Yuki Yuki's mine x1

Thanks to the landmines of the clouds

Thanks to jedimbook's mine x1

Thanks to the mines x1

Thanks to me for being a little nanny's mine x1

Thanks - Lu Qia - mine x1

Thanks to the blue mine x1

Thanks to Amy’s sister’s mine x1

Thank you for thinking about Kumar's mine x1

Thanks to the landlord's mine x1

Thanks to the landmark x1 of 19568995

Thanks to Illy's mine x1

Thanks to Tao Xingxing's mine x1

Thanks to Duan Xiaochen's mine x1

Thank you for the fruit mine x1

Thanks to the mines of the rivers and lakes night rain ten years lamp x1

Thanks to the 2, 2, 2, mines x1

Thanks to the civilized la la mine x1

Thanks for the mine x1 at that moment~

Thanks to the 23291809 mine x1

Thanks to the landmines of the European Emperor x1

Thanks to 19,527,722 mines x1

Thanks to the unfamiliar mine x1

Thanks to the end of the _ outsider's mine x1

Thanks to the silent mine x1

Thanks to the pure lemon 荼 mine x1

Thanks to Gu Ziming's mine x1

thank. . . . . . Mine x1

Thanks to &Mare & Starry Landmines x1

Thank you for the mines x1

Thank you for your long time mine x1

Thanks to the schizophrenic Pisces mine x1

Thanks to sasukezaizai's mine x1

Thanks to the rainy night mine x1

Thanks to ●▽○'s mine x1

Thanks to the half-acre square pond mine x1

Thanks to Han Yi Dance's mine x1

Thanks to the wind and rainy land mine x1

Thanks to Mo Yan:) mine x1

Thanks to the sunset mine x1

Thanks to the song mine x1

Thanks to Shanshan's mine x1

Thanks to Li Wei’s mine x1

Thanks to a sprouting black hoofed mine x1

Thanks to the dried radish x1

Thanks to the landmine x1

Thanks to the forest seed mine x1

Thanks to the mine of the dawn fire x1

Thanks to the fat bear mine x1

Thanks to cuz mine x1

Thanks for the nocturnal mines x1

Thanks to thousands of thousands of nights of mines x1

Thanks to the bottom of the land to find the first mine x1

Thanks to the star mine x1

Thanks to Shirakawa's mine x1

Thanks to Adastra's mine x1

Thanks to Susie's mine x1

Thanks to DogStar's mine x1

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