MTL - Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong-Chapter 201 Final strategy

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Lu Ting took a moment and nodded and said, "Yes."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a system prompt in his head.

[叮, the target thank you good feeling +10, the current good feeling -80]

[Lu Ting: Am I getting it wrong? 】

[666 is also very stunned: no... I also heard it. 】

Xie He smiled lightly. He slammed the pendant in the box with his fingertips. He rubbed it and asked, "Is this your own body?"

Lu Ting nodded and said, "Yes."

[叮, the target thank you good feeling +20, the current good feeling -60]

Xie He’s eyes are like a smile, “This is a reward for your honesty.”

He paused and then slowly said: "In fact, after you left, I investigated your identity. A person suddenly appeared in this world, and there is always a clue. Then I found out that you and Other Raiders are different, although you have carefully prepared identity information for yourself, but the fake is fake... You have not passed."

"Come with me." Xie He stood up from the chair and turned and walked outside.

Lu Ting looked at Xie He and walked past him. He paused and stepped forward.

[Lu Ting: Six sons, I am, is there still meaning to save? 】

[666: Probably yes...] He couldn’t guess what he thought...

Xie He took Lu Ting back to his home and went to the study room on the second floor to open another row of bookcases with dense folders ranging from 1 to 100.

Xie He pulled out the folder numbered 1 and threw it in front of Lu Ting.

Lu Ting opened it and saw that it was all his information. He looked at his face and changed his face.

Xie He smiled slightly: "Your information is very detailed and clean. I didn't quite understand how you did it at the time. Now I want to come to you with a system. It is simply too easy to fake a small to large identity... but the information can be Forgery, your trajectory in this world cannot be forged. You have been in this world for ten years, and no one knows you 10 years ago. This is different from other Raiders, and no one when you leave. I have seen your I think that you are a thorough outsider, not the same as other Raiders."

Lu Ting looks a bit complicated, he did not deny: "You are right."

Xie He’s finger tapped on the table. “This is a very interesting thing. I thought that the Raiders could only come to my world through the way of the soul, but your situation denied my guess. ""

Lu Ting had no hidden thoughts. He also wanted to open it. Instead of hiding it, it is better to tell everything about Xie He. Xie He himself made the decision. He only needs to tell him the truth.

He smiled and said: "Of course not, the Lord God can put the host to any world, not only through the way of the soul, but the energy required for the soul wear is less, and for the love strategy task, it can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble. ""

Thank you for your eyebrows: "The Lord God?"

"The Lord God..." Lu Ting's eyes were cold and his voice was low. "The Lord God is the nickname we give to the main system. In the reincarnation of the world, our host calls it this way. You should already know something, whether it is 444. Or 666, although these systems are all data, they all have their own anthropomorphic personality. They are all very advanced AIs. Except for no entity, they are similar to humans to some extent, even with emotions."

"But the Lord God has no personality. It manages countless planes. The most powerful artificial intelligence is just an absolutely ruthless data stream. It only follows its own rules of operation. Only data is the fairest and most calm. It will not have Emotion, not impulsive, not angry, not biased... absolutely ruthless, so we call it God--"

Xie He looked at Lu Ting, and the voice was light and smiling. "But the perfect data is also a rule loophole. This is why you can come back, right?"

Lu Ting sighed and did not refute.

He took advantage of the rule loopholes of the Lord God to convince the Lord God to set a contract with him and let him return here.

[666: I really admire him a bit, how much has he guessed? 】

Lu Ting slowly said: "You have thought about your own world, what kind of existence?"

Xie He said: "Is it the human being in your main world, the world that you fantasized?"

Lu Tingdao: "Yes, all the sub-planets are the world of human fantasy in the main world. The film, novel, anime created by human beings in the main world, or just a dream, a painting, a legend. It is possible to form a secondary plane. Only the main world has the energy to form other planes. It is the source of everything... There are many stories in your world, but these stories will not form new places. surface."

"And we are the host of the main world, the purpose is to destroy these worlds, referred to as customs clearance, so that the Lord God can recover the energy of these sub-planets, feed back the world, maintain the balance and transcendentality of the main world. If it does not matter The resulting secondary planes, one day these worlds will affect the balance of the main world, with very serious consequences."

"I know." Xie He smiled. "I think about it, experience value - represents the world energy, right?"

Lu Ting nodded. "Yes, the experience value is the unit set by the Lord God for the world's energy. In the eyes of the Lord God, everything is just energy. The first sequence of the Lord God is to recover energy as much as possible, and to feed the world. The second sequence rule is to follow its own procedures, and the third sequence rule is to eliminate the threat."

Xie He’s eyes showed a thoughtful look. “But recycling these worlds needs to meet certain conditions, right? For example, the Lord God wants to recycle my world, what I need is my love.”

"We call these key nodes, which is the key to customs clearance." Lu Ting said: "Once these secondary worlds are formed, they have their own operating rules. The main **** cannot directly recover them. If they are forcibly destroyed, they need to lose more energy. So if it thinks that your world is threatened enough, it will not be forced to destroy this way. Usually it will send us hosts from the main world, go to those worlds to complete the task, once cleared, you can make These worlds lose their independence and the Lord God can easily recycle them. For your world, your love is the key to whether the Lord God can successfully recycle the world. You are the first protagonist of this world, and this is a A world of love."

Xie He laughed, "I guess it, my world, is it a love story? Or a TV? Movie?"

Lu Tinggan coughed twice, "Fiction."

Xie He lowered his eyes, because his world is a love story, and he is the first protagonist, so once he gives his own love, it is equivalent to giving control of the world, the Lord God can not waste the power Recycling his world, returning the entire world to its original energy and returning it to the main world.

"But after I defeated 100 hosts, the Lord God thought that my world was full of threats." Xie He said faintly: "So this is why the Lord God will kill me at all costs."

"Because your world has been upgraded." Lu Ting reveals a dignified expression. "Your world was originally a minimum E-class world, but when you defeated 100 hosts and captured some of their energy, your The world has become a D-class world. In the eyes of the Lord God, it has become a bug that must be eliminated. The Lord God is absolutely not allowed to have a second SSS-level world 'dead dream', so it has to eradicate the threat in the bud."

Lu Ting said that he was a "dead dream," and he had experienced a myriad of horrible worlds.

666 also thinks that my data is shaking.

Lu Ting finished his expression and regained his ease. He laughed and said: "That is a legend of our reincarnation. The beginning of the 'dead dream' is just an ordinary E-class world, a human dream of the main world. A very strange dream... The world is only black and white, regardless of time and space. At first, everyone did not pay much attention to the world, and the Lord God did not realize its threat."

"But gradually, people find that no host can live from that world, every host that enters it is dead, and even the soul can't be separated. The world grows itself by constantly absorbing the soul energy of the host and begins to upgrade... Finally, from one of the most common E-class worlds, and finally to all the hostile SSS-class worlds, all the hosts that are dead inside will be assimilated into part of the dream. When there are no living people, they are statues. Entering, those souls that cannot be liberated will evolve into the most terrible grievances, killing all living things, and turning the living people into one of them. Because more and more hosts are dead inside, the difficulty is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, it almost became unsolvable, and its energy was so strong that even the Lord God could do nothing."

666 didn't say anything, Lu Ting said it was very easy, and did not tell Xie He that he went to the world and took the task.

The world has a big heart shadow on 666, because its energy is so powerful that even the connection between the system and the outside world can be shielded. They are alone and in a system of 26 years in the terrible black and white dream world where there is no living thing everywhere. ...... There are countless times 666 feel that I am going to die, Lu Ting is dead, he can not return to the main system, will completely disintegrate, so he constantly cheers Lu Ting every day, telling him must be alive, tell him thank Why are you waiting for him?

Who knows that Lu Ting is actually alive. The customs clearance condition of the world is to escape. Once someone is alive, the world can be recycled. Lu Ting fights for a period of obsession and eventually breaks the world.

Lu Tingdao: "Your world is still very weak, and the Lord God can forcibly kill it, but if one day your world also evolves into such a powerful world, the Lord God can't deal with you, so when your world is upgraded, the Lord God immediately realizes Your world has the potential to evolve into such a threat, so stop putting the Raiders into your world, because that's just meaningless sending of experience."

"So the Lord God chooses to erase your world and eliminate threats."

Xie He was not afraid, but instead showed a very interested expression and asked, "I have upgraded my world? If I continue to upgrade, what will it become?"

Lu Ting shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, this kind of thing is unpredictable. Maybe you will become an immortal existence, become the BOSS of your world, you will kill any host that comes to your world, devour them. , strengthen yourself. Once your world is strong enough, those hosts will die in your world, it is really dead, just a simple analogy, now those hosts are dead in your world, you can only deprive them of the lack of One energy, but if your world is an S-class world, you can deprive them of 100% energy and let them really die...that is, the later, the more difficult you are to attack, but the consequences are The more serious."

Xie He nodded. "I have been thinking about how death might not have to pay the price. Now I understand that they are not paying no price, but the price is still small enough to pose a threat to their lives."

Lu Ting said: "Yes, whether it is death or self-selection, the host is deducted from the experience value, because the main **** needs to consume energy to help the host out of the world, and this energy will be deducted from the experience value of the host."

Xie He reveals a smile and a sigh of relief. "The Lord God does slam the door. I don't want to eat it at all. The items in the system store are also very expensive to sell. The recycling price is very low. It treats your hosts as a part-time job. I usually use it, then I open a shop myself, and then try to earn the experience you earned."

Lu Ting's expression is helpless. "The significance of its existence is to recover the world's energy as much as possible."

"This is indeed the style of the Lord God. It can be seen from the rules it has set. If you don't say anything else, you will love the world of Raiders. After the Raiders are completed, you must be separated within three days... You can see the purpose of the Lord God." What is said, "Because it is the hope that the host can do the task as seriously as possible, improve efficiency, rather than indulge in love. Without this restriction, those hosts are entirely likely to invest too much real feelings and stay in those worlds and refuse to leave. It will greatly delay the time for the Lord God to recycle the world. With this restriction, those hosts usually do not invest too much in places where they cannot stay. They only think about how to complete and leave as soon as possible, and accelerate the death of the target. The Lord God can logically recycle these worlds after they leave."

Xie He closed his eyes, and all this is similar to what he guessed. Now it is just getting a definitive statement, because he constantly beats those hosts and strengthens himself. The Lord God can no longer continue to tolerate him. He thinks that he will continue to grow up. Become a threat.

He has only two choices, either to die or to use the detachment of pharmacy. From the world, he no longer has the identity of the protagonist of the air, and naturally it is impossible to continue the evolution of the whole world, which is equivalent to eliminating this threat.

[叮, the target thank you good feeling +20, the current good feeling -40]

Xie He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes faintly smiling, looking at the nervous Lu Ting in front of him, said: "I have one last question."

Lu Ting was even more nervous, "What is the problem?"

Xie He said: "What is the name of my world?"

Lu Ting's expression was distorted. He had always known that he had all the words and words, and suddenly he felt that it was difficult to open his mouth.

Xie He looked at him jokingly: "Isn't it already decided not to hide it?"

[Lu Ting: I didn't want to hide it, I just thought it was a shame...]

[666: Amount, if you really want to say something, you should feel embarrassed, but thank you why you feel more shameful...]

[Lu Ting: Then I am more embarrassed to say. 】

[666: If you don't say it, you will lose it! 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

Lu Ting ‘cough and cough’, “I have the original, I can show it to you.” He said that 666 had exchanged the original of the world for one, and carefully handed it to Xie He’s face.

This is a not too thick novel, with a few big characters printed on the cover: Ba total wins love Xiaojiao wife.

It is a small book on the XXX literature network on the earth.

Xie He was interested in opening it and reading it carefully. The story tells the story of a tyrannical overbearing president named Xie He and a love story of a female singer named Xiao Xiaoying. The storyline is simple and bloody, and each chapter is in the embarrassment. Xie He is arrogant to the female lord, and the tyranny is deep, and the entanglement is repeated. Every day, I don’t do business. By the way, there is also a male with Xie Xi, who also likes the female lord, and Xie He competes for the female lord's various Shura field. The whole novel is without brains and white, and Xie He is the first protagonist.

Xie He looked very seriously. When I saw the input, I read it out. The voice was low and elegant. "Xie He put Xiao Xiaoying on the bed, and the evil eyes looked at her, saying, you have to dare to see other men, I Just lock you in bed, so that you can't go anywhere, only I can satisfy you..."

[666: No, I am guilty of sin. 】

[Lu Ting: ...]

Lu Ting also felt very embarrassed. He looked at the sky and looked at the ground. He didn't look at Xie He. He tried to get rid of this embarrassing atmosphere. At this moment, he suddenly heard Xie He ask him: "I used to thank the book. Xi is actually a love enemy. Are you inspired by the novel, so I came up with such a bad idea?"

Lu Ting: "Amount..."

Xie He closed the book and gave a soft and meaningful laugh: "Say, you didn't replace the position of the woman, then... Lu Xiaojiao's wife?"

[Lu Ting: I know it will be like this... I am still going to die. 】


The author has something to say: I am in a serious **** 23333

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